PS3 Online

[quote name='Brian9824']
#2 . Just pointing out that microsoft has vehemently denied any problems with their systems yet have extended their warranty twice in less then a year to fix the problems that supposedly don't exist. Thier original warranty was a joke anyways. At least PS3 shipped with a year warranty which should be minimum for any system over $200.

#2.5 Once again its been a month and Sony HAS released several patches already to fix alot of PS1 and PS2 games. Also they currently have over 7700 or over 97% games playable on the PS3 compared to Microsoft not even being able to hit the 50% mark. Once again some of those games might have some issues with not looking as good but they are improving it.

#3 I just find it idiotic to have to carry a 360 around if I want to watch a movie or TV show at someone elses house. If you BUY a TV show you should be able to burn it to a dvd and watch it on any TV or dvd player instead of having to re-dl the show off XBL anytime you want to watch it. Unless you don't mind having to buy 5 HD's since you can't upgrade from the ludicriously high priced 20 gig HD the 360 has. [/QUOTE]

Lets play around with these for a minute.

1. Yes, Xbox has extended the warranty on the 360. It has also been out for over a year. PS3 has been out or a month. Lets not talk about system reliability with the PS2 was notorious or 'Disc Read Error'.

2. Sony has released like 3 patches. Most of Sony patches, as with the PSP, do nothing but try and block homebrew. In this case what was changed? Then trying to fix up their major screwups (HDTV incompatablity, lack of BC). While were on the whole BC issues, was PS1 BC with the PS1? Oh yes, it was. Was Xbox BC with wait. BC is a new thing for MS. Its not knew for Sony. This should have been right OUT THE DOOR considering they could have clearly been watching MS's lack of BC and how it pissed off some people.

3. So when I buy a movie/TV Show off iTunes I can burn that a CD/DVD and watch it anywhere....right? Wrong. What makes you think a VIDEO GAME CONSOLE should have the ability to do this? Talk to me if Sony ever decides to do a Movie/TV service. I'm sure there either 'working on it' or its 'coming soon' as you seem to post in every thread like you are a Sony Rep.

This is coming from someone who OWNS an Xbox 360 AND a PS3.
[quote name='gizmogc']Lets play around with these for a minute.

1. Yes, Xbox has extended the warranty on the 360. It has also been out for over a year. PS3 has been out or a month. Lets not talk about system reliability with the PS2 was notorious or 'Disc Read Error'.

So your basis of the PS3 having problems is because the PS2 had problems the PS3 must? Thats a faulty arguement if I have eve heard one. One month after launch there were already reports of ALOT of dead xbox360 units. There has hardly been a reported case of a broken PS3. Granted there were more 360 units but its still doesn't explain the lack of broken PS3's. Now some DRE errors can take time to happen so its always a possibility you might see em down the road. You also might see more 360's get recalled for having faulty dvd drives and power supply's that could cause fires since xbox had those problems.

2. Sony has released like 3 patches. Most of Sony patches, as with the PSP, do nothing but try and block homebrew. In this case what was changed? Then trying to fix up their major screwups (HDTV incompatablity, lack of BC). While were on the whole BC issues, was PS1 BC with the PS1? Oh yes, it was. Was Xbox BC with wait. BC is a new thing for MS. Its not knew for Sony. This should have been right OUT THE DOOR considering they could have clearly been watching MS's lack of BC and how it pissed off some people.

Once again your comparing apples and oranges. The PS3 is designed to encourage homebrews, imports, etc hence the upgradeable HD, linux, region free system, etc. The PSP is totally different from the PS3. Also why do people keep saying that the PS3 doesnt have good BC??? The PS3 is over 98% backwards compatible out of 8000 games!!! It takes a hell of a lot more work to ensure 8000 games work then it does to make sure 700 work. Half of the games they list as don't working also play perfectly fine with minor artifacts like a couple pixels being frozen in the title screen.

3. So when I buy a movie/TV Show off iTunes I can burn that a CD/DVD and watch it anywhere....right? Wrong. What makes you think a VIDEO GAME CONSOLE should have the ability to do this? Talk to me if Sony ever decides to do a Movie/TV service. I'm sure there either 'working on it' or its 'coming soon' as you seem to post in every thread like you are a Sony Rep.

This is coming from someone who OWNS an Xbox 360 AND a PS3.

Except the PS3 and 360 isn't just a video game console now is it? Both sony and microsoft have flaunted their systems as being an all in one entertainment center that can rival that of the PC. At the very least the 360 should give you a method of storing the shows you have bought since they only give you 13 gigs of available space on the HD to work with. Instead your forced to re-dl the shows you buy everytime you want to watch them which gets old real fast. It should at least be setup so you can transfer em to a pc in a proprietory format thats only readable via the 360. Then you could burn em to a dvd and play it back on the 360. When the PS3 launches their online store i'll be saying the exact same thing if they don't give you the ability to store them outside of your system.

Also PS3's online music/movie store goes live early next year. It's been in the news and major websites for about 6 months now.

Finally what is up with people accusing someone of being a Sony Rep or fanboy just because they get tired of people ignorantly bashing a system? I have no intentions of buying a PS3 anytime in the next year, it costs too much and there aren't enough games. Thats why i'm getting a 360 before i get a PS3.
[quote name='gizmogc']2. Sony has released like 3 patches. Most of Sony patches, as with the PSP, do nothing but try and block homebrew. In this case what was changed? Then trying to fix up their major screwups (HDTV incompatablity, lack of BC). While were on the whole BC issues, was PS1 BC with the PS1? Oh yes, it was. Was Xbox BC with wait. BC is a new thing for MS. Its not knew for Sony. This should have been right OUT THE DOOR considering they could have clearly been watching MS's lack of BC and how it pissed off some people. [/QUOTE]

I gotta comment on this point:

1. I agree that the HDTV incompatibility issue is inexcusable. However, I don't see why you are cutting MS slack on the BC issue. Sony was able to get it on their first try, so I don't see why we are cutting MS some slack. Personally, I think BC on both consoles is crap. MS doesn't play a majority of its games, and PS3s doesn't upscale them at all. But there is no excuse for either companies lack of BC.
[quote name='Brian9824']So your basis of the PS3 having problems is because the PS2 had problems the PS3 must? Thats a faulty arguement if I have eve heard one. One month after launch there were already reports of ALOT of dead xbox360 units. There has hardly been a reported case of a broken PS3. Granted there were more 360 units but its still doesn't explain the lack of broken PS3's. Now some DRE errors can take time to happen so its always a possibility you might see em down the road. You also might see more 360's get recalled for having faulty dvd drives and power supply's that could cause fires since xbox had those problems.

