Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

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First off, let me welcome you all to the new guide thread. Second, I'd like to ask you all to please keep conversations not pertaining to guide drops to a minimum to avoid cluttering the thread. It's not that I don't enjoy the chit chat, but that it may stop others from locating information on the newest drops.

That being said, let me thank Cheapy for creating this site, without which I would've spent probably 10 times what I HAVE spent on games and guides. Moreover, let me thank each and every one of my fellow CAGs for continuing to contribute to making this site a great place to find out about sales and clearances of the items we as gamers use most. Without a great community, NONE of this would be possible.

Now, with that out of the way(and before I get to rambling), let's get on to making this new thread.

Useful Information(and links):


PLEASE keep ALL trade requests in there or PM's. Thank you.


What is the purpose of this thread?

The purpose of this thread is to let our fellow CAGs know when a guide has dropped to a low price(it's NOT ALWAYS A PENNY), so they can go out and grab guides for themselves and for trading with other CAGs.

Anytime you have guide drops to report, post them here. Please specify at which store you found them and which guides you found and list them in alphabetical order. Thank you. Please, whenever possible, use RED font to make the drop info stand out. Thanks again.

What are penny guides?

Penny guides are guides which have been on the market for a while and the publisher(or store chain) decide that the remaining stock of these guides have little to no chance of selling, so they issue an order to pull them from the shelves and destroy them. At that time, they are also marked as .01 in their inventory system, except in the case of BBV, which marks them .01 only AFTER pulling them.

Most stores have an agreement with the publisher that states that if they destroy the remaining stock of those items, they will receive a credit for their value from the publisher. This is why many stores are usually annoyed when we CAGs come in and buy the guides AT the penny price, since otherwise they would've received a credit for those items.

According to an employee at a local BB, they also have a recycling program for the pennied stock, so as to not clutter landfill space with the guides. As to how true it is, I cannot confirm, but I would hope that the paper is at least recycled instead of just dumpstered.

Prior Reduced price game guide threads:

Guide Three:
Guide Four:
Guide Five:
Guide Six:
Guide Seven:
Guide Seven and a half:
Guide Eight:
Guide Nine:
Guide Ten:

Finally, below is a list of website links, each of which goes to their respective guide page. Whenever possible, I will update the links with better ones(if available).


Thanks to floormat, Guinaevere and anyone else who has created and maintained the guide thread before, as well as to all of those who find out either advance information on drops or provide a list of which ones dropped when we do have a drop.

The post below this one contains a list going back at LEAST six months of the more current guide drops, which stores they occured at and which ones dropped. Note that sometimes(Oblivion guide, Quake Wars: Enemy Territory)there are multiple versions of a guide, be it that there are Prima versions, Brady versions and the occasional Nintendo and Doublejump guides.

Please specify WHICH version has dropped when mentioning possible guide drops. Thank you.

Common Guide Drop Related Questions(FAQ):

FAQ - If you are new (or a vet with a few questions) look here SECOND! (After reading the above!)

Q: What Are Penny Guides?
A: Penny guides are guides which have been on the market for a while and the publisher(or store chain) decide that the remaining stock of these guides have little to no chance of selling, so they issue an order to pull them from the shelves and destroy them. At that time, they are also marked as .01 in their inventory system, except in the case of BBV, which marks them .01 only AFTER pulling them.

Most stores have an agreement with the publisher that states that if they destroy the remaining stock of those items, they will receive a credit for their value from the publisher. This is why many stores are usually annoyed when we CAGs come in and buy the guides AT the penny price, since otherwise they would've received a full credit for those items.

According to an employee at a local BB, they also have a recycling program for the pennied stock, so as to not clutter landfill space with the guides. As to how true it is, I cannot confirm, but I would hope that the paper is at least recycled instead of just dumpstered.

Q: Do all guides from all stores drop at the same time?
A: No. While most chains have nationwide drops within their own store (as in every BB will have the same drops coast to coast), not every different chain drops at the same time (what drops at BB is NOT necessarily dropped at GS). When in doubt, check post TWO for drop info.

