Red Dead Redemption- Out Now

I can't seem to get a Gold Medal on Lucky in Love for the life of me.
I'll get the dueling headshot on Muller but end up hitting the hostage on the second guy, or I'll hit headshots on both and can't pull off the headshots on the 4 remaining. Also, how the hell am I supposed to get the 2000 chips cheesemint on Lucky in Love? Is it just random that you win that much? It'll say I win 1015 the first hand, then 25 the next. Every single time. Argh.
[quote name='HydroX']I can't seem to get a Gold Medal on Lucky in Love for the life of me.
I'll get the dueling headshot on Muller but end up hitting the hostage on the second guy, or I'll hit headshots on both and can't pull off the headshots on the 4 remaining. Also, how the hell am I supposed to get the 2000 chips cheesemint on Lucky in Love? Is it just random that you win that much? It'll say I win 1015 the first hand, then 25 the next. Every single time. Argh.

When I did it, I unloaded tons of bullets into the two people in the duels, then did 4 headhots on the 4 guys. I assume you're using Dead Eye and running out or something? Go get tons of Snake Oil, Moonshine, or Chewing Tobacco and that'll ensure you have PLENTY of Dead Eye for those 4 guys and tons of time to line up the headshot. One bullet per one guy is what I did too.

Also, skip all the cutscenes.

For the poker achievement, I got it later in the game at Blackwater, there is a regular table outside the saloon that is $100 buy in.
[quote name='wildcpac']Popycock side mission. Anybody else
keep the 1000?
I cant wait to play the game as a bad guy.[/QUOTE]

Might want to spoiler tag that just in case someone hasn't done that mission.

I did it. And here's how:

After I gave him the cash, a gun fight broke out and someone shot him. I just walked over and took the cash of his dead body. No fame or honor lost. You can achieve the same effect by putting on the bandanna out of sight and gunning him down, then looting the body. Ride out of town and out of sight to remove the bandanna and all is good.
[quote name='Clak']I kind of feel like i'm missing out, only glitches i've seen wee missing textures.[/QUOTE]

Ditto, I've had my horse appear in a saloon a few times and I've once went for cover and fell through the world, but I haven't had any of the fun glitches.
[quote name='HydroX']I can't seem to get a Gold Medal on Lucky in Love for the life of me.
I'll get the dueling headshot on Muller but end up hitting the hostage on the second guy, or I'll hit headshots on both and can't pull off the headshots on the 4 remaining. Also, how the hell am I supposed to get the 2000 chips cheesemint on Lucky in Love? Is it just random that you win that much? It'll say I win 1015 the first hand, then 25 the next. Every single time. Argh.

Everytime I tried Lucky in Love, I also had trouble hitting the second guy.
I found the first Nigel Dickens mission to be the easiest to get Gold. You do two runs. One for speed. The other for headshots and 100% accuracy. Essentially, there is only 4 guys. Use deadeye and manually shoot for headshots. You should have enough to cover all 4 guys. I had a time of 2min, 3 headshots, and 100% accuracy to get mine.

As for your second question, it is all random. You can always play in 200 increments as well as to not scare of the other contestants. Eventually you will get it via this way. Its way easier than doing it for real.
[quote name='HydroX']I can't seem to get a Gold Medal on Lucky in Love for the life of me.
I'll get the dueling headshot on Muller but end up hitting the hostage on the second guy, or I'll hit headshots on both and can't pull off the headshots on the 4 remaining. Also, how the hell am I supposed to get the 2000 chips cheesemint on Lucky in Love? Is it just random that you win that much? It'll say I win 1015 the first hand, then 25 the next. Every single time. Argh.

Just keep replaying the mission from the start menu
Bet max every hand (only two hands) and sooner or later someone will bet with you both times.
[quote name='cin84_12']So, has anyone found the other avatar awards? I swear I've been all over the map.[/QUOTE]

I think all that's available now are the two t-shirts and sombrero.
On Sunday I was in Chuparosa and went to open the drawer in my room, the game glitched and John Marston flew threw the wall into the bar area. Then some senorita ran up and said she needed help and the wanted meter popped up and I had a several hundred dollar bounty. I walked outside and got shot up close by 4 lawmen.

