Silent Hill: The Movie (official thread)


72 (100%)
14 days left and no official thread yet? Pfft.

I went over to .. another board, and someone had found leaked footage from the movie, apparently recorded with a cell phone. It's a little under 2 minutes. Here's what is in the footage:

Remember the part of the trailer where Cybil goes "It's coming!"? you see the darkness coming after the cult members. This is that part. Rose and Cybil and most of the cult make it indoors, but a young girl straggles behind and gets caught in the darkness.

and out of the darkness emerges Pyramid Head (who is HUGE) and picks up the girl, rips her clothes off so she's butt naked and screaming. PH then proceeds to grab the girl's breast and tear all the skin off her body.

I can't post it here, obviously, but if the movie is as intense as this footage was, we're going to be in for a wild ride. That footage was some of the most disturbing footage ever.

He literally grabbed her tit and twisted it right the fuck off her body and peeled the rest of the skin off. My mouth hung open.

//edit: I found an animated thing of it. I'll post that. Be aware that this is very NSFW and very gory (from what you can see).

Who else is hyped?!

//edit again:

here's what happens after he rips her tit off:

Pyramid Head pulls the skin off rather graphically. Pyramid Head rears the fistfull of skin back while Cybil and Rose try to shut the gates of the sanctuary. Just as they get it closed, he hurls the skin, splattering it against the doors and blood starts seeping underneath the door into the building.

My best friend has his 1 year anniversary with his girl on the 21st, and he's as big a Silent Hill fan as there is... he's going to see Silent Hill instead :)
I've never had nightmares from a scary movie in years, but I think this movie will change that.
I can't bring myself to highlight the spoilers but I haven't been this psyched about a movie in well,... ever.
The last movie that freaked me out good was the Ring, but that was due to forces completely beyond my control... namely that I'm a wuss.
What do you guys/gals(!) think it would to do the series if the movie is a huge success? The next release would probably be pretty big.
[quote name='Maklershed']Well nobody has created a thread that said "Official" yet (not quite sure what "official" is supposed to mean in regards to public forums anyway) but there has been these threads:

Well yeah.. Those are about the teaser and trailer. This thread is for movie discussion.
As long as the douchebags who thought up SH4 aren't in charge of the next game, I don't really care what the movie's success does to the series. Remember, the RE movies didn't really affect the games. fuck, a lot of people I talked to about the RE movies didn't even know RE was a game series.
I was in EB the other day, they had this on their TV talking about it, and apparently the director went through and played every game in the series to get a feel for everything, which I thought was pretty cool.
[quote name='Snake2715']What do you guys/gals(!) think it would to do the series if the movie is a huge success? The next release would probably be pretty big.[/quote]

I hope that nothing changes about the series. I like getting Silent Hill games for $10-$15, not watching it stay at $50 for a year like God of War did. :lol:

[quote name='Dead of Knight']As long as the douchebags who thought up SH4 aren't in charge of the next game, I don't really care what the movie's success does to the series. Remember, the RE movies didn't really affect the games. fuck, a lot of people I talked to about the RE movies didn't even know RE was a game series.[/quote]

I thought SH4 was the scariest of the series because there really wasn't any way to defeat your enemies. And Paul WS Anderson did a pretty good job of not really paying attention to the video games... :whistle2:#
I thought 4 was really scary... The way the walls would rot and a ghost would pull out of it in the 'safety' of your home.... I'm still scared to go to the bathroom at night with the lights off... :lol:

[quote name='Dead of Knight']As long as the douchebags who thought up SH4 aren't in charge of the next game, I don't really care what the movie's success does to the series. Remember, the RE movies didn't really affect the games. fuck, a lot of people I talked to about the RE movies didn't even know RE was a game series.[/quote]
i better reinstall SH3 and SH4 on my pc and start playing to get myself ready for the movie...looks a lot scarier then the first RE movie trailer.
[quote name='Kayden']I thought 4 was really scary... The way the walls would rot and a ghost would pull out of it in the 'safety' of your home.... I'm still scared to go to the bathroom at night with the lights off... :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that part was good, but the gameplay was just shit IMO. Fatal Frame has a really great atmosphere... but I can't stand the gameplay at all.

In other news, I saw the trailer while seeing Thank You for Smoking. Looks fantastic. The nurses look exactly the same as in the game!
I wasn't hyped up at all about this movie... until I read a Wiki this morning about a town in Pennsylvania (Centralia) that is mentioned in one of Michael Moore's books. Apparently the screenplay of SH is loosely based on this town. I went from there to the Silent Hill wiki, to Rotten Tomatoes previews, and finally happen to check CAG and see this thread.