Q: I found a penny guide and a clerk denied me! I'ma report 'em!
A: Whoa, hold your horses there, pardner! First of all, not a question. Second, just because something is on the shelf, the clerk does NOT have to sell you that item. Most stores are PRIVATE property and as such can deny you just about anything they want - including a sale. The best advice is to not be rude, not be arrogant, and just try hard to get them to have pity on you.

Q: Why don't the clerks want to sell me their penny guides? Aren't they just throwing them away?
A: As stated above, the stores are ordered by the publisher to trash the guides, and are then given credit for those guides. If they don't do this, the publisher won't give them the credit - it's like losing a sale. On the employee level, selling a penny guide can sometimes get them in trouble (or even fired!) I know it seems silly, but this is their job we're talking about! Respect the man (or woman) behind the counter and you'll get a lot more guides than otherwise!

Q: Should I just ask if the store has penny guides then?
A: No, since that denotes that you have some insider information as to the runnings of these businesses.

Q: What if the clerk wants to know how I know so much about guide drops?
A: If asked where you got your info about guides that pennied, simply say either 'the internet' or 'a friend of mine told me they're on clearance'.

Q: But clerks will know what a penny guide is, right? I can talk to them like anyone else here...
A: Never use the word pennied to ANY store clerks unless you have built up a good rapport with them. Even then, it may seem a little fishy if you know more about their shop than they do.

Q: Are guides labeled as a penny on the shelf?
A: Sometimes. Most times, no. GS seems to label everything that gets a price drop, so often times guides will be stickered. But even so, they most likely won't sell them to you. A sticker does not mean 'have to sell'.

Q: I tried to buy a guide that this thread said was pennied and it didn't ring up as such! What gives?
A: Either 1) Our source was wrong (this rarely happens and is usually verified a FEW times within maybe an hour of posting), or 2) The clerk changed the price. It's usually number 2.

Q: What's the easiest way to get penny guides? This sounds like TONS of work!
A: Best Buy is probably the best place to get guides, followed by GameStop, GameCrazy, Toys R Us and then Blockbuster. From what I've seen though, probably 95% of guides that people get are snagged at BB - the rest come from the other stores. But it never hurts to try!

Q: Has there been a drop recently?
A: If you are asking this question you didn't fully understand the OP - go back and read it once more. When a drop happens, it will be posted, and then placed in the second post - trust us.

Q: How do you guys know so much about penny guides?
A: We sometimes have inside sources with the information from the stores themselves; other times, fellow CAGS just like you or me simply take suspected guides to the register and ask them to ring them up, to check their prices. Feel free to do this yourself, and help give back to the community by telling us what you find! However, DON'T ask "Has anyone checked XXX lately?", unless you are in the right thread (discussion area).

Thanks to GrilledWitOnions for creating the above FAQ, which should eliminate the need for such questions popping up in the thread from this point on out.
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Was just denied at the Palo Alto Best Buy. I stashed the last ME2 CE behind one of the Halo Reach Legendary boxes in the 360 game section if someone else wants to try.
Sorry that I won't be able to get back to everyone's PM until tonight, however if there is anything from today's drop, there's a good chance I have it. I wanted to find a GOW Collection guide, but didn't find it. I'm looking for that along w/ Star Ocean.

Any other older drops/guides...PM me.

I know this isn't the trade forum, just a sidenote.
[quote name='DarkRider23']I don't think so. The guides behind the rack were Halo: reach guides and the rest were all the pennied out guides, so I'm pretty sure they prepulled them, but were just too lazy to move them to the back room. I know the back room in that store is all the way across the store, so that might be why they didn't want to move them.
This is exactly what I meant to write...just couldn't get the word right.:cry::bomb:
Employee 1 prepulled but was lazy and left them behind the rack on Sat.... employee 2 (different guy) didn't see them during the pull on Monday morning when he was double checking that the guides were pulled correctly.
[quote name='DarkRider23']That's just bullshit IMO. I haven't been there since the huge drop in February or sometime around there. That was the last time I ever found guides there.


I was there this morning when the store opened and tried to purchase Mass Effect 2 LE, Zelda White Knight Chronicles and a couple of others. I was turned away by one of the sales people upstairs. Proceed to go to the cashier downstairs and had a similar experience, at which point I asked to speak to the manager. He told me they are not allowed to sell them. I informed him that for years now I've been able to purchase such guides and he said "that was then this is now"...whatever.