Once again your comparing apples and oranges. The PS3 is designed to encourage homebrews, imports, etc hence the upgradeable HD, linux, region free system, etc. The PSP is totally different from the PS3. Also why do people keep saying that the PS3 doesnt have good BC??? The PS3 is over 98% backwards compatible out of 8000 games!!! It takes a hell of a lot more work to ensure 8000 games work then it does to make sure 700 work. Half of the games they list as don't working also play perfectly fine with minor artifacts like a couple pixels being frozen in the title screen.

Except the PS3 and 360 isn't just a video game console now is it? Both sony and microsoft have flaunted their systems as being an all in one entertainment center that can rival that of the PC. At the very least the 360 should give you a method of storing the shows you have bought since they only give you 13 gigs of available space on the HD to work with. Instead your forced to re-dl the shows you buy everytime you want to watch them which gets old real fast. It should at least be setup so you can transfer em to a pc in a proprietory format thats only readable via the 360. Then you could burn em to a dvd and play it back on the 360. When the PS3 launches their online store i'll be saying the exact same thing if they don't give you the ability to store them outside of your system.

Also PS3's online music/movie store goes live early next year. It's been in the news and major websites for about 6 months now.

Finally what is up with people accusing someone of being a Sony Rep or fanboy just because they get tired of people ignorantly bashing a system? I have no intentions of buying a PS3 anytime in the next year, it costs too much and there aren't enough games. Thats why i'm getting a 360 before i get a PS3.[/QUOTE]

1. PS2 also had a recalled powersupply for the same reasons. Lets not get stores on the PS2 'DRE' issues because that was a VERY well known issue. There was also not 'ALOT' of dead 360's. The same defect % is also on th PS3 as well. Some systems just don't work properly. Its the same for every videogame console. The 360 was just more well known at the time for being the first Next-Gen system. The Wii seems to be overshadowing the PS3 at the moment due to morons throwing controllers around.

2. Just because the PS3 is 'designed' to does not mean we should have to sit through update after update. So far what homebrew things have hit the scene? Just linux? Does anyone here have it? Have ANYTHING homebrew?

3. 13 Gigs? Isn't that the same as the PS3 Core system? But I guess since you can 'update' the hard-drive (which most people have no idea how to, see people trying to hack there PSP), then it makes it OK that the 360 only has 13 gigs available. Movies are downloaded and then become inactive atr a certain amount of time. Unless you plan on downloading a TON of TV shows from MS this won't be an issue. As for media being burnable...can PS3 even do this? Or is it 'coming soon'? I guess you can tout that with the PSP you can take media around, but you can do the same with the 30 Gig Zune eventually.
[quote name='dpatel']I gotta comment on this point:

1. I agree that the HDTV incompatibility issue is inexcusable. However, I don't see why you are cutting MS slack on the BC issue. Sony was able to get it on their first try, so I don't see why we are cutting MS some slack. Personally, I think BC on both consoles is crap. MS doesn't play a majority of its games, and PS3s doesn't upscale them at all. But there is no excuse for either companies lack of BC.[/QUOTE]

Everyone seems to be cutting Sony slack, why not MS.How about Sony cutting launch numbers to 1/3? Should that be excused? I have my PS3 hooked up through HDMI and often get 'surges' of snow when loading up a game/movie. WT is that? This is a $600 system! My Wii does not do that. My 360 does not. Why should Sony get away with this? As per the BC part of it...I don't really care to be honest. PS1 was nearly 100% BC when it launched. Why shouldn't the PS3 be the same way?
I can't believe you are actually trying to say the same number of PS3's are breaking as 360's. Microsoft admitted they had a major problem with their early launch units and that they were breaking in MUCH higher numbers then they expected them which prompted them to offer replacements for their first batch of systems. So far the amount of problems for the PS3 are miniscule, i've yet to hear of anyone I know having a dead PS3 while more then 10 people i knew had their 360 die at launch. Several of them had their replacements die as well. It's kinda ludicrious when you have a huge market for 3rd party accessories that are designed to cool down your 360 and keep it from over-heating

2. The system is barely out for heaven's sake. Homebrew applications take months to develop. Secondly its not like xbox360 doesnt have dozens of patches fixing their problems so its no different from Sony patching their system

3. I never said burnable, i said transferable. The systems are hooked up to a network, no reason you can't transfer em to PC. Also upgrading the HD on the PS3 is about as easy as you can get. Its literally a matter of opening the tray door, taking out the HD, and sliding a new one in. Anyone over the age of 10 can do it. It is NOTHING like hacking the PSP which voids your warranty. Sony designed the PS3 to allow an upgradeable HD which is great move btw.

Who is cutting Sony slack for their launch numbers? Yes it sucked and yes all systems have basically had shortages during launch.

Your Wii and 360 our hooked up via HDMI? Gee thats pretty intresting. I didn't even know they supported HMDI. I honestly can't say anything about the HDMI problem with the PS3's. My friends have theres all hooked up that way and have never had any problems. It might be specific issues with certain TV's but I really couldn't say.

I'd definitely agree the PS3's main problem atm is the people having problem with HDMI signals. That has to be their top priority in getting it fixed.
"Let's not talk about reliability" and then you mention the PS3 has the same fail rate as the 360 a few posts later. Please prove that (don't waste your time - you can't, it's not true), troll.

The defect rate on the 360s was astronomical, do some research, troll.

"My wii/360 does not do that." Your Wii / your 360 don't output with HDMI either... what's your point? The Wii won't even play DVDs, troll.

Sony cutting launch numbers -- the PS3 is now the easiest to locate at this point vs. the Wii / the 360 last year (w/in 1.5 mos of launch). What's your point, troll?

Accusing Sony reps of promising things for the future, then mentioning that the Zune will be able to stream video, eventually. Nice move, troll.

Making excuse for Microsoft backwards compatability.. It doesn't matter if it's "new" for them or not. They clearly don't care (quote Microsoft exec here). But... but.... yes, MS doesn't give a shit about BC because it won't make them as much money as an integrated online video service will. But that wouldn't make sense to a troll.

Don't even try comparing the PS3 20gb to the 360 Core. Only a troll would attempt tha--- oh, right.

