Right Stuf Geneon Remix Sale (DEAD)


28 (100%)
www.rightstuf.com Geneon DVDs. Click on the search that says Geneon Remix in the top right corner to see what's in the sale and what isn't.

10 for $50 Coupon Code: REMIX10
25 for $100 Coupon Code: REMIX25

You must have the specified amount of DVDs for this to work.

Suggestions? Need filler? Here's some DVDs.

1 DVD Filler: Akira Deluxe Edition, Artimage Double Pack, Patlabor Movie 3 XIII LE, Para Para Mix 1, 2, 3 (CDs) Yuki Kaijura's Fiction (CD, she does all the music for .Hack, Noir, etc...), either Hellsing soundtrack.
2 DVD Filler: Magical Project S 1-2
3 DVD Filler: Tsukihime Lunar Legend 1-3, Someday's Dreamer 1-3

Other series suggestions:
Legend of Black Heaven: 1-4
Paranoia Agent: 1-4
New Getter Robo (with artbox): 1-4
Read or Die TV: 1-7
Gungrave: 1-7
Last Exile: 1-7 (with CD or artbox & figure)
Fighting Spirit: 1-13, 15 (Missing volume 14)

Need a different suggestion (or want me to add one), ask in the thread!
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Same here. I already have the Champloo boxset, but if all the Tenjho Tenge volumes are added I'll order without hesitation. I already have the first two and have been waiting for a good price on the others for a long time.[/quote]
They better not add any more! I refuse to make more than 3 orders per sale. :cool:

My 3rd and final, just 10:

Stellvia 2-8
Mahoromatic 1-3
Havent gotten an emailback yet to see if they could change my R.O.D 7 to the one with the artbox and figure..........

How long does it usually take to get a response from them. Its been like 2 or 3 days now.
You better call them. I usually don't trust order changes with e-mail. It probably sitting around with all the rest of the e-mail requests. Go go go. Call them.

[quote name='FlamedLiquid']Havent gotten an emailback yet to see if they could change my R.O.D 7 to the one with the artbox and figure..........

How long does it usually take to get a response from them. Its been like 2 or 3 days now.[/quote]
Flame just call, CS is really nice and will do it fast if it has not shipped. If it has then, there is really nothing they could do. Email respond has been about 1 day for me if not less.

edit was beat by Hero
[quote name='ihavenolife123']Found something odd in the internetz (looking up a review for Man of Men Texhnolyze soundtrack...I need about 11 filler items for my Fighting spirit order HELP!)


This is for anyone willing to take a dive, but if you ordered 6 times from this sale, it might benefit you.
These guys are selling vol 1 of Texhnolyze w/ ARTBOX for....
drum rolls
Just in case anyone wanted a box with their 6 volumes. Im sure you can replace your volume 1 for the soundtrack, since im sure everyone here ordered the DVD/CD combo, otherwise thats just a waste of order right there.

Be warned though, the shipping is kinda messed up, and the final price is believed to be about 12.99 or something. Its a great deal in truth...but is anyone of you willing to pay $8 for a box?[/quote]

You could always order 100 boxes and get free shipping.
Any takers for 2 - 3 dvds/cds for fillers items?

[quote name='Dwapook']Sure, I will! I got room for 2-3 more filler items after that if anyone else wants something?[/quote]

Can anyone help me order Fushigi Yugi DVD 4 -6 & 8? (total of 4 filler items) I will reimburse shipping cost, cost of the dvds and a little extra.
[quote name='hero101']Any takers for 2 - 3 dvds/cds for fillers items?

Can anyone help me order Fushigi Yugi DVD 4 -6 & 8? (total of 4 filler items) I will reimburse shipping cost, cost of the dvds and a little extra.[/QUOTE]

Already ordered, I just ended up getting a few of the Rumiko Takahashi: Anthology DVD's.. PM your shipping information, I gotta get to work now!
[quote name='moiety']They better not add any more! I refuse to make more than 3 orders per sale. :cool:

My 3rd and final, just 10:

Stellvia 2-8
Mahoromatic 1-3[/QUOTE]
Ouch, you might not have seen my advice about Mahoromatic on the last page...
Alrighty, cool. Just got done calling them. Said they changed it to the R.O.D 7 with the artbox and figure.


Guess I should have done that to begin with. Ive had probs with there email service before. Great customer service via phone. Not so great customer service via email.
[quote name='ihavenolife123']Thanks for the help.

