Silent Hill: The Movie (official thread)

From IMDB:
"Contrary to popular belief, Silent Hill hardly uses any computer generated imagery. The most notable use of CGI is the fog that drenches the town. Most creatures are live actors covered in latex and makeup."

Also, the plot is sprinkled throughout the movie, if you actually paid attention to what was going on. Even though it seems like she's just going to creepy places, it's related, as explained near the end of the movie. This is basically like how it is in the games, but I think it worked well. I think it might have worked even better if it wasn't explained what was going on, and you had to figure it out for yourself, but Ebert would have given that 0 stars instead of 1.5, I bet. Moviegoers these days just don't like to think.
So the naked lady that gets her skin tore off, the face melting in the fire, the barb wire in the church, were not CG? I can tell bad CG when I see it and it was used often. Hell even a scene at the end used CG blood that stuck out like a sore thumb. If you were talking about the monsters I couldn't see much CG but the special effects overall reeked of bad CG.
This is just one mans opinion. I'm glad you liked but I didn't so I'm just giving my review.
[quote name='Kayden']It can't be worse than Doom.[/QUOTE]

It's not. Doom was shit. This was not shit. It can be argued that it's not very good, but it's definitely not shitastic like Doom was.

And spoo, you have a point there for sure. And you're probably right. Just quoting what was said on imdb. The monsters looked awesome, though, IMO. I'm glad they weren't CG.
I also forgot to state I only played SH1 and thought it was only OK. For hardcore fans of the series shouldn't be disapointed. It is what it is, the game made into a movie nothing more nothing less.
It really is. I'm a huge fan of the series and they couldn't have done much better considering. The plot was simplified a lot, but yet you still have people bitching about it being confusing, so I can understand why they did that.
[quote name='Kayden']It can't be worse than Doom.[/quote]

Alone in the Dark*

Nothing has ever been that terrible.
I love the Super Mario Brothers movie. :bouncy:

And I didn't really mind Doom, I was just saying, the game SH was better than Doom. Therefore the movie can't be worse. The logic works in my world.
I though it was a fantastic movie. I have only played the 2nd and 4th games so I dont know if it is similar to the first game. It was just a little to long, but definetly captured the silent hill feeling.
I saw it, and I really liked it. I kinda didnt understand a few things about it, like
At the end why are they still stuck in that other dimension thingy? Is it that once they go in they cant go out or something like that?

I haven't played SH1 so I dont know how well it followed the story.

I didn't get scared at all though, but it was definatley as disturbing/gory as the games are.

Overall I thought it was really good, but I agree it was a bit too long. I'll probably see it again in the theater since I love the sound.
Wow, spoiler tag was broken.

Guess this is one movie I can cross off my list now... I don't blame you, whoknows, it looks like it entered correctly, just the board messed up.
[quote name='Roufuss']Wow, spoiler tag was broken.

Guess this is one movie I can cross off my list now... I don't blame you, whoknows, it looks like it entered correctly, just the board messed up.[/QUOTE]
I just took it out for now...I'll figure it out later.

Sorry though, idk what happened.
Just saw this. I dont think the following needs spoliers for i have not said anyhting pertaining to the movies contents and stuck to a more traditional review format where you want to let people know about the movie and the context but not what is associated with it... let me know if you want me to add spoliers. Or do it correctly unlike the post above me who gave away the ending .... neat

First let me say how much I hate the movie theater. Each time I go I say ill never go back again, and thus I do. Let me say this to make me feel better. fuck teens. There that’s better. I shall commence.

The movie. I would consider myself a big fan of the game. I have played them all and enjoyed it, very much so that I went to see a movie before it was screened to critics. I will say that im quite disappointed with the way this turned out. The moment I heard it was being withheld from critics a little part of me cried inside.

Visually the movie captured the feel of the game, the music for the most part was from silent hill 3, which was a cool nod to the gamers. The sound effects where excellent and the Cg was not bad, it was actually very well done. If you think its bad then you have become spoiled by movies with impossible budgets. Very well done and the visual style and was dead on. Gross and slimy, good times indeed.

The acting left much to desire. They semi evolved Sharon for she is the main character, but they didn’t make the audience Like her. Yes she was in some intense situations, but I did not care if she died or if she fulfilled the mission of the storyline. They relied on the horror situations to make people identify with her fear but it just didn’t catch. With the little girl Alyssa ( I think that was her name) They relied on the fact that she was a little girl to gain the sympathy of the audience. She was lacking the acting experience to pull off a girl being dragged through hell. And overall they dialogue was awkward and the script didn’t flow. As someone said that the Mtv clip felt like it was pieced together, and that’s how the movie actually was. Blocky and clumsy tripping over its own pacing.

The story was meh. I don’t know why they didn’t use one from one of the games but i guess they wanted a new experience for fans. But it was just plain sloppy to drag everyone along for 45 minutes with the faint smell of a story and then at the end some up all up in a voice over piece. Felt as if they director said " well... crap.. how am i going to explain all this? I could try to integrate it into the story... nah ill just voice over, Lost is on."

