Right Stuf Geneon Remix Sale (DEAD)


28 (100%)
www.rightstuf.com Geneon DVDs. Click on the search that says Geneon Remix in the top right corner to see what's in the sale and what isn't.

10 for $50 Coupon Code: REMIX10
25 for $100 Coupon Code: REMIX25

You must have the specified amount of DVDs for this to work.

Suggestions? Need filler? Here's some DVDs.

1 DVD Filler: Akira Deluxe Edition, Artimage Double Pack, Patlabor Movie 3 XIII LE, Para Para Mix 1, 2, 3 (CDs) Yuki Kaijura's Fiction (CD, she does all the music for .Hack, Noir, etc...), either Hellsing soundtrack.
2 DVD Filler: Magical Project S 1-2
3 DVD Filler: Tsukihime Lunar Legend 1-3, Someday's Dreamer 1-3

Other series suggestions:
Legend of Black Heaven: 1-4
Paranoia Agent: 1-4
New Getter Robo (with artbox): 1-4
Read or Die TV: 1-7
Gungrave: 1-7
Last Exile: 1-7 (with CD or artbox & figure)
Fighting Spirit: 1-13, 15 (Missing volume 14)

Need a different suggestion (or want me to add one), ask in the thread!
My first order of 10 DVDs finally shipped, I ordered on the first day of the sale but it was held up by one Akira DVD not being in stock. I made a second order of 25 when the ROD artbox came back in stock, but alot of the stuff is still on order so I don't think they will ship for a couple of weeks. I still have not finshed watching the DVDs I got from the last sale, but I can't wait to get these.
[quote name='Grico']I'm jealous. I ordered morning day 1 and have gotten nothing yet =[. It will be close whether I get order one before I go to vacation or not.[/quote]

I ordered on the first day too. One of my two orders finally shipped today, but my other order is being held up by Neia Under 7 Vol 1. I know I'll eventually get my stuff, but I thought it would all actually be in stock ordering the first day of the sale and all. Ah well. At least it's a killer deal. :)
I noticed that you didn't get any lenticulars in your Texhnolyze order there ihavenolife123 (oh nevermind you just picked up vol 5). I must of got lucky. :) I got lenticular covers for 4,5, and 6.

Yay, order 3 of 5 just shipped (Niea_7 vol 1 is holding up my 4th order...).
[quote name='Ndolger']I noticed that you didn't get any lenticulars in your Texhnolyze order there ihavenolife123 (oh nevermind you just picked up vol 5). I must of got lucky. :) I got lenticular covers for 4,5, and 6.[/QUOTE]

Oh nonono, I was quoting Hero101's post. He bought the pictured batch.
I certaintly HOPE i get the lenticulars when I order all the volumes sometime later. dont worry, youll be hearing from me
My first order which had Fafner in it shipped, that is the one I am most looking forward to right now. Also Gungrave is in it.
2 years 19 days 26 minutes 34 seconds, Or a week or two whatever comes sooner. Magical Sammy S Set 1 is all that is holding up my second. ROD's and misc on my third.
My 3rd order has shipped, but my 2nd one is still backordered. :p It's being held up by one of the Battle Athletes, most of Mahoromatic and most of Ultra Maniacs. I think what they have shipped will keep me plenty busy until that one ships tho. ;)
ROD 3 4 6 and 7 didn't have the little plastic board things in them :( my old copies of 1 and 2 did, and 5 had it for some reason. >_>
[quote name='georox']ROD 3 4 6 and 7 didn't have the little plastic board things in them :( my old copies of 1 and 2 did, and 5 had it for some reason. >_>[/QUOTE]

Only my 1&5 did. The extras are hit & miss with the disks you pickup in these sales, but for the price it's hard to complain. ;)
[quote name='argyle']Only my 1&5 did. The extras are hit & miss with the disks you pickup in these sales, but for the price it's hard to complain. ;)[/quote]Yea but I kinda wanted the full set of em heh.
Got all the Lupin the III Tv's i could get(with 3 figures), Master keaton 1-8, Fafner 1 w/artbox, Gad guard 1 w/artbox and the first 2 Hajime No Ippo dvd's.

Thanks for posting this would have missed out otherwise.

My one and only order arrived today. Gonna open everything now. Didn't realize the RODs came with shitajiki (pencil boards). Here's hoping I get a few!
[quote name='moiety']

My one and only order arrived today. Gonna open everything now. Didn't realize the RODs came with shitajiki (pencil boards). Here's hoping I get a few![/QUOTE]

Nice haul! BTW, those Ai Yori Aoshi's have reversible covers. I ended up reversing 3&4 - 3 especially, I can't imagine why the reverse to that one wasn't the default.
Someday's Dreamers also had reversible covers. Very nice.