Do everyone a favor and just stop posting in PS3 threads. And sell the PS3 that you claim you own, because obviously Sony sucks and the PS3 is a 600 dollar hunk of shit.
[quote name='iliketoplay']"Let's not talk about reliability" and then you mention the PS3 has the same fail rate as the 360 a few posts later. Please prove that (don't waste your time - you can't, it's not true), troll.

The defect rate on the 360s was astronomical, do some research, troll.

"My wii/360 does not do that." Your Wii / your 360 don't output with HDMI either... what's your point? The Wii won't even play DVDs, troll.

Sony cutting launch numbers -- the PS3 is now the easiest to locate at this point vs. the Wii / the 360 last year (w/in 1.5 mos of launch). What's your point, troll?

Accusing Sony reps of promising things for the future, then mentioning that the Zune will be able to stream video, eventually. Nice move, troll.

Making excuse for Microsoft backwards compatability.. It doesn't matter if it's "new" for them or not. They clearly don't care (quote Microsoft exec here). But... but.... yes, MS doesn't give a shit about BC because it won't make them as much money as an integrated online video service will. But that wouldn't make sense to a troll.

Don't even try comparing the PS3 20gb to the 360 Core. Only a troll would attempt tha--- oh, right.

Do everyone a favor and just stop posting in PS3 threads. And sell the PS3 that you claim you own, because obviously Sony sucks and the PS3 is a 600 dollar hunk of shit.[/QUOTE]

You have 6 posts. 6 posts. You call ME a troll :lol:
[quote name='Brian9824']I can't believe you are actually trying to say the same number of PS3's are breaking as 360's. Microsoft admitted they had a major problem with their early launch units and that they were breaking in MUCH higher numbers then they expected them which prompted them to offer replacements for their first batch of systems. So far the amount of problems for the PS3 are miniscule, i've yet to hear of anyone I know having a dead PS3 while more then 10 people i knew had their 360 die at launch. Several of them had their replacements die as well. It's kinda ludicrious when you have a huge market for 3rd party accessories that are designed to cool down your 360 and keep it from over-heating

2. The system is barely out for heaven's sake. Homebrew applications take months to develop. Secondly its not like xbox360 doesnt have dozens of patches fixing their problems so its no different from Sony patching their system

3. I never said burnable, i said transferable. The systems are hooked up to a network, no reason you can't transfer em to PC. Also upgrading the HD on the PS3 is about as easy as you can get. Its literally a matter of opening the tray door, taking out the HD, and sliding a new one in. Anyone over the age of 10 can do it. It is NOTHING like hacking the PSP which voids your warranty. Sony designed the PS3 to allow an upgradeable HD which is great move btw.

Who is cutting Sony slack for their launch numbers? Yes it sucked and yes all systems have basically had shortages during launch.

Your Wii and 360 our hooked up via HDMI? Gee thats pretty intresting. I didn't even know they supported HMDI. I honestly can't say anything about the HDMI problem with the PS3's. My friends have theres all hooked up that way and have never had any problems. It might be specific issues with certain TV's but I really couldn't say.

I'd definitely agree the PS3's main problem atm is the people having problem with HDMI signals. That has to be their top priority in getting it fixed.[/QUOTE]

1. Its funny how many 'friends' people have. You have 10 friends who happen to own a 360 and all happened to break. Several of those friends replacements also died. I to also have 10 friends and only one of the had there 360 die, and thats because he literally shoved it into his entertainment system where no air can circulate. Almost all of my friends bought a 360 at launch. So in MY CASE, the 360 is fullproof. PS2 I ran a videogame store and would get several people a week with the SAME PS2 problem (DRE).

2. Yes, patches. Thank god for them. Besides the fall update (which was a major problem for some people) most of the patches have been very minor. Most deal with BC and thats it. So far there have been 2 major patches, which MS plans to do every 6 months to add new things. Sony has had 3 in the past month.

3. Yes, its easy. WE KNOW. We are all able to use a computer. However if it was so easy to do, there would be np such think as the 'Geek Squad'. Some people can't even change the batteries in there mouse when it dies. Some can't hook up a webcam. Some can't figure out how to even create a new folder in there harddrive. Some have no idea how to make icons on there desktop. I work for a company with 200 people and I am literally the IT guy. You wouldn't believe how many times I have to 'fix' a computer which means one of the above. EVERY DAY. Has anyone actually added a new harddrive to there PS3 yet? How easy/hard was it to load the OS onto? Transferring saves? Demos?

HDMI IS an issue and I have every right to bitch about it. Had 360 or the Wii had HDMI and this was a problem I'm sure I as well as others would have bitched. There is no excuse why an output on a $600 piece of equipment shouldn't work properly.

As I said, I OWN A PS3. I see these issues. The online portion sucks. Its ugly and runs like crap. FREE shouldn't mean total shit. I'd rather pay $4 a month to have a reliable, nice looking online mode. Sony has ALOT of work to do to really make the PS3 able to compete with the 360 and Wii.
Gizmogc you are a smart man and I appreciate you counterattacking the comments from Brian9824. He does not even own a ps3 or 360 and yet he is the expert who never acknowledges the weaknessess of the ps3.

All I want to from Brian9824 is to admit to the following:

1. Sony fuked up for not including Component cables or HDMI cables and about bragging over and over and over again about being able to outpup 1080p and how Microsoft was stupid for not being able to produce 1080p quality. Ken Kutaragi needs to be informed about the lack of Component cables not being included with the ps3.

2. Sony needs to address the issue of shitty quality of the ps2 games running on the ps3. This is an issue that Sony is fully aware of it and they are not doing shit about it (It has been 1.5 months and where is this patch?). Again, Brian, please visit the Sony board and read the 117 pages of complaints. Come on, go over there and defend this point. Lets see how you get treated over there. Here is the link for the third time -->

Brian, please admit to these two points. Thats all I need and I will leave you alone buddy...:lol:

P.S. I do own a ps3 and a 360.
[quote name='gizmogc']You have 6 posts. 6 posts. You call ME a troll :lol:[/quote]

I don't usually look at much else other than the deal forums... and judging by these posts I'm sure a lot of folks appreciate me "trolling" 6 times in 3 months versus you trolling 6 times a day...

And if the HDMI fuzz is really irritating you, I'll be nice and tell you it sounds like a ground-loop problem (aka your fault).
You people take video games way too seriously.