Paranoia Agent is owned
Haibane Renmei from last year's sale (still sealed)
ROD TV inside first order last week
Gungrave inside first order last week

jubei chan is only 4 items, seen it, loved the (infrequent) sword fighting, but as long as those 4 dont get in the way of anything else that might catch my interest, then yes.

down to 7 filler items. HELP!

PS Heat guy J? good/bad? saw episode 5 to try it out, it was....nice. Ai Yori Aoshi, I saw episode 2, I love Kare Kano, but that was a bit more down to earth. How is AYA? should that be my filler?? Any other suggestions?

Need 7 filler items![/QUOTE]

I'm just wrapping up watching AYA, and it's excellent. Highly recommended if you're a fan of comedy/romance anime (similar to Ah! My Goddess). Enishi doesn't seem to be quite as strong as the main series - still good tho.
[quote name='Dwapook']Sure, I will! I got room for 2-3 more filler items after that if anyone else wants something?[/quote]Guess I missed my opportunity unless you happened to order an extra copy of R.O.D. Vol. 1.

Finally got a response back about them switching the order, and they did. Thing is I need to find Volume 1 cheap now.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Ouch, you might not have seen my advice about Mahoromatic on the last page...[/quote]
Ahh I didn't see your edit. Actually I already picked up Someday's Dreamers in a previous order. Hand Maid May and Mahoromatic were really the only 3-disc series in the sale that I was interested in and that I had not purchased yet, either this sale or the previous one. Mahoromatic sounded a bit more interesting to me than HMM so I went with that. Thank you for your feedback though. :)
[quote name='moiety']Ahh I didn't see your edit. Actually I already picked up Someday's Dreamers in a previous order. Hand Maid May and Mahoromatic were really the only 3-disc series in the sale that I was interested in and that I had not purchased yet, either this sale or the previous one. Mahoromatic sounded a bit more interesting to me than HMM so I went with that. Thank you for your feedback though. :)[/QUOTE]
Well hey, at least you seem to have all the stuff I've suggested thus far! :D
For anyone needing to fill spots in their orders. R.O.D. Vol 7 LE is worth $18 @ any transworld owned store.

Just a shame they wont let us order more than 1 per order; definately a 'hoarders favorite' right there.
Maybe Ill have to do another order with Gungrave then but have no idea what else to get, seems like everything else that is interesting thath I dont already have is not part of the sale for some reason.... eh well......
Oh I will add that Twelve Kingdoms is *excellent* and I highly recommend it. It just came out in 2 economy packs which can be had for $30 a pop. That's like, 60 for the whole series which is a steal considering the price of the individual volumes and also the Premium Edition that came after that....
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Well hey, at least you seem to have all the stuff I've suggested thus far! :D[/QUOTE]

Is Mahoromatic really that bad? The reviews on animeondvd.com seem to say it's pretty good.

I could still swap it out on my order (actually, the Mahoromatic summer special is the only backordered disk holding that order up) but I have most of the good stuff that would fit there. Saikyu Reload looks interesting, but I haven't seen the first part. Lain I've seen a little of and couldn't really get into it, but I might could see giving it another shot (I really like the art style). That would leave some spots tho. Hrmm.....
[quote name='argyle']Is Mahoromatic really that bad? The reviews on animeondvd.com seem to say it's pretty good.

I could still swap it out on my order (actually, the Mahoromatic summer special is the only backordered disk holding that order up) but I have most of the good stuff that would fit there. Saikyu Reload looks interesting, but I haven't seen the first part. Lain I've seen a little of and couldn't really get into it, but I might could see giving it another shot (I really like the art style). That would leave some spots tho. Hrmm.....[/QUOTE]
Mahoromatic is a paint-by-numbers ecchi show for horny young nerds, which is a genre I already can't stand. To be fair, it's one of the better shows of its type. I generally don't like meaningless fluff, so that's why I'm so hard on it.