Only my ROD Vols. 1 + 2 had pencil boards. Was hoping Magical Project S would have one, but no luck. My season 2 box set had one, and season 1 is also supposed to have one, so some of you might be in luck!

That concludes another sale. My backlog is completely overwhelming now. I really gotta start making time to watch everything.
[quote name='Reira']I also finally get to replace my Magical Project S VHS tapes. I've almost picked up the DVD sets several times when they went on the weekly sale for $26 each. [/quote]Awesome. I was fortunate to find both DVD sets at Big Lots a year or two back for 3.99 a piece. Took me at least a year to get around to watching them, and at first, they bored me. After a few episodes when the writers began to truly find the characters voices, it became rapidly more and more entertaining. Pixy Misa is one of my favorite female anime characters now.

[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Yeah, Lupin's licensing is all kinda of wonky, as four companies presently have hte rights to produce Lupin DVDs for the U.S. market.[/quote]So long as they continue to do the great job of localizing, I don't care how many people have the licensing rights.

[quote name='animemaniac14']ill tell EVERYBODY in this thread to PLEASE check out GUNGRAVE...it is absolutely amazing...i just finished watching it *drools*...absolutely brilliant IMO[/quote]How so? I picked up the first DVD (again, at Big Lots a year or two back) and I thought it stunk, so I traded it into BlockBuster. It tried to be intense and dark and tough and all... and imo, it tried too hard and didn't have any real substance behind it. It felt very formulaic.

But I know this is a big title, so maybe I'm missing something?

[quote name='Brian9824']Ai Yori Aoshi is great.[/quote]Better than Enishi? I picked up Enishi at the last sale and the characters were so stoopid. The blond american being all loud and obnoxious and all...

[quote name='Drahken']Anyone seen Melody of Oblivion or Gad Guard?[/quote]I've watched the first two discs of Gad Guard. I have to get around to watching the rest. But I did buy the rest of the set at the last sale because I did enjoy the style, characters and so far, the story of the two discs which I had picked up and watched before.

But it's subjective. What are you looking for? What sort of anime appeals to you?

[quote name='DuelLadyS']SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

I screwed up my order yesterday and accidentally got an extra copy of ROD the TV vol.7 instead of volume 1 (I ordered the artbox from somewhere else.) I tried to call and have my order changed, but they said it's already packed, I can't change it, and I can't exchange it later.

Please, PLEASE- can someone get me a copy of volume 1? I'll trade for my extra copy of 7, plus my old copy of Last Exile vol.1. I'm desperate here!!!![/quote]Odd. At the last sale, one of my box sets came squished and one of the discs I ordered was wrong. Not their fault, my fault; I ordered the wrong disc. I sent an email about both of them, and told them the truth. I was given an exchange number for both items (squished box for a non-squished box and the right title in exchange for the wrong title). No problems, no hassles. I sent them out with the forms filled out, and the replacements came in under two weeks.

If they are saying you can't exchange, possibly their policy has changed. But I think more likely is that you ought to email them in a polite but professional manner. Don't take this as an insult LadyS, but if your email is similar to your post (with a lot of "!!!!!'s" and "help me, I'm desperate" type pleas, it's very likely to come across as whiney and/or juvenile depending on the person reading the request.

As a suggestion...
"Thank you for offering this sale, and giving so many great geneon options. I erred in my order and wound up with the wrong Disc number. May I please have an exchange approval number to return X for Y?

Thank you for your time, help and again, for your great sales.

dual lady s"

The thing that really confuses me though, is how you wound up ordering two disc 7s. TRSI states that no multiple orders are permitted. If you have multiples within your order, the order won't go through. ??

[quote name='Brian9824']Anyways if someone gets soundtracks to Ai Yori Aoshi or Enishi they don't want send me a PM[/quote]If I get to place a second order (and they don't kill it ahead of time like last sale), I'll get you a CD for that Elfen Lied box you deprived me of. =P

[quote name='Blade']Who the fuck bought all of the artboxes and didn't buy the fucking series to go in them?[/quote]I got the Gad Guard box and the Heat Guy box. I already have the sets, just wanted the boxes to put them in. The duplicate DVDs shall go to BlockBuster. Not exactly sure why that would bother you, but what do I know?