And oasisboy, if you do own a PS3 send me a friends request to prove it, my PSN name is mmmpepsi
[quote name='whoknows']You people take video games way too seriously. [/quote]

I am not a hardcore gamer (I might play 1 hr every 2 days) but right now I have vacation time thats why I am able to post a lot these days but that will end soon...
[quote name='whoknows']
And oasisboy, if you do own a PS3 send me a friends request to prove it, my PSN name is mmmpepsi[/quote]

Done... check me out...
[quote name='iliketoplay']I don't usually look at much else other than the deal forums... and judging by these posts I'm sure a lot of folks appreciate me "trolling" 6 times in 3 months versus you trolling 6 times a day...

And if the HDMI fuzz is really irritating you, I'll be nice and tell you it sounds like a ground-loop problem (aka your fault).[/QUOTE]

You a troll who belongs at GameFaqs.
The HDMI 'snow' is a known problem with the PS3 and my TV. Way to go Sony.

Oh yeah, I have a PS3 dumbass.
[quote name='oasisboy']Done... check me out...[/QUOTE]

I'll add you shortly. I have Full Auto 2 so far. Plan on getting Genji and maybe the Untold Legends game.
[quote name='gizmogc']I'll add you shortly. I have Full Auto 2 so far. Plan on getting Genji and maybe the Untold Legends game.[/QUOTE]
Is Full Auto 2 good online? I've been considering it but I just can't get myself to get it.
[quote name='gizmogc']Oh yeah, I have a PS3 dumbass[/quote]

Congrats. You're even dumber than I thought. PS3 sucks this, Sony sucks that, 600 dollars should get me much more, my Wii/360 are better, and... you bought one?
[quote name='iliketoplay']Congrats. You're even dumber than I thought. PS3 sucks this, Sony sucks that, 600 dollars should get me much more, my Wii/360 are better, and... you bought one?[/QUOTE]

... Wow. You are sad. Yes, I enjoy my Wii/360 more then the PS3. There is little to no games out. I spent $600 for a Blu-Ray player (Games comes second).

You REALLY need to go back to GameFaqs. You have no ground to stand on and are simply trying to be, well, a troll.
[quote name='gizmogc']... Wow. You are sad. Yes, I enjoy my Wii/360 more then the PS3. There is little to no games out. I spent $600 for a Blu-Ray player (Games comes second).

You REALLY need to go back to GameFaqs. You have no ground to stand on and are simply trying to be, well, a troll.[/QUOTE]
He's the worst troll since Daddy, if mods care at all they'll ban him or do something to make him go away.
[quote name='whoknows']Is Full Auto 2 good online? I've been considering it but I just can't get myself to get it.[/QUOTE]

I have no idea. When I finally got the PS3 setup, firmware downloaded, registered was like 11PM. I played 10 minutes of FA2 and then tried the online portion and no one was on. I will try again later tonight.
[quote name='gizmogc']I have no idea. When I finally got the PS3 setup, firmware downloaded, registered was like 11PM. I played 10 minutes of FA2 and then tried the online portion and no one was on. I will try again later tonight.[/QUOTE]
Well if no one was online that probably answers my question.
[quote name='whoknows']He's the worst troll since Daddy, if mods care at all they'll ban him or do something to make him go away.[/quote]

Erm, can you read? I was DEFENDING the PS3 against upon the ridiculous statements Gizmogic was making. I debunked them in a previous post (which he conveniently chose to ignore by calling me a troll instead to deflect some attention away from himself). How is calling someone out for bullshit (again, read that post) trolling? It's not, unless you're trying to deflect attention from yourself.

And if you bought it as a blu-ray player (which is legitimate, I can believe that). What I don't understand is why you are buying games for it right now, given that you have a wii/360 that you enjoy more...
[quote name='iliketoplay']Erm, can you read? I was DEFENDING the PS3 against upon the ridiculous statements Gizmogic was making. I debunked them in a previous post (which he conveniently chose to ignore by calling me a troll instead to deflect some attention away from himself). How is calling someone out for bullshit (again, read that post) trolling? It's not, unless you're trying to deflect attention from yourself.

And if you bought it as a blu-ray player (which is legitimate, I can believe that). What I don't understand is why you are buying games for it right now, given that you have a wii/360 that you enjoy more...[/QUOTE]
I can read, but I skip half page long posts.

Seriously, I have a PS3 and I'm enjoying it a lot no matter what idiots on message boards are saying about "giANT EMENY KrAbz LAWL" I suggest you do the same. Arguing about it isn't going to change his opinion on the matter, and I doubt he is going to change yours.

Just let people think whatever false facts about it they want, it's not like message boards are going to affect console sales all that much.
[quote name='oasisboy']Gizmogc you are a smart man and I appreciate you counterattacking the comments from Brian9824. He does not even own a ps3 or 360 and yet he is the expert who never acknowledges the weaknessess of the ps3.

All I want to from Brian9824 is to admit to the following:

1. Sony fuked up for not including Component cables or HDMI cables and about bragging over and over and over again about being able to outpup 1080p and how Microsoft was stupid for not being able to produce 1080p quality. Ken Kutaragi needs to be informed about the lack of Component cables not being included with the ps3.

2. Sony needs to address the issue of shitty quality of the ps2 games running on the ps3. This is an issue that Sony is fully aware of it and they are not doing shit about it (It has been 1.5 months and where is this patch?). Again, Brian, please visit the Sony board and read the 117 pages of complaints. Come on, go over there and defend this point. Lets see how you get treated over there. Here is the link for the third time -->

Brian, please admit to these two points. Thats all I need and I will leave you alone buddy...:lol:

P.S. I do own a ps3 and a 360.[/quote]

I've already admitted both of those are issues.

#1 forces you to spend an extra $15-20 to get component cables or HDMI cable.

#2 requires you to wait for a patch to fix it

Now i'd like to see you admit that

#1 Microsoft had substantially more hardware failures then they expected and more then the PS3
#2 Microsoft totally screwed up with their backwards compatibility by launching with less then 33% backwards compatibility
#3 PS3 HAS voice/video chat which you claimed earlier it didn't
#4 PS3 will let you play downloaded PS1 games on it via an update which you claimed didn't exist
#5 360 when it launched couldn't even output at 1080p like Microsoft claimed and it took a patch later on to enable it
#6 No Sony executive ever said that the PS3 would be 100% backwards compatible, a bunch of no name websites claimed it would be.

