Rate The Avatar Above You!

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Dude, that's CLOUD. How could you NOT know?! He's my hero! But anyway, your avatar is kinda creepy to me, so you get a 6/10.
[quote name='doctorfaustus']7/10 for cajun. Godzilla rules.
ps. This is my first homemade Gif animation thingie.[/quote]

5/10 you need to edit it to either show the entire name tag or remove it, as is it looks bad.
[quote name='madmage']if you built that robot yourself then 9/10

if not then 2/10[/quote]

It is a BattleBot that I helped build. We have a team of 8. We built 2 BattleBots. This was our better one.
its funny how many time the avs have cahnged. I was reading this back from the beggining. I think all most everyone has changed at least once from then till now.
i know what you mean. i've changed twice since then. i had an animated sepiroth and superman logo avatar then i changed to this on christmas thanks to moxio
9.4 - You just can't beat puppets with automatic weaponry.

orangemage - you get a 8/10 b/c I looked like that when I got in last night

EDIT - I must be too slow, somebody beat me to the post.
[quote name='No!']Eh, I don't like anime but it's nice animation so 7/10[/quote]

anime i think not. its sepiroth from Final Fantasy 7 and more recently Kingdom Hearts. so to say anime, you'd be wrong. he's a videogame character.

i don't care about the rating, just get your facts straight
I got skipped!

I have changed a few times. I was superman. then a short stent as spiderman and now the I got my foot stuck in your ass man.
I got skipped too - you get a 9/10 for originality/pain factor :shock:

EDIT - Apparently. the guy below me isn't a motorcycle fan. Too bad :(
[quote name='joevan07']I got skipped too - you get a 9/10 for originality/pain factor :shock:[/quote]

you get a 4/10 because I don't like that shade of green
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