Rhapsody & Persona 2, factory sealed in stock, www.gamequestdirect.com

[quote name='Jack']There are also collectors who wouldn't play or sell it. I'm guessing those are the people who will be most disappointed by the missing sticker.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure of that; however, it *is* factory sealed. It will still have some value down the road, I'm sure. The thing is, if you *really* want a sticker-sealed original print, it is available (for a price) on eBay.

Collectors can still get it that way; I look at this scenario as pissing off (1) hoarders who resell (and good riddance to them!) and (2) collectors who thought they were getting the "authentic" deal; in this case, I'm a bit sympathetic because GQD did *not* specify that it was a reprint and did not have the sticker.

OTOH, if they reprinted it with the sticker and all, you'd piss off the collectors who bought the original item that cannot be distinguished from the new pressing.

The method Atlus chose, although it's probably more circumstantial due to no more games at all having the sticker seal *at all*, benefits (1) the original collectors (mostly) and (2) people who want to have the game for play or collecting. It probably pissed off some of the collectors in group (2), as well as hoarding reselling assholes. An *exceptionally* trivial group of disreputable people were made angry for the benefit of us having the ability to own this game.

And still nobody thanks the OP for offering CAGs free S/H.
[quote name='slidecage']i dont see why people are bringing this up. How do we know the dude didnt get sick or there was something wrong with their family or business and it took a little longer to ship them out. Its werid its only a certain time frame it all went neg.... i got a shipping notice and not really worried. was a little Poed about finding out about Reissued but not that big of a deal now .[/QUOTE]

I just want people to be aware. If you see the feedback that is negative, the seller never contacted the buyers for 2 months in many cases just leaving them hanging. Most of the other bad feedback is slow shipment times which is subjective. Even some of the positives show around 2-3 month turnaround time from end of auction to getting the game. OUCH!

Wouldn't you want to know if someone's had quite a few bad deals in the recent past? Being sick or having problems might be an excuse, but you can't always bank on that being the case. Plus, there are several e-mail addresses being used by gamequestdirect, so I'm under the impression that there is more than one person involved. It could be just one of them dropped the ball, but I do believe it is worth people know about ahead of time. I'm hoping everyone who wants to get this through the website or their auctions are able to get them!!!
[quote name='slidecage']i dont see why people are bringing this up. How do we know the dude didnt get sick or there was something wrong with their family or business and it took a little longer to ship them out. Its werid its only a certain time frame it all went neg.... i got a shipping notice and not really worried. was a little Poed about finding out about Reissued but not that big of a deal now .[/QUOTE]

I just want people to be aware. If you see the feedback that is negative, the seller never contacted the buyers for 2 months in many cases just leaving them hanging. Most of the other bad feedback is slow shipment times which is subjective. Even some of the positives show around 2-3 month turnaround time from end of auction to getting the game. OUCH!

Wouldn't you want to know if someone's had quite a few bad deals in the recent past? Being sick or having problems might be an excuse, but you can't always bank on that being the case. Plus, there are several e-mail addresses being used by gamequestdirect, so I'm under the impression that there is more than one person involved. It could be just one of them dropped the ball, but I do believe it is worth people know about ahead of time. I'm hoping everyone who wants to get this through the website or their auctions are able to get them!!!
This is bullshit... fucking bullshit. I am one pissed consumer... I'm reporting these GQD fuckers wherever I can.

I wanted original copies, not some reprinted BS. I'm going to have to find a way to get rid of these two and just buy some used copies of the two games. At least there's some good out of this...

But I am still damn pissed... that GQD guy lied, piece of shit.
[quote name='Nutts']Ok, so it has no sticker and is a re-issue. Once I open and play the game, thus the sticker is gone, who will know that it's NOT an original? Unless there is some "greatest hits" type advertising on it, or some other small number in a corner or something, who would know, or care? I can see where if you wanted to resell these as original new for a lot of money then there might be a problem, but otherwise how would you know?[/QUOTE]

basically the used value will plummet to $20-30 and only the original new ones will go for $200
While I am annoyed at the lack of a sticker (I like the added security in knowing it's not refurbished.), I don't really care as long as it's complete and new. I bought this to play, not to leave lying around in plastic wrap.