[quote name='Brian9824']Love Hina just got utterly pointless. I mean he sneezes and Naru decks him across city. Got old after the first few times so fast. [/quote]Yeah. Personally, I find the "tortured, well-meaning guy" a horrible character and a poor writers attempt at cheap humor. I don't find girls hitting guys any funnier than guys hitting girls. read: it isn't funny at all.

And seeing as this post is way too long as it is, why not go for broke. Here's my order from last week:
1 Free pd12529 Fafner DVD 1 (Hyb): Arcadian Project
1 Free pd12531 Fafner DVD 2 (Hyb): Ultimate Sacrific
1 Free pd12532 Fafner DVD 3 (Hyb): Human Force
1 Free pd12232 Gad Guard DVD 1 (Hyb): Lightning + Ar
1 $100.00 * geneonsale25 Geneon Special Promo: 25 for $100 off
1 Free pd12051 Heat Guy J DVD 1 (Hyb): Super Android
1 Free pd11945 Lupin the 3rd TV DVD 1 (Hyb): The Wor
1 Free pd11954 Lupin the 3rd TV DVD 10 (Hyb): Enchan
1 Free pd11946 Lupin the 3rd TV DVD 2 (Hyb): Love He
1 Free pd11947 Lupin the 3rd TV DVD 3 (Hyb): Family
1 Free pd11948 Lupin the 3rd TV DVD 4 (Hyb): Thieves
1 Free pd11949 Lupin the 3rd TV DVD 5 (Hyb): Mission
1 Free piocd52742 Paranoia Agent CD Soundtrack
1 Free pd12377 Paranoia Agent DVD 1 (Hyb): Enter Lil
1 Free pd12378 Paranoia Agent DVD 2 (Hyb): True Beli
1 Free pd12379 Paranoia Agent DVD 3 (Hyb): Serial Ps
1 Free pd12380 Paranoia Agent DVD 4 (Hyb): Sayonara
1 Free pd12167 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 1 (Hyb):
1 Free pd12168 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 2 (Hyb):
1 Free pd12169 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 3 (Hyb):
1 Free pd12170 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 4 (Hyb):
1 Free pd12171 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 5 (Hyb):
1 Free pd12172 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 6 (Hyb):
1 Free pd12569 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 7 (Hyb) +
1 Free pd12162 Texhnolyze DVD 5 (Hyb): Lies & Despai
1 Free pd12163 Texhnolyze DVD 6 (Hyb): Death & Seren

Wahoo! Finally I get all of Paranoia Agent in one order! Finish off my Texhnolyze set. Get the Gad Guard and Heat Guy J boxes to put my sets into, almost finish the Lupin set, grabbed the first 3 (rest sold out) of Fafner which I know nothing about, and I got all 7 of ROD with the box and the figure. whee.
[quote name='guinaevere']Better than Enishi? I picked up Enishi at the last sale and the characters were so stoopid. The blond american being all loud and obnoxious and all... [/QUOTE]

Hard to say. I'm just now starting Enishi, so I don't have a firm opinion of it yet - then again, it's an extension of the first series, and you're basically jumping in in the middle (or the end, really) if you start with that series. You've skipped all the character introductions, etc.

Guess it depends a lot on what you like as well - I think the American being loud is actually kinda amusing, but then again the show revolves around Aoi and Kaoru, and it's their relationship that I really enjoy watching.

There are now only 2 holdups on my last order shipping - the Summer Special disk of Maharomatics, and disk 5 of Ultra Maniacs. :)
[quote name='argyle']Hard to say. I'm just now starting Enishi, so I don't have a firm opinion of it yet - then again, it's an extension of the first series, and you're basically jumping in in the middle (or the end, really) if you start with that series. You've skipped all the character introductions, etc.

Guess it depends a lot on what you like as well - I think the American being loud is actually kinda amusing, but then again the show revolves around Aoi and Kaoru, and it's their relationship that I really enjoy watching.

There are now only 2 holdups on my last order shipping - the Summer Special disk of Maharomatics, and disk 5 of Ultra Maniacs. :)[/quote]

The only huge problem I had with Enishi was that it never really ended. It left a "WTF? That's it?" kind of feeling.
Anime in general typically doesn't end most of the time and leaves things open though. The blonde american is basically the japaneese stereotype of American women which is why she is purposely annoying and catty (notice she has fangs)
Ok, I have no Idea what to do.

