Resistance 2 CAG Clan/Night - Get yo ass on! - Friday Nights @ 7PM PST/10PM EST

I'll be there as well. Also, if we get more than 8 people, I'll volunteer to start a second party. The only issue is that I don't have a mic. :cry:
[quote name='Warner1281']I'll be there as well. Also, if we get more than 8 people, I'll volunteer to start a second party. The only issue is that I don't have a mic. :cry:[/QUOTE]Yeah, if that happens I'll donate my spot and join that party
[quote name='Warner1281']I'll be there as well. Also, if we get more than 8 people, I'll volunteer to start a second party. The only issue is that I don't have a mic. :cry:[/QUOTE]That will be fine. What I'll initially do is start a party. If it gets too full (and you are in my group), I'll tell you to start a party.

What I may do again is since I lead the main party, I will lock it to where people can only get in if I send them an invite. By doing this, if people don't get an invite to join my party (meaning its full), they should go to your party (you just have to make sure you change your settings, to allow for clan members to join, and decide who can send invites and stuff).
I will be on tonight hosting the main party. Warner will host the secondary party IF we fill up (I will try to send PSN messages to people telling them to join Warner's party).

Warner, just make sure you have your party open for clan members to join in.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I will be on tonight hosting the main party. Warner will host the secondary party IF we fill up (I will try to send PSN messages to people telling them to join Warner's party).

Warner, just make sure you have your party open for clan members to join in.[/quote]

Will do. See everyone tonight.
Oh my Jesus the resistance thread is on the second page? So whats going on with Friday? Are we still playing?
As far as I know the clan night is still on for Friday. I would host, but I will not be able to play this week (going out of town). I nominate blader16 (RideRomeSDS) to host for this week.
[quote name='Warner1281']As far as I know the clan night is still on for Friday. I would host, but I will not be able to play this week (going out of town). I nominate blader16 (RideRomeSDS) to host for this week.[/quote]
Yeah, I'm fine with hosting and coordinating tomorrows game, and I have a mic. I'm almost positive that Ill be on tomorrow, but I'll double check tomorrow morning and update you guys.

EDIT: Yeah, i can host tomorrow night if you guys want me to.
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[quote name='joshr915']not sure if im actually in the mood for r2 tonight :( but if you need more people by 730, PM me and ill join.[/quote]

^--Was only going to join if needed. Never got a PM as requested :( sorry
I saw the low turn out and didn't even bother, sorry DD83. I helped refusedchaos in RE5 and then ate beef jerky. Maybe we can get a private game in eventually.
[quote name='joshr915']^--Was only going to join if needed. Never got a PM as requested :( sorry[/QUOTE]O, sorry about that. I must have skipped your post.
[quote name='Warner1281']damn. I disappear for 1 week and R2 falls apart. No worries. I'll be back for next week's get together. :lol:[/quote]:bomb:Way to go! Had to screw us all over! :bomb: :lol:
[quote name='blader16']:bomb:Way to go! Had to screw us all over! :bomb: :lol:[/quote]

Sorry. Didn't realize my disappearance would cause such a drastic ripple in the space-time continuum. Guess I should stop doing that from now on and just take a plane or something. :cool:
All right, to let everyone know, I WILL be playing R2 on Friday and WILL host party #1. If you have interests in attending, please post in this thread. If Warner plans to play and we get several people, we'll divide the party.
I just picked it up again, so I might be playing on Friday. Though it's not saving my stats, and I lost like two hundred gray tech I had on my guy and now it won't say any I earn. Is anybody else having these problems?
I should be on tomorrow.

[quote name='Thongsy']I just picked it up again, so I might be playing on Friday. Though it's not saving my stats, and I lost like two hundred gray tech I had on my guy and now it won't say any I earn. Is anybody else having these problems?[/quote]
I haven't played online in awhile, I'll have to check that out.
[quote name='Warner1281']Careful... you might be getting a pop quiz on R2 soon[/quote]
Pop quiz on R2? How does that work :shock:
[quote name='Devil May Cry']I'd so get an A+ :cool:

:bs:The Resistance series are MY games.:bs:[/quote]


:shame: Shame on you. That is an incorrect sentence. It should be, "Blader16 owns the Resistance series".
[quote name='Devil May Cry']I'd so get an A+ :cool:

Th Resistance series are MY games.[/quote]

[quote name='Devil May Cry']Lies. I'm the one who's going to be part of the Insomniac team.[/quote]Serious?
Ill be there if I can. Just got a new router from frontier but cant seem to get it into nat 2.
bread's done