We need to get Square-Enix and Konami to get their asses out of bed and reprint Suikoden, Suikoden 2, and Valkyrie Profile. Shit, I'd pay $50 for a sealed reprinted copy of each one of those games, so why the fuck not?
[quote name='JasonTerminator']While I am annoyed at the lack of a sticker (I like the added security in knowing it's not refurbished.), I don't really care as long as it's complete and new. I bought this to play, not to leave lying around in plastic wrap.


So did I but I never wanted to pay $55 for a copy that was a reprint... I would've just bought a used one off of eBay had I know that!:bomb:
[quote name='MightySlacker']besides that, when the hell have you EVER seen an Atlus game go GH?[/quote]
this is true. and i just wanted to throw out (response to someone saying Atlus didn't do reprints; close to that saying) that they've reprinted the original Persona because i bought a brand new one (w/o security sticker) at EB years and years ago (which was years after it was released). one of the best $20's i've ever spent.

oh, and...

...for all of you crying about the lack of a sticker and/or being "duped" into thinking that these were first-printings. just because it lacks a sticker, and is a reprint, doesn't affect the quality of the game, or how it's played. it's fun to speculate and all that good stuff, but it's just ridiculous with all that conclusion jumping.
[quote name='PDorr3']Well I certainly do feel sorry for people who bought a ton to resell, they are in trouble now....Well I wont be mad as I intended on playing my rhapsody, but if these start showing up for $20 elsewhere I will be pissed...[/QUOTE]

Those guys deserved it.
Why would you even feel sorry for them?!
for you losers complaining that it is a reprint, get a fucking life!

There is no difference. They were printed by the same people (Atlus) probably even at the same place. So, they skipped a step and left off a sticker. You bitch and moan about EB and Gamestop plastering their games with stickers, yet when Atlus/Sony don't put on a sticky you go fucking ballistic. Here's a tip, find a girlfriend (or boyfriend, or whatever), move out of your parents basement, and get a job. Invest in something a little more stable and proven while your at it too, maybe stocks, bonds, or real estate perhaps.

BTW, in case you have not heard, Persona has been announced for PSP.

P.S. How the fuck did i get 1000 posts!?!? I spend too much time on this forum. I need school to start, now! Good bye.
I can careless about being reprints. I ordered one of each to play them. My girlfriend has an original Rhapsody but is missing the manual and the discs have a Family Video sticker on them.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']We need to get Square-Enix and Konami to get their asses out of bed and reprint Suikoden, Suikoden 2, and Valkyrie Profile. Shit, I'd pay $50 for a sealed reprinted copy of each one of those games, so why the fuck not?[/QUOTE]

Hell. Yes. Why Konami doesn't do a reprint of the Suikodens is one of the great mysteries. I'd buy Suikoden 2 for $50 in a heartbeat, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
[quote name='b3b0p']for you losers complaining that it is a reprint, get a fucking life!

There is no difference. They were printed by the same people (Atlus) probably even at the same place. So, they skipped a step and left off a sticker. You bitch and moan about EB and Gamestop plastering their games with stickers, yet when Atlus/Sony don't put on a sticky you go fucking ballistic. Here's a tip, find a girlfriend (or boyfriend, or whatever), move out of your parents basement, and get a job. Invest in something a little more stable and proven while your at it too, maybe stocks, bonds, or real estate perhaps.

BTW, in case you have not heard, Persona has been announced for PSP.

P.S. How the fuck did i get 1000 posts!?!? I spend too much time on this forum. I need school to start, now! Good bye.[/QUOTE]

Wait, so the only difference is that it doesn't have the security label and is otherwise exactly like an original copy?
[quote name='argyle']Hell. Yes. Why Konami doesn't do a reprint of the Suikodens is one of the great mysteries. I'd buy Suikoden 2 for $50 in a heartbeat, and I'm sure I'm not alone.[/QUOTE]

Because Konami is financially well off, as is SE.

Atlus only releases a small number of titles a year that appeal to a niche audience... all of a sudden they found out they have two titles that are largely in demand from their back catalog.

They make a deal with one local company, to cut costs even more, and bam, it's instant profit off of two old games, one that didn't even do that well when it came out (Rhapsody).

Most companies see it as "Pfft, why reprint Valkyrie Profile, billions of people will buy FF 12 anyways, no need". While Atlus sees it as an easy way to fill a bank that needs filling.
This is funny, all the obsessive collector-hoarder type people yelling about a missing sticker. I still think it's shady of the OP to post deals without saying upfront that he works for them, though.

