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What in the world are people on about with this "It's a leap year bug!" thing? If it were a leap year, then tomorrow would be the 29th, not the first. The only "Leap Year" that was inflicted upon us in 2010 was that terrible romantic comedy.

edit: Link to google
[quote name='Halo05']That's boring, I much prefer the doomsaying.

Seriously though, the most interesting bit will come if the system doesn't auto-correct after 24 hours. I haven't turned on my PS3 since yesterday but from what I've read, I won't be able to get online with it right now with the problems that the hardware seems to be experiencing. As such, how would I get a firmware fix on my old 20 gb model?[/QUOTE]

Guys, like I said before Sony releases their updates on their website for transfer to the PS3 VIA USB. It has been this way since the beginning.
[quote name='Apushmataha']What in the world are people on about with this "It's a leap year bug!" thing? If it were a leap year, then tomorrow would be the 29th, not the first. The only "Leap Year" that was inflicted upon us in 2010 was that terrible romantic comedy.[/QUOTE]

The term means that either the Playstation is reading it as a leap-year when it's not, or is trying to skip ahead to the next date, but cannot find it, thus resetting it back to the default. All having to do with it trying to find out whether or not it actually is a leap-year.
[quote name='Apushmataha']What in the world are people on about with this "It's a leap year bug!" thing? If it were a leap year, then tomorrow would be the 29th, not the first. The only "Leap Year" that was inflicted upon us in 2010 was that terrible romantic comedy.[/QUOTE]

I dont believe this and I will say why. The people talking about leap year are saying the system thinks its leap year this year and it should be the 29th... since there was no 29 it rolled the internal clock back to 1999 and therefore disables the DRM games.

Here is my issue with that reasoning... there was no leap year in 2009 Feb. And this didnt happen.

My system did it at 7:30 ish my time not midnight when it would theoretically roll to the 29th.

So this leapyear stuff is just speculation based on some zune issue in 2008.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']The term means that either the Playstation is reading it as a leap-year when it's not, or is trying to skip ahead to the next date, but cannot find it, thus resetting it back to the default. All having to do with it trying to find out whether or not it actually is a leap-year.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for the clarification. That makes more sense. If that's the case, at least it'll be an easy fix...I hope.
[quote name='ninja dog']You guys should just buy 360s. It really is the better system.[/QUOTE]

Dude, you couldn't be more wrong. If it weren't for the RROD issue and foolish US customers buying 5 or more new units hoping to solve it, the sales of the console would be pitiful. The problems are countless. The fact you need to bring it up in this thread indicates jealousy, or disappointment with your inferior console.
[quote name='DPsx7']Dude, you couldn't be more wrong. If it weren't for the RROD issue and foolish US customers buying 5 or more new units hoping to solve it, the sales of the console would be pitiful. The problems are countless. The fact you need to bring it up in this thread indicates jealousy, or disappointment with your inferior console.[/QUOTE]

apparently all the fat consoles reset themselves to 12/31/1999. this isnt allowing you to get online nor play any games where a trophy sync is required at the start of the game like heavy rain, star ocean, or battlefield bad company.

quite a predicament on how this will be fixed considering we can't get online. Your probably going to have to download the patch via the web and get it on the ps3 with a usb flash drive

[quote name='whoknows']The problem is that it's set back to 1999 which is before the internet was invented[/QUOTE]

maybe for you...the internet has been out for ages...and it was once only a government tool...know your history please
[quote name='the_grimace']apparently all the fat consoles reset themselves to 12/31/1999. this isnt allowing you to get online nor play any games where a trophy sync is required at the start of the game like heavy rain, star ocean, or battlefield bad company.

quite a predicament on how this will be fixed considering we can't get online. Your probably going to have to download the patch via the web and get it on the ps3 with a usb flash drive

Actually. You can still access the internet for a system update. I can see many people having trouble though figuring that out.
[quote name='zxghost']maybe for you...the internet has been out for ages...and it was once only a government tool...know your history please[/QUOTE]

*double swish*
[quote name='whoknows']The problem is that it's set back to 1999 which is before the internet was invented[/QUOTE]

You're just making it your personal mission to set up bad 90's nostalgia jokes, aren't you?
[quote name='zxghost']maybe for you...the internet has been out for ages...and it was once only a government tool...know your history please[/QUOTE]

I think it was a joke. I was using the internet in late 1997. It was cool, too. In Oklahoma, no less. We still used wagons and buggies, but dammit, those horseless carriages took over!
[quote name='dpsx7']dude, you couldn't be more wrong. If it weren't for the rrod issue and foolish us customers buying 5 or more new units hoping to solve it, the sales of the console would be pitiful. The problems are countless. The fact you need to bring it up in this thread indicates jealousy, or disappointment with your inferior console.[/quote]

[quote name='Apushmataha']I think it was a joke. I was using the internet in late 1997. It was cool, too. In Oklahoma, no less. We still used wagons and buggies, but dammit, those horseless carriages took over![/QUOTE]

maybe it didnt exist for him since he was probably born after 1999 xD
Al Gore created the internet in 1992 shortly before he was elected as Vice President. No one knows how he did it but legend has it he built it with a series of tubes.
According to assassins creed 2. Tesla invented the internet and it was supposed to be free but the Templar's stopped him.
[quote name='IRHari']Al Gore created the internet in 1992 shortly before he was elected as Vice President. No one knows how he did it but legend has it he built it with a series of tubes.[/QUOTE]

If Al Gore was in charge, this wouldn't have happened.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Anyone try playing Valkyria Chronicles yet?[/QUOTE]

I was going to, but then I decided I only play good games, with trophies.
[quote name='whoknows']I was going to, but then I decided I only play good games, with trophies.[/QUOTE]

VC is a great game! you trophy whore
Are people being sarcastic when they talk about trophies? I would like to think so but it's becoming increasingly apparent that they may actually care about them...

And VC was good -- not great.
Some people are reporting that it seems to be working again. If some CAG wants to go be the test guinea pig and let us all know for sure... then by all means, haha.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Are people being sarcastic when they talk about trophies? I would like to think so but it's becoming increasingly apparent that they may actually care about them...

And VC was good -- not great.[/QUOTE]

it's pretty much like saying, i have the bigger wang
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']Some people are reporting that it seems to be working again. If some CAG wants to go be the test guinea pig and let us all know for sure... then by all means, haha.[/QUOTE]

I'll take one for the team! *fires up ps3* *hopes to god nothing else bad happens*
[quote name='whoknows']What's the point of playing a game without trophies? I like everyone on my friends list to be able to see my skills.[/QUOTE]

it's just an ego boost. in the end, when you have 126 platinums. what difference does it make. when you die, would people really care that you have X and Y achievements and trophies in a game?
[quote name='zxghost']it's just an ego boost. in the end, when you have 126 platinums. what difference does it make. when you die, would people really care that you have X and Y achievements and trophies in a game?[/QUOTE]

They'd better care.
bread's done