Quitting my job at Gamestop, *UPDATE* Hulk Rampages through Gamestop

Reality's Fringe said:
Well, here's how it went. You seriously won't believe what this douche did when everything was going well:

I honestly went in with the notion to just respectfully bow and leave. Sure, most of the suggestions I received here were compelling and quite humorous, but it would make me look really immature and petty. Anyhow, I walk into the store, and it's in its usual disarray thanks to the "Proactive new management approach"(Not lying here. He honeslty thinks that screwing up things is helping), and there's a few guys here and there just browsing about. I walk up to the counter and say, "Listen, I've raised my concerns to you several times, and both times you've basically told me that you didn't care and that it wasn't your problem. Well, you know what, I'm just going to quit. It's not working out, and I think you should realy step back and re-evaluate how you 'manage' things here." I thought this was a fair and civilized way to address the situation, and I assumed a crisis had been averted. Well, I guess the manager didn't see it my way.
"Oh, so you're just going to come in here, be an ass, and quit? I kind of expected that from you." At this point I'm pretty much speechless and I say,
"What did you just call me?"
"You're just some smartass kid. I've seen a whole bnch of your type around here. You never did deserve to work here."
"Deserve!?!" I shouted this, and by now the customers are staring, "What in the hell do you mean deserve? this is some shitty, go-nowhere, minimumwage job! Look at you! Who in the shaq-fu do you think you are? You're a manager at a videogame store, that you don't even own or have any say in! Do you shaq-fuing think I'm going to stand around here and kiss your ass, you shaq-fuing goober?"
He gets all red and flustered and replies with , "Why don't you act like an ass a little more? It fits who you realy are." At this point, I completely flipped the hell out. What kind of manager would even START such an arguement. That was it, seriously, I was one a one-way train to fu ck ass-crazy town and he was in the way.
"No, that wasn't me being an ass, THIS is me being an ass" and with that, I placed my foot on the PSX game rack and with one mighty push it was felled in the centre of the store. Guides and cases went everywhere.
"Is that enough of an ass for you, you patheitc excuse for a man, " *Wham* Down comes 3 shelves of XBox games onto the floor, "I'm not shaq-fuing coming back here, EVER, and if I see you on the street I'm making it my p[ersonal mission to kick your skinny ass!" and with that I stormed out the door.
I don't know if they caught that on camera or not, and I don't really care although I doubt they did. the whole thing completely blows my shaq-fuing mind. I went in there without an attitude. I sounded terse whe I addressed him, but shit, what manager would follow up with somehting like that? shaq-fu that place, shaq-fu that place for good. I'm NEVER shopping at gamestop again, and I'll make it a mission to keep other people away from there. shaq-fu that guy, seriously, shaq-fu him.

On another note, I did manage to score the HAlo Display cases that were requested of me as I ripped the shelf that held them to the floor.

You. Rock.


You are the best. I wish I coulda seen it.
The guy deserved what he got to clean up that mess, and it really doesn't matter in my opinion :p

I have a good job, and I did that when I was around your age, so it usually won't kill you.

Just don't go out like that everytime you want to quit a job and it won't be a problem.

One time at a dumb videogame shop isn't going to kill anybody :)

Plus, it's a great story for the grandkids or when you need something to laugh about haha :)
[quote name='daphatty']:shock:

Well all I have to say is that your reaction was on par for the age/conditions. Unlike some of the others, I think you are too young to effectively discuss your way through workplace conflicts. That takes lots of time and maturity. No amount of second hand advice could have adequately prepared you for your experience. And as long as this is the exception, and not the norm, you'll be just fine. You are young so I wouldn't worry about burnt bridges. Retail jobs are a stepping stone to nowhere anyway.[/quote]

I agree wholeheartly... You can get away with this at the Retail level but don't apply this tactic in the office corporate world. The ramifications are going to be a lot more severe.

If you are like most of us, you are going to have lots up jobs before you settle. You are going to meet a lot of bad bosses. Its inevitable. Every job you apply to is a crap-shoot in a sense. You might as well accept this - thats the way life is.
I wouldn't think of him as some punk as long as he didn't come at me. Now that would be just asking for the wrath......
Most people around me would of been laughing and saying "treated" to the manager.
The only problem I see with how you quit is the fact that you took revenge on the store instead of the manager that deserved it. The PSX rack and the Xbox stuff probably got cleaned up by a regular associate while the manager was out doing his thing in the car. It's too late now, but if you really wanted revenge you shoulda called up OSHA with any concerns about safety in the work place you knew of. Then taken steps to raise concerns with corporate about the guy. While he probably wouldn't get fired for either of these things (well depending on how bad the OSHA audit goes he might), it definately would have kept them from promoting him for quite some time.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Why dig up a 3 month dead thread just to make 1 comment, really let the dead posts have thier peace.[/quote]

Yeah, WTF?
[quote name='zionoverfire']Why dig up a 3 month dead thread just to make 1 comment, really let the dead posts have thier peace.[/quote]

Oh I didn't realize that someone brought a 3 month old post back to life. I saw it on the recently posted to board threads on the main page and figured it was current, otherwise I woulda just left it alone.
[quote name='Levizk'][quote name='zionoverfire']Why dig up a 3 month dead thread just to make 1 comment, really let the dead posts have thier peace.[/quote]

Oh I didn't realize that someone brought a 3 month old post back to life. I saw it on the recently posted to board threads on the main page and figured it was current, otherwise I woulda just left it alone.[/quote]

Obviously, then, they weren't referring to you. :roll:

