Shipwreck's GameznFlix Review


Staff member
91 (100%)
A CAGs Review of GameznFlix

There certainly are a lot of online rental companies out there and it’s difficult to find out which one suits your needs. The appeal of GameznFlix is that it is one of the only services to allow you to rent both movies and games AND that it does so at incredibly competitive rates. I’ve been subscribing to the service for a couple of months now and I’m here to give a full report. Time to find out if Gameznflix is something you should be checking out.


GameznFlix has four subscription models that breakdown as follows:

1 Out at a Time / $8.99 each month
2 Out at a Time / $12.99 each month
3 Out at a Time / $16.99 each month
6 Out at a Time – Annual / $249.00 per year

Right now there is a 25% off code for the life of your subscription which lilboo has described here that makes GameznFlix even more affordable.

I currently subscribe to the 3 out at a time plan, but like a true Cheap Ass, I actually split the subscription costs with a friend. With 3 items out at a time, we find that it works perfectly as it gives us both something to play, even when we have another item in transit. This is definitely a route to consider if you and a buddy have similar tastes and see each other frequently enough to trade out discs.

Turn-around Time/Shipping

Games and movies are shipped in paper envelopes which are very similar to what is used by other online rental companies. You simply detach portions of the outer envelope to reveal the pre-paid return shipping envelope. The discs themselves are in a simple wax-paper sleeve.

As with all online rental services, your turnaround time is going to be directly related to your location to a distribution center and what is available at those distribution centers. GameznFlix has several distribution centers located throughout the U.S. and they have stated that they plan to expand to additional regions as demand dictates.

My personal experience has been a turnaround time of 3-4 days. My media is general marked as received the day after I sent it back and I receive another item on my queue a day or two after that. Overall, I’ve been very pleased with the timeliness of the whole process.

For reference, I live in Columbus, OH and there is a distribution center in Franklin, KY. As of right now, GameznFlix has distribution centers in the following cities:

Boston, MA
Washington DC
Orlando, FL
Franklin, KY
Dallas, TX
Sterling, CO
Sacramento, CA
Seattle, WA
Los Angeles, CA
Chicago, IL (opening soon if not already open)

Customer Service

One area where GameznFlix has room for improvement is customer service. Currently, the only way to contact them is to submit an issue through their website. This issue is then sent to a help center and in my case, I received a response the same day. That would be great turnaround time, but unfortunately, you can tell that the help is outsourced to India and the response was a canned answer that really did not relate to my question at all.

Judging from their online database of issues and responses, though, it seems as though they do genuinely answer questions and for a lot of simple issues, you can find answers simply by searching through previous submittals.

It would be really nice to have some sort of telephone support, or at the very least, a contact email where people wouldn’t feel as disconnected as I’ve felt. I understand the need for a centralized support center where FAQs are easily searchable, but a little human interaction can go a long way.


Okay, first of all, let’s get this out of the way: THERE ARE NO DS OR GBA GAMES AVAILABLE ON GAMEZNFLIX.

So, with that out in the open, one of the deciding factors on whether a rental service is worth your money or not is whether items you are interested in are actually available and carried by the service. Clearly the attraction of this service is the ability to rent both games and movies from one provider. GameznFlix carries the following formats for games: GameCube, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, PSP, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360 and for movies the following formats: Blu-Ray, DVD, HD-DVD.

So to break it down by format:

They seem to have a great collection of GameCube games available for rental with even recent titles like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. There’s certainly plenty of games to rent for this system.

Don’t expect to be renting any of the hard to find RPG’s as I’ve tried adding a few to my queue, but none of them have been available for rental. I honestly don’t know how many or what PS1 games are actually available as I didn’t spend too much time checking.

Playstation 2:ps2:
The selection of PS2 games appears to be pretty good. Even some of the lesser RPG’s such as .hack//GU are in stock and new releases like Karaoke Revolution: American Idol are available as well. You shouldn’t have too much difficulty finding PS2 games to rent.

Playstation 3:ps3:
There aren’t a lot of PS3 games out at the moment, but GameznFlix has a good selection with the latest release (since we are all looking for Blazing Angels).

A good selection here as well with some of the less popular titles along with the new releases.

