Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread Seven and a Half.

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Oooohhh... I'd love to grab Wind Waker, KH2, and FFX-2 guides. >_> Luckily, the GS/EB's around here are so laid back, it's awesome! :D Plus, I always tend to have some small talk with the employees so they sorta like me... kinda... maybe.... i dunno.
Damn, I was just at a GS today and I saw some of those guides, when I picked up Ninja Five Oh. Double-damn!

I'll need to get:

Valkrie Profile 2

All I have is a Tales of the Abyss guide that I don't need...
Alright guys, I've got a helluva idea. We use the product locator to find the stores that have the guides. Now, this is only updated once a night around midnight, but it will at least give us a chance to find the items. The only problem is that we need all the SKUs. I've got all the ones from what I've listed today, so I'll go ahead and start this.

Basically, copy this link into your browser bar.

www . oduct_name=20GB+PS3+%2D+Used&platforms=PS3&sbox%20 =160726a%2Ejpg&status=BO&bn=False

Take away the spaces at the begining, change the zip to equal your zip code, and then put in whatever SKU you're looking for.

Penny Arcade Vol. 3 = 310004
Bully = 831710
Dot.Hack//G.U = 832022
Dragon Quest VIII = 831711
Eragon = 831993
Fight Night Round 3 (PS3 version) = 832019
Final Fantasy X-2 = 831427
Gameshark Ultimate codes 2007 = 832042
Godfather (PSP/XB360) = 831732
Hitman Blood Money = 831917
Legend of Spryo: A New Beginning = 831986
Phantasy Star Universe = 832001
Shin Megami Tensai: Devil Summoner = 832013
SOCOM US Navy Seals Combined Assault = 832006
Tales of the Abyss = 832021
Virtua Fighter 5 = 832052
Xenosaga 3 = 831961
Battlefield 2142 = 871853
Neverwinter Nights 2 = 871848

Dead Rising = 831943
Ninety-Nine Nights = 831960
Valkrie Profile 2 = 831968

Now, as long as the store HASN'T run the guides out of their inventory, this should be accurate. When I personally get the drops, I take care of them as soon as possible, but I know some other stores in the area don't even care.
And remember, tonight most stores will show in stock of the items; the real test will be if they show tomorrow morning.
Thanks, rei. If this is updated around midnight, then I'll check it at like 1 AM for the guide I want. I'm going tomorrow anyway but I might as well check.
the sku for Valkrie Profile 2 is 831968, PSU is 832001

someone please post the sku for okami and KH 2 limited edition
[quote name='reibeatall']I can confirm these ones as just happening today at GameStop.

Penny Arcade Vol. 3
Dot.Hack//G.U Vol 1
Dragon Quest VIII
Fight Night Round 3 (PS3 version)
Final Fantasy X-2
Gameshark Ultimate codes 2007
Godfather (PSP/XB360)
Hitman Blood Money
Legend of Spryo: A New Beginning
Phantasy Star Universe
Shin Megami Tensai: Devil Summoner
SOCOM US Navy Seals Combined Assault
Tales of the Abyss
Virtua Fighter 5
Xenosaga 3
Battlefield 2142
Neverwinter Nights (NOT the world builder one, that was got pennied a while ago)

I've got access to most of these, but my funds are low, so if you're willing to pay for shipping, I can help.[/QUOTE]

*Squeels like a little girl!

I'll be looking for a Tales of the Abyss and possibly Bully and Neverwinter Nights 2 guides. Will check out the local stores tomorrow, but keep my trade list in mind if you find extras please everybody.

Edit: ROFL, I actually have Bully, so scratch that (when the hell did I pick that up!?)
Hey Guys, I reeally want Dead Rising but the only store in my area that has it is the one ebgames that is ran buy major doucebags and always refuses to sell the guides. So if anyone happens to run by an extra Dead Rising they dont want i would really apprecitate it. Just lemme know the shipping cost and what you want! thanks
I'm willing to take SKU requests, but I won't be working until Saturday morning. If you guys compile a list of all the guides you want SKUs for, I'll get them.
[quote name='eugaet']Dead Rising 831943
Ninety-Nine Nights 831960[/QUOTE]

Must...get...N3 and DR.....mmmmmm....

