Preorder Eternal Sonata, Get free faceplate

we had 3 pre-orders on it. most stores are only getting 3-5
we are a busier store, so I am thinking pre-orders are pretty low on this title.

we have like 3,500+ stores in the US plus online pre-orders
[quote name='floatingaccount']we had 3 pre-orders on it. most stores are only getting 3-5
we are a busier store, so I am thinking pre-orders are pretty low on this title.

we have like 3,500+ stores in the US plus online pre-orders[/QUOTE]

Considering that, I somehow doubt that there were only 5000 total. Maybe 5000 of each faceplate, that sounds a bit more reasonable...
Heh, my store got 16 of them...then again, we are considered an "RPG" store. Lots of people are hyped up for this game at my store :D I reserved it and got a Polka (yes!)
[quote name='jer7583']Just couldn't resist, could you? Have fun waiting 6 months and buying at full price while the 360 version will probably be $40 by then. Troll.[/quote]
Too bad you'll be paying full price at it's release for the 360, just like he will at the PS3's release.

Logic, my friend; It's something trolls like you seem to lack.
Fanboys are a burden on this site, I suggest you stop posting in the future. Spare us some annoyance.

I thought you had to wait until you pick up the game before you got a faceplate.

If I walk in tomorrow and preorder, can I select a faceplate then and there?

I figure it's first come first serve only, and I really don't wanna' preorder the game if I'm not insured a faceplate.
I'm not buying this game at release, are you kidding? I would like to get one of these faceplates, though..

My point was that he's feigning interest in the game in order to point out that there's a PS3 version coming, even though he owns a 360.. why not just play the game if you want to play it?
[quote name='jer7583']Just couldn't resist, could you? Have fun waiting 6 months and buying at full price while the 360 version will probably be $40 by then. Troll.[/QUOTE]We'll see. Plus, at least my PS3 won't be in repairs the time I want to play. Also, the awesome soundtrack of Eternal Sonota won't be ruined because a loud console in the background is distracting (I'm talking about the 360, which sounds like a jet engine). I have 100 other RPGs to play anyway so I don't care about waiting for it. Also, I don't want to get blisters using the 360 D-pad to navigate menus.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']We'll see. Plus, at least my PS3 won't be in repairs the time I want to play. Also, the awesome soundtrack of Eternal Sonota won't be ruined because a loud console in the background is distracting (I'm talking about the 360, which sounds like a jet engine). I have 100 other RPGs to play anyway so I don't care about waiting for it. Also, I don't want to get blisters using the 360 D-pad to navigate menus.[/quote]

would you just shut the fuck up?

i'd appreciate it
I'll be pre-ordering mine today.

The Mana Knights comments got removed fast, eh?

Edit: People on eBay are listing these for sick ammounts. $200 for all 5? LOL
[quote name='jer7583']I'm not buying this game at release, are you kidding? I would like to get one of these faceplates, though..

My point was that he's feigning interest in the game in order to point out that there's a PS3 version coming, even though he owns a 360.. why not just play the game if you want to play it?[/QUOTE]

Still debating the pre-order myself for the face plate.

And hey, if he insults your intelligence you can always point out that companies would be glad to insure a face place, but he needs to have it first. Of course, he might want to ensure he gets one by pre-ordering. ;-)

Honestly, the PS3 v. X360 argument is dumb. There's no release date for the PS3 version when the 360 version can be played in the US this week. There's no release date or even announcement of a release for the PS3 versions (that I heard yet), Jer's point was a valid one, the poster came here to troll SOLELY on getting the game for the PS3 rather than even comment on the deal.

Me, I'm looking for the game for under $60, but I also want the face plate. It's a rough decision...
Not a tough decision, faceplates at Gamestop cost 29.99.
This is a good value.
I got the plate of the man with a hat. The worker there got the same one, and I didn't want a girly one especially since everyone was watching anyway.
Super high quality and detail, def worthy of 60 dolar price tag.
I imagine you can sell it for a decent amount later.

It would look sexy on a black xbox.
My gamestop still didn't have them and I reserved 2 months ago. I'll likely cancel my preorder if they can't provide me with the bonus.
Yeah, I didn't expect to get one at all when I pre-ordered awhile ago seeing as the ad said they'll give it to you upon purchase. If I don't get one when I go in at noon on Tuesday I'll be a bit pissed though.
I went to my local GS today and they didnt let me take a faceplate at the moment, but they did let me tape my name to the one I wanted, so in a way I got myself, or at least guuaranteed that I'll recieve one.

I decided to "reserve" a Chopin faceplate, since there was only one while each of the other characters had 2. I wouldnt mind getting the Polka one though, Im wondering if I should get that one instead....
From what I can tell, stores that receive 1 or 2 preorders get the Allegretto and Polka faceplates. 3+ preorders means they get a set of 5.
$60? I can't see myself paying that a week before halo for this game. It looks good, but really unfortunate timing. Would have made for a PERFECT summer game.
Walked into my GS today and asked and they only had 2 to choose from the guy with the top hat and the one with 2 chicks they had 3 of the first so i grabbed the 2 chicks one and hope they give me another at pick up since he didnt ask my name. BTW where did you find the names of them at?

PS they just recieved them today right before i went into the store he said
I went in today and reserved my copy at the local GS.

They had already gotten all of theirs in, so any new reserves would not receive one. Thankfully, the manager on duty used to work with me at CircuitCity, so he just hands me one and tells me to be glad he was working.