No matter what system you look at your going to find problems. Heck for that matter lets see you admit microsoft screwed up again with their initial warranty that they were forced to extend twice and now have to issue refunds to thousands of people who alreday paid for repairs.

I've never claimed the PS3 was perfect, I've never once said it was better then 360, and once again this is a topic about the ONLINE features of the PS3 before people started using this topic as an excuse to bash it.
[quote name='Brian9824']I've already admitted both of those are issues.

#1 forces you to spend an extra $15-20 to get component cables or HDMI cable.

#2 requires you to wait for a patch to fix it

Now i'd like to see you admit that

#1 Microsoft had substantially more hardware failures then they expected and more then the PS3
#2 Microsoft totally screwed up with their backwards compatibility by launching with less then 33% backwards compatibility
#3 PS3 HAS voice/video chat which you claimed earlier it didn't
#4 PS3 will let you play downloaded PS1 games on it via an update which you claimed didn't exist
#5 360 when it launched couldn't even output at 1080p like Microsoft claimed and it took a patch later on to enable it
#6 No Sony executive ever said that the PS3 would be 100% backwards compatible, a bunch of no name websites claimed it would be.

No matter what system you look at your going to find problems. Heck for that matter lets see you admit microsoft screwed up again with their initial warranty that they were forced to extend twice and now have to issue refunds to thousands of people who alreday paid for repairs.

I've never claimed the PS3 was perfect, I've never once said it was better then 360, and once again this is a topic about the ONLINE features of the PS3 before people started using this topic as an excuse to bash it.[/QUOTE]

1. Component cables are normally $30. HDMI is $70-$80 if purchased in a store. Not everyone is going to go online to to get them cheap. Not EVERYONE knows this.

1 (again). MS is fixing those. It took Sony YEARS to fix the constant PS2 issues. They had to redesign the system to make themessentially go away.

2. MS claimed early on they would have full BC. Later on they said they wouldn't. Its not a huge issue as some people make it out to be as the top games people would play were available from day 1 (Halo and Halo 2). Sony has yet to perfect there 'perfect' BC.

3. Video chat? Am I missing something? Where can I buy an official Sony Video Camera made for the PS3? Anywhere?

4. As of RIGHT NOW I can NOT play PS1 games on the PS3. I can claim that MS will let me play NES games as well in the future. Until its READY I, and most others don't give a shit.

5. Why would MS spend money to make 1080p available when there were little to no TVs with the capability? Even NOW there are only a few, fewer in the sub $2,000 range. Remember, 360 is COMPONENT and PS3 is HDMI. BIG DIFFERENCE.

6. Since the PS2 was 100% BC with PS1 games most people would assume the PS3 would be.

PS3 online SUCKS. It sucks ASS. Its design is like Windows 3.1compared to Windows XP of the 360. For FREE its SHIT.
[quote name='iliketoplay']Erm, can you read? I was DEFENDING the PS3 against upon the ridiculous statements Gizmogic was making. I debunked them in a previous post (which he conveniently chose to ignore by calling me a troll instead to deflect some attention away from himself). How is calling someone out for bullshit (again, read that post) trolling? It's not, unless you're trying to deflect attention from yourself.

And if you bought it as a blu-ray player (which is legitimate, I can believe that). What I don't understand is why you are buying games for it right now, given that you have a wii/360 that you enjoy more...[/QUOTE]

I make it a point not to respond to any posts that end every sentence with 'troll'. As you can see I am not a troll as I actually own the system that you do not you poor 12 year old. Go get some karma points on GameFaqs please.
[quote name='iliketoplay']"Let's not talk about reliability" and then you mention the PS3 has the same fail rate as the 360 a few posts later. Please prove that (don't waste your time - you can't, it's not true), troll.

The defect rate on the 360s was astronomical, do some research, troll.

"My wii/360 does not do that." Your Wii / your 360 don't output with HDMI either... what's your point? The Wii won't even play DVDs, troll.

Sony cutting launch numbers -- the PS3 is now the easiest to locate at this point vs. the Wii / the 360 last year (w/in 1.5 mos of launch). What's your point, troll?

Accusing Sony reps of promising things for the future, then mentioning that the Zune will be able to stream video, eventually. Nice move, troll.

Making excuse for Microsoft backwards compatability.. It doesn't matter if it's "new" for them or not. They clearly don't care (quote Microsoft exec here). But... but.... yes, MS doesn't give a shit about BC because it won't make them as much money as an integrated online video service will. But that wouldn't make sense to a troll.

Don't even try comparing the PS3 20gb to the 360 Core. Only a troll would attempt tha--- oh, right.

Do everyone a favor and just stop posting in PS3 threads. And sell the PS3 that you claim you own, because obviously Sony sucks and the PS3 is a 600 dollar hunk of shit.[/QUOTE]\

What the hell. I'll respond to the 12 year old.

1. Please show me some info on the 'astronomical' amount of 360 defects. Sure, 360's broke.I know, everyone does. Some PS3's have broke as well. Some Wii'. Some GameCubes, Some PS2. Some Dreamcasts. What is your point? MS was KIND enough to extend warrantys for a WHOLE year and even refund people who sent in there 360. Did Sony EVER do this when there PS2's broke down? Do you have anything to show for it except some GameFaqs posts "ZOMG! MY 360 BELW UP AND ALIENS ATE IT WITH A SPONN!!!!!!"

2. Yes, My 360 does not have HDMI, nor my Wii. PS3 has HDMI and it should work. Last time I checked my component on my 360 works fine, as does my Wii. Yes, Wii does not play DVDs....Whats the point here? Thanks Nintendo for not making me spend an extra $50 for worthless DVD playback unlike Sony with including Blu-Ray (Making PS3's scarce, raising the price)

3. People want Wii. People do not want PS3. Nintendo has SOLD 3.2 MILLION Wii. Sony has NOT. They launched 2 days BEFORE Wii. It does not mean Sony is magically production millions upon millions of them. They 'promised' 2 million in the US by December.

4. I'm not accusing Sony reps of shit. Brian keeps claiming 'Sony promised this, Sony promised that', so I said Microsoft promised Zune transfers. I didn't start the promising shit.

5. I wouldn't care either. I don't give a damn about BC. I don't. They never claimed 100% out of the box.

6. 360 Core = $300. PS3 Core = $500. Big difference in money.