Like the PS3, not too many games are out yet, but GameznFlix seems to have a good selection of what is currently out. As of this review they hadn’t got WarioWare in stock yet, but I’m sure that will be there in a couple of days.

Much like the PS2, there is a large selection of Xbox games available. There’s plenty to keep someone busy for a long time.

Xbox 360:360:
This is where the bulk of my rentals have come from and the selection is good. New releases are generally timely if you get on the list early for the big releases. For some reason it took them awhile to get F.E.A.R. in stock, but it’s there now and shipped out immediately once it showed up on their site.

Want to show off the hi-def movie functionality on that new PS3? Well, you’d have to do it with an extremely lacking selection of Blu-Ray movies at this point. Just about everything I tried adding to my queue was “on order”.

The DVD selection here is actually better than I expected, but isn’t quite as big as what you’d find on the traditional movie renting sites. In addition to the blockbusters, they do carry foreign films, independent films and, yes, there is anime. New releases can take a little bit longer to show up, so this might not be the place to rent movies from if you are the type that has to have the latest releases immediately.

Most everything that I’ve tried to add is still in on order status. I have rented Serenity and there are a couple of other movies that I’ve been able to successfully add to my queue. On the whole, though, the amount of available HD-DVD titles is severely lacking.

Website Functionality/Queue

Simply put, the functionality of the website is passable, but lacking in many areas. First of all, don’t even bother trying to use the “Ready to Ship”, “Recently Released” or “Soon, Not Yet” links. For games I’ve found it’s much easier just to browse by doing an “Advanced Search” and then just selecting the platform you are interested in seeing games for. As for movies, I just browse by genre as the site does currently not allow you to search by “HD-DVD” or “Blu-Ray”. Of course if you are looking for a specific title, you can just enter the name and search directly for it.

Like the rest of the rental sites, GameznFlix uses a queue system where you line up items that you would like to rent. After adding an item to the queue, you will then learn if the item is actually owned by the service. If they do not own the title, it will be relegated to the “Titles On Order or Not Released” section. Items that are currently available for rent are added to your queue and there is a graphical representation of the “availability” of that title. Once items are in your queue, you can arrange them in the order that you would like to receive them, but keep in mind that if an item is not available, the service will skip that title and send you the next available item from your queue.

There are purchasing options on the site and member discounts, but I have yet to purchase anything so I can’t really comment on or review this portion of their site.

I’ve had no need to cancel the service, but other CAGs have used and cancelled the service and it seems like a pretty easy process. There is a link to cancel on the main page of their site.

-Games and movies from one online rental service at great subscription prices
-Good selection of games for current and next-gen systems
-Adequate selection of DVD titles
-Distribution centers in many cities
-Quick turnaround time for shipping and receiving items

-New movie releases can take a little time to come in stock
-Currently a very small HD-DVD & Blu-Ray selection
-No DS or Game Boy Advance game rentals
-Movie only rental companies have a better selection of non-mainstream movies
-Items lower on the availability scale in your queue will often get passed over for more readily available items
-Customer support can be impersonal
-Navigating the site can be tricky

Overall Opinion
I’ve been very pleased with my GameznFlix experience over the past couple of months. I'm mainly a gamer who enjoys watching a movie at least once a week and this service fills my needs nicely while taking it easy on my wallet. I highly recommend at least giving the service a shot if you feel the above positives outweigh the negatives.

If you'd like to give GameznFlix a try, you can sign up and support CAG here.
[quote name='coolcps']I like the review, but you hurt me spelling my city wrong. Tis a dagger in the heart.[/QUOTE]

Doh, fixed.
Nice review, as a gameznflix customer I agree with almost all of it. Though I think their selection of even regular DVDs lack far behind something like Blockbuster or Netflix. And also:

[quote name='shipwreck']-Items lower on the availability scale in your queue will often get passed over for more readily available items[/quote]

Isn't that how all the online rentals work? I'm pretty sure gamefly did that when I used them and I think netflix works in the same way.
Great review. One thing I missed that might not be easy or realistic to gauge is if they place any kind of "caps" on how many rentals you can go through in a month. For example, Netflix has been alleged to artificially scale back on heavy users by lengthing their queue times for processing. A very minor point, and again, probably not something that can be accurately reported since it's supposedly "under the table"/implied.

