Right Stuf Geneon Remix Sale (DEAD)


28 (100%)
www.rightstuf.com Geneon DVDs. Click on the search that says Geneon Remix in the top right corner to see what's in the sale and what isn't.

10 for $50 Coupon Code: REMIX10
25 for $100 Coupon Code: REMIX25

You must have the specified amount of DVDs for this to work.

Suggestions? Need filler? Here's some DVDs.

1 DVD Filler: Akira Deluxe Edition, Artimage Double Pack, Patlabor Movie 3 XIII LE, Para Para Mix 1, 2, 3 (CDs) Yuki Kaijura's Fiction (CD, she does all the music for .Hack, Noir, etc...), either Hellsing soundtrack.
2 DVD Filler: Magical Project S 1-2
3 DVD Filler: Tsukihime Lunar Legend 1-3, Someday's Dreamer 1-3

Other series suggestions:
Legend of Black Heaven: 1-4
Paranoia Agent: 1-4
New Getter Robo (with artbox): 1-4
Read or Die TV: 1-7
Gungrave: 1-7
Last Exile: 1-7 (with CD or artbox & figure)
Fighting Spirit: 1-13, 15 (Missing volume 14)

Need a different suggestion (or want me to add one), ask in the thread!
Good to hear about the repricings on the Ranma sets. It'll entice me to grab Season 2 and maybe the final season as well in the future. I got the OVA set for cheap ages ago (thanks, TRSI!) and Season 1 was a Christmas gift from an ex (well, I did get her both Sailor Moon sets when they were on sale...thanks again, TRSI!) but the huge costs on each season made it a bit prohibitive to buy.

TRSI: Taking My Paychecks Since 1995
i REALLY hope TRSI gets a new geneon shipment in this week...like EARLY this week...cuz i'm really tired of waiting for my dvds :( been waiting since June 5th. So can anyone tlel me about partial shipments? cuz im considering calling CS up and asking for a partial shipment on a couple of my orders...would greatly appreciate the help! thanks!
Hey at least you all are not moving out of your current address.
Im taking classes over the summer but my lease begins when summer ends, so I spent summer at a friends closet basically washing and cleaning after him without paying anything. Good deal and good friend I think.

But now Im moving out for irrelevant reasons, and he'll have to recieve that massive package, and he isnt the most responsible person on the planet (again, i clean and wash AFTER him, checks his mail once a month :whistle2:()
The Mahoromatic Summer Special still hasn't come in, and I'm also waiting on Stellvia 1 + artbox. I just got one of their "we're working on it" e-mails so I don't think I'm going to be one of the lucky ones and get a partial shipment. Like ihavenolife123, I'm also moving, but currently I have a P.O. box so I don't have to worry about forwarding. (Soon I'll finally have mail delivered to me a. Huzzah!)

Also waiting on a partial shipment on a Del Rey order. Hopefully they'll get xxxHolic 9 in soon and then finally send out the ones that are reserved for my order.
[quote name='animemaniac14']i REALLY hope TRSI gets a new geneon shipment in this week...like EARLY this week...cuz i'm really tired of waiting for my dvds :( been waiting since June 5th. So can anyone tlel me about partial shipments? cuz im considering calling CS up and asking for a partial shipment on a couple of my orders...would greatly appreciate the help! thanks![/QUOTE]

They charge for parital shipments now. I think it's 3 bucks for economy (not 100% sure, tho', could be more.) I'd just wait, even if it is annoying- chance are semi-good with all the in-stock sale orders going out now too, they'll just issue a massive prodcut release to clear out the system, and some of you stuff'll ship.

[quote name='ihavenolife123'] But now Im moving out for irrelevant reasons, and he'll have to recieve that massive package, and he isnt the most responsible person on the planet (again, i clean and wash AFTER him, checks his mail once a month ) [/quote]

Call customer service and have them change the shipping address. It should be OK, especially if you call from the phone number they have on file for you.

