Quitting my job at Gamestop, *UPDATE* Hulk Rampages through Gamestop

Just bad. Sorry but it was.

All you had to say to the guy was, "I am giving you my two weeks."

If he then said anything to you, I would have taken a deep breath and said, "if you would like me to not give you two weeks I will leave now".

And if he said get lost, you should have just left.

If he said stay, then you should have stayed.
my fzvorite...was when a store was going out....the person behind the register went blitzkreig, started giving out free crap....then sadi "Why the fuck should I care, it's not like their going to fire me"
Dude, that is ****ing awesome!!! I had an argument kinda similar to that, but it got resolved when the manager apologized to me. Don't listen to all these stuck ups putting you down, you stood up for yourself and I believe in that 100%.

Thanks for grabbing those Halo 2 cases also, that is amazing dude!
and what's with the "Stay if he wants you to stay" and the bar situation?

Why would he go into a biker bar and be rude? That's a totally irrevelant example and fits in no where in this situation. He was a hard worker and was tired of the shit, he did not iniate this confrontation, the manager did with months of horseshit managment skills.

Why should he stay if the manager wants him to stay and leave if he wants him to? He shouldn't listen to a word that asswipe says aymore, as it will just feed the POS' ego.
He did initiate the confrontation- he was questioning the way his boss was managing things, and to top it off he threw a tantrum.

Well, if Gamespot has its stuff together they would sue him- or at the very least take money out of his last paycheck,
All HAIL REALITY'S FRINGE!!!!!!! You're an inspiration to us all!!!!!!! :twisted: But damn you shouldve swiped some games on the way out. And wtf is friedram's problem??? Ya gotta fight and STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!
Or say, Well, I haven't quit yet, let me use the company phone to call the DM and tell him you're cursing at employees. In front of customers.
The guy does sound like quite an asshole, however.
[quote name='Neo']Why should he stay if the manager wants him to stay and leave if he wants him to? He shouldn't listen to a word that asswipe says aymore, as it will just feed the POS' ego.[/quote]

Neo, maybe you don't have a job, but allow me to share with you how employment works. You keep your job if your employer likes you, you lose it if they don't.

If the manager was going to be a douche and tell him to leave, asking him gives him the chance to be upfront about it and save R-F some aggravation. If he could stay for an extra 2 weeks and make some more cash than good for R-F.

No offense but your claiming this is about "ego" shows you to be rather immature. Its about being an adult and conducting yourself in a professional manner.

Because someone else acts like an ass you are not entitled to act like an ass without being judged as one yourself.
[quote name='friedram']Reality's Fringe- obviously you are a punk ass kid.

The statement "What did you just call me" reflects that you actually think that people give a damn about you and your ego. It is obvious that he called you an ass, and you said that to try to intimidate or exaserbate the situation.

Tell you what- when you are old enough, go into biker bar, or a bar that serves military folks- then go be rude, and when one of them calls you an ass, fight them.

Just make sure you send us pictures of your sorry rear in the hospital.[/quote]

I don't think it was ego, so much as it was angry disbelief. After so much faithful service rendered to him; coming into cover for him when he wants to go fishing, not teliing him that his daughter is doing cocaine, not complaining when he totally rapes the way the store used to work, not speaking up when he refuses to sell me an item for my friend's birthday because it "hurts MSTs", asks if I have no common sense in front of a customer, refuses to hire a girl because "She has no titties", and more things I don't realy have the time to type, that he would actualy have the outright audacity to act like the only reason I was employed there was because he was doing me some huge favor. Do I have a bad temper? Yeah, I know I do. Was that the right thing to do? Hell no, and I'm not acting like it was. The only reason I posted this was because some people genuinely wanted to know what really happened. Proud of it? No, but that realy doesn't matter to me. I'm a punk kid because I get offended and angry when someone insults my character? I'm not mellow-bill, and if you tell me that you don't become inflamed when insulted then you're lying. I kow there's a huge difference between getting angry and acting like an idiot, but the reaction didn't stem from my ego as you think it did. It also seems to me that you think I went in there with a mission to cause trouble. Far from it. I told myself before I went that I was going to do it calmly, and just to keep my mouth shut unless he started something, and lo and behold. I don't need a lecture about how I over-reated and made myself look follish, I'm aware of it. I just don't regret it.
Well it is definately interesting. I also can't believe the manager acted that way, but you know how those management people in those small stores who don't get paid much more then you are. They have to power trip to feel like they are better than you.
I've been in management for years and I have to say that's the worst case of mishandlimg a quitting employee. When I have been confronted by an unhappy worker, I calmly talk to them. 99% of the time the resolution is satisfatory to both of us. Your manager doesn't have clue one about dealing with the job and he took it out on you.