Alan Wake
Alpha Protocol x 2
Batman Arkham Asylum
BioShock 2
Dante's Inferno
Dead To Rights Retribuition
God of War Collection x 3
Mass Effect 2 CE
Modnation Racers
Nier x2
Prince of Persia x 3
Splinter Cell Conviction x2
Super Street Fighter IV x 3
Transformers Cybertron
[quote name='ragingst0rm6']Was just denied at the Palo Alto Best Buy. I stashed the last ME2 CE behind one of the Halo Reach Legendary boxes in the 360 game section if someone else wants to try.[/QUOTE]

I got denied too. No go at BB PA.
Just hit two BBs in my area. The first one in North Little Rock, AR had been pre-pulled, but they'd left Splinter Cell and MGS: Peace Walker on the shelf. I tried to buy 'em but was denied at the register. Since I had to go to Conway for work immediately after, I decided to try my luck while I was up there. It was a gold mine; no one had touched it. I grabbed:

Assassin's Creed 2 LE
Uncharted 2
Mass Effect 2 LE
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks LE x2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Alan Wake

To my surprise, none of the three people at the register did the signature oh-my-goodness-what-did-I-do-wrong double take when the guides rang up as a penny. They just said, "Yeah, guides eventually hit a penny. You could make a killing off of these if you wanted." Tempting, but I left the rest on the shelf for the next person. I think they still had:

x1 Bioshock 2
x2 Borderlands
x1 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
x1 Dante's Inferno
x3 God of War Collection
x2 Just Cause 2 (they were behind some other guides)
x2 Nier
x1 Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
x1 Splinter Cell: Conviction
x4 Star Ocean: The Last Hope
x1 Super Street Fighter IV
x4 Uncharted 2

Good luck if you hit them up!
[quote name='Bezerker']Thanks for the list Lox. Pretty crazy to have two drops in one month compared to only getting one every 4 months like the last 3 drops.[/QUOTE]
It probably doesn't matter in my area, as the guides were pre-pulled I'm willing to bet. I couldn't sleep last night and finally nodded off around 5-5:30 this morning, then had to take my dog out for 8 am and fell back to sleep till about an hour ago.

I figured there was no way in hell we'd get two massive drops within ONE month.:bomb::bomb::bomb: Leave it to fuckin' Best Buy to go against their usual schedule of keeping guides on the shelves for far too long.

I'll be updating the second and third posts in a bit, but I doubt I'm going out to check either of my local stores today. Maybe tomorrow and only the closer one if that.
[quote name='j-fever']Went to tbe BB in Palo Alto, they only had a few and they would not sell them to me, and they immediately pulled all the remaining guides. The next BB I went to had all but a couple of the guides on loxthefox list.

This is what I found and is up for trade:

Alan Wake (not CE)
Assassin's Creed II LE
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Bioshock II
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Dante's Inferno
God Of War III
Just Cause 2
Legend Of Zelda: Spirit Tracks LE
Lego Indiana Jones 2
Mass Effect 2 LE
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Splinter Cell: Conviction
The Sims 3: Ambitions
Transformers: War For Cybertron

I did not find the guide I am looking for:
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

I have updated my trade list for other CAGs[/QUOTE]

Trade requests belong in the trading thread. KEEP THEM THERE!!!:bomb::bomb:
I really wish I had mod powers cuz I'd ban you repeat offenders in a fuckin' second.
For those looking, and curious, at what I have spares of from my purchase in hopes of getting some help in getting one, they are as follows:

Modnation Racers (only got one, but someone helped me with it last drop, so I don't need 2)
Alan Wake (regular)
UFC 2010
God of War 3
Spirit Tracks LE (if you picked up a LE from the last drop I'd appreciate trading for one of those)
Prince of Persia Forgotton Sands
Red Steel 2 (last drop, I know, but found today)

Thes rest were either single copies or already promised off, and in probably the bonehead move of the year for me, I forgot to grab the one AC2 LE thay had after review.
I'm amazed at the diversity of this one - counting the oens I got that dropped last time that I found today, I ended up with 33 unique titles.
Well the 2nd store I hit, which used to be my 'money' store had no guides in the entire store except for some recent releases. At the last drop they said they were not going to carry any guides at all after they completed their remodeling, but I figured that might have been false info since the store was in disarray. Well they didn't have much of anything from a guide perspective today and said there were no plans to carry anything outside of limited copies of new releases so not only am I 0 for October in guide drops, but my prospects are dim for the future. :cry:
Ok after the first one was a bust, I went to another bestbuy which is known to pull guides, and they had none pulled. I grabbed about 2 of each I could find and purchased them, the cashier called the manager to verify, after I paid the manager told an employee to pull the remaining guides. So I put the guides I got in my car, went back inside and purchased the remaining lot.