Unfortunately, I just don't have enough time to make the most out of rental services, no matter how tempting they are. Plus, there are games and movies I'd rather just invest in once and keep indefinitely.
Great review shipwreck. I just joined today and am looking forward to the service. Their 360 selection was what did it for me. I just hope they're fast like Netflix is.
thanks! i signed up yesterday with the emmys coupon and was wondering if i made a mistake after hearing about some other people's experience with gameznflix. i guess they've improved! i WILL be canceling gamefly because gameznflix is significantly cheaper. $28 for three out at a time on gamefly, $12 for 3 out at a time on gameznflix.
So far so good for me. After signing up for this yesterday, I received a notice that all three of my top games shipped today. If they were actually sent today, that would be a great turn around time from queue to shipping. Now just to check on their return service speed.
I did an "Advance Search" and then checked a specific platform and then "Available." That's inaccurate right? As it only shows 2 Wii games that are available.
[quote name='yukine']I did an "Advance Search" and then checked a specific platform and then "Available." That's inaccurate right? As it only shows 2 Wii games that are available.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, like I said, the site can be a bit tricky. Just use the advance search and leave everything default, but the platform. Then just add the games to your queue to get an idea of availability. As long as the bar graph is just about all orange, I've been getting my selections pretty quickly.
Very nice, I feel a bit more confident now that I subscribed.

Hopefully they earn alot of new subscriptions via CAG, thus getting more games in. (Including GBA/DS!!)

Nice job ShipWreck =)
I too live in Columbus Ohio....but have an entirely different view of their service... It Sucks!!!

Turnaround Time was terrible for me...the website is horrendous (it can't even find games with the simplest of searches)

the price may be right, but in my experience I was lucky to even get my 3 games in 2 weeks and took over a week for a return to clear my queue..
[quote name='magilacudy']Nice review. BTW, I thought you sold your PS3 shipwreck. Did you buy another one?[/QUOTE]

No, I did indeed sell my PS3 and I have no plans of buying another one anytime soon, but I researched the PS3 and Blu-Ray sections for this review.

[quote name='scp89']I too live in Columbus Ohio....but have an entirely different view of their service... It Sucks!!!

Turnaround Time was terrible for me...the website is horrendous (it can't even find games with the simplest of searches)

the price may be right, but in my experience I was lucky to even get my 3 games in 2 weeks and took over a week for a return to clear my queue..[/QUOTE]

Hmm...that's strange that you had such awful turnaround time living in the same area. I just have a couple of questions to help clarify your experience:

1. How long ago were you a member? Maybe things have improved since you tried them as I really can't imagine receiving games any faster than what I have been experiencing. Every item that I've returned has cleared my queue the following business day.

2. What was the availability status of the items in your queue? Was your queue filled with items that had limited availability or did you have a mix of items that were in high and low demand?

I'll agree with you on the website itself needing work, but I've been able to find what I'm looking for using the methods I described. Not ideal, but it gets the games in my queue and then they show up in my mailbox, which is ultimately what I'm looking for.

As is always the case with these services though, it's very common to have two individuals have completely different experiences and outlooks. That's one of the reasons I presented the review in the way that I did, so that people could get an idea on whether it would be something that could suit their needs. Thanks for your take on the service though and I'm really interested to hear your answers to the above questions.

The info is publicly available, and this company is rated unacceptable. You may luck out with them, or you may get screwed. In my case I had to involve both the BBB AND my credit card company just to QUIT the service, never mind actually use it.

I'm REALLY disappointed to see this posted here, as more people are going to get hurt by them. They are NOT a reputable company, and they are NOT a replacement for Gamefly or Netflix.
With a quick search, here's a link (there may be more entries as what they list as their "office" seems to credit card company even had trouble figuring it out-it seems to shift around).

They have an "Unsatisfactory Record" for their pattern of problems, including cases where they refuse to even respond to the BBB.

I know there's more BBB stuff about them online, as (unfortunately after they started charging me for no service) I read up on them, and was able to find specific cases with some more work.