Gory, gross.... crazy stuff....

If you got extra money, love the games, then you will enjoy it to some extent.

If you were not a fan of the games, low on cash, I would say wait for rental.
I thought the movie was very good but I'm a hugeeee fan of the series. My non-gaming friend thought it sucked but it was a complete nerdgasm for me, even the song at the closing credits.

The ending left me confused, but then I though, ey its Silent Hill

For the mainstream audience though, the movie remains too faithful to the game to be appealing.
Someone really needs to explain the ending if they understood it.

On Gamefaqs I have read theories that
Rose, Sharon, and Cybil all died on the way up to Silent Hill
[quote name='whoknows']Someone really needs to explain the ending if they understood it.

On Gamefaqs I have read theories that
Rose, Sharon, and Cybil all died on the way up to Silent Hill

Well I remember one of the bad endings in the first game was exactly that, Harry died in his car on the way to Silent Hill
[quote name='Superstar']About how long is the movie? I'm seeing it tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

two hours, or 126 minutes to be specific.
[quote name='whoknows']Someone really needs to explain the ending if they understood it.

On Gamefaqs I have read theories that
Rose, Sharon, and Cybil all died on the way up to Silent Hill

I saw it today and it wasn't as scary as I expected. Pretty gory still.
That's what I thought happened. I think all the other people were just souls in Silent Hill and the little girl wanted revenge on them.
Saw it this morning with my bro. Wasnt as bad as I expected. I'd give it an 8/10. A lot of good stuff in there for fans of the game (like some of the music from the games, almost EXACTLY the same camera angle as from the game, etc.)

And I agree with Lice, teens suck! There was this fat teenager near me who kept eating his food very loudly, making that loud sipping sound when your drink is gone, and screaming out really loud at moments that werent even scary at all. I was so very close to telling the kid to stfu.:bomb:
Thats not as bad as the 10 year olds behind me who laughed at the gory scenes. I swear, R rated movies are easier to break into then anything. There were more kids under 18 then adults.
The problem with the movie was that the screenplay just wasn't that good. The director and production team did a great job with the visuals, but trying to cram a Silent Hill story into a cogent 2 hour movie just can't be done. That being said, I feel in no way ripped off. you could clearly tell that the director was a fan of the series from the almost identical sequence where rose goes to the dark silent hill for the first time. There were just a lot of loose-ends that weren't explained, and Pyramid Head wasn't used as he should've been (and just isn't mentioned in the end).

To answer a few questions:

Dead of Knight
cybil was out of rounds for her gun. That shot she fired in the church to get everyone's attention was the last one. You see the slide on her gun lock back after she fires it, and she quickly pushes it forward to make it look like she isn't out. Why she didn't just continue to pretend with that group of people who wanted to beat her ass is beyond me.

As for the ending,
I don't know if they died or not. That seems like a conclusion a fan of the game would come to (she couldn't accept her "fate" so to speak, so she remained in that verison of Silent Hill with her daughter), but it wouldn't make sense to people who haven't played it. I think the more logical explanation is that Rose "chose" Sharon. If you remember, Dhalia mentioned she would have to make a choice between herself and her daughter. Conisder that...thing...that was a part of Sharon as well. I guess when she chose her daughter, she had to take that thing with it.

Of course, that's not the most eloquent way to put it but, eh. I give the movie 3/5 for being a nice adaptation with sweet visuals, but some stiff acting,a relatively flimsy screenplay, and some piss-poor dialogue hold it back. I also wish more people would have died. I mean, people die, but for some reason I wanted more blood.
I love the way that the preacher died. I normally hate it when villains in movies die quickly and painlessly (ie: gun shot or explosion). The thought of having barbed wire continually rip through her was... satisfying.
[quote name='whoknows']Someone really needs to explain the ending if they understood it.

On Gamefaqs I have read theories that
Rose, Sharon, and Cybil all died on the way up to Silent Hill
I don't think that's the case

If you remember when the husband first drives up to road leading to silent hill, the police tell them that they found the car but it was empty. If they did die the crash, wouldn't they have found the bodies next to vehicle?

Reality's Fringe] As for the ending said:
The fire started in the hotel room and eventually spread out of control killing a ton of people. So how did the people in the room where the fire started all survive, without even getting burned (with the exception of Alessa)?

What's the deal with the underground fires?

Assuming Silent Hill was virtually uninhabitable after the fire, they brought Alessa to a hospital in Brahms(?), or whatever the nearby city was. So how did that hospital get sucked into the Silent Hill dimension but not the rest of the town?

Who was Alessa's father?[/spoiler]
I figure some of them might just be plot holes, but I'd thought I'd ask just in case there's a bigger meaing behind them.
[quote name='Lice']Just saw this. I dont think the following needs spoliers for i have not said anyhting pertaining to the movies contents and stuck to a more traditional review format where you want to let people know about the movie and the context but not what is associated with it... let me know if you want me to add spoliers. Or do it correctly unlike the post above me who gave away the ending .... neat

First let me say how much I hate the movie theater. Each time I go I say ill never go back again, and thus I do. Let me say this to make me feel better. fuck teens. There that’s better. I shall commence.