Well, I know that these 2 guides exist at a local GS (Hopefully before they disappear), but I know that there happens to be 2 new guys, not sure how gung ho they're going to be about these if I run into them. The EB here just doesnt want to give any breaks either, I dont even need to try to know that they wont let me buy it.
Hopefully I'll score good. I just remembered the last decent sized drop at GS, I stopped by 2 of my 4 local stores, and got nearly 18 to 20 guides at each nearly two weeks after the drop, on a whim. Hopefully I'll score again, and can help out my fellow CAGs.

EDIT: WTF!!!! Major failure accross the board (see trade thread)

Also, though I assume there's not, is there a way to know the SKU by just having the guide? I have the KH2:LE, but all I can find is the ISBN. I assume different stores would have different SKU's for the item, so I would prolly need my receipt to tell. But here's the ISBN if it can help:

There are also 2 different UPC's, as follows:

Hope these can help.
[quote name='Brian9824']I pray people can get me these -
Tales of the Abyss
Final Fantasy 5

.hack//GU [/quote]

I've got an extra .hack, going to hit up another store to find out about the others this morning (hopefully).
Figures I actually paid somewhat full price for Abyss, hopefully that's gone from my store so I don't have to feel bad. Looks like my store has/had Devil Summoner, DQVIII, and VP2, might try to at least talk them out of VP2.

io hooked me up a while ago with a bunch of defaced guides included in this drop (Okami, DQVIII, etc) so not a big deal, but I guess I may try to snag some today. Hopefully Mario Strikers gets restocked and the dude will feel bad about having sold my preorder. But probably not.
[quote name='botticus']

io hooked me up a while ago with a bunch of defaced guides included in this drop (Okami, DQVIII, etc) so not a big deal, but I guess I may try to snag some today. Hopefully Mario Strikers gets restocked and the dude will feel bad about having sold my preorder. But probably not.[/QUOTE]

Hey now, they weren't defaced, but de-backed ;).

Anyways, I'll give this a shot at my local GS (chances of success approx. 2%). If anyone finds an extra Abyss guide... Well, I know this isn't the trade thread, but keep me in mind ;).
[quote name='io']Hey now, they weren't defaced, but de-backed ;).

[/quote]And thank goodness for that, otherwise I'd be more interested in replacing them - more than useful as they are. Thanks again ;)
This recent drop can not be good for my habit of collecting guides.

If the locator is accurate, then one store in my area should be a vertiable cornucopia of guides (nearly all except X360 guides at 1-3 each), but we'll see tonight. I just remember that store having 1 or 2 of many guides but maybe I'll beat the evening crew tonight that cleans up before I do.
[quote name='Caliburn']This recent drop can not be good for my habit of collecting guides.

If the locator is accurate, then one store in my area should be a vertiable cornucopia of guides (nearly all except X360 guides at 1-3 each), but we'll see tonight. I just remember that store having 1 or 2 of many guides but maybe I'll beat the evening crew tonight that cleans up before I do.[/quote]That could be very very good for you. :D
Theres no point in me even checking. Aside from about 10 guides every guide is stored in the back and every manager has explicit instructions to not sell the guides or they will be fired.

This is what happens when people buy the guides and sell em on ebay and gamestop corporate finds out ;-(
[quote name='Brian9824']Theres no point in me even checking. Aside from about 10 guides every guide is stored in the back and every manager has explicit instructions to not sell the guides or they will be fired.