[quote name='Reira'] The Mahoromatic Summer Special still hasn't come in, and I'm also waiting on Stellvia 1 + artbox. I just got one of their "we're working on it" e-mails so I don't think I'm going to be one of the lucky ones and get a partial shipment. [/quote]

Those don't mean a dang thing- I've had 'we're working on it' and 'shipping confirmation' emails come on the same day for the same order before. The working on it emails are just some automated thing to let you know they haven't lost your order or something.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']They charge for parital shipments now. I think it's 3 bucks for economy (not 100% sure, tho', could be more.) I'd just wait, even if it is annoying- chance are semi-good with all the in-stock sale orders going out now too, they'll just issue a massive prodcut release to clear out the system, and some of you stuff'll ship.[/quote]

That's only if you request it right? They sent a partial to me on their own.
is this deal still going on? Anyone know why they have part 1 of trigun collectors edition but not part 2 (or maybe I got that backwards)
[quote name='Scaevola']is this deal still going on? Anyone know why they have part 1 of trigun collectors edition but not part 2 (or maybe I got that backwards)[/quote]
The deal is dead. It is now 20% off any regularly priced items for their sale.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']That's only if you request it right? They sent a partial to me on their own.[/QUOTE]


What sucks is, they don't do partials nearly as much anymore. (If they'd just combine all the crap I have 'reserved', I'm sure the combined amount I've paid for shipping would cover it... but no dice. :cry: )

[quote name='Scaevola'] Anyone know why they have part 1 of trigun collectors edition but not part 2 (or maybe I got that backwards) [/quote]

One sold out. One didn't. It happens with LEs.
They just partially sent both of my orders today. One is waiting on a couple of Fafner volumes, while the other is waiting on some R.O.D. volumes. They use standard shipping right? Cause I'll be away for the rest of the week, and I don't want it to come and just sit out while I'm gone.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']
Call customer service and have them change the shipping address. It should be OK, especially if you call from the phone number they have on file for you.

If i could only tell them to hold the order and ship it AFTER Aug 1, when my lease finally kicks in.
Well half of the dvds in my order that were backordered are no on reserve for my order. Just gotta wait for R.OD. volumes 3 thru 6 to come in.
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']Well half of the dvds in my order that were backordered are no on reserve for my order. Just gotta wait for R.OD. volumes 3 thru 6 to come in.[/QUOTE]

same here
Came back from vacation to see my 3rd order had arrived, which consisted of Stellvia 2-8 and Mahoromatic 1-3. My 2nd order is still held up (no changes since last Weds). A few vols of Fighting Spirit, Stellvia box, and most of Ultra Maniac are holding it up.
Been watching Hajime no Ippo, I agree it's a very good series up to Episode 37 or so currently. Still waiting for two of my orders to ship but i'm in no rush.
well my June 19th order has apparently finally been shipped while my June 8th is still not shipped. At least I can finish Doki Doki School Hours now...
My Fafner disks shipped today to complete my second order, so now I'm just waiting on the volumes of R.O.D. from my first order.
[quote name='PapiChullo']My Fafner disks shipped today to complete my second order, so now I'm just waiting on the volumes of R.O.D. from my first order.[/quote]

Has anyone emailed to find out when they expect to receive more R.O.D. volumes? Those are only ones holding up my order as well.
[quote name='onikage']Has anyone emailed to find out when they expect to receive more R.O.D. volumes? Those are only ones holding up my order as well.[/quote]

Not yet, but I'm in no rush to be honest.
what for? so they tell us an inaccurate time we will have to wait? how is that different form just waiting it out?

Here, TRSI will recieve all our ROD volumes in about 10 business days.
If you havent gotten yours by then, check back with me and Ill give you another estimate.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Not yet, but I'm in no rush to be honest.[/QUOTE]
Yeah me either. I'll have so much other stuff to keep me occupied in the mean time that it won't matter.
[quote name='PapiChullo']Yeah me either. I'll have so much other stuff to keep me occupied in the mean time that it won't matter.[/QUOTE]

yeah, i'm still waiting for my 3rd and 4th shipments. Watched some battle athletes already and slowly getting through trigun. this sale wrecked me pretty good.
I'm still waiting on my first. Or any.