Their online support form is WORTHLESS if you have an actual problem. At BEST you'll get a canned response from them that doesn't indicate they read the message, more likely, they'll just close the issue and ignore it.
Duly noted, Wolfpup, and something that should definitely be considered.

Another thing to be considered as well is that Circuit City trusts this company enough to be a nationwide affiliate and sells Gameznflix memberships directly at their stores, similar to the way Best Buy sells GameFly memberships.

The BBB by no means is the definitive answer to whether a company is reputable or not, but it does give you an idea of how their customer service needs improvement. (Something I touched on in the review as well.)
I didn't know there were so many Columbus, Ohio, CAGs. I'm one as well and my GamezNFlix experience started out rocky with some long wait times, but since the Kentucky branch kicked into high gear, my turnaround time has been great.

That being said, Call of Duty 3 and Tony Hawk Project 8 have been in my queue for at least a month with an open slot to send without doing so. On the other hand, Viva Pinata shipped the day I put it in. So, there ya go.

Go Bucks
Llike ive said before.. i was at the point of cancelling but they have improved. Their stock isnt tooo good either.

They have great prices that woop's gamefly's prices and they usually get the games to me very quickly. I woudnt use their movie rental side however. I count on my netflix account for that.. and i currently still use gamefly because of my discounts..
Thanks for the review Shipwreck. They can't possibly be any worst then quitting BMG! So I decided I'd give it a try. Gamefly has been giving me horrible turnaround times lately. I've noticed that new customers for these online rental services usually get lightning fast turnaround. Turnaround has dropped off as I've continued to be a member of Gamefly and Netflix. Probably the best and ultimate cheapass move is to subscribe to these various services and drop them every 2-3 months taking advantage of introductory deals and new customer throttling.
i'm really willing to give this a try, its pretty convinient having to just go to one place to get both (movies and games) and with the discount for life its a pretty good deal. I just dont know how reliable they are tho. im in the LA area and seeing as how they have a station here, im sure it wont be as slow as mentioned. still a little sketchy...

anyone in LA having problems with them?
[quote name='scp89']I too live in Columbus Ohio....but have an entirely different view of their service... It Sucks!!!

Turnaround Time was terrible for me...the website is horrendous (it can't even find games with the simplest of searches)

the price may be right, but in my experience I was lucky to even get my 3 games in 2 weeks and took over a week for a return to clear my queue..[/quote]

I found this weird as far as the turn around goes from Columbus. My returns usually show up the next day and a new one is sent out within two. Then it's usually two days from the day it ships to get to my place.
I've used this service for about three months now, and I can't say that I'm very happy with it. I live right outside of Fresno, and the turnaround times are simply unacceptable. It took me about ten business days to receive my first title. My second title was lost in the mail, and it took an additional month to receive it. If it wasn't so cheap, I would have cancelled already. Plus, their website is painfully slow most of the time.
Great review shipwreck! you and everyone else have answered all my questions, so I ended up signing up today. I have eight 360 games in my que and 1 shipped already.
I had used gameznflix for a while (shipping time from D.C. to richmond, va somehow took longer than from wherever in California Gamefly is located) and also when I bought a game they had listed for purchase they immediately took the funds out of my checking account a month later still no game I filed a customer service thing and ends up they didn't have the game instock and just didn't tell me that so they refunded my money when I asked but overall nowhere near as good as Gamefly is in my opinion (especially the buying stuff aspect)
Very good review shipwreck.

I would like to add one thing. To my knowledge GnF doesn't rent TV boxsets either. I've looked for a few different sets, and never seen any. Nor do they have a category them.

I used GnF right now for their 2 at a time. I'm in Ohio, and they do alright. Nothing speical. I rent mainly 360 games from them. I have a few movies in my queue for when my games aren't available I'm still going to get something.
Great review Shipwreck! It's features like this that keep me a loyal user/contributor to CAG. The overall response from current Gameznflix users here on CAG appears to be positive, and it appears that the company has finally got the business working fairly well. To the best of my knowledge, they are a fairly new company, and my guess is that many of the complaints were from users who adopted the service early. Just like PS2 DREs, XBox Thompson drives, and the 360 ring of death, early adopters often are guinea pigs, :).