I also ran into my first double person glitch in a cut scene:
The one where the guy is trying to sell his crying wife/girlfriend. There were two copies of the girl, one just stayed on the ground crying the whole time.

It seems like ever since being able to go into Mexico I have experienced more and more glitches.
I had that glitch with the crying girl as well. I also ran into a couple big glitches towards the very end of the game. ***END GAME***
The final duel with Edgar Ross he turned around and was facing the opposite direction of me firing at the river LOL. Anyways so I shot him in the back and finished the game.
[quote name='cgarb84']I had that glitch with the crying girl as well. I also ran into a couple big glitches towards the very end of the game. ***END GAME***
The final duel with Edgar Ross he turned around and was facing the opposite direction of me firing at the river LOL. Anyways so I shot him in the back and finished the game.

Lol! What'd you do to him in your game to make him go crazy?!

I dueled him and his body flew off to the left (out of picture) while the game thought he was supposed to go backwards... I was staring at his gun sliding around for a few seconds.
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']I just started the Mexico portion -- roughly how much is left in the "main" storyline?

I'd like to take my time and do as many side quests as possible....[/QUOTE]

There are 57 missions total, so you can guage how far you are by noticing how many missions you've completed. If you just started Mexico, then I'd guess you're not quite halfway through yet.
[quote name='BingoBrown']There are 57 missions total, so you can guage how far you are by noticing how many missions you've completed. If you just started Mexico, then I'd guess you're not quite halfway through yet.[/QUOTE]

thanks, I'm enjoying this ride and not trying to rush thru it. :)
[quote name='Rhett']Lol! What'd you do to him in your game to make him go crazy?!

I dueled him and his body flew off to the left (out of picture) while the game thought he was supposed to go backwards... I was staring at his gun sliding around for a few seconds.

The only thing I did different (it was my 3rd time trying that part, died the first 2 times) was I skipped the cutscene beforehand....that's it lol.
Did the final Mexico mission earlier and when I was running up the hill to the 'mansion' I saw about 7 Mexican Army soldiers levitated in the air as if they were being crucified. Shooting them did nothing but spray blood on my screen. Very weird.
can people kick you out of freeroam? is anyone else having issues playing online? i joined a public freeroam and 2 minutes later i get disconnected, it happens a lot.
[quote name='HydroX']Did the final Mexico mission earlier and when I was running up the hill to the 'mansion' I saw about 7 Mexican Army soldiers levitated in the air as if they were being crucified. Shooting them did nothing but spray blood on my screen. Very weird.[/QUOTE]

I had the same bug and it was always there even after a fresh reload of my save after restarting my Xbox.
[quote name='slickkill77']I've already played 16ish hours and I'm in the middle of Mexico but your telling me that I'm not even half way through??? Arghghghghghghg[/QUOTE]

You still have the Mexico missions and the 3rd part of the map to unlock.

Does the game end when you finish the last mission or can you just mess around in the open world?
what mission is easy to get gold in, i tried a few but no matter how fast and how many headshots i got, i still get silver. even with 100% accuracy. i tried cowards die many times and lucky in love as they were suggested.

is there an option to keep the camera over my guys right shoulder? i hate comming out of cover and the camera switches to over his left shoulder, its so annoying.
[quote name='wildcpac']You still have the Mexico missions and the 3rd part of the map to unlock.

Does the game end when you finish the last mission or can you just mess around in the open world?[/QUOTE]

When the game ends, you continue playing, and can hit 100%.

There is also a stranger mission in Hennigan's Stead that you can only do before you complete the game, FYI. It does not count towards 100% completion if you didn't do it before completing the story. It actually sounded pretty neat, too bad I missed it. :(

It is titled "I Know You" and the man is simply titled 'Strange Man'. I can't say much more since it could spoil. You can only find him later in the game, when the 3rd area is unlocked.
[quote name='Rhett']
It is titled "I Know You" and the man is simply titled 'Strange Man'. I can't say much more since it could spoil. You can only find him later in the game, when the 3rd area is unlocked.[/QUOTE]

You first find him between McFarlane's Ranch and Amrmadillo overlooking a cliff. The you encounter him again in the 2nd area and the finally again in the 3rd area.