Saiyuki as a franchise is pretty bad, and below the acceptable level of mediocrity. Lain was pretty trippy, and I did enjoy it, but I could also see why you may not care for it. That's tough if you already have most of the good stuff I mentioned already (on page 11 of this thread).
Hrm, ok. Well, I dug back & found your big list 'o recommendations, and here is what I don't have from it along with my thoughts. Any suggestions/help is greatly appreciated - maybe that last disk stayed backordered all this time for a reason? ;)

Dokkoida!? - I know nothing about this one, so no opinion. It is all in stock w/ an artbox, so that's a plus. 3 disks, so I'd still need something else (I'll be replacing all 7 disks of Mahoromatic)

Dual! - missing disk 1

Fafner - this would actually be a perfect fit...if disks 2&3 weren't sold out :whistle2:(

Fighting Spirit - it's too dang big, I think at least one disk is sold out, plus boxing doesn't really interest me that much

Human Crossing - not sure about this one either. Looks...serious, which isn't usually my thing really. Then again, good is good.

Lain - I mentioned this one - still considering it. Another knock against it tho is that a friend of mine has it, so I could always borrow this

Lupin the 3rd - someone showed me one of the movies YEARS ago when I was first getting into anime (a little over 10 years ago now). I really didn't care for the style that much.

Master Keaton - I know nothing about this

Mermaid Forest - again, looks a little serious for my tastes

Requiem from the Darkness
Rumiko Takahashi Anthology - I know nothing about either of these, no opinion

Looking back, judging purely by box art Dokkoida!? looks like it might be my kind of show, and I do like the fact that it has a art box. That would still leave 4 tho. It really is a shame that Fafner is missing volumes - I'd go with that & be done.

EDIT: I also have 7 disks of Ultra Maniacs on that same order...if Fighting Spirit is really THAT good, I could drop UM too & get the 14 disks of FS they have in stock, leaving just disk 9 to grab from somewhere else....decisions, decisions...
[quote name='argyle']I also have 7 disks of Ultra Maniacs on that same order...if Fighting Spirit is really THAT good, I could drop UM too & get the 14 disks of FS they have in stock, leaving just disk 9 to grab from somewhere else....decisions, decisions...[/QUOTE]
Fighting Spirit really *is* that good. I can't praise it enough. I'm not a boxing fan, and heck, I don't even like sports, but I love this show.

If you're looking for comedy, Dokkoida is a great pick. It's basically a big superhero parody done well. I would suggest this and Lain if you're just trying to fill 7 discs worth.

AniDB.info is a great resource for reviews, so you might want to check that out if you want to learn more about any given show.
I was thinking about something, just right now. Heres the deal

I need chobits, because my friend is gonna plug his chobits in my Fighting spirit order and we might split the cost, which is for me IMO. But the chobits are gone, he wont like an incomplete set...

Do any of you happen to order chobits, and wish you had another series? I mean like a series trade, or individual volumes trading. Anything like that, so i can complete my friends Chobits set?

Well, I was thinking, has anyone started a TRADING thread about this, is anyone interested? I mean its logical since the actual combination of 10/25 dvds are pretty crazy since we fill them with 3-8 volume series, or whopping 15 with Fighting spirit.
Someone should start one no?? before the sale ends.
OK, you guys talked me into it. I sent an email requesting they cancel Mahoromatic & Ultra Maniacs and add the 14 volumes of Fighting Spirits they have in stock. I'll keep an eye on my email tomorrow - hopefully I won't need to call, because that won't be easy to do from work.

Now watch my luck being that its status finally changes tomorrow to shipped. :p

EDIT: Now, does anyone know where I can find FS vol. 9 for cheap?
[quote name='animemaniac14']someone tell me how requiem from the darkness is? cuz im interested in getting that series....[/QUOTE]
Probably my favorite horror anime - buy it!
[quote name='argyle'] EDIT: Now, does anyone know where I can find FS vol. 9 for cheap?[/QUOTE]

Would have been about 16 at DD now it's 20 or 19 something on Overstock. You might try getting it in a B1G1 at Suncoast/FYE for about 15 or so. Only other option I know of is to just wait and hope they get it back in stock.
Since I'm still looking for R.O.D. 1, I checked out the ol' 'bay. Sure enough, someone's selling a single copy for around $10 shipped BIN, but I'm not sure if it's legit. There is a photo of the case, but the description is really short. It does mention it has the dub on it, so it's probably not imported or anything, but I'm still leary. It's the seller's first sell, but the buying feedback has been all positive.