Today I checked my order status of Paranoia agent 1-4 and Texhnolyze 1-6 ordered on june 9th. It then sayed that my order was all backordered what do I do? Do I still get the 10 for $50 deal?
Just wait for it. Maybe you will receive by next week or so. Relax. You will still get the 10 for $50 deal.
[quote name='Derek-San']Ok, I have no Idea what to do.

Today I checked my order status of Paranoia agent 1-4 and Texhnolyze 1-6 ordered on june 9th. It then sayed that my order was all backordered what do I do? Do I still get the 10 for $50 deal?[/quote]
[quote name='hero101']Just wait for it. Maybe you will receive by next week or so. Relax. You will still get the 10 for $50 deal.[/QUOTE]

Sweet. Thanks for helping.
[quote name='Derek-San']Sweet. Thanks for helping.[/QUOTE]

I for one must agree with this. The last 2 sales I got in on,I was freaking out too, but still ended up getting my stuff. Just gotta be patient. Doesnt hurt to call either.
[quote name='guinaevere']If they are saying you can't exchange, possibly their policy has changed. But I think more likely is that you ought to email them in a polite but professional manner. Don't take this as an insult LadyS, but if your email is similar to your post (with a lot of "!!!!!'s" and "help me, I'm desperate" type pleas, it's very likely to come across as whiney and/or juvenile depending on the person reading the request.[/quote]

It's pretty simple. Send them an email and ask to speak to Shawne (president of TRSI) directly. As soon as it gets to him, he'll set you up with whatever you need. Some of their customer service reps are pretty bad. But, as long as you appeal direclty to Shawne, you should have no problems.

I had an extremely messy ordeal last time (ADV sale), and after lengthy email correspondence Shawne finally got dragged into it and fixed it (I had ordered 7 DVDs HOURS prior to the 25/100 sale began and I wanted the order cancelled and swapped into my 25 order...but they were OOS...it was messy; finally got resolved though).
[quote name='Ndolger']It's pretty simple. Send them an email and ask to speak to Shawne (president of TRSI) directly. As soon as it gets to him, he'll set you up with whatever you need. Some of their customer service reps are pretty bad. But, as long as you appeal direclty to Shawne, you should have no problems.

I had an extremely messy ordeal last time (ADV sale), and after lengthy email correspondence Shawne finally got dragged into it and fixed it (I had ordered 7 DVDs HOURS prior to the 25/100 sale began and I wanted the order cancelled and swapped into my 25 order...but they were OOS...it was messy; finally got resolved though).[/QUOTE]

Thats impressive, usually anyone that sells you anything online doesnt give a rat's ass about you, except on ebay...and even then...
[quote name='Ndolger']It's pretty simple. Send them an email and ask to speak to Shawne (president of TRSI) directly. As soon as it gets to him, he'll set you up with whatever you need. Some of their customer service reps are pretty bad. But, as long as you appeal direclty to Shawne, you should have no problems.

I had an extremely messy ordeal last time (ADV sale), and after lengthy email correspondence Shawne finally got dragged into it and fixed it (I had ordered 7 DVDs HOURS prior to the 25/100 sale began and I wanted the order cancelled and swapped into my 25 order...but they were OOS...it was messy; finally got resolved though).[/QUOTE]

It actually all worked out for me anyway... my sister ended up placing an order, so I traded her my old Trigun Signature series DVDs (vol. 1 and 2) for the ROD I missed... which is a good deal for me, seeing as at this point if I ever do get around to buying all of Trigun, I'd go up to the Remix set, so I had to dump those two anyway. :bouncy:

The extra ROD vol. 7 is up for grabs to anyone around here who wants to squeeze one more DVD into their set- just send me shipping $. Otherwise, I'll just trade it in to a Gamestop at some point.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']It actually all worked out for me anyway... my sister ended up placing an order, so I traded her my old Trigun Signature series DVDs (vol. 1 and 2) for the ROD I missed... which is a good deal for me, seeing as at this point if I ever do get around to buying all of Trigun, I'd go up to the Remix set, so I had to dump those two anyway. :bouncy:

How have you even resisted not getting them all for this long? Trigun was the only series I was eager to buy the day each volume was released!
*edits* Oh! forgot it used to play on Cartoon Network so much!
I know has been mentioned elsewhere but for those who don't know.

For anyone needing boxsets for their sets check FYE/Suncoast with their B1G1 on Geneon you can get them pretty cheap. Just picked up Gungrave and Star Ocean EX for about 20 each there was 10 dollar price difference between the two but I can live with it.