Overall here's what I got from 3 bestbuys:
Alan Wake - 3
Assassin's Creed II LE - 4(2 given out already)
Bioshock II - 3
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - 1
Dante's Inferno - 3
God Of War III - 6
Just Cause 2 - 1
Legend Of Zelda: Spirit Tracks LE - 7(3 given out already)
Lego Indiana Jones 2 - 1
Mass Effect 2 LE - 7(1 given out already)
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - 3
NCAA Football 11 - 1
Nier - 4
Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands - 3
Splinter Cell: Conviction - 6
Super Street Fighter IV - 1
The Sims 3: Ambitions - 1
Transformers: War For Cybertron - 1
UFC Undisputed 2010 - 3
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 1
White Knight Chronicles - 5

Also from previous drops
Alpha Protocol - 3
Crackdown 2 - 2
God of War III Ultimate Edition - 1
Iron Man 2 - 3
Kane and Lynch 2 - 2
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky - 1
Red Steel 2 - 3
Sonofabitch. I'm still annoyed that BB has had two drops in one month and I wasn't able to take advantage of EITHER of them.:bomb: Now I really wish I had managed to get the job there, since I would've 'pulled' these guides(into the back for myself to buy when I got off my shift).
pulled in two bb, scored in to be the funniest experience ever. As my hauling my guides back to the car, all the cashiers (really young) gets a copy of my receipt and start grabbing guides for themselves.
[quote name='supaet']pulled in two bb, scored in to be the funniest experience ever. As my hauling my guides back to the car, all the cashiers (really young) gets a copy of my receipt and start grabbing guides for themselves.[/QUOTE]
:lol: That reminds me of the one worker at my closest one, who helped me grab everything at the one drop a while back. She later joined CAG, but hasn't been active in forever.:cry:

We divvied up the guides on the shelf that day and according to her she would 'hold the guides when they drop for me'. That has NOT happened even one time since then.#-o
[quote name='Visc']For those looking, and curious, at what I have spares of from my purchase in hopes of getting some help in getting one, they are as follows:

Modnation Racers (only got one, but someone helped me with it last drop, so I don't need 2)
Alan Wake (regular)
UFC 2010
God of War 3
Spirit Tracks LE (if you picked up a LE from the last drop I'd appreciate trading for one of those)
Prince of Persia Forgotton Sands
Red Steel 2 (last drop, I know, but found today)

Thes rest were either single copies or already promised off, and in probably the bonehead move of the year for me, I forgot to grab the one AC2 LE thay had after review.
I'm amazed at the diversity of this one - counting the oens I got that dropped last time that I found today, I ended up with 33 unique titles.[/QUOTE]

How much would you want for ModNation Racers?
I scored pretty big today at 3 different stores, I don't usually get this lucky but I know a lot of my friends and GS buddies are going to be happy!

Alan Wake x5
Assassin's Creed II LE x3
Batman: Arkham Asylum x3
Bioshock II x3
Borderlands x1
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 x2
Dante's Inferno x4
God Of War Collection x3
God Of War III x2
Just Cause 2 x4
Legend Of Zelda: Spirit Tracks LE x4
Lego Indiana Jones 2 x4
Mass Effect 2 LE x3
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker x3
NCAA Football 11 x1
Nier x6
Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands x2
Splinter Cell: Conviction x6
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International x1
Super Street Fighter IV x3
The Sims 3: Ambitions x0
The Sims 3: World Adventures x0
Transformers: War For Cybertron x3
UFC Undisputed 2010 x2
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves x3
White Knight Chronicles x2
World Of Warcraft Dungeon Companion Volume 3 x0

Also picked up Mod Nation Racers, Red Steel and saw a few others from the last drop but couldn't remember if they did penny out or not. They wear not there the last time though. There was still a Bioshock 2 LE but it didn't have a UPC.
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I made out like a bandit between a few stores.... I will update my list tonight once I go through and see what I really have. I tried not to hoard where possible, but I did get a bunch that folks have PM'd me about and I now have copies for trading. I'll follow suit of others here and trade/ship for cost..... so hopefully everyone can get in on this!

