Preorder Eternal Sonata, Get free faceplate

[quote name='Bretts31344']Did you just ask for them and they handled them to you, or did you buy the game too?[/QUOTE]
I had to preorder.

btw I got an extra Chopin, and I need the guy with the hat
[quote name='62t']I had to preorder.

btw I got an extra Chopin, and I need the guy with the hat[/QUOTE]

Chopin is the guy with the hat....
WTF? The dolts at my local GS wouldn't let me choose my favorite, so I ended up getting a random one. I got Beat. Desperately looking for Polka. Perhaps we should send this to the trading board.
I went to pick up my game and the dumb fuck register monkey, not doing jack shit, said "Yeah we got them in, but I haven't unboxed them". I am going to Best Buy, Gamestop can suck my ass. I have 2 days off and I want to get every minute I can with this game. Stupid lazy assclowns.
Ugh, figures, I got the one I *really* didn't want. Salsa/March. To ebay, I suppose, provided no one here wants to swap anytime soon.

At least I got the game today, I wasn't expecting it for a week afterwards the way EB tends to ship out my orders after release.
Well, even those that aren't happy with the faceplate they got should be thankful. I went in to pick up my GameCrazy pre-order and they didn't get any faceplates in. They said, however, that they may get them in a separate shipment later. I'm not holding my breath. That was the whole reason I pre-ordered instead of waiting for the release.

I like GameCrazy better than EB, but if sh** like this happens again, I guess I'll have to bow my head in shame and go into an EB.
I preordered this online on 8/15, my order has not shipped and the faceplate shows "backordered" in my order status. Is anyone else like this? I thought the online orders were shipped out yesterday.
[quote name='Troz1820']I preordered this online on 8/15, my order has not shipped and the faceplate shows "backordered" in my order status. Is anyone else like this? I thought the online orders were shipped out yesterday.[/quote]

Mine shows both the game and face plate as shipped, but now my Conan Figure as backordered...Yes I pre-ordered that too. :lol:
Picked up my faceplate today - Polka.

Didn't really have a preference, I guess. Could have chosen Beat or the one with Samba and the other girl...

I would like to have them all, however, so I just have to figure out how to do that.
I drove all the way back to gamestop today to pick up my game (it's 30 miles away). Was told they didn't have it yet but would later this afternoon. Yesterday the guy told me they had them but couldn't put them on the shelf yet. I won't preorder from them anymore. Maybe when I go back I'll get another faceplate.
[quote name='Troz1820']I preordered this online on 8/15, my order has not shipped and the faceplate shows "backordered" in my order status. Is anyone else like this? I thought the online orders were shipped out yesterday.[/quote]
My game was shipped yesterday but the faceplate says it is on backorder. Can't really complain though since I put the order in on Saturday. Wonder how long this is going to take?
Picked mine up today and was given a choice thankfully. I got the Chopin I wanted but the girls running the register wanted me to take whomever the little girl was. :lol:
The GS's in my area NEVER have the Pre-order bonuses if I do a preorder. Due to this I ordered two online so hopefully I will have two different ones to choose from. Thank goodness for the free shipping code!
[quote name='Troz1820']I preordered this online on 8/15, my order has not shipped and the faceplate shows "backordered" in my order status. Is anyone else like this? I thought the online orders were shipped out yesterday.[/QUOTE]

Preordered 8/20, changed to 'processing' on Friday, and it arrived at my door today around 11am. Used the free shipping code but it appears to have been mailed via 3 day rather than value. And faceplate was included and shows as shipped as well. So I don't know why yours, which was preordered before mine, wouldn't have the same happening :/
I picked up my copy of the game just now, and unfortunately my GameStop had no faceplates. In fact, the clerk didn't even know there were supposed to be any at all. I'm disappointed that I'll most likely won't get a faceplate. The clerk told me to call back to see if they do get some in. I'm pretty sure they won't be getting any though. I was looking forward to getting a Chopin faceplate too. If any CAGs have an extra one they would be willing to part with for a reasonable price, send a PM my way.
seems like the faceplate disappeared from the site. i guess they actually ran out, i hope i get the one i want.
Picked up my game this morning from GameStop. They just got it shipped in, the guy opened the box in front of me telling me "if it's not in here then we don't have it." Fortunately, it was in there, in its own separate smaller box. Sadly, only 4 other people preordered this game from that GS.

I used the 10% off coupon successfully, btw. He had never seen it before, but he went through the motions on the printout and got it to work.

I asked about the faceplate and he was like "oh yeah, we've had those for a while" and just grabbed one and put it on the table. I don't remember who it was, other than it was a male character and I knew my wife wanted Polka, so I asked if he had others and if I could choose. He kind of shrugged and said "well we only have 2 kinds". Good fortune smiled again as the other one happened to be Polka.

He offered for me to go ahead and take both. I was happy with what I got, so I graciously declined. Particularly because I was one of the first people in the store and I was fearful that if I got an "extra" faceplate, someone else would end up not getting one.

Anyway, I can't wait to play this game, but I'm at work now so I'll just have to try to keep my mind off it (and yet here I am on this forum posting about it - I'm hopeless).

[quote name='Eltis']Picked up my game this morning from GameStop. They just got it shipped in, the guy opened the box in front of me telling me "if it's not in here then we don't have it." Fortunately, it was in there, in its own separate smaller box. Sadly, only 4 other people preordered this game from that GS.

I used the 10% off coupon successfully, btw. He had never seen it before, but he went through the motions on the printout and got it to work.