If you examine their financial statements, it also appears that they are adding more subscribers at a decent clip (as evidenced by their total revenue):
This will likely add to more distribution centers and more titles being stocked to create better overall service. As any nationwide rental company is concerned, quality is often a reflection of subscriptions. With more numbers, Gameznflix should be able to become even better.

Again, props for the review!
My goodness, there's a lot of Ohio CAG/Gameznflix users coming out of the woodwork.

Thanks for the kind words jeffreyjrose and CitizenB. I'll definitely add something about the lack of TV box sets to the review as that's a really good point that I'm sure people would want to be aware of.
[quote name='janizzzle']i'm really willing to give this a try, its pretty convinient having to just go to one place to get both (movies and games) and with the discount for life its a pretty good deal. I just dont know how reliable they are tho. im in the LA area and seeing as how they have a station here, im sure it wont be as slow as mentioned. still a little sketchy...

anyone in LA having problems with them?[/QUOTE]

I am in the Palm Springs area and titles are generally posted as returned to the LA center the day after I send them back. Usually 3 days after that before the next title arives. My guess is that your times would be similar. 4-5 day turnaround is good enough for me. I have been using them for a few months and am pretty satisfied.

My personal recommendation would be not to subscribe if you want titles as of release. I had COD3 in my queue for 3 weeks before it shipped, but Lost planet shipped on release day. Overall, the new titles seem hard to get for the first couple weeks, but with 3 out at a time it doesn't really bother me.

DVD selection is not the greatest, but it certainly help with the wife acceptance factor. Price is great - I know the company has had some bad patches but most of the poor customer service complaints I saw on the web were a while back. I think they are getting their crap together.

Now a question for the rest of you - Anyone buy a game yet? They have Battlestations:Midway for $48 for members. Pretty tempting.
With the reduced rate, this seems hard to pass up. I don't know if I have the time to make it worth it though, and I'm pretty happy with Netflix.
Shipwreck, Thanks for the review! I did a similar review on a different website for Gamefly. While Gamefly is more expensive then Gameznflix for their rental fees, what kind of prices do they offer for purchasing games from them?

In my mind this is where the GameFly services really shines. I just purchased two games from Gamefly. I bought the XBox 360 version of Marvel Ultimate Alliance for $30.15, and Wii's Excite Truck for $35.99.
Well, I'm in. I've never used NetFlix, only buy from Gamefly, and almost NEVER rent since I took a job that is a 9am - 6pm shift in Washington State. But I did get myself an 37" LCD TV with 1080p just before Christmas, have it wall mounted, and with a PS3, 360 w/ HD-DVD drive, and a DVD changer... it seemed to make sense to give the service a try. I got the lower rate, and I'm going with 2 discs at a time.

It is a little disappointing that so many of the titles I queued up aren't available for rent yet, but I'll definately wait and see how things go before blasting a service I've never tried. Thanks for the link, the coupon deal, and all your assistance. Kind of you to stick with the thread and continue to give insight!!!
My experience with GnF was similar in the first few months. However, each month the service got worse. It was basically impossible for me to get a new release (a game released within the last month). I think they give higher priority to newer customers. Maybe it was just my bad luck, but I had to cancel.
[quote name='CitizenB']I would like to add one thing. To my knowledge GnF doesn't rent TV boxsets either. I've looked for a few different sets, and never seen any. Nor do they have a category them.[/QUOTE]

That's what kills the deal for me. I could never sign up for Gameznflix because over 50% of my rentals from Blockbuster Online are TV boxsets.
Signed up for 2 at a time, I kind of wish i hadn't. Seems like my library has a better selection of movies in-stock. For $9.75 i think i can find enough gaming every month, we'll see.
I was a member of GameznFlix for a few months. The speed was okayish - it was a week turnaround between when I sent something back and when I got the next round of DVDs. Plus it seemed like most of the stuff I rented movie wise was scratched to hell and back. I've written to them several times during my membership complaining about this. All I got back was to send back the scratched disc and place the said DVD back on my list. I did that once (ECW Heatwave 98) and amazingly... I GOT THE SAME SCRATCHED DISC BACK A WEEK LATER!!!