I don't want to put the link up since I'm afraid someone will snatch it, but it's pretty simple to find if you look.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Probably my favorite horror anime - buy it![/quote]

It really is an excellent series. I'm on the last disk myself. Haven't heard many people talk about it. There's a lot of unique art direction and the stories are very well done. Highly recommended if you enjoy horror or good stand-alone stories in general.
I picked up Requiem during the last sale because it looked interesting. Glad to hear positive feedback on it. It didn't seem like many people purchased it. Looking forward to watching it now!
[quote name='harunim']How good is Texhnolyze?? Is it worth owning??
Texhnolyze is one of the best series ever made imo. For me it's easily the best item available in this sale. I got lucky on Ebay last year and snatched the complete Lenticular box set for $65. I can't recommend Texh highly enough.

Onto my order(s), I got:

Akira Deluxe Edition (remastered)
Armitage III OVA Collection
Armitage III: Dual Matrix
Fushigi Yugi 1-8
Haibane Renmei 1-4
Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV 2-7 + Artbox
Tenchi Muyo: OVA 1-4
Ikki-Tousen 1-4
Jubei Chan 2 1-4
Serial Experiments Lain 1-4
Licensed by Royalty (L/R) 1-4
Mermaid Forest 1-4
Requiem from the Darkness 1-4
Tenchi Muyo: Movie 1: Tenchi In Love

Holy crap! I just noticed that ROD Vol. 1 is back up in stock. Time to call and see about an exchange. I have ten items listed as "on order from manufacturer", so I'll exchange one of those; probably the Tenchi movie.

My dad's gonna go nuts when these huge boxes of DVDs start popping up on the doorstep:lol:. I haven't even touched all of the stuff i got during the ADV sale. Anime Backlog Status: O_O
[quote name='KevinJa']Anime Backlog Status: O_O[/quote]


Yeah, I can't wait to get my Licensed by Royalty DVDs. The show looks interesting.
BTW, I just called them to make the swap to Fighting Spirits, and I mentioned to the girl that I had emailed last night but hadn't heard anything back so I just wanted to make sure it gets changed before it's too late. She was very friendly and said that they were currently swamped with emails. So she said she'll make the change for me now.

So if anyone is trying to get a change made, definitely call. :)
With the talk about Requiem from the Darkness. I'm starting to consider getting it. I put Jubei Chan in my order because of talks in this thread. But which one is better of the two. Should I just stick with Jubei Chan or switch it out.

Damn, now while making this post, I saw that the 3rd and 5th volumes of Last Exile are now in. I may have to just place another order of just 10 this time. My pockets are gonna really be hurting now.
I'd stick with Jubei-chan. Requiem from the Darkness is a very good show, but it's sort of like Scooby Doo only with more rape and murder and less eating disorders.
[quote name='KevinJa']Texhnolyze is one of the best series ever made imo. For me it's easily the best item available in this sale. I got lucky on Ebay last year and snatched the complete Lenticular box set for $65. I can't recommend Texh highly enough.

No offense or anything, but you didn't get "lucky" with that lenticular box-set.

Suncoast / FYE was selling it for $50 and I think that was during the time of their BOGO...so it was basically $25. I remember trying to buy it for $50 on Suncoast.com, but a 10% off coupon I had wasn't working...and being a true CAG, I didn't buy it. ;)

I guess what I'm trying to say is...if you find something "cheap" on eBay, more than likely it's on sale somewhere and somebody is trying to flip it (not saying I've never done it or anything). I managed to buy the Last Exile DVDs during the first Geneon sale and then BB.com had the boxset for $32. I made $65 selling the used DVDs on eBay.
Well I've decided to go ahead and make another order or 25. But I need a little help. Here's what I have so far.

Last Exile 3&5
Fafner 1, 4, 5, 6, 7
Requiem from the Darkness 1-4

So I have 13 spots left. After looking over the thread here's what I've narrowed the rest down to mostly based on recommendations.

Ai Yori Enishi 1-3
Dokkoida 1-3
Heat Guy J 1-7
Lain 1-4
Star Ocean 1-6
Stellvia 1-8
Ah My Goodness
Adventures of Mini Goddesses 1-4

I'm a fairly inexperienced Anime watcher, so I don't really know much about any of these, so which would you all recommend to fill out my order.

Also how is Human Crossing, the description made it sound a little interesting.