However, did you cause any damage to the store? If so, they could have you arrested and sued. Believe it or not but it can happen, especially if they have video surveillance.

Now that I'm done acting the adult, I'm glad you stood up for yourself! I can't say I wouldn't have made a scene if that happened to me. I would have done everything to embarass him and the store for his piss poor attitude. When we are pushed to our limits in situations like this, we strike back.

Or should I say "HULK SMASH!".......
Just a side note, nothing is "Damaged" or "Broken", the shelves were all display cases. It's not different than the time this 6 year old came in and was standing on it; pulling it over and knocking shit everywhere. It jsut created something for him to clean up.
I've had a job since the day I turned 16, and even if the managers don't like you, they can't fire you at my job because we are in a union, most of them do though, but I have had a few arguments with a couple that went to the point od yelling.

Reality obviously didn't care about being fired or quitting so again, why should he follow the instructions of a manager who obviously doesn't know WTF to do besides be an ass? You expect him to just walk in there and be like, "Sir, what would you like me to do? Quit now or quit in 2 weeks after I work 6 hours?"

If anyone would do that after the treatment that Reality had, they would be pathetic in my book.
I'm not looking for a "This made you look petty/cool" response so much as I'm just looking for someone who understands. This whole situation runs rife with crap that I've put up with before this whole thing happened, and in that bullshit it all came rolling back and transfered itself to my foot. Which in turn transfered itself to the PSX rack. You guys do have a point about controlling myself though, and I'm hoping to work on that.
[quote name='Neo']I've had a job since the day I turned 16, and even if the managers don't like you, they can't fire you at my job because we are in a union, most of them do though, but I have had a few arguments with a couple that went to the point od yelling.[/quote]

My mistake I forgot groccery stores have unions.

[quote name='Neo']Reality obviously didn't care about being fired or quitting so again, why should he follow the instructions of a manager who obviously doesn't know WTF to do besides be an ass? You expect him to just walk in there and be like, "Sir, what would you like me to do? Quit now or quit in 2 weeks after I work 6 hours?"

If anyone would do that after the treatment that Reality had, they would be pathetic in my book.[/quote]

See my answer about being an adult.
Good For you!!! this is a video game store were talking about, not some high level job that he''s going to mess up the rest of his life because he quit. Just remember when you get to the real world, you cant do that though.
While I can understand your frustration with management and the desire to quit I don't agree with kicking the PSX rack. The better thing would've been to simply walk away and report him to corporate and see what they would do. If you got lucky maybe he'd be looking for work. Now since you have effectively destroyed a section of the store it's unlikely he would receive any punishment since he'd be able to turn it against you.

Then again, if that happened to me I couldn't guarantee I'd remain calm and there'd probably be a trail of things thrown about on my way out.

I'm glad you got of there. It sounded like you were miserable working there.
fuck em i salute you. Enough people taking the fucking high road. Insane bitch of a boss I worked for then as luck would have it I got a nice little addition to my position I got to handle another position as well working for another power bitch. Well between the two of them they made my life fucking hell. I did the high road submit resignation and then leave quietly I wish I hadn't. Would of been so freaking nice to rampage through the office.

I guess that's where we differ.
He had a job, he got paid, he had responsibilities. To me that *is* the real world. I worked as hard at my first job when i was 16 working at fast food as I do know, twice that age and of course making a lot more money. I've run into some jerkass bosses [admittedly, none as bad as that one though]. In the 'A Modest Favor' thread, we're talking about 'don't feed the trolls.' What RF did was exactly that--this 'manager' sounds like some petty little powertripper, seeking a reaction. He got one. In his mind, he 'won.' Not only does he not have to deal with one more 'punk kid', but he made RF [in his mind] look like a fool in front of customers. And of course RF gave him no reason to think of him as anything other than a 'punk kid.'