Like others have said, this was far and away the most successful drop hunt I've had in some time. Thanks lox!
Just PMed a user here about a couple guides. Wanted $30 for the two. Thanks buddy, you're so kind! Not like I couldn't pay that at the store!

Hopefully the store I'm stopping by after work has some guides. Everything was pulled last time.
Damn, missed out on this drop with doctor appointment. Only checked one store and they were either all bought or pulled. Regretting having had drastically cut back my trade pile now.
The Midlothian (Richmond VA) store had nothing but a single Spirit Tracks LE guide. It was one of the guides I wanted most, but still, just a taste of what could have been...
[quote name='nixmahn']Anyone checked Resonance of Fate?

That is missing from the BB site as well but not listed in the drop.[/QUOTE]

Resonance was pulled from my local Best Buys at least a couple of months ago.
[quote name='ragingst0rm6']Resonance was pulled from my local Best Buys at least a couple of months ago.[/QUOTE]

I checked it after the last drop and was at full price. Don't know about this drop though.
[quote name='MasterSun1']Just PMed a user here about a couple guides. Wanted $30 for the two. Thanks buddy, you're so kind! Not like I couldn't pay that at the store!

Hopefully the store I'm stopping by after work has some guides. Everything was pulled last time.[/QUOTE]

LOL... I'm curious who it is, that happened to me the last time when I didn't check the thread and didn't go out in the morning. A user here wanted $40 for both shipped, I could see see him going for the latter if people were offering him that much, when I offered $20, it is what it is I guess.
[quote name='skiizim']LOL... I'm curious who it is, that happened to me the last time when I didn't check the thread and didn't go out in the morning. A user here wanted $40 for both shipped, I could see see him going for the latter if people were offering him that much, when I offered $20, it is what it is I guess.[/QUOTE]

I won't out them in public (no need to start a flame-war here), but I'll let anyone who wants to know via PM.
[quote name='ragingst0rm6']Was just denied at the Palo Alto Best Buy. I stashed the last ME2 CE behind one of the Halo Reach Legendary boxes in the 360 game section if someone else wants to try.[/QUOTE]

Is there any point to check the San Jose ones? I'm just looking for a few myself so I won't bother if they're not there. You can PM if you had any luck.
Local BB is normally pretty on point about pulling guides ahead of time but I still go there first since you never know. Well for once that paid off, nothing was pulled so I manged

Dante's Inferno
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands
Mass Effect II CE X3

I was happy to just get the Mass Effect guide, but then look down and there is the Mass Effect II CE itself marked at 69.99, rang up at 39.99 so mine now.
[quote name='MasterSun1']I won't out them in public (no need to start a flame-war here), but I'll let anyone who wants to know via PM.[/QUOTE]

Wow, way to become a little bitch about it, crying to other people. You asked what I would sell for and I gave you an estimate of what I see their value to be, seeing as other people are asking trades for the guides. Told you in the message I don't like to sell guides but I'd probably go for that or so if you would be interested. You could have always came back with a counter-offer saying it was too high, instead of calling me an ass for thinking of a price that I would have paid for the guides had I not been able to find them.

If you don't like an offer someone gives, you can just say no and leave it at that, especially if you don't want to try and work out some way for it to work for both parties. I try and be fair with my trades, one of the things I like to do is negotiate with people until they feel like they're getting what they want out of the trade and are happy with it. If you don't like it then leave, no need to make a big fiasco out of it. I could post everytime someone gives me an offer I find outrageous and cry about it, but I don't.
[quote name='Ultragamer']BLAH BLAH BLAH[/QUOTE]

Clearly people don't need to PM me anymore asking about who it was, lol.

