PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Why am I not surprised?
Just the one thing missing. I've been waiting for NIS to have a sale for years and when they finally do one of the games that was on sale last time isn't in this one. I don't want to pay $20 for an old PSP game, but that might be the only way to play it. So annoying. :wall:

Just the one thing missing. I've been waiting for NIS to have a sale for years and when they finally do one of the games that was on sale last time isn't in this one. I don't want to pay $20 for an old PSP game, but that might be the only way to play it. So annoying. :wall:
It's on GameFly...

It's on GameFly...
It's a PSP game. I have a Vita. GF doesn't help with that.

Some of the NIS games are actually at sale prices at GS from years ago. Seems like GS listed the games during the week PSN was having a sale, but didn't realize that those prices were sale prices. Disgaea PSP 1+2, Cladun 1+2, a few others. Unfortunately ZHP isn't one of those games, either.

Other than a price drop, I don't think ZHP has ever gone on sale on PSN.
Actually, you're right. It was supposed to, but based on forum comments around the time it never actually did.


This was late November/Early December 2012. From forum comments, ZHP and Cladun X2 never went half off like they were supposed to. Odd.

Lots of cheap stuff, but they all seem to be mediocre. At least after scoping out metacritic. Probably getting King Oddball for $2.

Crimsonland worth $4? Also mildly intrigued by White Night, but that just came out not too long ago. A deeper discount is sure to come before long.
Anyone play Ironclad? Any of you guys ever play Ziggurat? I skipped it for $6 cuz it looks so similar to tower of guns, but maybe next time I will get it on sale. It seems to scream ps+ freebie tho... but I got Hands of Fate and that will prob be ps+ soon enough and it is great.

also it only saves ya a $1 or so, but king oddball seems to be crossbuy but vita version is cheaper than ps4 cheaper than ps3 versions. yup

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Anyone play Ironclad? Any of you guys ever play Ziggurat? I skipped it for $6 cuz it looks so similar to tower of guns, but maybe next time I will get it on sale. It seems to scream ps+ freebie tho... but I got Hands of Fate and that will prob be ps+ soon enough and it is great.

also it only saves ya a $1 or so, but king oddball seems to be crossbuy but vita version is cheaper than ps4 cheaper than ps3 versions. yup
Stylistically I can see the Tower of Guns/Ziggurat comparison, but it seems like a stretch beyond that. Tyler played it, but based on his trophy card I don't guess he liked it that much:

Then again there's only 13 plats for it, so maybe it's just too hard.


[quote name="pharmacrest" post="12848171" timestamp="1438722132"]Wow, this Jet Car Stunts looks cool.

Ima buy it![/quote]

Better then flying elephants? Unpossible.
Just in case anyone cares what we thought of a few games in the sale, this article has links to everything we have covered on IA.
So now that you guys have been doing this for a while do you still enjoy it? Has it become a bit of a chore? Will there ever be a podcast? Have you found that you're starting to get traffic from non-cag sources? Any child's play plans like all the cool kid sites?
I'm debating these:

Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures

Beach Buggy Racing

Pier Solar

Tiny Brains


Paparazzi (only because it's cheap. I haven't really looked into it much)

Anybody want to talk me out of or into any of them?

Lots of cheap stuff, but they all seem to be mediocre. At least after scoping out metacritic. Probably getting King Oddball for $2.

Crimsonland worth $4? Also mildly intrigued by White Night, but that just came out not too long ago. A deeper discount is sure to come before long.
I don't totally disagree with you on the mediocre part, but KING ODDBALL is what you landed on from this sale?!??!? Man, there's some better stuff than that in there.

Crimsonland is shockingly fun despite how ugly it is. I found it very addictive. And it's perfect for Pharm, I'm assuming he's getting it, right?

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Stylistically I can see the Tower of Guns/Ziggurat comparison, but it seems like a stretch beyond that. Tyler played it, but based on his trophy card I don't guess he liked it that much:
Damn, this gives me an idea!

I should start a website that I use to write down and share my opinion on games I play!

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I'm debating these:

Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures

Beach Buggy Racing

Pier Solar

Tiny Brains


Paparazzi (only because it's cheap. I haven't really looked into it much)

Anybody want to talk me out of or into any of them?
$4 for Pacman (I think that's what it costs) is not bad. It's dumb easy platforming. You will have to play through the whole game twice for the plat, and the second playthrough is going to be a total snorefest, since the first playthrough is already kind of a snorefest.

I'm buying Tiny Brains. I think it's 4 person coop. Me and gator might be playing it. You can jump in too if you want. Don't quote me on any of that, I'm not even positive it has online coop.

Check the super secret wink-wink hush-hush list on Pier Solar.