You get ONE more post. After that I will not respond to you. Luckily I won't have to put up with you or much longer as school goes back in session in a few days for you.
[quote name='gizmogc']Everyone seems to be cutting Sony slack, why not MS.How about Sony cutting launch numbers to 1/3? Should that be excused? I have my PS3 hooked up through HDMI and often get 'surges' of snow when loading up a game/movie. WT is that? This is a $600 system! My Wii does not do that. My 360 does not. Why should Sony get away with this? As per the BC part of it...I don't really care to be honest. PS1 was nearly 100% BC when it launched. Why shouldn't the PS3 be the same way?[/QUOTE]

Those issues you brought up were completely unrelated to BC. I don't cut Sony any slack on any of those issues. I was merely talking about BC. If Sony was able to have nearly 100% BC last gen, then all consoles should be expected to this gen. The PS2 (and GBA) set the bar with BC. Just like other expectations have been set for other issues. We shouldn't allow MS to put out a half ass BC console and excuse them because it was their first try. Things should be getting better as technology progresses, not worse.
[quote name='gizmogc']
6. 360 Core = $300. PS3 Core = $500. Big difference in money. [/QUOTE]
Not really a fair comparison since the PS3 "core" is closer to the 360 Premium than it is to the 360 core in features.
[quote name='gizmogc']2. MS claimed early on they would have full BC. Later on they said they wouldn't. Its not a huge issue as some people make it out to be as the top games people would play were available from day 1 (Halo and Halo 2). Sony has yet to perfect there 'perfect' BC.[/quote]

Wait, didn't you just fault Sony for not meeting their initial shipment? I do recall Sony retracting their initial shipment numbers. So, since they retracted it, it makes it okay, right?

[quote name='gizmogc']6. Since the PS2 was 100% BC with PS1 games most people would assume the PS3 would be.[/quote]

Once again, where did Sony claim the PS3 would be 100% BC. You just said so yourself that it was an assumption, meaning that they did not fall short of their claim. Also, PS2 was NOT 100% BC. It was probably about 98%, much like the PS3.

[quote name='gizmogc']PS3 online SUCKS. It sucks ASS. Its design is like Windows 3.1compared to Windows XP of the 360. For FREE its SHIT.[/QUOTE]

Oh, but its okay, because "it was their first try" at a unified online system. We compared the 360s BC ONLY to the Xbox, so we should compare the PS3s ONLY to the PS2. In that case, the PS3 does have a pretty decent online set up.
[quote name='gizmogc']1. Please show me some info on the 'astronomical' amount of 360 defects. Sure, 360's broke.I know, everyone does. Some PS3's have broke as well. Some Wii'. Some GameCubes, Some PS2. Some Dreamcasts. What is your point? MS was KIND enough to extend warrantys for a WHOLE year and even refund people who sent in there 360. Did Sony EVER do this when there PS2's broke down? Do you have anything to show for it except some GameFaqs posts "ZOMG! MY 360 BELW UP AND ALIENS ATE IT WITH A SPONN!!!!!!"

2. Yes, My 360 does not have HDMI, nor my Wii. PS3 has HDMI and it should work. Last time I checked my component on my 360 works fine, as does my Wii. Yes, Wii does not play DVDs....Whats the point here? Thanks Nintendo for not making me spend an extra $50 for worthless DVD playback unlike Sony with including Blu-Ray (Making PS3's scarce, raising the price)

3. People want Wii. People do not want PS3. Nintendo has SOLD 3.2 MILLION Wii. Sony has NOT. They launched 2 days BEFORE Wii. It does not mean Sony is magically production millions upon millions of them. They 'promised' 2 million in the US by December.

4. I'm not accusing Sony reps of shit. Brian keeps claiming 'Sony promised this, Sony promised that', so I said Microsoft promised Zune transfers. I didn't start the promising shit.

5. I wouldn't care either. I don't give a damn about BC. I don't. They never claimed 100% out of the box.

6. 360 Core = $300. PS3 Core = $500. Big difference in money.

You get ONE more post. After that I will not respond to you. Luckily I won't have to put up with you or much longer as school goes back in session in a few days for you.[/QUOTE]

1. As of right now, I believe the 360 had more launch issues than the PS3. I can't really prove that, but that seems reasonable to believe considering that the PS3 has not really had any issues regarding mass defects.

2. I thought you bought the PS3 solely for Blu-ray. If so, the PS3 is really the best bang for your buck. You get a gaming machines that utilizes a superior storage format, as well as a quality blu-ray player. Don't see what the complaint is here.

3. I'm under the assumption that Sony retracted that statment, much like MS retracted their BC statement (the one you easily forgave them for).

4. No comment

5. Sony never claimed 100% backwards compatibility.

6. Sony is offering less choices, as far as accessories go. With the PS3 core, you are essentially getting as much as the 360 premium with a next-gen DVD player. That downside is that you don't have a choice on any of those accessories. But, based on the popularity of the 360 premium versus the core, I imagine that isn't too much of a problem.
[quote name='dpatel']1. As of right now, I believe the 360 had more launch issues than the PS3. I can't really prove that, but that seems reasonable to believe considering that the PS3 has not really had any issues regarding mass defects.

2. I thought you bought the PS3 solely for Blu-ray. If so, the PS3 is really the best bang for your buck. You get a gaming machines that utilizes a superior storage format, as well as a quality blu-ray player. Don't see what the complaint is here.

3. I'm under the assumption that Sony retracted that statment, much like MS retracted their BC statement (the one you easily forgave them for).

4. No comment

5. Sony never claimed 100% backwards compatibility.

6. Sony is offering less choices, as far as accessories go. With the PS3 core, you are essentially getting as much as the 360 premium with a next-gen DVD player. That downside is that you don't have a choice on any of those accessories. But, based on the popularity of the 360 premium versus the core, I imagine that isn't too much of a problem.[/QUOTE]

1. I get the 360 had more defects them PS3. However I don't think its to such lare numbers as some claim it to be. PS3 has had its issues, not again, NOT to the effect the 360 did. HDMI issue is a MAJOR issue, but the system still 'works' just not as it should.

2. I did buy PS3 solely for the Blu-Ray playback, you are correct. Had it been just a game console I would have ignored it. The format war is not ending anytime soon as the PS3 is the cheapest solution for quite some time. That does not mean it should have been forced upon gamers who have no interest in it and have to pay a undisclosed amount for the feature (could be $100-$200 extra, Sony is obviously taking a big hit on it if there manufacturing costs are accurate.

