Right Stuf Geneon Remix Sale (DEAD)


28 (100%)
www.rightstuf.com Geneon DVDs. Click on the search that says Geneon Remix in the top right corner to see what's in the sale and what isn't.

10 for $50 Coupon Code: REMIX10
25 for $100 Coupon Code: REMIX25

You must have the specified amount of DVDs for this to work.

Suggestions? Need filler? Here's some DVDs.

1 DVD Filler: Akira Deluxe Edition, Artimage Double Pack, Patlabor Movie 3 XIII LE, Para Para Mix 1, 2, 3 (CDs) Yuki Kaijura's Fiction (CD, she does all the music for .Hack, Noir, etc...), either Hellsing soundtrack.
2 DVD Filler: Magical Project S 1-2
3 DVD Filler: Tsukihime Lunar Legend 1-3, Someday's Dreamer 1-3

Other series suggestions:
Legend of Black Heaven: 1-4
Paranoia Agent: 1-4
New Getter Robo (with artbox): 1-4
Read or Die TV: 1-7
Gungrave: 1-7
Last Exile: 1-7 (with CD or artbox & figure)
Fighting Spirit: 1-13, 15 (Missing volume 14)

Need a different suggestion (or want me to add one), ask in the thread!
Ok, just made my last and final order (I think Im on my 5th one now). If anyone was interested in Fafner, they got a few back in stock today (although now they are missing V6). I also picked up Fighting Spirit and a bunch of music CDS for filler. Hopefully they dont have another sale anytime soon...
[quote name='iceman887']Ok, just made my last and final order (I think Im on my 5th one now). If anyone was interested in Fafner, they got a few back in stock today (although now they are missing V6). I also picked up Fighting Spirit and a bunch of music CDS for filler. Hopefully they dont have another sale anytime soon...[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to try and switch V2&3 into my orders. But I'm having a little trouble. I have 3 non-series DVDs (Appleseed, Armitage III: Polymatrix/Dual Matrix and Ah! My Goddess) and I've gotta pick two to switch. I'm definitely going to get rid of Appleseed, but any thoughts on which of the other two I should remove?
Only two orders this time...one was 25, one was 10, then I thought, well, I can add 15 titles for only 3.xx each, so it's too good a deal to pass up.
I got:
Doki Doki School Hours
Daphne in the Brilliant Blue
Koi Kaze
Heat Guy J
Paranoia Agent
and a bunch of soundtracks or Vol1/boxes for those sets or other sets I already had.
From last Bountiful sale I got (and am still working on)
Stellvia (on disk 6)
Somedays Dreamers (unopened)
Ai Yori Aoshi/Enishi (unopened)
Sherlock Hound (sold some of)
Sugar (unopened)
Haibane Renmei (watched and sold)
Human Crosicle...sorry my boy asked me to spell "popsicle" just then.
Human Crossing. (unopened)
I ended up selling four volumes of Sherlock Hound for about what I paid for one of those orders, so that order was "free".
Between this and the DDD 20% sale (Red Dwarf complete, Sliders complete, JLU 1/2, Twilight Zone complete, Planetes complete), I'm set for a little while. I need to buy movies instead of tv/anime series.
I got Tenchi in Tokyo complete for 20 bucks from somewhere.
It will be hard to following these two sales. Although I am tempted by the Urusei Yatsura bundles, that's a series I started collecting/watching on VHS through Ebay and quit because there was just too damn many of them, but while it's overall a "good" price, there's still too many of them. That's a series I almost wouldn't mind a 'best of' collection for. Of course, that's 50 disks, which is what I just got...but all of one series...
GAH...I managed to find 25 more...sixth and FINAL:

1 Free pd11568 Akira DVD (Hyb) Deluxe Edition
1 Free piocd52172 Beginnings/Gemini/Progress CD 3-Pack
1 Free pd12571 Doki Doki School Hours DVD 1 (Hyb): 1
1 Free pd12572 Doki Doki School Hours DVD 2 (Hyb): 2
1 Free pd12573 Doki Doki School Hours DVD 3 (Hyb): 3
1 Free pd12574 Doki Doki School Hours DVD 4 (Hyb): 4
1 Free pd12575 Doki Doki School Hours DVD 5 (Hyb): 5
1 Free pd12280 Dokkoida!? DVD 1 (Hyb): Ultra Diaper
1 Free pd12282 Dokkoida!? DVD 2 (Hyb): Mega Mania At
1 Free pd12283 Dokkoida!? DVD 3 (Hyb): The Lost Acti
1 Free pd12232 Gad Guard DVD 1 (Hyb): Lightning + Ar
1 Free pd12179 Gad Guard DVD 2 (Hyb): Corruption
1 Free pd12180 Gad Guard DVD 3 (Hyb): Persona
1 Free pd12181 Gad Guard DVD 4 (Hyb): Collections
1 Free pd12182 Gad Guard DVD 5 (Hyb): Acquaintances
1 Free pd12183 Gad Guard DVD 6 (Hyb): Techodes
1 Free pd12184 Gad Guard DVD 7 (Hyb): Star Travel
1 $100.00 * geneonsale25 Geneon Special Promo: 25 for $100 off
1 Free ta19048 Interlude DVD (Hyb)
1 Free pd12488 Tenjho Tenge DVD 1 (Hyb) + Artbox
1 Free pd12368 Tokyo Underground DVD 1 (Hyb): Awaken
1 Free pd12369 Tokyo Underground DVD 2 (Hyb): Irrupt
1 Free pd12370 Tokyo Underground DVD 3 (Hyb): The Pr
1 Free pd12371 Tokyo Underground DVD 4 (Hyb): Assail
1 Free pd12372 Tokyo Underground DVD 5 (Hyb): Convic
1 Free pd12373 Tokyo Underground DVD 6 (Hyb): Into t
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I made 4 orders, and really had to scrape to get enough to fill them. I don't know how people are finding enough to fill more than that o_O[/QUOTE]