I'm gonna slowly peel off all the wrappings and stickers off it when I decide to play it, like I do all games, even ones I love. :D

For example - even if I got my hands on a new, sealed Dragon Warrior IV - my favorite game ever - sealed...you know what I would do? I would unwrap it like a damn christmas present and enjoy a brand-new spanking NES game :D Or ebay it for some ungodly amount of money and get a like-new mint copy off ebay for 1/3 the price :D

I've never understood the hoarding sealed copies thing. Not a good investment, and not very fun either.
[quote name='Vinny']Wait, so the only difference is that it doesn't have the security label and is otherwise exactly like an original copy?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Vinny']This is bullshit... fucking bullshit. I am one pissed consumer... I'm reporting these GQD fuckers wherever I can.

I wanted original copies, not some reprinted BS. I'm going to have to find a way to get rid of these two and just buy some used copies of the two games. At least there's some good out of this...

But I am still damn pissed... that GQD guy lied, piece of shit.[/QUOTE]

come on tells us how you really feel : )
[quote name='Sulmona']basically the used value will plummet to $20-30 and only the original new ones will go for $200[/QUOTE]

i still dont see why the vaule will plummet. Even if there was 2500 of these people will buy them up and put them into their collection. Its not like 2500 of them will be just resold over and over and over until the end of time
[quote name='norkusa']Of course you have no love for DP. You were a total jackass in the forums there and nobody liked you.

And like Successful Dropout said, the OP posted this on on other game message boards with the same coupon code, so quit your bitching.[/QUOTE]

Great, another high and mighty DP forum user, who also browses the CAG forums.

I was a jackass huh? For voicing my opinions? That's a great way to treat someone you don't even know. Simply persecute and judge them without knowing what they're about.

I'm actually glad I stopped going to that goddamned site. With the likes of assholes such as yourself, thinking that they're better than everybody else, it's no wonder jerks like you and phosphordotfossils 'rule' those forums, imposing your nazi-like reign and belittling those who have their own opinions and views on society.

I will never apologize for the things I said because I happened to offend a certain amount of people.

If you bastards didn't like my post, you could have simply PM'ed me, told me to 'cool it', locked the thread and I would have stopped. Instead, you outright ban me from the forums that I had respected so much, not even giving me a chance to explain my situation or defend my reasons for posting those things I said.
While I am annoyed at the lack of a sticker (I like the added security in knowing it's not refurbished.), I don't really care as long as it's complete and new. I bought this to play, not to leave lying around in plastic wrap.

I didn't buy this, but that's my exact feeling. It is not a big deal but gives me piece of mind. At least it's a new/mint copy of a great game.
[quote name='Vinny']Wait, so the only difference is that it doesn't have the security label and is otherwise exactly like an original copy?[/QUOTE]

Yes thats exactly it! Its not missing a seal of approval type thing like on a GBA game x-x, its just the friggin plastic on the top that would say Persona 2 on it or Rhapsody.

Im a Lazy Ass Gamer(yes i LAG!) too so they just made it less work for me to open and play it

EDIT: To make it real clear, a reissue and an original could not be told apart unless they were both factory sealed, if you open the game up its the exact same.
I just got off the phone, and spke with a representative from Atlus and confirmed the reprint. I noticed GQ stores are not far away from Irvine too. Probably a 30 min. to an hour drive.
WoW the anger in here is at boiling point! You sure can tell the real gamers (people not BITCHING) and the hording ass collectors (people who are crying like a couple of BITCHES)
[quote name='slidecage']i still dont see why the vaule will plummet. Even if there was 2500 of these people will buy them up and put them into their collection. Its not like 2500 of them will be just resold over and over and over until the end of time[/QUOTE]

because this is a niche game, imagine if 2500 sealed FF VII non-gh showed up, the value of that sealed would become very little.