This is what happens when people buy the guides and sell em on ebay and gamestop corporate finds out ;-([/quote]

Or sell giant stacks of them at comic conventions with the GS/EB price stickers still attached. :drool:
Well in my case it was ebay. This person was buying every guide from 12-15 different stores and selling em on ebay and corporate found out and got mad. I know at least 1 manager got fired whom i think was giving him advance notice and holding guides for him. Don't know all the details but it was pretty ugly.
Thanks for everybody that has reported on the drops. Here's a compiled list for everybody's convience (and to help Gwen out):

Gamestop $0.01 drops 8/2/2007

Battlefield 2142

Dead Rising
Dot.Hack//G.U Vol 1
Dragon Quest VIII
Fight Night Round 3 (PS3 version)

Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy X-2 (reg version)
Gameshark Ultimate codes 2007
Godfather (PSP/XB360)
Hitman Blood Money

Kingdom Hearts 2 Limited Edition
Legend of Spryo: A New Beginning

MLB 2k7
Neverwinter Nights (NOT the world builder one, that was got pennied a while ago)
Ninety-Nine Nights
Penny Arcade Vol. 3
Phantasy Star Universe

Resident Evil 4 (non Wii version)
Shadow Hearts from the new world
Shin Megami Tensai: Devil Summoner
SOCOM US Navy Seals Combined Assault
Tales of the Abyss

Valkrie Profile 2
Virtua Fighter 5

World of Warcraft Art book
Xenosaga 3
Zelda:Windwaker Prima guide

Let me know if I missed any.

Can someone tell me how to find the in store inventory lookup on the stupid GS site? I swear I used it before, but cant find it now...

Oh never mind. Looks like they pulled all the pennied guides from the site. Blah I dont want to drive around in 95 degree heat just to get denied a bunch of times anyway.
[quote name='Brian9824']Well in my case it was ebay. This person was buying every guide from 12-15 different stores and selling em on ebay and corporate found out and got mad. I know at least 1 manager got fired whom i think was giving him advance notice and holding guides for him. Don't know all the details but it was pretty ugly.[/quote]

LOL. I've actually bought guides off eBay from the guys who used to do stuff like that. I know some of the guides I bought had Best Buy stickers on them. Funny part is, the knuckleheads who dump them in big numbers rarely get more than $2 a piece on average. To me it wouldnt even be worth the trouble.
I got lucky and when i went to 1 store they had 2 seperate guide areas. Apparently they forgot to clean out 1 section and i found 2 .hack GU guides so i have an extra one to try to trade for one of the other RPG guides i wanted :)
I'm compiling the list to update the wiki. Edit: Thanks kdunn, that helped a lot!

Whoever mentioned: Resident Evil 4 (non Wii version)

Do you mean the Cube or PS2 version?

Reminder to all, as we finally have a nice drop, all trades IN THE TRADING LIST, please.
damn, for those hoping I would score... my area has a new DM who is cracking down like some sorta guide Nazi. 3/4 stores had NOTHING, and I got a decent score of .Hack and KH2:LE at the last one I went to (both up for trade, see trade thread/cml, as I already bought them full price, lol). I asked the manager at this last one if she had any more in the back, as the last time I was there she actually offered to go into the back and see what they had, and brought me out a decent pile of them. She said, quote "No, we ain't gonna play that game no more", glared at me as she handed me my change, and I walked out and heard her mumbling. My GS penny days may be nearing an end...
I went to a GS/EB and heard the same story as you Zmonkay. DM sent an email to all the stores explicitly stating that no guides would be sold for 0.01 or it would result in termination.

Again the Casey Lynch article came up as being related to the issue...... I hate that guy....
I didn't realize any EB/GS actually rang up penny guides. Every time I've scored one there, they just handed it to me. Only place I've actually paid for penny guides is Best Buy.
[quote name='Richard Longfellow']LOL. I've actually bought guides off eBay from the guys who used to do stuff like that. I know some of the guides I bought had Best Buy stickers on them. Funny part is, the knuckleheads who dump them in big numbers rarely get more than $2 a piece on average. To me it wouldnt even be worth the trouble.[/quote]

LOL Back when Best Buy dropped the guide for The Warriors, BOTH of my local BB stores had employees who would yank the guides early, then take them all home and Ebay them. I think I ended up paying around $10-11 for ONE stinkin copy of the damned guide, since I kept getting sniped on the cheaper auctions and at the last second, the friggin auction would jump from $3 to $12 in like 30 seconds.

So, once I found a copy or ten of the guide at various BB's(when I thought I could make some decent $$$ selling the guides on Ebay still), I grabbed every last one, which is why I got such a massive stack of crap sitting at my house now.