People probably missed the first Geneon sale. I really bought more then I should have at the ADV sale, but I'll end up placing another order tonight.
Hell, I should've got in on the ADV sale. I ended up waiting and then lo and behold, it ended early.

Most of the stuff here I either already had or didn't feel like blowing money on. Although, there were a few things there I wanted earlier on in the sale.
[quote name='PapiChullo']Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to try and switch V2&3 into my orders. But I'm having a little trouble. I have 3 non-series DVDs (Appleseed, Armitage III: Polymatrix/Dual Matrix and Ah! My Goddess) and I've gotta pick two to switch. I'm definitely going to get rid of Appleseed, but any thoughts on which of the other two I should remove?[/QUOTE]
Armitage. No good has ever come out of Armitage. The Ah! My Goddess movie is *very* enjoyable, too!
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Armitage. No good has ever come out of Armitage. The Ah! My Goddess movie is *very* enjoyable, too![/QUOTE]
Cool, I'm going to switch out as soon as I get home from work today. Luckily only a half day, so hopefully they don't sell out again by then.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Armitage. No good has ever come out of Armitage. The Ah! My Goddess movie is *very* enjoyable, too![/QUOTE]

You seem to be very critical about things, Kirin. I was wondering, do you run some kinda review site or column somewhere? Just Wondering
Man, my first order I made June 7th has only been missing one item and it still hasn't shipped. My second order I made a week ago shipped missing 12 items. I don't get this.

Now it's processing to ship without the one item but goddamn a whole 3 weeks and nothing.
[quote name='furyk']People probably missed the first Geneon sale. I really bought more then I should have at the ADV sale, but I'll end up placing another order tonight.[/quote]

That was me.

I made damn sure I got all I could this time. I would have bought even more but my mother's birthday was this month, my sister had her first baby, I got my first (and last) speeding ticket, I had to renew my registration, I have to get tires, and she and her husband are working on thier house they are about to move into, so I had/have money going everywhere.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I missed the first sale too, and still had a hard time filling four orders. I think I'm just a lot pickier than most people.[/quote]

Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes I wish I was. I could have rather easily placed one more 25 item order.

I had a decent anime collection before the ADV and Geneon sale, but I just want more and more. I don't watch much on TV anymore other than sports and Star Trek. I don't even watch wrestling like I used to. The fact that I get more enjoyment out of anime than games at this point in my life is part of why I am spending more on it. I play my 360 and DS quite a bit, but I haven't touched my other machines much at all recently. As soon as I sell down some of what is on my trade list, I'm going to add more to it. I need more room for the anime anyway.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I wish I wasn't so picky. I shouldn't have started on shows like Macross and the original Gundam. I was spoiled![/quote]

I saw a little of Macross (Plus, I think) on Sci-Fi's Ani-Monday block. I thought it was pretty cool.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I saw a little of Macross (Plus, I think) on Sci-Fi's Ani-Monday block. I thought it was pretty cool.[/QUOTE]

That is the sequal OVA to the original 1984 show. Macross is what got me into anime, since it was the first segment of Robotech, but I do prefer it subtitled with the original dialogue and music.

A new TV series has just been announced I'm looking forward to hearing more info about it.
[quote name='ihavenolife123']You seem to be very critical about things, Kirin. I was wondering, do you run some kinda review site or column somewhere? Just Wondering[/QUOTE]
Nah, I just know what I like and what I don't like, and I've seen a metric ton of anime, both good and bad. ;)
man i love TRSI, but it's ridiculous how long i've been waiting for these dvds to come my way...im still waiting on my order from June 5th...im hoping they'll FINALLY get that shipment of Akira Deluxe Editions in from Geneon so they can ship out my order! :(
Seriously ask yourself this question if you're really complaining about getting your order....DO YOU PLAN ON WATCHING IT RIGHT AWAY?

I doubt it. :p

As for people buying so many orders....I didn't miss the first sale. This will be order number 10 from Geneon. I pretty much can find enjoyment from any series (although I have been watching Star Ocean EX...and it's pretty bad...they deviated so much from the game that it's just silly). Basically the only genre I don't really care for is super-violent darker shows like Hellsing. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm just not a big fan of stuff like that, but we'll see (I do own it). And with these cheap $4 disks if I don't like a series I can easily eBay it and get more than I paid for it. Win, win.
[quote name='Ndolger']Seriously ask yourself this question if you're really complaining about getting your order....DO YOU PLAN ON WATCHING IT RIGHT AWAY?