This is a low volume game as it is, ill bet whatever u want to bet that this game plummets to at least half its previous value.
I'm kinda pissed it's a reprint just because I have a feeling the value will plummet and I can't decide whether I should lose 15 bucks (hey, that's 2 hours worth of work at EB! lol) or just keep them to play. If the value goes downa lot, I'd rather just buy a $20 used copy to play but...if it goes down a little and hovers around $50, I might as well keep these games. Do I make sense? Probably not, I should go study, finals tomorrow.
nah, i wouldnt say norkusa was a bitch on DP, though I would call some others on that website one.. I have been getting a lot of PMs lately with complaints about a certian moderator, god knows why theyre coming to me but yeah.. Norkusa is cool
Has anyone actually received theirs yet? Not from what I've seen. Yet you're taking the word of slidecage, arguably the DUMBEST poster in CAG history (read basically any past post of his for incoherence and typos at the very least) because he made a phone call. If he's as stupid on the phone as he over the internet, I doubt he got the whole story, and if he did, I doubt he relayed it properly. If it turns out he got it right, that almost negates his idiotic posts in this thread alone.

Something tells me this is the last time this GameQuestDirect guy does CheapAssGamer any favors. Big thanks to the overreacting whiners. You bother the dude via phone, bitch on the forums, and throw hissy-fits and you haven't even gotten your game yet. Heaven forbid there's a crack in the jewel case when it arrives -- what will you do then, sic your dogs on him? Or bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouths, and when they bark they'll shoot bees at him? As mighty slacker said early on -- in his usual wisdom -- "If you can't afford the risk then don't buy it."
Man, I've heard of penis envy, but not sticker envy.

GQD did not lie. All they ever said on their site was that these were brand new, factory sealed games and that is exactly what they are. Who cares that it's a reprint? Not their fault that Sony doesn't put stickers on stuff that they manufacture for publishers nowadays. Stop crying a river over the perceived "value" of a game and just fucking play it. FFS... I for one am going to tear into my copy of Rhapsody when I get it and it's not going to be any different on my shelf whether or not it had a dippy sticker to begin with. Just bask in the joy that Atlus reprints some of their titles on extraordinay occasions such as this. Of course this begs the question as to why Atlus isn't forward looking and printing larger numbers of their games to begin with, but that's for another day.

Look [hoarders/sellers], I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over. ^^
I'm bitching primarily because the lack of the stickers because then it can always be fucking speculated some dickhead with a shrinkwrapper wrapped games like this and called them sealed. Also it pisses me off Atlus denied being upfront with us for a while on this.
To the person who said Persona is coming out on the PSP that's great news. Hopefully while Atlus is at it they'll release part 1 of Persona 2 to us on the PSP! X-(
Also I wanted to use some extra of these games sealed to trade for Zenki FX and Dracula X.
I'm sorry but I don't consider slidecage dumb.
edit: These copies had better have been pressed in a clean room or close to it and not touched by greasy fucking human hands.
[quote name='Sarang01']I'm bitching primarily because the lack of the stickers because then it can always be fucking speculated some dickhead with a shrinkwrapper wrapped games like this and called them sealed. Also it pisses me off Atlus denied being upfront with us for a while on this.
To the person who said Persona is coming out on the PSP that's great news. Hopefully while Atlus is at it they'll release part 1 of Persona 2 to us on the PSP! X-(
Also I wanted to use some extra of these games sealed to trade for Zenki FX and Dracula X.
I'm sorry but I don't consider slidecage dumb.[/QUOTE]

The games are professionally sealed, and it's not some "dickhead" with a shrinkwrapper.

Just look at the photo that user who received it posted.
[quote name='Nogib'] Of course this begs the question as to why Atlus isn't forward looking and printing larger numbers of their games to begin with, but that's for another day.

Back in the days of FF VII, an RPG got overlooked if it wasn't a big name deal. AFAIK, Rhapsody tanked big time when it was released anyways - it's only Nippon Ichi's sudden rise to the top that everybody wants to check out Rhapsody.

Atlus's games on the whole appeal to such a small, niche audience that they don't want to take the chance and print too many just to have them rot on store shelves everywhere because the game isn't that great, and they take a hit.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Has anyone actually received theirs yet? Not from what I've seen. Yet you're taking the word of slidecage, arguably the DUMBEST poster in CAG history (read basically any past post of his for incoherence and typos at the very least) because he made a phone call. If he's as stupid on the phone as he over the internet, I doubt he got the whole story, and if he did, I doubt he relayed it properly. If it turns out he got it right, that almost negates his idiotic posts in this thread alone.