It's an official TRSI 25/$100 sale. It's been one full month and still not a single DVD at my door.
[quote name='guinaevere']I'm still waiting on my first. Or any.

It's an official TRSI 25/$100 sale. It's been one full month and still not a single DVD at my door.[/QUOTE]

Im sure it will get there in time to help you wait for the Next shipment of the NEXT studio Sale.

Im telling you, TRSI really does know what they are doing. Ive been watching stuff from the very first boutiful Genoin sale
MAN! received 9 boxes from TRSI over the past two days...it took a full 2 hours just to UNPACK everything O_O absolutely ridiculous! but im VERY happy that most of my dvds are here...now just waiting for Fighting Spirit Vol. 14 and the Akira Deluxe Edition to come from the manufacturer...i just don't understand tho how it could take over a month and a half...i wonder what's going on?
Yeah you really need to order very soon to get good shipping. Although with a sale like this i don't think too many people mind. $4-5 for brand new anime dvds is a killer deal, one of the best from any site.
[quote name='Brian9824']Yeah you really need to order very soon to get good shipping. Although with a sale like this i don't think too many people mind. $4-5 for brand new anime dvds is a killer deal, one of the best from any site.[/QUOTE]

And they don't charge you until it ships, so its not like they are jacking you for the money and then making you wait like some places (ADV come to mind). Still though after a whole month I would have liked to have it. I guess at this point it is going on the next charge cycle at least...
[quote name='ihavenolife123']
Im telling you, TRSI really does know what they are doing. Ive been watching stuff from the very first boutiful Genoin sale[/QUOTE]

If you seriously mean the one from last year, you should really do something about that. Have you logged into the website to check excactly what's up with your items?
^^ I think he meant that he's still watching DVDs from the first Geneon sale. I still am as well, so even though I'm still waiting on an order, I have plenty of a backlog from all 3 sales that I'm not too worried about how fast I get my DVDs.
im still very confused why Akira Deluxe Edition has been ON ORDER FROM MANUFACTURER since June 5th...can anyone shed some light on this subject? please?
If they wait too long, my CC is going to expire :p

[quote name='Grico']And they don't charge you until it ships, so its not like they are jacking you for the money and then making you wait like some places (ADV come to mind). Still though after a whole month I would have liked to have it. I guess at this point it is going on the next charge cycle at least...[/quote]
If that happens, just call them up give them another credit card #. No big deal.

[quote name='qpwoeiruty']If they wait too long, my CC is going to expire :p[/quote]
[quote name='animemaniac14']im still very confused why Akira Deluxe Edition has been ON ORDER FROM MANUFACTURER since June 5th...can anyone shed some light on this subject? please?[/quote] I would imagine it's on order because they don't have it in stock. As several people have stated before, RS was given a number from Geneon with how many items they had to sell. They can only ship you something once they physically have it.
[quote name='Grico']And they don't charge you until it ships, so its not like they are jacking you for the money and then making you wait like some places (ADV come to mind). Still though after a whole month I would have liked to have it. I guess at this point it is going on the next charge cycle at least...[/QUOTE]

