Resistance 2 CAG Clan/Night - Get yo ass on! - Friday Nights @ 7PM PST/10PM EST

[quote name='Devil May Cry']I'd be glad to host.[/quote]

Ill play if fluffy is the host. As long as i can be a soldier and we play orick every time. :D
We had a nice 4 player game after everyone else left... got (what I think was) pretty far before we got killed.
[quote name='yohsh']:cry:

Ill play if fluffy is the host. As long as i can be a soldier and we play orick every time. :D[/quote]
That's where the party of one comes in. Have fun!
[quote name='mguiddy']We had a nice 4 player game after everyone else left... got (what I think was) pretty far before we got killed.[/quote]
Cool. I went to a Texas hold-em game with my friends after the match (I played Mainichi Issyo while I was waiting). I lost but had a lot of fun with the guys.
[quote name='freakyzeeky']I tried to join again after leaving, but the game was full... Oh well, maybe next time :][/quote]
Yeah, we've been having solid turnouts lately (Co-Op wise). We're most likely going to have to split the clan if we ever want to play Competitive with those numbers though.
Just play a few co-op games. Man that was awesome. I've never played online before besides MMORPG, not even COD4. Loving it so far, but only played medic. Have to try other classes later.
I am gonna be so tired tomorrow (of is it today?).
[quote name='mguiddy']We had a nice 4 player game after everyone else left... got (what I think was) pretty far before we got killed.[/quote]
That was pretty disappointing :( Everyone but me ran in and got killed. I probably should have risked running in to considering I was the only medic and it's pretty useless being the only one alive in superhuman.
[quote name='Invin']That was pretty disappointing :( Everyone but me ran in and got killed. I probably should have risked running in to considering I was the only medic and it's pretty useless being the only one alive in superhuman.[/quote]
I didn't want to run in... but I was trying to stick close to the soldiers...
agreed. us specs are pretty much doomed to whatever fate the soldiers force upon us :\ there were times when i just let the soldiers go and die because they were going too far.
Last night was fun. Sucks that the co-op is limited to 8. We'll have to split into 2 teams next time if we get more than 8. Perhaps one team that wants to do comopetitive and one that wants to do co-op? I would've suggested it last night, but the lack of a mic on my end makes things difficult. Oh well.

And yeah, the 4 man team after everyone left was fun. I really need to learn to control myself though. I find that I like to run right into the middle of battle which makes my experience go way up, but it leaves the teammates stranded (plus if I die on superhuman, I have to wait til all the baddies are killed before anyone will venture out into the open to revive me :cry:).
You and random both need to learn to hold back... :lol:

Little ol' me, level 2-3 spec ops trying to hide behind the shield feeding ammo.:cold:
[quote name='mguiddy']You and random both need to learn to hold back... :lol:

Little ol' me, level 2-3 spec ops trying to hide behind the shield feeding ammo.:cold:[/quote]
Seriously, we got raped a couple times because of the soldiers. Everybody kept saying how we needed to hang back but...well, we know how that turned out.
[quote name='Warner1281'] (plus if I die on superhuman, I have to wait til all the baddies are killed before anyone will venture out into the open to revive me :cry:).[/quote]
Man, I was reviving you guys left and right. I was even the last guy alive more than once.
[quote name='mguiddy']You and random both need to learn to hold back... :lol:

Little ol' me, level 2-3 spec ops trying to hide behind the shield feeding ammo.:cold:[/quote]
I'm surprised you were even playing. Rather than playing that other "game" (if it can be called that) ;)
Ok, I havn't got a reply back from mana if he's fine with me doing it, but for now on next friday i'll be hosting the 2nd cooperative game if we get a solid turnout.

If you try and join the game and it's full just send me a message. My PSN-ID is RideRomeSDS. I wont start another game until i get 2 people asking, so we can have all 3 classes.