Something tells me this is the last time this GameQuestDirect guy does CheapAssGamer any favors. Big thanks to the overreacting whiners. You bother the dude via phone, bitch on the forums, and throw hissy-fits and you haven't even gotten your game yet. Heaven forbid there's a crack in the jewel case when it arrives -- what will you do then, sic your dogs on him? Or bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouths, and when they bark they'll shoot bees at him? As mighty slacker said early on -- in his usual wisdom -- "If you can't afford the risk then don't buy it."[/QUOTE]

Slidecage may type messages that are frequently incoherent, often misspelled, and lacking punctuation/capitalization, but that doesn't mean you can call him "dumb". For all you know he could be a frickin math genius that doesn't know how to type (see engineering student stereotypes LOL - notoriously lacking common sense and English skills but quite smart).

Anyway, not being able to spell does not equal lying. Someone else also called and verified, read the last couple of pages.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Has anyone actually received theirs yet? Not from what I've seen. Yet you're taking the word of slidecage, arguably the DUMBEST poster in CAG history (read basically any past post of his for incoherence and typos at the very least) because he made a phone call. If he's as stupid on the phone as he over the internet, I doubt he got the whole story, and if he did, I doubt he relayed it properly. If it turns out he got it right, that almost negates his idiotic posts in this thread alone.

Something tells me this is the last time this GameQuestDirect guy does CheapAssGamer any favors. Big thanks to the overreacting whiners. You bother the dude via phone, bitch on the forums, and throw hissy-fits and you haven't even gotten your game yet. Heaven forbid there's a crack in the jewel case when it arrives -- what will you do then, sic your dogs on him? Or bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouths, and when they bark they'll shoot bees at him? As mighty slacker said early on -- in his usual wisdom -- "If you can't afford the risk then don't buy it."[/QUOTE]

maybe if you learn to read post and look at them before opening your mouth you would of saw that in post 512 someone has already gotten theirs and shows a picture of what it looks like
Regarding the whole security sticker thing, I recently bought, both brand new, Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana and Makai Kingdom, the former from gexpress.com and the latter from Fry's, and neither of them had a security sticker. Perhaps some companies, namely Nippon Ichi and Atlus, are simply doing away with them. I don't really care so long as they're actually new; I never did like how sometimes peeling that thing off would take some of the insert with it.
[quote name='psincubus']Hey, to the guy who has gotten and opened his copy, was there a registration card inside the manual?[/QUOTE]

I don't think so - I noticed when I ordered some manuals from Atlus they didnt have reg cards in them

[quote name='Eh? What?']Regarding the whole security sticker thing, I recently bought, both brand new, Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana and Makai Kingdom, the former from gexpress.com and the latter from Fry's, and neither of them had a security sticker. Perhaps some companies, namely Nippon Ichi and Atlus, are simply doing away with them. I don't really care so long as they're actually new; I never did like how sometimes peeling that thing off would take some of the insert with it.[/QUOTE]

Also if you get them off wrong some of the sealant will stick and be a pain in the ass to get off and you may have a permanent mark or close to it. I don't mean a literally permanent one but rather a smear.
I just wish Sony followed MS's lead with putting the seal on the place where you open it. I hate the new XBox seals though. If you've opened any with em' on there you'll notice the sealant is too strong and the seal is too small.
Also does anyone know if "Tails Concerto" by Atlus is selling for $20 at GQD is a reprint?
[quote name='Eh? What?']Regarding the whole security sticker thing, I recently bought, both brand new, Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana and Makai Kingdom, the former from gexpress.com and the latter from Fry's, and neither of them had a security sticker. Perhaps some companies, namely Nippon Ichi and Atlus, are simply doing away with them. I don't really care so long as they're actually new; I never did like how sometimes peeling that thing off would take some of the insert with it.[/QUOTE]
new sony games doesnt have the sticker, nost just Atlus/NIS games.
Hmm im debating about canceling the order now, due to the posibility of getting good conditio used copy cheaper. Any thoughts on the outcome of these droping to 30ish nm on ebay?
[quote name='Vinny']This is bullshit... fucking bullshit. I am one pissed consumer... I'm reporting these GQD fuckers wherever I can.

I wanted original copies, not some reprinted BS. I'm going to have to find a way to get rid of these two and just buy some used copies of the two games. At least there's some good out of this...

But I am still damn pissed... that GQD guy lied, piece of shit.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='therealdeal19']Someone received their copy already.[/QUOTE]

Silly me for only going back 6 pages instead of 7. I just got mine, too. Neither game has a sticker. I own both games already, but no case for Rhapsody. Persona 2 "reprint" has the same UPC as my original copy, if anyone cares.
bread's done