Thanks for any help.
Last Exile 3&5 - I guess you're just completing your set? LE is highly recommended, but just in general...this can had for ~$32 at BB.com (kiosk)
Fafner 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 - no idea, but it's on my backlog; I picked it up because I liked the character designer (did Gundam Seed / Destiny, and Infinite Ryvius)
Appleseed - I haven't bought this yet as I'm sure I can find it for fairly cheap
Requiem from the Darkness 1-4 - excellent
Ai Yori Enishi 1-3 - I really enjoyed AYA and AYA:E, but keep in mind this is the second season...Deepdiscount.com sells both season for $40; so during the next 20% off sale you can get it for $32; just don't watch the dub! Tina's horrible accent and Aoi's meekness will make you want to kill
Dokkoida 1-3 - only seen the previews for it, but it put me off...very much so; but Kirin said it was good...and if you disagree with him...who knows what will happen!
Heat Guy J 1-7 - good show; probably a good buy as well, what with you being able to get two artboxes and a bonus disk as well
Lain 1-4 - I think Lain is a little overrated, but it did have it's moments, I *really* enjoyed the first disk, then...things happen...still a good show though
Star Ocean 1-6 - I've heard nothing but awful things...haven't seen it; although it IS one of my favorite games ever made, so I did pick up it if not for the nostalgia factor (and because Motoi Sakuraba did the music)
Stellvia 1-8 - can't really comment...but you can get a tin with it! XD
Ah My Goodness - haven't seen it, it's on my backlog though
Adventures of Mini Goddesses 1-4 - see above

You could go with Heat Guy + SO:EX, HG + AYA:E + Dokkoida, SO:EX + Lain + (AYA:E or Dokkoida), or none of the above and get Ippo...oh the possibilities!
[quote name='PapiChullo']Well I've decided to go ahead and make another order or 25. But I need a little help. Here's what I have so far.

Last Exile 3&5
Fafner 1, 4, 5, 6, 7
Requiem from the Darkness 1-4

So I have 13 spots left. After looking over the thread here's what I've narrowed the rest down to mostly based on recommendations.

Ai Yori Enishi 1-3
Dokkoida 1-3
Heat Guy J 1-7
Lain 1-4
Star Ocean 1-6
Stellvia 1-8
Ah My Goodness
Adventures of Mini Goddesses 1-4

I'm a fairly inexperienced Anime watcher, so I don't really know much about any of these, so which would you all recommend to fill out my order.

Also how is Human Crossing, the description made it sound a little interesting.

Thanks for any help.[/QUOTE]
First of all, stick with Jubei-chan on your first order - it's super-awesome!

I suggest Lain, Ah! My Goddess, and then either Heat Guy J or Stellvia, depdning on what type of show you'd prefer to watch (check 'em out on AniDB.info and Anime News Network). AVOID Star Ocean Ex at all costs!
[quote name='PapiChullo']Well I've decided to go ahead and make another order or 25. But I need a little help. Here's what I have so far.

Last Exile 3&5
Fafner 1, 4, 5, 6, 7
Requiem from the Darkness 1-4

So I have 13 spots left. After looking over the thread here's what I've narrowed the rest down to mostly based on recommendations.

Ai Yori Enishi 1-3
Dokkoida 1-3
Heat Guy J 1-7
Lain 1-4
Star Ocean 1-6
Stellvia 1-8
Ah My Goodness
Adventures of Mini Goddesses 1-4

I'm a fairly inexperienced Anime watcher, so I don't really know much about any of these, so which would you all recommend to fill out my order.

Also how is Human Crossing, the description made it sound a little interesting.

Thanks for any help.[/QUOTE]

Definitely don't start w/ AYA:Enishi, start with the first 5 volumes of the show. It's excellent, but if you start with Enishi you're starting at the end.
[quote name='argyle']Definitely don't start w/ AYA:Enishi, start with the first 5 volumes of the show. It's excellent, but if you start with Enishi you're starting at the end.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I have AYA in my first order. Maybe I'll wait and watch those first.

BTW, what does DTS stand for?
thanks for everyone's suggestions of requiem from the darkness...can't wait to get it...tho im guessing since i ordered today...it'll be at least a month before i get my order huh?
[quote name='PapiChullo']Yeah, I have AYA in my first order. Maybe I'll wait and watch those first.

BTW, what does DTS stand for?[/QUOTE]

Ah, my mistake. In that case, I'd definitely get Enishi to finish the set. DTS is the digital soundtrack - I forget exactly what it stands for tho.
Aight, so here's how my order finally shaped up.