Thats not good. I thought it was charged as soon as they archive your order. My credit card was recently maxed from XBox Live related things..and I thought my Right Stuff Oder would have been already charged. Havent recieved my next bill yet so I dont exactly know whats been charged on it. And I quit my job like 3 weeks ago......so I dont have any money coming in to pay off any of my credit card right now..just the minimum payments. Hopefully it was either already charged or they will still charge my card and Ill have an overdue fine or something. Dont mind paying an extra $10 to $15 for going over my credit card limit.
Be careful, read your fine print. Most cards charge between 9 and 35$ if you're overlimit or late with a payment.
And some cards are "universal default", which means if you're late on *any* payment, including for another bank's card, they will jack up your rate on their card.
Most CCs have online account access, you may want to check that.
Ontopic: I don't mind waiting, but I do want my stuff--I just traded off some of the Vol 1s that I bought box or cd versions of from TRSI.
So it's kinda weird. I got two packages from Right Stuf today, and one was just a single DVD with just Fafner 6, and the other was a bigger box with the artboxes from ROD and Heat Guy J. The weird part is that I only got two tracking numbers and the ROD and Heat Guy J dvds were on two seperate orders. This happen to anyone else? Should I be expecting all of my other DVDs in one big box?

I just found it very strange that two DVDs from seperate orders came in the same box.
[quote name='PapiChullo']I just found it very strange that two DVDs from seperate orders came in the same box.[/QUOTE]

Rightstuf does this all the time. It saves on shipping. I personally have recieved boxes with items from 4-5 different orders in them before. (I like it- big boxes are more fun to open!)
Heh, an order that I made after the Geneon sale already shipped (Haruhi LE 1 ($38!), RahXephon DVDs, Kiminozo vol.2), while the 25 DVD order is hung up on a Fafner and Doki Doki DVD.
[quote name='dtcarson']Be careful, read your fine print. Most cards charge between 9 and 35$ if you're overlimit or late with a payment.
And some cards are "universal default", which means if you're late on *any* payment, including for another bank's card, they will jack up your rate on their card.
Most CCs have online account access, you may want to check that.
Ontopic: I don't mind waiting, but I do want my stuff--I just traded off some of the Vol 1s that I bought box or cd versions of from TRSI.[/QUOTE]

meh. Let em do what they want.i just want my damn dvds. 25 dvds are still worth $135. The card is through my bank, and only has a $500 limit,so as long as I get my dvds, I'm sure there actions wouldnt be too harsh. I just want my dvds. :(
From Rightstuf's main page...

Geneon Remix Orders - Wait Time and Details
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Posted on: July 11, 2007[/FONT]​

Here's a quick update to many of you who are waiting on items from the recent Geneon Bountiful Bargains Remix Sale.

I have been assured by Geneon that all of the items should be available to us - all orders will be filled - but that it may take a couple weeks to replicate some of the merchandise to fill orders. Some items ended up with incorrect inventory counts at their warehouse, causing us to oversell them - and this caused our system to show the items as "in stock and available" when they actually were not.

I certainly apologize for the delay to our customers - this wasn't how I wanted this sale to run. But at the very least, we should be able to fill all orders within the next couple of weeks, and the savings our customers received hopefully will mitigate the delay a bit for you.

If you have any specific concerns, please contact customer service. Thank you for your patience.

Sincerely, Shawne Kleckner President & CEO - Right Stuf, Inc.

I just hope this doesn't keep them from running similar sales in the future. Either way I don't think it is a big deal.
A few more dvds came in, but still waiting on Ultra Maniac 4,5,6, Fighting Spirit 12,14,15 , and Stellvia 1+Box. I don't mind the wait at all. It's a great sale, great deal, and hopefully not the last!
[quote name='Geneon Remix Orders - Wait Time and Details']it may take a couple weeks to replicate some of the merchandise to fill orders[/QUOTE]lol, they make it sound like Star Trek or something.
[quote name='BustaUppa'][quote name='Geneon Remix Orders - Wait Time and Details']
it may take a couple weeks to replicate some of the merchandise to fill orders[/quote]

lol, they make it sound like Star Trek or something.[/QUOTE]


Seriously tho', I half-figured this was it- they actually have to make more stuff before we can get our orders.

No big deal, tho'- the price is good, the product is good, I can wait. (It's kinda like my BF says... "Price, quality, speed. Pick two.")
I'm more than happy to wait, I can afford the stuff but I have so many other things to do if they want to stretch it out it's fine by me. I probably won't get around to watching most of the stuff till next year anyways.
bread's done