I still think that there would have been a better way to quit...but since he was determined to go out with a bang, he did a damn good job with it.
[quote name='Levizk'][quote name='zionoverfire']Why dig up a 3 month dead thread just to make 1 comment, really let the dead posts have thier peace.[/quote]

Oh I didn't realize that someone brought a 3 month old post back to life. I saw it on the recently posted to board threads on the main page and figured it was current, otherwise I woulda just left it alone.[/quote]

I didn't mean you :lol: it was the guy in front of you, but I suppose if a few people who haven't read it before stuble across it its for the best, this was a hilarious occurance when it happened, but the comment they added seemed, well a little late.
At least you got to quit on your own terms. They suspended me for taking home the guides that get marked down to $0.01, in which we have to mark the price down to $0.00 to prevent msts from showing up and cheating and stuff like that. Well they said that they're going to suspend me and call me back the next day. And that was the district manager I was talking to face to face. That was in July. I'm still waiting for that call today. I was getting screwed with myself and I was planning to quit anyway but I wanted to quit in November... Black Friday November so that they would be screwed for the rest of the holiday season. I didn't even bother to return my check out and I still haven't got my final paycheck from them. fuck Gamestop. There's only one Gamestop I still go to mainly because so of the good prople I met while working there are still working there. Saldy on of those guys left for about 9 months and then came back. He has about 5 years of experience in Gamestop but because he left he has to go back to the starting pay. Not only that but they said that they were giving him more because he's more experienced but they started starting off at 6.00 a few months before he came back. fuck Gamestop.
Congrats... GameStop is high on my "stores never to go to list already".

A friend of mine worked there and we dug up some really interesting trash on the company as a whole before he quit.

It mostly had to do with how much their executives were raking in and how much they were taking perks and pay away from employees at the same time.

He had a signed raise (meaning the paperwork was in and approved) for 8 months and quit before seeing a dime of it.

[quote name='saigumi']Congrats... GameStop is high on my "stores never to go to list already".

A friend of mine worked there and we dug up some really interesting trash on the company as a whole before he quit.

It mostly had to do with how much their executives were raking in and how much they were taking perks and pay away from employees at the same time.

He had a signed raise (meaning the paperwork was in and approved) for 8 months and quit before seeing a dime of it.


Where did you find that info ? I would like to see it. Because I already believe you about the execs taking in more than they should and not giving the employees enough. I also had a signed raise from my manager at the time and they gave me half of what he approved for me. The stupid fat DM said that "just because he signed and turned in those papers doesn't mean that it's what you're going to get." That manager left the same week he turned that in baceuse he was getting screwed big time. He once worked 4 weeks staright because the stupid DM couldn't find an assistant manager for our store. But my manager went out of his way to get those papers turned in early because he knew how hard I worked and he knew that joe manager wouldn't give a shit. I still fuckin hate that company. I hope they all go to hell.
[quote name='BigNick'][quote name='ex0']If you close the store then leave the bathroom sink on with it all clogged up.[/quote]

nice! or clog up the shitter, and shaq-fu with the little lever thing so it just runs.[/quote]

damn, you stole my suggestion, i was going to say "drop a bomb in the toilet so it all plugged up :D" that would leave them with some hefty plumber bills. That is the best solution. Also , you can still use them for a reference that way, bc there is no way they would say "he was a good worker but plugged up the toilet in his last week." they will just say "he was a good worker". that is the only way to walk out with your dignity.
Putting in an app there tomorrow. It's not like I plan to work there for several years but just being able to snatch up a rare game or get a slight discount is enough for me. Plus being around games all day. Better than nothing.
I hadn't heard this story either until just now. Well even if I think you slightly overreacted I'm more then sure that boss probably got everything he deserved, and he probably should've gotten more. I've had to deal with literally impossible people like that before in my life or worse, they are a pain in the ass to get along with and trust me, it's not fun. It's so hard not to blow up or vent emotionally like you did especially when they're acting that way. Somehow most of the time I manage to stay calm, I don't know how. In any case congrats, he had what was coming to him cuz he sounded like a real true asshole and now you're rid of the place.
What new printers and registers? What are these mythical new objects that you speak of?

fuck Gamestop. Once I get all my college applications in and I get my acceptance letter for my first choice (which is gonna be early action so I'll get it fairly soon after 11/15), I'm quitting.
[quote name='kaji7p56']I've worked at Blockbuster AND Hollywood video. Managers and DMs don't give a shit about the employees. Retail blows.[/quote]

Yep. At the bookstore I am at, my manager is a near 70 yeard old woman who really needs to retire. She was trying to reply to an e-mail in Outlook. So what does she do? She clicks in the body of the messages and types. SHE DIDN"T HIT REPLY BEFORE. So she sits there wondering where the send button is. I told her (for the 100th time in the last year), "you have to hit reply THEN type your reply. So I copy and paste her response and start walking away. She says, "Ok, I guess it is ready to send." All she has to do is click the bloody SEND button. She expects me to do it! All I am is a cashier and I do everything but that. I order supplies, stock shelves, clean the store, do shipping and receiving, order software, do inventory, process web orders and bill accounts. BTW I get $8.60 an hour. When we got a new POS system (point-of-sale) a few years ago she actually went to Chicago for training. She came back and didn't know shit. All I had was a training CD that I used on my own and I picked it up easily. During that time I asked for 3 days off for my birthday IN ADVANCE. I had 10 vacation days that year and hadn't used any (birthday is October 18th, near the last part of the year). She says she isn't comfortable with our new software and could I stay. I say, "Well can I have any days off at all?" She says next week. Then she goes on a train trip on MY birthday. The second I find a new job, I am out of there. If it wasn't for the 401k and benefits I would just go to McDonald's.
bread's done