Too bad there isn't a big Fighting Spirit box for all the volumes that are on their way, allready got Vol 14 from DD.
[quote name='Drahken']I know has been mentioned elsewhere but for those who don't know.

For anyone needing boxsets for their sets check FYE/Suncoast with their B1G1 on Geneon you can get them pretty cheap. Just picked up Gungrave and Star Ocean EX for about 20 each there was 10 dollar price difference between the two but I can live with it.

Too bad there isn't a big Fighting Spirit box for all the volumes that are on their way, allready got Vol 14 from DD.[/QUOTE]

I dont know about that...I mean, I dont think my CAG mentality will let my OCD tendency get away with obtaining a $5 ROD box be purchased for 4-5 times that amount.

It does suck that some artboxes went out of stock, but this is CAG: Cheap Ass Gamer, not CAS: Collect All Shitz

PS besides, there will PROBABLY be another Sale some time later. I STILL havent Opened My X TV, Lain, or Haibane Renmei from Last year's Sale...only the first two volumes of Legend of Black heaven (which is rocking...btw). Nor my Last exile from BB....

PSS To think Im buying more is pretty insane
1 Free pd11938 Ai Yori Aoshi DVD 1 (Hyb): Faithfully
1 Free pd11939 Ai Yori Aoshi DVD 2 (Hyb): My Dearest
1 Free pd11940 Ai Yori Aoshi DVD 3 (Hyb): Hugs and K
1 Free pd11941 Ai Yori Aoshi DVD 4 (Hyb): Truly Your
1 Free pd11942 Ai Yori Aoshi DVD 5 (Hyb): With All M
1 Free pd12135 Captain Herlock (Harlock) DVD 1 (Hyb)
1 Free pd12136 Captain Herlock (Harlock) DVD 2 (Hyb)
1 Free pd12137 Captain Herlock (Harlock) DVD 3 (Hyb)
1 Free pd12138 Captain Herlock (Harlock) DVD 4 (Hyb)
1 $100.00 * geneonsale25 Geneon Special Promo: 25 for $100 off
1 Free pd12046 Haibane Renmei DVD 1 (Hyb): New Feath
1 Free pd12047 Haibane Renmei DVD 2 (Hyb): Wings of
1 Free pd12048 Haibane Renmei DVD 3 (Hyb): Bird of F
1 Free pd12049 Haibane Renmei DVD 4 (Hyb): Day of Fl
1 Free pd12554 Jubei Chan 2 DVD 1 (Hyb): Resurrectio
1 Free pd12555 Jubei Chan 2 DVD 2 (Hyb): Vendetta
1 Free pd12556 Jubei Chan 2 DVD 3 (Hyb): Revelation
1 Free pd12557 Jubei Chan 2 DVD 4 (Hyb): Unification
1 Free pd11560 Niea Under 7 DVD 1 (Hyb): Poor Girl B
1 Free pd11593 Niea Under 7 DVD 2 (Hyb): Funky Water
1 Free pd11594 Niea Under 7 DVD 3 (Hyb): Sayonara Bl
1 Free pd11595 Niea Under 7 DVD 4 (Hyb): Under Seven
1 Free pd12086 Sakura Wars: The Movie DVD (Hyb) Limi
1 Free pd12106 Someday's Dreamers DVD 1 (Hyb)
1 Free pd12107 Someday's Dreamers DVD 2 (Hyb): Power
1 Free pd12108 Someday's Dreamers DVD 3 (Hyb): Preci

3rd order... That's it I swear.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']3rd order... That's it I swear.[/quote]

Heh. :D

The sad thing is that I saw the trailer for Jubei Chan on one of my DVDs and now I want it. Haibane Renmei loos interesting too.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']The sad thing is that I saw the trailer for Jubei Chan on one of my DVDs and now I want it.[/quote]
I have the first series, and it's hilarious. Been waiting for a deal on the second series.
How long does it take after you place an order for you to be able to view its status?I placed an order about 3 hours ago, and when I go to check its status it doesnt show up. Just my previous orders.