3. Yeah, Sony and MS retracted that statement. That does not mean it makes either one OK. MS is new at BC, Sony is not. GBA is not an accurate way to judge BC, nor the Wii since both the DS and Wii are just supped up versions of the past gen.

5. I believe they did. PS2 was nearly 100% BC, PS2 is not. Some games look like crap, some run choppy (just like the 360). MS is clearly working on it as we just had a pretty decent BC update a month ago. I have yet to see Sony issue anything or BC content as of today, a month after launch.

6. Sadly we get alot of comparing between the 360 Core and the 20 gig PS3. While the 20 gig PS3 is a better value then the 360 core it all has to do with timing. When the 360 was launched MS was loosing money on it. Now they make money. Had 360 been released TODAY maybe it would be different. MS has not had a pricedrop so it does seem like not a good value compared to the PS3 20 gig. If MS announced the core was $200 today would it still be 'just as good as value' as the PS3? While the 20 gig does not include WiFi, Memory Card reader, and 40 gigs less, the 360 still included a headset and remote control (at launch mind you). Were talking a year difference and Sony taking a MUCH bigger hit on the system due to included Blu-Ray.

Thanks dpatel or atleast making an arguement. iliketoplay just seems to be a common troll with nothing to say but starting a flamewar.
[quote name='gizmogc']1. Component cables are normally $30. HDMI is $70-$80 if purchased in a store. Not everyone is going to go online to to get them cheap. Not EVERYONE knows this.[/quote]

You can walk into any store like gamestop, bestbuy, etc and but PS2 component cables which are $20ish. They are identical to PS3 ones.

1 (again). MS is fixing those. It took Sony YEARS to fix the constant PS2 issues. They had to redesign the system to make themessentially go away.

Once again why are you using the PS2, hasn't it been pointed out multiple times already that just because a previous system had a problem it doesnt mean that every single future system ever made will have the same problem?

2. MS claimed early on they would have full BC. Later on they said they wouldn't. Its not a huge issue as some people make it out to be as the top games people would play were available from day 1 (Halo and Halo 2). Sony has yet to perfect there 'perfect' BC.

Yet again you've still failed to show any article where someone in Sony says it will be 100% backwards compatible. Also just because microsoft later said they wouldn't have full backwards compatibility makes it allright? Sony said they wouldn't have full backwards compatibility before launch so i guess you either have to drop that argument or condem the 360.

3. Video chat? Am I missing something? Where can I buy an official Sony Video Camera made for the PS3? Anywhere?

You can buy any USB camera and use it. You aren't required to buy overpriced official items which is a step in the right direction. Especially since alot of people already have USB camera's. You can also use any USB microphone.

4. As of RIGHT NOW I can NOT play PS1 games on the PS3. I can claim that MS will let me play NES games as well in the future. Until its READY I, and most others don't give a shit.

That is a valid point but it doesn't really hold water. People use games that are coming out in the future to judge a system and by your logic thats not correct.

5. Why would MS spend money to make 1080p available when there were little to no TVs with the capability? Even NOW there are only a few, fewer in the sub $2,000 range. Remember, 360 is COMPONENT and PS3 is HDMI. BIG DIFFERENCE.

Because Microsoft promised it and didn't deliver it like they told people they would? They obviously DID spend the money to patch it after the system launched.

6. Since the PS2 was 100% BC with PS1 games most people would assume the PS3 would be.

Once again your information is totally wrong. PS2 was about 98% backwards compatible. Percentage wise about the same as the PS3. Personally i'd rather have every game I own playable and have some of them not look as good then have 2/3 of my xbox games not useable.
Oh and gizmogic sony has already patched multiple games for the PS3. I believe that FFXI and other games which use the HD are now working.
Heres the statement from microsoft admitting they had a failure rate of higher then 5% for the initial consoles.

As the article states 3-5% is the norm and they begrudgingly admitted they had failures higher then that. They refused to say how high but it prompted them to extend the warranty to 6 months.

It would be fair to say that both systems had issues at launch. 360 had more broken units and PS3 had more issues with units not working as they should have. As to which is worse its really a matter of opinion.
[quote name='gizmogc']1. I get the 360 had more defects them PS3. However I don't think its to such lare numbers as some claim it to be. PS3 has had its issues, not again, NOT to the effect the 360 did. HDMI issue is a MAJOR issue, but the system still 'works' just not as it should.

2. I did buy PS3 solely for the Blu-Ray playback, you are correct. Had it been just a game console I would have ignored it. The format war is not ending anytime soon as the PS3 is the cheapest solution for quite some time. That does not mean it should have been forced upon gamers who have no interest in it and have to pay a undisclosed amount for the feature (could be $100-$200 extra, Sony is obviously taking a big hit on it if there manufacturing costs are accurate.

3. Yeah, Sony and MS retracted that statement. That does not mean it makes either one OK. MS is new at BC, Sony is not. GBA is not an accurate way to judge BC, nor the Wii since both the DS and Wii are just supped up versions of the past gen.

5. I believe they did. PS2 was nearly 100% BC, PS2 is not. Some games look like crap, some run choppy (just like the 360). MS is clearly working on it as we just had a pretty decent BC update a month ago. I have yet to see Sony issue anything or BC content as of today, a month after launch.

6. Sadly we get alot of comparing between the 360 Core and the 20 gig PS3. While the 20 gig PS3 is a better value then the 360 core it all has to do with timing. When the 360 was launched MS was loosing money on it. Now they make money. Had 360 been released TODAY maybe it would be different. MS has not had a pricedrop so it does seem like not a good value compared to the PS3 20 gig. If MS announced the core was $200 today would it still be 'just as good as value' as the PS3? While the 20 gig does not include WiFi, Memory Card reader, and 40 gigs less, the 360 still included a headset and remote control (at launch mind you). Were talking a year difference and Sony taking a MUCH bigger hit on the system due to included Blu-Ray.

Thanks dpatel or atleast making an arguement. iliketoplay just seems to be a common troll with nothing to say but starting a flamewar.[/QUOTE]

1. Definitely. I agree both have had their fair share of problems (problems that should be nonexistant, but, for some reason, have come to be expected from launch consoles). So far, it seems the 360 has had more problems, but it is still a bit early to judge. Oh well, I knew well in advance that my PS3 would be at risk, so I am covered under Sony's warranty, as well as Gamestop's. With all the problems that are occuring with each new console, you would have to be a fool not to protect your launch console.