I'll repost this on friday.
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[quote name='Inf^Shini']One day I'll play this game with you guys again....[/QUOTE]why'd you leave us?
I'll never get Platinum. I recently got back into competitive and my kills per game has taken a huge drop. It's very disappointing finishing a game with less than 25 kills. It seems like my opponents have finally learned how to aim instead of shooting wildly. Are people getting better or am I doing too much KZ2?
got platinum friday after i finally got around to getting the last intel. after i got the 10k, i pretty much put off getting my last two (really easy trophies). but ive been trying to get into the clan games post post. but my internet is still on the fritz.

its actually easier to platnium/10k now for only one aspect. after you finish a game, you auto launch into the next. back in the days, it took you forever to join one. when it finished, it kicked you out and you had to repeat the steps all over again. ask shini...
Does anybody have any tips/tricks for lvling up in coop.? Cause it takes forever and i'm only lvl 10

Also, what map generally gives the most xp?
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not much help, keep playing. its tough in the beginning. at the latter levels, you earn more xp from your upgraded weapons, armor and abilities.
How many kills avg should a medic be getting?
I hardly ever get any kills, usually like 4-6. Was playing last night with and another medic was talking about my 8 kills. Couldnt understand what he was talking about due to the shitty chat audio, but it sounded like he was bitching me out for having so many kills? Everyone left immediately after we completed the campaign so I wasnt sure what wsa going on.
I usually have a lot more than that, though I guess it depends on your level. If the spec ops are doing their job correctly, you should be getting grenades that should kill at least 4 each (if used at the right time). The Splicer also gets me a bit more kills. Killing drones should get you at least another 10 (multiple hits at once). The guy you were playing with is an idiot.
[quote name='blader16']@ Mana

I just realized that the R2 clan night is still posted as Wednesday on this thread, so you probly want to change it.

[/QUOTE]Eh, nothing is going to be accurate in the thread, since I have plans to eventually dump it.

[quote name='Devil May Cry']Mana will be gone for a little bit. Since the actual clan thread say Friday, we should be okay.[/QUOTE]I'm around this weekend and next weekend still.
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grenading the mob is the point, and pick up the flat box (grenade) from spec-ops.
there is no average, depends on the mobs (grims in chicago, axbridge)
and how you keep your laser on target.

i think he is bitching about how little kills you get. 8!?
its not the medic's job to hoard kills anyway.
I decided to play a little R2 yesterday (Sorry Brit and Warner!) and man, did I suck. I had to get used to the controls again. After switching back and forth between UT3 (a twitch shooter) and RE5 (a tactical shooter), I had to get back to R2's medium of control (more based towards twitch with some strategy other than Wraithing an enemy). The only good thing is that my "bad" is 23 kills in DM for 4 matches straight until finally winning. Bad compared to my old record.
[quote name='Devil May Cry']I decided to play a little R2 yesterday (Sorry Brit and Warner!) and man, did I suck. I had to get used to the controls again. After switching back and forth between UT3 (a twitch shooter) and RE5 (a tactical shooter), I had to get back to R2's medium of control (more based towards twitch with some strategy other than Wraithing an enemy). The only good thing is that my "bad" is 23 kills in DM for 4 matches straight until finally winning. Bad compared to my old record.[/QUOTE]Whats your favorite weapon? And what's your record?
Matters the map really. If you're talking about my favorite weapon not based on how useful it is in-game, that's the Bullseye. By record do you mean my K/D ratio? I don't remember of the top of my head but I think it's about 1.35
[quote name='Devil May Cry']I decided to play a little R2 yesterday (Sorry Brit and Warner!) and man, did I suck. I had to get used to the controls again. After switching back and forth between UT3 (a twitch shooter) and RE5 (a tactical shooter), I had to get back to R2's medium of control (more based towards twitch with some strategy other than Wraithing an enemy). The only good thing is that my "bad" is 23 kills in DM for 4 matches straight until finally winning. Bad compared to my old record.[/quote]
23 kills bad!? I wish I was that good. Be thankful that you haven't dropped to 17 kills :cry: I don't think I'll ever return to deathmatch. My death rate has skyrocketed. My reaction rate to poor spawns is looking horrible. I'll be sticking to Team DM and skirmish.
I gotta stick to DM just to boost up my kills. DM is the fastest method if you're good enough. TDM and Skirmish can get the same amount of kills per game (or more, I usually get just under 30), but the matches are much longer.
I will still be on tonight. This MIGHT be the final night I host the party for CAG, but we'll see. I doubt we'll have the best of turnout, but I will be there playing co-op for sure.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I will still be on tonight. This MIGHT be the final night I host the party for CAG, but we'll see. I doubt we'll have the best of turnout, but I will be there playing co-op for sure.[/quote]Can we/I get more details on why this might be your last night? You probly said it somewhere, but i dont want to scroll through all the pages.