I doubt it. :p[/QUOTE]Hahaha, I know where you're coming from. I have plenty of stuff from several DDD sales ago that still has the shrink wrap on.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I already finished watching everything in my first two orders XD[/quote]

I wish I was that dedicated. I wanted to finish Azumanga Daioh before I got started on something else though.

I love having all these DVDs though. Great for AMVs! I just some decent software now.
is the sale dead? i just tried to place an order but when i enter "REMIX25" it said, invaild for today's date. hopefully its not. i want to complete some of the series i got a while ago.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I wish I was that dedicated. I wanted to finish Azumanga Daioh before I got started on something else though. [/QUOTE]

*pushes Guile in front of TV*
Finish. NOW.


Seriously tho', Azumanga is one of my all-time favorite shows. Osaka is the best! (The Yotsuba& manga is pretty good too, I can't wait for vol. 4 to finally hit!)
[quote name='dabears1']is the sale dead? i just tried to place an order but when i enter "REMIX25" it said, invaild for today's date. hopefully its not. i want to complete some of the series i got a while ago.[/QUOTE]
Sale ended like 2 days ago...

As for Azumanga, it's all about Yomi XD
[quote name='DuelLadyS']....
*pushes Guile in front of TV*
Finish. NOW.


Seriously tho', Azumanga is one of my all-time favorite shows. Osaka is the best! (The Yotsuba& manga is pretty good too, I can't wait for vol. 4 to finally hit!)[/quote]

I finished it earlier this week. Great show. Tomo is insane!
I normally try to average 2-3 disks a week. Already watched 50 DVDs? O.O Even when I do have the time, I normally only try and watch half a series at most in one sitting.

Azumanga Daioh is definitely something I'd like to watch again. Chiyo-chan ftw.
I'm averaging about 2-4 discs a day. Of course there are exceptions. Only watched one last night, and I think I watched all of Gungrave in like a day.
I am being super slow with these DVDs. It also didn't help that I snagged all of Nadia and Aura Battler Dunbine off of a guy so those are two giant series to watch.
Azumanga Daioh was a great series, I flew through that one.
I can't do more than a couple episodes a day, if that. I have yet to watch everything once, much less rewatch anything.
Neither of my orders has shipped, but one of them was a 10 that I upped to 25 on the last day.
Some are 'reserved for your order', others are 'on order from manufacturers."
I assume they wouldn't have sold them if they weren't planning on getting them in stock? that is, I don't want them to be OOS of, say, vol 4, and not get any more in ever.
My first order is still processing but they sent four more of the dvds from my second order. I've never had my orders so wonky except for the last geneon sale but even then it wasn't THIS bad.
Here's hoping I get my second orders first shipment Monday.
I still can't believe my first order from June 7th, still hasn't shipped and only has one DVD (and has only had one DVD the whole time) on order. It's been processing for four days now.
i placed three order and all are still backordered. should i call and complain because i placed on june 8 and they are all still backordered. i don't know what to do. can someone maybe help me out?
[quote name='Squall280']i placed three order and all are still backordered. should i call and complain because i placed on june 8 and they are all still backordered. i don't know what to do. can someone maybe help me out?[/QUOTE]
Be patient. You didn't order on the first day, and orders are picked as they're received. Chances are your order is being held up by only a few discs at most, which can be checked in your order history.
[quote name='Squall280']i placed three order and all are still backordered. should i call and complain because i placed on june 8 and they are all still backordered. i don't know what to do. can someone maybe help me out?[/quote]

Yeah, like Kirin said just be patient. They are dealing with HUGE volumes of orders and they have to ge their shipments in before they can fulfill. Although, sometimes they will do a partial ship and send the rest when they receive it.

Call and ask, but don't call and complain because that doesn't get stock in any faster.
I've flown through a couple of series. The most recent one was Stand Alone Complex, but in the past I've had impromptu Berserk, Full Metal Panic, Genshiken, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, and One Piece either through DVD or fansub.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Man, when I got all my Ranma sets from Overstock in 2005 I flew through those. I think I finished all of those in a week.[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking of picking up the new budget sets eventually, I havn't seen Ranma 1/2 since it was on VHS.
[quote name='Drahken']I'm thinking of picking up the new budget sets eventually, I havn't seen Ranma 1/2 since it was on VHS.[/QUOTE]

where do you get ranma at?
They're re-releasing the "season" box sets for around $50 MSRP via thin pack. I burned out pretty hard on Ranma. I bought the first three box sets at full price. It's a show where the jokes get pretty old pretty fast.
[quote name='furyk']They're re-releasing the "season" box sets for around $50 MSRP via thin pack. I burned out pretty hard on Ranma. I bought the first three box sets at full price. It's a show where the jokes get pretty old pretty fast.[/quote]

The OVAs and movies are excellent, but I own every DVD and manga so I am biased. The reason I like it is because the story is light and most episodes are stand-alone affairs.
bread's done