I think I am now moderately excited about this movie. =p
[quote name='Dead of Knight']This movie should win. Nothing I've seen/heard about it looks bad. I can't wait.[/QUOTE]


I'm not going to see it (I have no desire to), but at least it has looked halfway decent in the previews...
Well i wont be seeing this with my girl. But it looks god damn sweet..finally a above average gamed based movie.

EDIT: HOLY CHRIST DUDE!!!!!!! Just watched the 2min leak............EWWWWWWW thats no way to treat a boob.

Anyone got a link to a site that tells you the storyline of all the video games.....i am sure as hell not about to play them before the movie comes out. But i want to know what is going on.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Anyone got a link to a site that tells you the storyline of all the video games.....i am sure as hell not about to play them before the movie comes out. But i want to know what is going on.[/quote]

It looks like it's closely mirroring the first game, I doubt if they'll try and introduce anything from the second, third, and fourth games (besides pyramid head :twisted: )

Anyway, here's a plot summary and analysis of the first game (spoilers abound, duh)

gamefaqs FTW!
I started to look at your link with the bootleg vid but would probably cry myself to sleep and want someone to cry with me. 2 weeks, I'll be there.
The previews looked cool. I'm not completely into seeing it though. I'm taking a wait-n-see approach. It may depend on what other CAGs have to say after seeing the film..
[quote name='Scorch']This movie has been confirmed to NOT be screening for critics.

This is a very, very bad sign.[/QUOTE]

...yeah, that doesn't sound good. Maybe it will surprise us?
[quote name='Scorch']This movie has been confirmed to NOT be screening for critics.

This is a very, very bad sign.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't have let them either. Critics are very notorious for bludgeoning a movie like this, whether it's warranted or not.
[quote name='Scorch']This movie has been confirmed to NOT be screening for critics.

This is a very, very bad sign.[/QUOTE]
I think the case for this movie will be if you are a fan of the game you will like it, if not you may or may not....or at least I hope its this way.

I plan to see it on opening day regardless.
if i can get around to it, i'd love to get around to playing some silent hill before the movie. i dont know if i'd rather go back and play #1 or try 3 or 4, which i never played. which game do you like most. the thing about #1, is I think the story for the movie is most likely to parallel with the first game.
[quote name='nevposey']if i can get around to it, i'd love to get around to playing some silent hill before the movie. i dont know if i'd rather go back and play #1 or try 3 or 4, which i never played. which game do you like most. the thing about #1, is I think the story for the movie is most likely to parallel with the first game.[/QUOTE]

4 sucks balls. 3 links with 1 as a sort of direct sequel, but still can be enjoyed alone. Any of the first three are classics IMO.
[quote name='Lice']Noooo why!!!?!? I had hopes for this.....

There are some intresting wallpapers/picutres of some of the stuff in the movie..

Spoiler in that for there are some pics that give away certain creatures that are a familiar shape of an egyptian structure....

but the biggest spolier is no critics screening.... /bleh[/QUOTE]

Wow, the "certain creatures that are a familiar shape of an egyptian structure" look badass. When I saw it stab its knife through the wall in one of the commercials I suddenly got even more excited for this movie.
That interview w/ Roger Avary was pretty sweet. The best part of it though:

FiringSquad: There is some major acting talent for the Silent Hill movie. Do you know of any trepidation they had on taking on roles in a video game adaptation?

Roger Avary: To be honest I'm not sure. I can imagine that the parents of the little girl who played Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) might have had trepidation -- but I never met them. If I do meet them, I'll probably apologize for traumatizing their child.

That has my hopes up.

Also, the Centralia thing is freaking creepy. I've been spending the last hour reading up on it and looking at pictures while listening to the SH3/4 OSTs. Very very creepy.

Last bit, does anyone know if Akira Yamaoka is scoring the movie? I know it uses some of the classic themes, like the SH1 opener. I'd love if he did the full thing though.
Just found this. It's a contest to win a prop from the movie. Credit goes to Amazonagent over at Silent Hill Heaven.

Contest being held over at

In conjunction with Premiere

One cool prop from the "Silent Hill" movie

1 "Silent Hill" T-Shirt
1 poster
1 mini-poster
1 "Silent Hill" newspaper
I'd just like to point out how shitty the poster for the movie is. Is that the one that won the contest? Because it's rubbish.
bread's done