I'll be on tonight, and I just got my Bluetooth yesterday.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Check the CAG PSN Gaming thread, where I made this post:[/quote]Even though tonight will be the first and the last time (for a while) that i will play with you, I hate to see you go. Thank you for your service to the whole CAG community.

@ The R2 Clan

Now we need to start deciding who wants to host the R2 clan night/thread. Even though whoever is on at the time can host it, its nicer to have 1 dedicated person hosting the game. I'm almost always open on Friday nights, so I'm ok with hosting the games, and I can help out with the thread, but not take over the whole thread by myself.

Was 'The Mana Knight' the only reason any of you stayed with the R2 clan nights? In other words, you'll be leaving with him.

Does anybody have any news on if Inf^Shini is planning on either regularly attending the clan nights, or either just stopping by occasionally?

Hope to play with you sometime soon Mana, Thank You.
I know I've said this a lot, but thank you so much for making these CAG games possible Mana. You've set the bar extremely high and I don't believe it's possible to top the job you've done. Hopefully I'll be able to make it to tonights game, though it's starting to look doubtful. There's a severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings down here in the south.
I'm afraid to say it, but it may look like I might not make this one as well. I'm trying my best, but it might not happen.

EDIT: It's pretty much definite now that I can't play. I'm really sorry guys, I tried my hardest to make this one. Life can be quite cruel at times.
[quote name='blader16']Does anybody have any tips/tricks for lvling up in coop.? Cause it takes forever and i'm only lvl 10

Also, what map generally gives the most xp?[/quote]

leveling up has been impossible since the patch. not only has experience gains for kills been cut down my more the half, ive encountered gltichy leveling... as in i was supposed to turn level 18, and it shot me back to level 17!!!
Sucks I got kicked from the game. I had my nephew logged into as the second player. I didn't have any problems getting Into a full game but I guess mana had some problems starting up a game with the extra person. I really wish that they would up the number of players that can play in a co op game.
I must be the one that filled in the last spot. Sorry.
It was my first night playing with you guys. I felt it was disorganized while not being on the main party. I mean there were 12 of us logged in, but only 8 can be in the game. Most likely sucks for the left out ppl.

maybe two groups next time? and we also do team DM?
[quote name='yohsh']Sucks I got kicked from the game. I had my nephew logged into as the second player. I didn't have any problems getting Into a full game but I guess mana had some problems starting up a game with the extra person. I really wish that they would up the number of players that can play in a co op game.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I greatly apologize about that. I wanted you to play with us too, but then it added 9, and we could only do 8. I did try adding some back when we did some competitive though. Because I wanted to be careful on the size of the party, that's why I made the party invite only.

I will say Yohsh that won't be the last time we play R2 together. ;)
[quote name='Devil May Cry']Man, I feel horrible about missing this one.[/quote]
It's alright. It was very crowded. I didn't get in.
I did break 4k kills though.. 6k more! I bet it'll take me 1-2 years. By that time, Resistance 3 will be announced :D
bread's done