Not going to let disgaea 4 pass me by this time. Just have to decide how much more damage I want to do. Mulana for sure, have to go over the rest.
So now that you guys have been doing this for a while do you still enjoy it? Has it become a bit of a chore? Will there ever be a podcast? Have you found that you're starting to get traffic from non-cag sources? Any child's play plans like all the cool kid sites?
I can only speak for myself. Like almost anything you enjoy it at times and it is a chore at times. We have talked about a podcast, but it never seems to bubble to the top.

The traffic from links on CAG is a very small part of the traffic we get. In fact, links from the site to other articles on the site is a larger percentage of clicks and they are both in the round off error. We only post here because we hope some of you might be interested in what we write.

What is PSNOT's opinion on Spelunker?

I liked Spelunky, but Spelunker was way too difficult for me.
I think Spelunker is probably easier because everthing is fixed and you can eventually perfect the levels. But it's also much worse because you die from falling 3 fucking inches off a platform onto the ground.

If one were picking between disgaea 3 or 4, and has never played either or any other disagea game, which one should you pick?

Are they at all anything like FF Tactics?

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I can only speak for myself. Like almost anything you enjoy it at times and it is a chore at times. We have talked about a podcast, but it never seems to bubble to the top.

The traffic from links on CAG is a very small part of the traffic we get. In fact, links from the site to other articles on the site is a larger percentage of clicks and they are both in the round off error. We only post here because we hope some of you might be interested in what we write.
Yeah basically this. We were just talking the other day about how most of our traffic doesn't even come from CAG.

It's still just a hobby at the end of the day. Some weeks we don't a lot of articles out, and sometimes we have 2-3 posts in a single day. But I'm still having fun with it.

If one were picking between disgaea 3 or 4, and has never played either or any other disagea game, which one should you pick?

Are they at all anything like FF Tactics?
I played 3 and D2. They're like Tales games, all pretty much the same. I have 4, but haven't gotten around to starting it yet.

The guy who did the trophy guide for the Vita version of 3 did an awesome job, though.

Damn, this gives me an idea!

I should start a website that I use to write down and share my opinion on games I play!
Maybe you should post links to your reviews faster rather than making people wait literal ages for a response. :shame:

Velo: Here's Tyler's review, since he was shirty enough to complain that people don't remember all his game reviews but too lazy to post a link to one:

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So now that you guys have been doing this for a while do you still enjoy it? Has it become a bit of a chore? Will there ever be a podcast? Have you found that you're starting to get traffic from non-cag sources? Any child's play plans like all the cool kid sites?
Last month I had some work and personal issues and anyone who follows the site regularly (there's tons of you, right?) probably noticed that my (and our) July output wasn't great. I'm through with most of that and back to really enjoying it. Once in a while the writing can be a chore but it still feels great to actually finish a review and be proud of it. Interacting with friendly developers is also still very fun and rewarding. In regards to that but unrelated, the developer of The Swindle actually just wrote an interesting blog post about his interaction with gaming sites and streamers both big and small that is worth a read if you're interested in it.

We absolutely need to do a podcast. Mostly just because it would be fun.

Yes, lots of non-cag traffic. CAG is our fifth largest referrer. (4th largest if you exclude the generic "Search Engines" that is included in the list)

One of us was very positive towards Child's Play and two of us kind of balked at the idea of playing games all day and staying up all night. I'll let you guess who is who.

EDIT: I mean Extra Life, not Child's Play. I don't even really know what Child's Play is except for it being part of the CAG donation thing that hasn't happened in forever.

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Maybe you should post links to your reviews faster rather than making people literal ages for a response. :shame:

Velo: Here's Tyler's review, since he was shirty enough to complain that people don't remember all his game reviews but too lazy to post a link to one:
I enjoy simultaneously being yelled at FOR posting links and FOR NOT posting links.

Is this what marriage is like?

I was one of the ones that balked at the idea of staying up all night and playing games for Extra Life.

Then I read on the EL site that you dont need to do a 24 hour straight stream, which I feel like no one knows. I'm sure we'll do something though because we're awesome and charitable.

fuck YOU CAG.

I wrote a post talking about the Disgaea games in response to this and goddamn CAG ate it.

If one were picking between disgaea 3 or 4, and has never played either or any other disagea game, which one should you pick?

Are they at all anything like FF Tactics?
Buy 1. People seem to rank the games in this order, from best to worst:



3 or D2


The first 3 games are very visually equivalent. 4 introduced HD sprites and is an obvious visual upgrade, but the older games look fine on the Vita still anyway. Here's some comparison vids for 1, 3, and 4:

1 and 2 haven't been on sale since 2012, so if you're interested at all I'd start with 1 at least. 3 is $20 used at GS so I wouldn't buy that on PSN unless you really want to go digital for some reason.

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