Recent pennied guides/clearance games are an exception when it comes to selling them for what they're worth. The price you sent was out of line and everyone here knows it. Glad there are nice people like Visc, shrike, etc, out here (and on GameTZ).

Oh, and trust me, I ain't crying. Everyone who PMed me was asking who it was so they can avoid dealing with said person in the future.
Thank you Lox. You have pulled through for us the last couple times. Got the ones I wanted. I am still 100% (out of 30-40 trips) on buying guides by pairing it with other items.
[quote name='coolsteel']
I was happy to just get the Mass Effect guide, but then look down and there is the Mass Effect II CE itself marked at 69.99, rang up at 39.99 so mine now.[/QUOTE]

WTF!?! you are one lucky dude! that also must mean its a universal price of $40 if you can find it on the floor at a BB
[quote name='confoosious']Mass Effect II CE at $39.99 is a steal. Nice find.[/QUOTE]


Had huge success in AZ.... only one i couldn't find I wanted was Borderlands, but still have 2 more BB's to check. I feel like stores out here have def been doing partial-pulls... and some slip by their radar. Good haul, Thanks Lox, IATCG, and all others for support, info, etc..over and out
I went and only found like 7 guides. I was frustrated, so I asked the workers there to go to the back and see if they had more. They did. I was happy.

I love that they didnt have a problem with going to the back and getting me more. I may try this more often now...
Thanks lox.
Everything has been verified so no need to post a brag list as that is what the trading thread is for...

I really don't understand after titles are verified, members feel the need to post lists and pictures...
It just highlights the oversights and potential for lurkers and BB staff...
my nearest BBs have been pulling every single guide for the last year before opening...

and thanks to cheapass for this thread and trying to monitor the trade requests...
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']So what is considered a fair price for selling guides that takes into account time invested and shipping?[/QUOTE]

Fair price = Exact Shipping + Extra for the trouble. Extra is up for negotiation, depending on the guides and each person. But there have been people on here who have sold me guides for as low as $4 a guide (I bought 2 for $8 shipped). It's cheaper to buy them in bulk as it saves on shipping. Unless a guide is rare and older (from a really old drop), asking for something much more than $5-$9 (if buying multiple) is seen an unreasonable by a lot of people.
[quote name='Donut2922']Is there any point to check the San Jose ones? I'm just looking for a few myself so I won't bother if they're not there. You can PM if you had any luck.[/QUOTE]

Santana Row was pulled.

I think Sunnyvale had Modnation Racers, Alan Wake, a couple of Niers, and couple of Dead to Rights Retribution. Plus a ton of Bakugans and maybe a God of War 3 or Collection.

I didn't check Blossom Hill, but I wouldn't count on finding anything there. I checked over the weekend and they had pretty much pre-pulled everything.

Curtner might have a couple of ME 2 CE, but again odds are somebody's taken them already or they've been pulled.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']So what is considered a fair price for selling guides that takes into account time invested/shipping and not considered gouging?[/QUOTE]

Possibly base the cost on what used guides are going for on Amazon? That seems like a good starting point. Total it up, add shipping cost, and then $5? Who knows.

I think this is the reason people would prefer to trade rather than buy/ship - it takes the abstract value decision out of it.

Just my $.02.
Had a grand ol' adventure today. I hit up the 4 stores in relative proximity, had great success at 1 and minor success at another. The 2nd store I went to is my go-to store now; the girl at the register was the same one from the last drop and she's a gamer. In her words, she was "nerding out" over my penny pile and would be checking them out herself.

I was going to skip the 5th store as it's out of the way, but wow. Most of that rack was penny stuff, even stuff from the last pull I didn't find anywhere else. Highlights for me:

Alan Wake LE :whee: :whee:
Batman x2 :whee:
GoW 3 UE
AC2 LE x2 :whee: :whee:

I left a ton at both stores I scored at; in most cases I get 1 for trade if I don't have/want the game, or 2 so I can keep one myself. If they sit too long, though, they'll all be mine. Also helped a BB employee who has a friend that collects guides - gave him the only SSF IV I've seen today. Total 26 guides.


Forgot to mention the Bioshock 2 SE guide I found, which will go nicely with the :ps3: SE of the game I got at Target for 75% off today :lol:
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