He handed me the Chopin one, which was the one I was after anyway, so today was a pretty good day. Hopefully some of you guys can have as much luck as I did.
[quote name='fuchikoma']From what I can tell, stores that receive 1 or 2 preorders get the Allegretto and Polka faceplates. 3+ preorders means they get a set of 5.[/quote]

Are you basing this on literally speculation? lol.

Wow, the guy showed me all 5 different ones, and said he already got the top hat guy, so I imagine they had a few of each.

Would a store seriously only get THREE or so preorders on a game like this?
I'm in a city of 90,000!

They took my name down, I'm a recognizeable, persistent customer.
Plus I'm already in the computer.
Do they somehow keep track of if you got your faceplate already?
God I envy you people who got yours. I hope I get the Chopin one on my preorder done at

Anyone want to trade their Chopin one if I get a different one?
[quote name='ProtoEXE88']God I envy you people who got yours. I hope I get the Chopin one on my preorder done at

Anyone want to trade their Chopin one if I get a different one?
The GS where I pre ordered and got my face plate only had 2 and they were both Polka. He said their store didn't get a lot of faceplates.
Absolutely retarded. I pre-ordered it online about 2/3 weeks back using the 5 off 50 online code they had at the time, and they just charged my card, for the 5 bucks too.

So I'm paying more money for the game, don't have any choice in the faceplate, and I get it 4 days late.

fuck you GS, fuck you. Man I should've stuck to B&M and used the 10% off coupon. God.


Insult to injury... If I end up getting this thing I'm selling it on eBay and keeping the faceplate.
I wouldn't worry about the suppossed PS3 additions. They'll probably be DLC down the road.
JEKKI, awesome sig xD Death Note and Phoenix Wright ftw.

I have the Polka faceplate, and put it on my 360...I dunno, it looks kinda ugly on the it. Also, the power button is rather annoying when you push it-- you can hardly feel any sort of pushing confirmation and it feels rather stiff when you push it. I might switch back to the original faceplate =/
Hmm, I might go to GS today and see what happens. I haven't pre-ordered this yet, but I'm dying for a faceplate. If I could choose, then I'd really be all about it!
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Absolutely retarded. I pre-ordered it online about 2/3 weeks back using the 5 off 50 online code they had at the time, and they just charged my card, for the 5 bucks too.

So I'm paying more money for the game, don't have any choice in the faceplate, and I get it 4 days late.


Can't you dispute this since they are overcharging you?

[quote name='y2kenjination']
I have the Polka faceplate, and put it on my 360...I dunno, it looks kinda ugly on the it. Also, the power button is rather annoying when you push it-- you can hardly feel any sort of pushing confirmation and it feels rather stiff when you push it. I might switch back to the original faceplate =/[/quote]

Yea, I know waht you mean. My 360 doesn't really good either with that faceplate on. If only my white 360 matched the faceplate. The chrome dvd drive doesn't help either. I'm thinking the elite with the chopin faceplate will look the best. If only I had those 2
[quote name='JEKKI']any1 up for trades?

I got ALLEGRETTO, hoping to trade for POLKA[/quote]

Well I ordered my game online, so if I got the Polka, I would trade it for an Allegretto because that's the one I want.
Alright, this sounds like this will work out in a lot of people's favor. Better than paying $25 for the faceplate you want on eBay.
I went to two gamestop yesterday and I manage to snag all five faceplate with no problems. Apparently, no one pre order this game. One of stores were really flexible on faceplate, preorder any game to get one faceplate. I most chosen games that comes with free swag such as phoenix wright or dracula x.
[quote name='fatbeer']I went to two gamestop yesterday and I manage to snag all five faceplate with no problems. Apparently, no one pre order this game. One of stores were really flexible on faceplate, preorder any game to get one faceplate. I most chosen games that comes with free swag such as phoenix wright or dracula x.[/quote]

Did you ask if there was any extras, and any way you could obtain them?
Tell us the secrets.
So we don't just end up begging and looking like jerks.
Went to get my game today and gamestop informed me that they won't put the game out until tomorrow, but I did get my faceplate. Pissed I drove 30 miles and wasted gas, but I did get chopin.
[quote name='Tiffanne']Went to get my game today and gamestop informed me that they won't put the game out until tomorrow, but I did get my faceplate. Pissed I drove 30 miles and wasted gas, but I did get chopin.[/quote]

Same here, went right after class to pick it up and the guy says it'll be out tomorrow.
It depends on how flexible your local GS manager is. Some douchebags were doing 5 preorders and then nabbing all the faceplates and then cancelling the preorders (or moving them to another game). So you can thank them if your local GS manager won't give yours to you until you actually purchase the game. Mine is one of those. Thanks Ebay douchebag.
I got two faceplates.

One over the weekend, and one today.

I didn't even ask.
I walked in and said:
"I preordered Eternal , is it in? "
"No, tomorrow though"
*hands faceplate*
"this is the last one, sorry"

hehe. I doubt I can get a third tomorrow, since...they're out and all.

But they REALLY need to write on your receipt if they gave you a preorder bonus already or not, lol.

Maybe I was one of the only kids to reserve it, so they didnt care.
The GS by me said they haven't recieved them yet. It in Atlanta at the Edgewood shopping center. Anyone else have trouble getting one?

Sadly, i am too poor to just buy games wantonly and this is the only faceplate i have wanted for my 360 (never desired to remove the original until now). If i can't get a faceplate with the game i'll likely just wait for the PS3 version.
[quote name='62t']I got 3 faceplate after calling about 12 stores.[/quote]

Did you just ask for them and they handled them to you, or did you buy the game too?
bread's done