2. I don't agree with Sony's tactics either. It was a nice idea, but a few years too soon. It just isn't practical to implement such a new and expensive technology just yet. From a business standpoint, I can see the logic, but I can also see how it would piss consumers off. Personally, I would've taken a cheaper PS3 with a DVD drive. Even if I were not a PS3 owner, I would still support blu-ray, simply because it seems to offer everything HD-DVD does, but more. Regardless, it would've been at least a couple of years before I would've dropped the cash for either format.

I do want to say that Blu-ray does have the potential, for me, to justify the price. However, its future is still unknown, which is why people are unsure of the price tag. Had blu-ray been a guaranteed success, and had the format been utilized to the fullest from developers, I think the choice would've been much smarter on Sony's part. However, there is a chance that Blu-ray fails and we are left with a dead format, and, so far, no games have really justified the extra space and the costs associated with it. I know games are using the extra space, but given a little more effort, those same games could be done on a DVD. That is the problem with Blu-ray. Its benefits aren't really seen by consumers. Games will not look any better on a blu-ray disc than a dvd. The only difference is, it allows developers to worry less about storage budgeting and spend more of that time getting the game out faster, or adding more content. The end result won't be significantly better, even though the price difference between blu-ray and dvd is significantly more.

I kind of went off on a tangent there. Anyway, I have to agree that forcing blu-ray on consumers was a bad choice, but in your case, it seems to have worked out okay. For someone looking for the complete package, the PS3 is an excellent deal. For those only looking for certain components of the PS3 and not all of them are pretty much SOL.

3. I agree that retracting the statement does not make it okay. It just sounded, to me, as if you were being more lenient on MS than you were on Sony. Sorry if I am mistaken though.

5. Sony is working on improving BC:

That says that BC games now load faster. Not sure if other firmware updates improved it, but it does show that they are working on it. I just hope they try and get upscaling to work, because, right now, my PS2 games look like ass on my HDTV.

PS2 was near 100% and so is the PS3. They have reported about 200 games that are incompatible:

It looks like, according to that article, 100% was promised. I wasn't able to find a direct quote from Sony, but that is good enough. So, they didn't meet their promise, but the PS3 does have a good success rate of BC. The main problem is no upscaling.

6. If MS launched the premium at a loss, they can drop the price and take a loss if they wanted to. The 360 launching a year in advance is no excuse for the price. I can see why they don't drop it, I just think that is a valid excuse. The 360s are selling like hotcakes and they are making a profit on each one, so they have no logical reason to drop the price. That still doesn't change the fact that the PS3 Core is offering slightly more than the 360 premium (I think the main differences are the PS3 lacks: remote, headset, component cables, while the 360 lacks: next-gen movie player).
I think i've responded to most of the questions way too much.

I AM happy with my a Blu-Ray player. As a gaming machine it lacks decent games at the moment. Full Auto 2 will hold me over until Devil May Cry 4, and I plan on picking up Bully shortly as I have not owned a PS2 in 6-8 months (Ive owned about 60-70 thanks to Sony DREs and giving kids $5-20 for there 'broken' systems I would then fix and resell).
[quote name='dpatel'] (I think the main differences are the PS3 lacks: remote, headset, component cables, while the 360 lacks: next-gen movie player).[/QUOTE]

Just wanted to point out the 360 does NOT come with a remote. I've seen that a couple of times, and it dosen't come with one.

Technically the PS3 could be said to come with a play and charge kit, though I like Microsoft's various choices better (especially having a wired pad).
[quote name='Wolfpup']Just wanted to point out the 360 does NOT come with a remote. I've seen that a couple of times, and it dosen't come with one.

Technically the PS3 could be said to come with a play and charge kit, though I like Microsoft's various choices better (especially having a wired pad).[/QUOTE]

At launch it did come with a remote. If we are comparing launch systems its only fair to include the Media remote (though I don't remember if it came with the core at all).

No, the PS3 did not technically come with a play and charge kit since you have to send in your controllers to Sony to replace the battery eventually. Thats hardly the same.
[quote name='gizmogc']At launch it did come with a remote. If we are comparing launch systems its only fair to include the Media remote (though I don't remember if it came with the core at all).

No, the PS3 did not technically come with a play and charge kit since you have to send in your controllers to Sony to replace the battery eventually. Thats hardly the same.[/QUOTE]

Actually, now that someone mentioned it, I don't think the 360 was ever bundled with the remote. And the PS3 does come with rechargeable batteries. You can spin it all you want, but that is something standard that MS charges for.

And if you HAVE TO send the controller to Sony to replace, then you also HAVE TO buy a new play and charge kit, right?
[quote name='gizmogc']I think i've responded to most of the questions way too much.[/QUOTE]

I really do like this discussion, but if you are going to cop out with this statement, instead of either: backing up your argument or, admitting you were wrong on several points, then I have lost respect for you.

It seems a lot of your points were refuted several times. It would be easy just to admit you were wrong, or try and find evidence proving you were right.
Before people jump all over you: the 360 was initially bundled with the remote (like Talladega for the PS3, basically, first shipment). Carry on!
[quote name='getmyrunon']Before people jump all over you: the 360 was initially bundled with the remote (like Talladega for the PS3, basically, first shipment). Carry on![/QUOTE]

Okay, thanks for clearing that up.
[quote name='dpatel']And if you HAVE TO send the controller to Sony to replace, then you also HAVE TO buy a new play and charge kit, right?[/QUOTE]

Launch 360's came with the media remote. I don't remember if it was just the premium or if the core was included.

As for the play and charge kit...The 360 also came with an option of putting normal batteries in it (and still does). PS3 does not.
[quote name='dpatel']And if you HAVE TO send the controller to Sony to replace, then you also HAVE TO buy a new play and charge kit, right?[/QUOTE]

The battery pack is sold separately, so you would not have to buy another play and charge kit. Also, you could just use normal AA batteries as gizmogc stated.
[quote name='sonicfreak5']the online service aint no xbox live, but its free. so i cant complain.[/QUOTE]

The time to complain would have been last generation. There was nothing special about Xbox Live back then, as was the PS2. Both were boring.
xbox live has had a while to become what is has. you could say ps3 has had that too, but really no. It seemed like Sony ignored online for PS2(or if they didn't, gave as little attention as possible). Hopefully Sony gets behind online and actually sticks with it.
bread's done