It's a great side quest to do, but I you have to complete it before you get to far into the story. I advise you to do it as soon as you open the 3rd area.
[quote name='menikmati']Just went from level 19 to 50 in around 2.5 hours. Bolt action rifle FTW.[/QUOTE]

what are you doing? ive been doing the gang hideout in twin rocks and average about 783 points each time, took me about 30 minutes to go from 39 to 40. if there is afaster way to level up let me know because id love to prestige to the max.
[quote name='The 7th Number']what are you doing? ive been doing the gang hideout in twin rocks and average about 783 points each time, took me about 30 minutes to go from 39 to 40. if there is afaster way to level up let me know because id love to prestige to the max.[/QUOTE]

I soloed Twin Rocks, always getting under 1:00 with a 22 kill-chain. I usually get around 2,000-4,000 XP depending on how full the server is.

Just found out that there's prestiging but I just did the grinding for the achievement.
wow my best was around 1,200 points. 22 streak, clear house, but usually takes me 2 minutes and change. any tips? where you shoot from, when you use dead eye? eh i usually do it in private freeroam, ithat might effect the score.
Go into a full public Free Roam. I think the more populated the game, the more XP you get. I start on the road that leads towards the back of the hideout and kill the two snipers and guy on the rooftop with the Bolt Action Rifle and the Deadeye reload glitch until the first wave of reinforcements. Then I run up towards the building they come out of and spam High Power Pistol until the chain hits 18. Then the remaining 4 are dealt with.
[quote name='The 7th Number']what mission is easy to get gold in, i tried a few but no matter how fast and how many headshots i got, i still get silver. even with 100% accuracy. i tried cowards die many times and lucky in love as they were suggested.

is there an option to keep the camera over my guys right shoulder? i hate comming out of cover and the camera switches to over his left shoulder, its so annoying.[/QUOTE]

Easiest one is
first Nigel Dickens mission. There are only four guys. The time is easy to hit (2 min). It requires 100% accuracy and at least 3 headshots. Just use dead eye and shot in it for the headshots. You should more than enough to take out all the guys with it.
The most important note is you do NOT have to hit all marks in one run. Do seperate runs for any of the missions for each requirement i.e. Time, Accuracy, Headshots, etc.
[quote name='menikmati']Just went from level 19 to 50 in around 2.5 hours. Bolt action rifle FTW.[/QUOTE]

That is insane. Gonna have to try that out tonight. I want to ride Bonzo.
This is probably a stupid question, but unlocks only affect your Free Roam character right?

For example, as I unlock more weapons in free roam, that isn't going to improve my starting loadouts in competitive game modes?

(I guess the exception that I'm seeing thus far would be character titles.)
[quote name='Fjordson']This is probably a stupid question, but unlocks only affect your Free Roam character right?

For example, as I unlock more weapons in free roam, that isn't going to improve my starting loadouts in competitive game modes?

(I guess the exception that I'm seeing thus far would be character titles.)[/QUOTE]

I think that's right. Weapon loadouts don't change in competitive mode. But, you can use your characters, titles, and even mounts (for certain competitive modes/maps) that you earn from XP rank in free roam.
[quote name='menikmati']Go into a full public Free Roam. I think the more populated the game, the more XP you get. I start on the road that leads towards the back of the hideout and kill the two snipers and guy on the rooftop with the Bolt Action Rifle and the Deadeye reload glitch until the first wave of reinforcements. Then I run up towards the building they come out of and spam High Power Pistol until the chain hits 18. Then the remaining 4 are dealt with.[/QUOTE]