I asked about the faceplate and he was like "oh yeah, we've had those for a while" and just grabbed one and put it on the table. I don't remember who it was, other than it was a male character and I knew my wife wanted Polka, so I asked if he had others and if I could choose. He kind of shrugged and said "well we only have 2 kinds". Good fortune smiled again as the other one happened to be Polka.

He offered for me to go ahead and take both. I was happy with what I got, so I graciously declined. Particularly because I was one of the first people in the store and I was fearful that if I got an "extra" faceplate, someone else would end up not getting one.

Anyway, I can't wait to play this game, but I'm at work now so I'll just have to try to keep my mind off it (and yet here I am on this forum posting about it - I'm hopeless).


wow, you're nice dude. i remember when i went to buy Lunar SS from Funcoland and the employee gave me that Ghaleon punching doll which was awesome. it was a preorder bonus but i guess he got one left so he gave it to me even tho i didn't buy the game until a month after the release.
I just picked mine up, I think its Chopin (I don't know whos who). I asked if they had any extra that they could give me, he told me that they barely got enough. Oh well it was a try.
[quote name='LiK']seems like the faceplate disappeared from the site. i guess they actually ran out, i hope i get the one i want.[/quote]

If you are part of endless nocturne, they just restocked a few more faceplates for 21000 notes
[quote name='awp']Well, even those that aren't happy with the faceplate they got should be thankful. I went in to pick up my GameCrazy pre-order and they didn't get any faceplates in. They said, however, that they may get them in a separate shipment later. I'm not holding my breath. That was the whole reason I pre-ordered instead of waiting for the release.

I like GameCrazy better than EB, but if sh** like this happens again, I guess I'll have to bow my head in shame and go into an EB.[/QUOTE]

The Namco site said the face plates were an EB/Gamestop exclusive. Gamecrazy isn't apart of that conglomerate--- are they?
[quote name='ZerotypeX']If you are part of endless nocturne, they just restocked a few more faceplates for 21000 notes[/quote]

endless nocturne?
[quote name='MrNEWZ']The Namco site said the face plates were an EB/Gamestop exclusive. Gamecrazy isn't apart of that conglomerate--- are they?[/quote]Not yet, at least.

The faceplates are a EB/GS exclusive.
[quote name='shrike4242']Not yet, at least.

The faceplates are a EB/GS exclusive.[/QUOTE]

None of the BBs have a GameCrazy around me. I was 99% sure of my stated fact, but also did not want to sound like a complete jerk to the guy who clearly didn't realize he was never getting a face plate from GameCrazy. Thanks for the help in facilitating that point Shrike. ;-)
I was first to pick it up at my EB and got to pick. I got polka. :)

I'm glad I decide to get it in store vs online. Almost bought it online, but stopped after shipping was $6 plus tax. So I was like f-that I'll just go to the store for it.
[quote name='MrNEWZ']This is the Eternal Sonata fan site that Namco has running.[/quote]

oh, thank you!
Settled things out with Gamestop over the phone with my order. My fucking CC was denied and flagged by my card company for potential fraud. I generally only use it at Amazon so I guess they denied the charge on that basis. Ugh, what a pain.

So it's supposed to ship out tomorrow with the faceplate according to the CSR on the phone. I'll be taking wagers regarding my faceplate since I'm very skeptical that it'll arrive with the game, if ever.
[quote name='MrNEWZ']The Namco site said the face plates were an EB/Gamestop exclusive. Gamecrazy isn't apart of that conglomerate--- are they?[/QUOTE]

No, but Game Crazy had it listed in their own pre-order bonuses list. Unless GC was misinformed that they were getting them, then it wasn't supposed to be a EB/GS exclusive.
They had an extra chopin faceplate at my store, but I decided to not get the game. $60 is too much.
I'm going to pick up my game after work, and hopefully, I won't get dicked on the faceplate.

Depending on who's working there tonight, I might luck out and get extras. :pray:
[quote name='awp']No, but Game Crazy had it listed in their own pre-order bonuses list. Unless GC was misinformed that they were getting them, then it wasn't supposed to be a EB/GS exclusive.[/QUOTE]

I can back this claim. Some friends of mine from our local GameCrazy told me that they were getting the preorder faceplates as well (this was about a month ago when this conversation transpired).

Basically, I was telling them about how I couldn't wait for ES and they said I should preorder it. And I said, I already did - with Gamestop because they give the faceplate. And that's when they told me they had that promo too. I was surprised as well since even on Namco's ES website it says that the faceplate is an EB/GS exclusive.

I don't know if they actually got them in since I haven't been there in a while, but they all seemed pretty certain at the time.
[quote name='shrike4242']I'm going to pick up my game after work, and hopefully, I won't get dicked on the faceplate.

Depending on who's working there tonight, I might luck out and get extras. :pray:[/QUOTE]

I hoped the same, but me + pre-order Eternal Sonata at local Gamestop = no faceplate. I ended up cancelling the order.

Not in a rush and can either pick up the game elsewhere without our high tax, or just wait for the price to get lower.

This was my first in-store Gamestop pre-order, and my Halo 3 pick-up next week will be my last.
Even though I "reserved" a faceplate at my GS, I still worry that they'll accidently give it away or some employee will take it and claim they've lost it. I guess I'll see on Friday.
You know, I wonder how limited these faceplates are. Usually will still offer the preorder item after the game comes out for at least a few days, yet they've pulled the offer right as the game came out.
hmm debation if I should return this game to gamestop and do the TRU b2g1 deal.

If I do return, would they ask for the faceplate back and would the guy that I pre order for get bad numbers (asking since it was a friend i preorder for)?
bread's done