PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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yeah, I'm not sold on scalebound.  I don't know what I was expecting.  not that I guess.

I like the dvr stuff and look forward to buying an x1 to record mein gesprach mit mutter.

Wait, Mozzie works for MS?


It's pretty annoying when these dudes act like they're "just like you!"

"Thanks. And as a backer of Bloodstained, I'm really excited."

Shut your pie hole, idiot. We know you're getting all this shit for free. We're not fucking idiots.

The point and click adventure games I played on the Commodore 64 had better graphics than that shit they just showed.  I am fine with retro graphics for certain kinds of games, but that just looked lazy.

New Mad Max (game) trailer:
I wonder if this can be our Shadow of Mordor game for the year. Another WB game that no one says anything about it, we just get videos, and then bam it releases and comes out of no where to be really good?

Wait, so Mojang is pronounced "Mo-jang" and not "Mo-yang" like we heard at E3, or did I mishear that?

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sorry, I thought cg was a general shorthand for computer generated graphics.
It is, but I just wanted to clarify since I wasn't sure if you meant it was pre-rendered or in-game. Square has a much longer history of nice FMV stuff than they do of in-game graphics.

After playing Bound by Flame I'm more interested in going back to Demon Souls and the Dark Souls games, plus now Bloodborne I guess. So behind.

Yeah I thought the sp was actually really good for a FPS. The multiplayer wasn't too bad but still just an inferior Battlefield if you had to compare. I'll probably preorder this game if bestbuy has $10 gc.
well this little demo makes it look incredibly good. though I doubt I'll play it since I'm apparently incapable of playing any fps.

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