I understand, yes. I have done some quite petty things just to vent some feelings. Mine have been with ex-best-friends however. My feelings were vented, but I burned bridges, so if we were to ever consider being friends again, my last petty action is the last thing on their mind.
[quote name='captainfrizo']While I can understand your frustration with management and the desire to quit I don't agree with kicking the PSX rack. The better thing would've been to simply walk away and report him to corporate and see what they would do. If you got lucky maybe he'd be looking for work. Now since you have effectively destroyed a section of the store it's unlikely he would receive any punishment since he'd be able to turn it against you.

Then again, if that happened to me I couldn't guarantee I'd remain calm and there'd probably be a trail of things thrown about on my way out.

I'm glad you got of there. It sounded like you were miserable working there.[/quote]

I understand what you're saying, and you're quite correct; I WAS miserable there. The problem was merely amplified by the timeframe in which this "manager" decided to start messing with my schedule without just cause. I did indeed tlak to the DM, and he dd nothing. In fact, he did nothing the first time I talked to him. The company, or at least that level of management, just doesn't care. I also agree with the person who said "you can't act like this when you're oldeR" and again, I agree. I just felt that the abuse wasn't worh $15 a week.
[quote name='friedram']Reality's Fringe- obviously you are a punk ass kid.

The statement "What did you just call me" reflects that you actually think that people give a damn about you and your ego. It is obvious that he called you an ass, and you said that to try to intimidate or exaserbate the situation.

Tell you what- when you are old enough, go into biker bar, or a bar that serves military folks- then go be rude, and when one of them calls you an ass, fight them.

Just make sure you send us pictures of your sorry rear in the hospital.[/quote]

So, you probably got beat up a lot in high school, didn't you?

I think reading Mr. Anderson's thread http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24465 might be of some help to you as well, :newbie:
It all boils down to what you can personally handle. We all deal with B.S. everyday whether it be work or personal. I can't say I would have handled it that way or that I wouldn't have. We really don't know what we will do in any given situation until it happens. Just be glad you're out RF. There will be much rejoycing(sp?) tonight...

And since nothing was damaged, I wouldn't worry about legal action, although they might call the cops. Without any physical damage, I think the most they could do is BAN you from the store or file a restraining order. :roll: But we all know that's no big deal since you're never going there again...
Reality's Fringe that was one hell of a way to quit your job. You truly are a hero for all retail workers nationwide. While I still think giving your two weeks notice would be the best thing to do, what u did was the second best thing to do and u just made my day a whole let better. Bravo! BRAVO! I praise you!
Ya, this makes me wish I had left some jobs with a bang, like kicked the shit out of one of my bosses after he manipulated me to get himself more money. Then tells me that he doesn't think things are working out so he can take everything for himself... and has the nerve to say "no hard feelings" :bomb: God he's lucky I didn't just step on him.
Haha! great story and great job reality. I've never had the pleasure (sarcasism) to work retail, but because unlike you I don't think my tolerance for that kind of shit would have lasted beyond about 10 minutes. I probably would have done something much worse too after what your manager said to you. It sounds like you had every intention of just going in there being civilized and quiting, but your jerk-off manager just HAD to make his penis seem a little bigger and get the last word in and start shit.

Hot damn that was a legendary story. To think you didn't even PLAN it is even better. In other news, I called my GS of emplyoment today and apparently they DID reschedule me to work this week, only three hours but it is better than nothing (and looks sexy on a college application).

And this is one of the funniest things I have ever read:
If you want to be unprofessional...

Walk in with a boom box on your shoulder, play Beat It by Michael Jackson and Moonwalk out the door...
[quote name='manofpeace20']You just reinforced your managers point that you were some punk kid. Do you think the customers were impressed by your rampage? If you would have kept calm and counter-remarked his comments for you without cursing, he would have looked real bad.[/quote]

Well yes his actions would have reinforced the idea that he was a punk if the manager's assumptions were true. As far as I see he and the rest of that poor store has had to put up with the utter incompetence of the whole management structure. Well there isn't much to expect from a chain that has its standard operating procedures as the same as its parent company (Barnes and Noble). Unfortunately the "if you let it sit they will come" marketing strategy that has worked SOOOO well for B&N does not work as well in a Game Store. There needs to be qualified people who knows what the hell they are talking about, people such as Reality. Rant. done. By the way, I've been canvasing my local Rapestop hoping that you had worked at my local store and to see if what you would do. What you did was righteous and don't let any middle aged balding hardass tell you otherwise.
[quote name='SilveRaven']Well it is definately interesting. I also can't believe the manager acted that way, but you know how those management people in those small stores who don't get paid much more then you are. They have to power trip to feel like they are better than you.[/quote]

Let me first say that I agree that small store managers suck, and secondly you have no right to question Reality's truthfulness because no one that we know can validate or deny what had happened.