Quant Price      Item Code       Description
----- ---------- --------------- -------------------------------------
   1       Free         pd12614 Ah! My Goddess the Motion Picture DVD
   1       Free         pd12527 Appleseed DVD (Hyb) - Feature Only
   1       Free         pd12529 Fafner DVD 1 (Hyb): Arcadian Project
   1       Free         pd12533 Fafner DVD 4 (Hyb): New Divergence
   1       Free         pd12534 Fafner DVD 5 (Hyb): Rebirth
   1       Free         pd12535 Fafner DVD 6 (Hyb): Next Evolution
   1       Free         pd12536 Fafner DVD 7 (Hyb): Going Home
   1  $100.00 *    geneonsale25 Geneon Special Promo: 25 for $100 off
   1       Free         pd12051 Heat Guy J DVD 1 (Hyb): Super Android
   1       Free         pd12053 Heat Guy J DVD 2 (Hyb): Vampire's Amb
   1       Free         pd12054 Heat Guy J DVD 3 (Hyb): Sins of the C
   1       Free         pd12055 Heat Guy J DVD 4 (Hyb): Hidden Fangs
   1       Free         pd12056 Heat Guy J DVD 5 (Hyb): Haunted Past
   1       Free         pd12057 Heat Guy J DVD 6 (Hyb): Urban Corrupt
   1       Free         pd12234 Heat Guy J DVD 7 (Hyb): Revolution +
   1       Free         pd12144 Lain, Serial Experiments DVD 1 (Hyb):
   1       Free         pd12206 Lain, Serial Experiments DVD 2 (Hyb):
   1       Free         pd12240 Lain, Serial Experiments DVD 3 (Hyb):
   1       Free         pd12241 Lain, Serial Experiments DVD 4 (Hyb):
   1       Free         pd12126 Last Exile DVD 3 (Hyb): Discovered At
   1       Free         pd12128 Last Exile DVD 5 (Hyb): Grand Stream
   1       Free         pd12323 Requiem from the Darkness DVD 1 (Hyb)
   1       Free         pd12324 Requiem from the Darkness DVD 2 (Hyb)
   1       Free         pd12325 Requiem from the Darkness DVD 3 (Hyb)
   1       Free         pd12326 Requiem from the Darkness DVD 4 (Hyb)
   1       Free         pd12488 Tenjho Tenge DVD 1 (Hyb) + Artbox

Threw Tenjho Tenge in there cause it looked interesting.

I'm done buying DVDs for a while. Between this and DD, I have ordered over 120 movies in the past week. My pockets are officially hurting.

Thanks for you guys' help.
[quote name='PapiChullo']BTW, what does DTS stand for?[/quote]
An audio format similar to Dolby Digital 5.1, Digital Theater Systems Digital Surround (DTS) was developed to use a lower compression level for the greatest possible fidelity to the separate audio channels of a DVD. A decoder is required either externally or in the player. Some DVDs include both DTS and Dolby Digital 5.1 tracks, allowing the consumers to choose for themselves. Discs only produced in DTS will play on any regular DVD players but will not play back the DTS signal unless a decoder is present.
[quote name='PapiChullo']I'm done buying DVDs for a while. Between this and DD, I have ordered over 120 movies in the past week. My pockets are officially hurting.[/QUOTE]

Ugh, tell me about it. Let's see, once all of this comes in I'll be have picked up:

70 in the Rightstuf sale - 7 duplicates (for boxes, mainly) = 63

Then the ROD OAV & The 4400 season 1 from DDD. And top it off with the complete Six Feet Under collection from the Amazon 1-day sale.

That's just in the past couple weeks - about a month ago I picked up Stargate Atlantis seasons 1&2 and SG-1 season 9 from EB (buy-2-get-1). Of those, I've finished the Atlantis sets.

I think I'm done for a LONG while.
[quote name='argyle']Ugh, tell me about it. Let's see, once all of this comes in I'll be have picked up:

70 in the Rightstuf sale - 7 duplicates (for boxes, mainly) = 63

Then the ROD OAV & The 4400 season 1 from DDD. And top it off with the complete Six Feet Under collection from the Amazon 1-day sale.

That's just in the past couple weeks - about a month ago I picked up Stargate Atlantis seasons 1&2 and SG-1 season 9 from EB (buy-2-get-1). Of those, I've finished the Atlantis sets.

I think I'm done for a LONG while.[/quote]

hahahahaha...ya...that's what they ALLL SAY!!!...including me...and i swore i wouldn't make another order...in fact..I WON'T! DONE BUYING DVDS FOR A LONNGGGGG ASSSS TIME!
bread's done