whats the dead eye reload glitch? i cant get it under 2 min wish there was a video to show me.
When you start the reload animation, go into dead eye, paint and shoot one mark/target, exit dead eye. When all is said and done, you will have all but one bullet reloaded without actually reloading.
You can actually just double-tap Deadeye without painting a target to get a full reload, makes the Bolt Action Rifle/High Power Pistol combo fucking beast.
ok ive been able to hit 1400.... and around 1000 consistently. does anyone know if the challenges reset if you prestige? i dont waant to do the same challenges to get to the ones i havent completed.
Probably the first game I was really addicted to and felt I had to finish. Good stuff. Hope there's a sequel, or some DLC mission packs.
i got to level 50 and prestiged. the legendary character you unlock is pretty cool. but the best thing about prestiging is you unlock mount faster each time you prestige. you get the bull at 50 the first time through, at 40 the 2nd time, 33 for the 3rd time, and 26 the 4th and 5th time through. but looks like guns stay the same. but that doesnt matter, the tumbleweed gang hideout has the bolt rifle. im at level 27 now. ill try to prestige to the max after gears 6x XP is over, and if i dont get too bored.
Any word on when the Co-op pack drops? Was on my PS3 and noticed that it lists the trophies for the co-op pack already. I think UC2 listed trophies before they were available, too.
Finally finished... Hell of A Game. Wonderful ending story-arc... Ultimately, I think John Marsten will be one of the more memorable game characters... he had a balance to his badass-ness that just worked. And the beauty of the world just got me every time I went back. For instance, its the first game where I repeatedly stopped to check out the sky and how the light came through the clouds. Gorgeous. Hopefully they will think of ways to make the actual gameplay and the supporting cast a little more interesting in the future... but that's being critical to a certain degree.

About potential sequels:
Do you think this pretty much means Jack Marsten will be the next character in say... Red Dead Revenge? First thing I did after I was Jack is I ran into Blackwater and shot up all the cops I could find and he says, "Now you know I'm a Marsten." Hell yeah.
[quote name='faceturd']Finally finished... Hell of A Game. Wonderful ending story-arc... Ultimately, I think John Marsten will be one of the more memorable game characters... he had a balance to his badass-ness that just worked. And the beauty of the world just got me every time I went back. For instance, its the first game where I repeatedly stopped to check out the sky and how the light came through the clouds. Gorgeous. Hopefully they will think of ways to make the actual gameplay and the supporting cast a little more interesting in the future... but that's being critical to a certain degree.

About potential sequels:
Do you think this pretty much means Jack Marsten will be the next character in say... Red Dead Revenge? First thing I did after I was Jack is I ran into Blackwater and shot up all the cops I could find and he says, "Now you know I'm a Marsten." Hell yeah.

Hope not... (in regards to potential sequels)

Not unless they change Jack's voice substantially. Ugh. I can't even willingly get 100% completion because I can't stand listening to him, heh. "Werk ya damn nag!" "Faster, faster!" "YEEHAW!"
I was shocked that it only took like 5 seconds to download. Online hidehouts have been nerfed in terms of giving xp.

"Resolved various NAT incompatibility issues (Click here for tips on how to optimize your firewall settings) Improved connectivity to multiplayer for users with slower connections Improved reporting for Shootout and Gang Shootout games Fixed instance where Mo Van Barr would not appear as a bounty Fixed multiplayer titles not appearing for some users in the outfitter Fixed instance where lawmen stopped responding even though the player was wanted Fixed Issue with hogtied victims disappearing when ragdolled Fixed crash in Free Mode when cooking dynamite and going into the water Fixed audible glitch at the end of some cutscenes Fixed Solomon's Folly Action Area not ending after posse leader teleports in late Corrected Social Club 100% Tracker so stats update properly Various multiplayer issues addressed including load screen hang-ups and UI glitches Eliminated miscellaneous game crashes
Additionally, this update includes support for a new playlist by popular demand, Hardcore Free Roam supporting only expert aim. This playlist will be released once this title update has time to propagate on both consoles. We will update this post with the word as soon as that playlist is confirmed as functional."
bread's done