The way they selected what was sent to you was goofy as all hell could be. Stuff lower down my list was selected instead of things I put up at the top of my list regardless of the website saying that my highest up items were available.

Gamewise I got the few games I wanted without any hassle. Not having DS or GBA stuff really hurt the service in my opinion. Seeing that Gamefly has DS and GBA I can't see why GameznFlix is lacking the two.

Overall its a decent service for those who want a few movies and a few games under the same service. The price with the discount is a nice advantage too. The selection is okay but as many others have said new releases aren't available for at least three weeks after their release. That's not a big deal if you don't mind waiting a little bit but in today's world of even the $1 Red Box its vital for a service like this to have all new releases right away. Plus the issue over scratched discs, bad processing of quere lists, no DS or GBA stuff really hurt the service.
[quote name='shipwreck']No, I did indeed sell my PS3 and I have no plans of buying another one anytime soon, but I researched the PS3 and Blu-Ray sections for this review.

Hmm...that's strange that you had such awful turnaround time living in the same area. I just have a couple of questions to help clarify your experience:

1. How long ago were you a member? Maybe things have improved since you tried them as I really can't imagine receiving games any faster than what I have been experiencing. Every item that I've returned has cleared my queue the following business day.

2. What was the availability status of the items in your queue? Was your queue filled with items that had limited availability or did you have a mix of items that were in high and low demand?

I'll agree with you on the website itself needing work, but I've been able to find what I'm looking for using the methods I described. Not ideal, but it gets the games in my queue and then they show up in my mailbox, which is ultimately what I'm looking for.

As is always the case with these services though, it's very common to have two individuals have completely different experiences and outlooks. That's one of the reasons I presented the review in the way that I did, so that people could get an idea on whether it would be something that could suit their needs. Thanks for your take on the service though and I'm really interested to hear your answers to the above questions.[/QUOTE]

I guess my membership has been about a year ago..and my queue was "Always Full" of available stuff........
As of a few months ago, I was a gameznflix subscriber and pretty happy with the service. Then, they just stopped sending me games and basically sent me 2 DVDs in a one month span so I cancelled the service. Thinking about reupping it though because they have a decent anime selection and that shit is ridiculously expensive to buy.
My experience has been less than stellar. I returned a game and it showed up in my queue. I deleted it from my queue and it kept showing up. Not matter what I did it would not delete from my queue. Customer service blamed me. I tried different web browsers and even deleted the game from a friend's computer and it still kept showing up. This went on for 3 months. To make matters worse I had to games sent to me and instead of receiving the ones they said I received two copies of the one that I couldn't delete from my queue! I live in Maine and the center is in Boston. The earliest I would get a game is 3 days but it usually took 5 days. I would never use this company again.
been with them for over a year, would rate them good.

Turn around time is quick for me, CS has always responded to issues promptly(not necessarily fixing the issue.)

1 out of 10 dvds are unplayable.
kept sending umd movies for awhile, wtf!!
Have had items "on order" queue for the length of membership. if they are going to list it they should at least have it available. quite frustrating in that regard.

However, for what i'm paying and the games i've received it's been a good deal.
Hi Shipwreck, I was just wondering if you are still happy with the service? I also live in Ohio by the way. I'm using gamefly right now but would gladly go with GnF if the service is good. Thanks

One last thing.. I'm just going to be using it for 360 games.
I think i hate this service now.

Last week (more then a week now I believe) I sent a game and a DVD back (same time), took the game a few days to show up as recieved and a few more to get another game (Open Season for 360 FTW, lol)..but they have yet to recieve my DVD....grrr. I don't mind delays here and there. It happens, it's understandable. But after that week grace period.. that's where something is up and that's the fucked up part about ANY of these online rental services..
[quote name='lilboo']I think i hate this service now.

Last week (more then a week now I believe) I sent a game and a DVD back (same time), took the game a few days to show up as recieved and a few more to get another game (Open Season for 360 FTW, lol)..but they have yet to recieve my DVD....grrr. I don't mind delays here and there. It happens, it's understandable. But after that week grace period.. that's where something is up and that's the fucked up part about ANY of these online rental services..[/quote]

Maybe I should just stick with gamefly.
bread's done