Anyways, this is what I ordered:

Read Or Die TV DVD 1
Read Or Die TV DVD 2
Read Or Die TV DVD 3
Read Or Die TV DVD 4
Read Or Die TV DVD 5
Read Or Die TV DVD 6
Read Or Die TV DVD 7
Chobits DVD 5
Daphne In The Brilliant Blue DVD 1
Daphne In The Brilliant Blue DVD 2
Daphne In The Brilliant Blue DVD 3
Daphne In The Brilliant Blue DVD 4
Daphne In The Brilliant Blue DVD 5
Daphne In The Brilliant Blue DVD 6
Daphne In The Brilliant Blue DVD 7
Ikki-Tousen DVD 1
Ikki-Tousen DVD 2
Ikki-Tousen DVD 3
Ikki-Tousen DVD 4
Melody Of Oblivion DVD 1 + Artbox
Melody Of Oblivion DVD 2
Melody Of Oblivion DVD 3
Melody Of Oblivion DVD 4
Melody Of Oblivion DVD 5
Melody Of Oblivion DVD 6

Was hoping to get Black Heaven and Fafner but some of the dvds were sold out. Ah well, ROD was the main set I wanted anyways.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I have the first series, and it's hilarious. Been waiting for a deal on the second series.[/QUOTE]

I liked it, but i wouldnt let it get in the way of my Last exile and Hellsing Soundtracks.

Excellent Sword fighting though...simply awesome.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']The sad thing is that I saw the trailer for Jubei Chan on one of my DVDs and now I want it. Haibane Renmei loos interesting too.[/QUOTE]
I've been pushing both of those shows during both Geneon sales - they're really two of the best titles in the entire selection. It's your own damn fault for not listening to me sooner!
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']How long does it take after you place an order for you to be able to view its status?I placed an order about 3 hours ago, and when I go to check its status it doesnt show up. Just my previous orders.
They do one overall site update around midnight CST almost every night.
[quote name='ihavenolife123']I dont know about that...I mean, I dont think my CAG mentality will let my OCD tendency get away with obtaining a $5 ROD box be purchased for 4-5 times that amount.

It does suck that some artboxes went out of stock, but this is CAG: Cheap Ass Gamer, not CAS: Collect All Shitz

PS besides, there will PROBABLY be another Sale some time later. I STILL havent Opened My X TV, Lain, or Haibane Renmei from Last year's Sale...only the first two volumes of Legend of Black heaven (which is rocking...btw). Nor my Last exile from BB....

PSS To think Im buying more is pretty insane[/QUOTE]

Heh, I'm right there with you. I thought the other day that I really should open all the stuff from the first sale last year since I'm getting more. I opened DVDs until my hands hurt. Then I stopped & did it again the next day... 8-[

The main reason I didn't try Jubei Chan this time is because I've never seen the first part. I hate jumping in the middle of something, or not having a complete series set.

BTW, order 2 of 3 should be arriving today. :)
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']I've been pushing both of those shows during both Geneon sales - they're really two of the best titles in the entire selection. It's your own damn fault for not listening to me sooner![/quote]


I still might get it.
[quote name='argyle']The main reason I didn't try Jubei Chan this time is because I've never seen the first part. I hate jumping in the middle of something, or not having a complete series set.

BTW, order 2 of 3 should be arriving today. :)[/QUOTE]

The first set is on DD for about 19 bucks after 20% off.

Hopefully my first order will get here by today or tommarow, My second probably on monday.
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']Hmmmmmm...still cant view the status of my order......[/quote]
Sometimes it takes a day or two. I ordered on the first day of the sale and it didn't show up on the order status screen two days later - which also happened to be the day it shipped. They aren't like a lot of other sites that have active databases where your order is posted immediately. Just gotta be patient.
Last night I got a "We're Working On It" email from them. [quote name='RightStuf email']Unfortunately we are unable to ship your complete order due to the unforeseen demand for the items listed below, or your items are not yet released:

Quantity Item Description Amount
1 CATALOGG TRSI Right Stuf Catalog $0.00
1 PD12569 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 7 0.00
1 GENEONSALE10 Geneon Special Promo: 10 for 50.00
1 PD12172 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 6 0.00
1 PD12171 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 5 0.00
1 PD12170 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 4 0.00
1 PD12169 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 3 0.00
1 PD12168 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 2 0.00
1 PD12167 Read or Die (R.O.D.) TV DVD 1 0.00
1 PD12379 Paranoia Agent DVD 3 (Hyb): 0.00
1 PD12378 Paranoia Agent DVD 2 (Hyb): 0.00

We receive shipments of items from our suppliers every day, and your items are on order with the manufacturer. We hope to be able to fill your order promptly.[/quote]The wording in some spots makes me nervous, but I'm assuming this is just normal for them and I can expect to get my stuff? At first the email makes it sound like I'm out of luck, but later on they give the impression that it's just a matter of time and everything will go on as planned. I guess the only disc they have on hand is the Paranoia Agent vol. 4 I ordered, and they're just waiting on everything else?
bread's done