How bout hiring managers based on thier credentials, what a novel idea. Instead of hiring based on senority, they should hire based on credentials. There are hundreds of educated college graduates that would be more than happy to fill managerial positions. No offense to game store managers but most all the game store managers in the Jacksonville OP region (and yes I have been to them all) I can almost guarantee you do not have any degree whatsoever. They are usually aging losers not much different from banned DragonLordFrodo who have no other work experience had were the dumb ones who actually stayed with company and gained senority and thus by default are promoted to Store Manager. Well thats all I have in terms of energy now at 2AM. I welcome to shoot down any rebuttals to my rant tomorrow.

Reality good luck in your job search. If you live in the southeast Rhino Video Games is hiring. Pay is crappy ( usually Minimum+.50) but they are good people.
After reading the whole sordid tale, I felt like throwing in my two cents...

Reality's Fringe, I think what you did (for the most part) was right (though I'm not so sure about the kicking down of displays and such). You voiced your concerns and I think you had reason to (at least from my understanding). I walked out of a job once. Granted, it wasn't as exciting as yours, but I must say that it was one of the greatest feelings ever. I think it's something everyone should experience just once. Of course, I'm not advocating that everyone run out and quit their job, but to walk out on a job that just makes you so miserable is empowering. It's like you have control of your life back (well...at least that was the experience for me anyways).

Good luck on the temp thing. As for trying to find a job at school, good luck. I happen to go to OU and finding a job there is damned near impossible. Athens is a small town out in the middle of nowhere with 20,000 plus students crammed into it so the job market isn't exactly booming. One thing you might want to consider is going and talking to Financial Aid when school starts. If you qualify, you may be able to get into the Work Study program. That's how I have my job.

Also, in the money that you owe the school ($3600?), it may be good to go and talk to them about that as well. A friend of mine owed a bunch to the school last Spring (like $5000 or so). After getting over the initial shock and calming her down, I got her to go and talk to them and she was able to take care of it and still stay in school. The times that I've dealt with them have been good experiences, so it may be worth a try, if you haven't already.

Oh...and before I forget...the point where you called your manager a "goober"? L O frickin' L :lol: Nice.

Maybe I'll see you around OU in the fall.

Well all I have to say is that your reaction was on par for the age/conditions. Unlike some of the others, I think you are too young to effectively discuss your way through workplace conflicts. That takes lots of time and maturity. No amount of second hand advice could have adequately prepared you for your experience. And as long as this is the exception, and not the norm, you'll be just fine. You are young so I wouldn't worry about burnt bridges. Retail jobs are a stepping stone to nowhere anyway.
[quote name='daphatty']No surprise there. I've never known Cornfed to have much respect for anyone. Well, at least not for their opinions anyway.[/quote]

Too right, too right
Go to work butt ass naked. but keep the "My Name is" tag on. Or get in a staged fight with a friend, start knocking over games and stuff, start doing WWE moves on him like the an elbow drop from the cash register, or a spear into the display boxes. Or replace the game demos with DVD porn. or replace the magazines with porno. ah, I could sit here all day and come with stuff..
[quote name='sisco1986']Go to work butt ass naked. but keep the "My Name is" tag on. Or get in a staged fight with a friend, start knocking over games and stuff, start doing WWE moves on him like the an elbow drop from the cash register, or a spear into the display boxes. Or replace the game demos with DVD porn. or replace the magazines with porno. ah, I could sit here all day and come with stuff..[/quote]

Uhhh....just to let you know.....he allready quit. sorry.
or better yet, get a jersey and become the Gamestop Linebacker like terry tate (or how ever he spells his name office linebacker) if a kid asks a dumb question just tackle him and yell "WOOOOOO THIS IS MY HOUSE" and then walk out the store like nothing happend.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']I must say, I've lost every bit of respect I may have ever had for you. He's right, you are a smartass little punk kid.[/quote]

Well RF no love lost here. you're still ok in my book
RF, I think you handled that situation as best you could. I have the same problem keeping my anger in check, but at least you went in there with good intentions in mind. I don't think I could've called anyone a shaq-fu goober, and for that I salute you... cheapassly.

Good luck finding another job, and hopefully not getting sued.
bread's done