Ahhhh well....only item I really wanted from this massive drop would be the Art of WOW book and that's bound to be overpriced from ANY source, since I'd wanna do a straight up trade of 2-3 normal guides or ONE decent RPG guide for it. Plus, I may really try n get a friend of mine to take their new car on an extended trip tomorrow afternoon. :lol:

Either way, good luck to everyone.....because I know I'm SOL when it comes to grabbing ANY guides anymore due to the crackdowns @ BB and GS.
I tried, but wasn't able to get anything. I was really wanting to pick up Valkyrie Profile 2, Tales of the Abyss, and Okami. I'd like to say that if any one picks those up, I'm willing to trade off a good sized bundle of my guides for them. I'm trying to clear out my tradelist.
[quote name='neocisco']One kid scanned Shadow Hearts for me, paused uncomfortably then gave me a price of $10. I started to put it back on the shelf and he quickly said he would hold on to it. [/quote]I bet he'll hold on to it. grrr...

[quote name='Pookymeister']Yea I saw the KH2 LE guide, but the employee wanted it while I was going through guides. That wouldve been nice.[/quote]You coulda still mentioned that you knew it had dropped for everyone else's benefit.

Okay, Wiki has been updated with what's been confirmed. There are still a number of guides that we need confirmation on (please quickly check post 3 and if you can confirm any of those, that'd be great).

And I'm cleaning out (read: deleting) posts which are solely "I want" or "I can get you" posts. Those only belong in the TRADING CLEARINGHOUSE. So if you post a want/supply post and expect it to be read by someone, post it in there only. Because I'm not moving your posts from here to there. I'm only deleting them.

My own want list will be going there soon. So, uh... hep me out. ;)
Picked up Virtua Fighter 5 guide cause the employee accidentally forgot it was on the to pull list. Didn't get what I really wanted though (Okami, Tales of the Abyss, Valkyrie Profile 2), but it's better than nothing.
Today at Gamestop, I was able to get Okami, SMT: Devil Summoner, NW2, Bully(!), and KH2...but it wasn't the LE(D'oh!), so it rang up 19.99. I wanted it anyway, so I just picked it up, as not to anger the Penny Guide gods who would deny us.
[quote name='guinaevere']You coulda still mentioned that you knew it had dropped for everyone else's benefit.
[/quote] If it hadn't been mentioned already, I would have ;) (i.e. I just got home 5 mins before posting)
Only saw Devil Summoner, and he wouldn't give it to me despite me having traded in 16 games. He seemed like he wanted to, but said he wasn't allowed to, lest he face punishment from the DM.
I was hoping to get a copy of Bully, but I couldn't find any.

I did find:
Virtua Fighter 5
The Godfather (xbox 360 and PSP + one copy which doesn't specify console)
Guitar Hero II
Dragon Quest VII
Final Fantasy X-2
Gameshark Ultimate Codes

I'm willing to trade these for a copy of Bully or any other guide you can trade. Just PM me if your interested.

Thanks for the heads up on the pennied guides.
I really wonder if clerks would get fired for selling/giving penny guides. I mean, they are also supposed to get fired for selling M rated games to minors but nobody every stopped me back when I shouldn't get them. I think if you ask the right clerks that have worked for a while, you'll get the guides.

Also, GS/EB is having $4.99 sale on 5 guides:
Lego Star Wars
Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Sonic & The Secret Rings
Battlestations: Midway
All 5 have a bit of age on them so I guess to compensate for the denial of penny guide sales, we're getting $5 guide sales. Eh, it could be worse....

And off topic: Was guinaevere always a moderator? o_O; I need to start paying more attention.
Guess which guide I saw in just massive numbers still on the shelves at my local GS today: SCARFACE. So, it must've been a glitch or an old version of the guide(since I think a PS3 and a couple other new versions of the game came out since the original Xbox/PS2/whatever else release).
Star Trek : Legacy is also pennied at EB/GS. I think Bullet Witch is also pennied but I hasnt personally confirmed that.

I went to two stores that were normally good to me but they got the email telling them not to sell pennied guides.
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