The movie. I would consider myself a big fan of the game. I have played them all and enjoyed it, very much so that I went to see a movie before it was screened to critics. I will say that im quite disappointed with the way this turned out. The moment I heard it was being withheld from critics a little part of me cried inside.

Visually the movie captured the feel of the game, the music for the most part was from silent hill 3, which was a cool nod to the gamers. The sound effects where excellent and the Cg was not bad, it was actually very well done. If you think its bad then you have become spoiled by movies with impossible budgets. Very well done and the visual style and was dead on. Gross and slimy, good times indeed.

The acting left much to desire. They semi evolved Sharon for she is the main character, but they didn’t make the audience Like her. Yes she was in some intense situations, but I did not care if she died or if she fulfilled the mission of the storyline. They relied on the horror situations to make people identify with her fear but it just didn’t catch. With the little girl Alyssa ( I think that was her name) They relied on the fact that she was a little girl to gain the sympathy of the audience. She was lacking the acting experience to pull off a girl being dragged through hell. And overall they dialogue was awkward and the script didn’t flow. As someone said that the Mtv clip felt like it was pieced together, and that’s how the movie actually was. Blocky and clumsy tripping over its own pacing.

The story was meh. I don’t know why they didn’t use one from one of the games but i guess they wanted a new experience for fans. But it was just plain sloppy to drag everyone along for 45 minutes with the faint smell of a story and then at the end some up all up in a voice over piece. Felt as if they director said " well... crap.. how am i going to explain all this? I could try to integrate it into the story... nah ill just voice over, Lost is on."

Gory, gross.... crazy stuff....

If you got extra money, love the games, then you will enjoy it to some extent.

If you were not a fan of the games, low on cash, I would say wait for rental.


I do agree with the statement, "fuck teens". Although, I would like to add to the list.

fuck really tall guys that dont move at all that sit in front of you.
fuck guys eating the most noisiest popcorn every behind you, sounded like he was trying to scoop the popcorn out with a crumpled paper bag.
fuck people for laughing at everything. I kept going, what the hell is so funny? Like I was missing something... was there a hidden dancing banana somewhere in the movie that kept popping up going, "Peanut Butter Jelly!"

Anyways, I enjoyed the movie.

It was just like how the games are played, crazy, twisted, not knowing whats next. Of course the acting left something to be desired, and yea the story would have been better if they followed one of the games. (But, like you said they cannot rehash an old games story. That would suck for the fans).

I think its a great movie game, just because it gave you the feeling of when you played the game. The, "wtf? What is this! Dont go on anymore!!...Alright just a little more!" was throughout the movie. And Pyramid Head, was just so friggen cool.

This movie isn't running for any awards, but it sure hell was an entertaining movie to watch late at night... especcially when you make your girlfriend pay.

Now, I must go rip the flesh off awkwardly tall guys that never move, and loud popcorn eaters.
Thanks for the clarification, Reality's Fringe. I don't know anything about guns, so I didn't catch that. However:
I think she could have kicked their asses without a gun all the same. They looked like total wimps. She just stood there and took it, not even fighting back. WTF?
[quote name='dcfox']

Also, maybe you can answer some of my other questions:

The fire started in the hotel room and eventually spread out of control killing a ton of people. So how did the people in the room where the fire started all survive, without even getting burned (with the exception of Alessa)?

What's the deal with the underground fires?

Assuming Silent Hill was virtually uninhabitable after the fire, they brought Alessa to a hospital in Brahms(?), or whatever the nearby city was. So how did that hospital get sucked into the Silent Hill dimension but not the rest of the town?

Who was Alessa's father?
I figure some of them might just be plot holes, but I'd thought I'd ask just in case there's a bigger meaing behind them.[/QUOTE]

The fire didn't start in the Hotel room, it started in the church. The hotel room is just where she was "Judged". The people in the church DIDN'T survive, but their fanatic devotion to the cult kept them from seeing what really happened(you don't see them when that cop carries Alessa's body out of the church). The underground fires were more than likely only used as a false pretext for keeping people out of Silent Hill, and keeping what really happened under wraps. I'm assuming the big fire didn't happen until AFTER Alessa was hospitalized in Silent Hill(if it happened at all. Maybe the town was deserted after hearing about the cult activity), as this is when she made a pact with whatever evil that other little girl was, so the underground fires could've been a rationalization used by the authorities.

I don't know if I'm just giving the writers more credit than they deserve since I like SH. The problem was that they didn't really explain the cult.

I'm going to say she didn't fight back because she thought they wouldn't kick the shit out of her. That part confused me as well
I just have to say I just got back from seeing this movie and as a person who never played a Silent Hill game I had no fucking clue what was going on. I went with about 5 other people and not a single one of us knew what happened. I'll have to say the set design and visuals were very well done and the movie creates a great atmosphere but as far as a coherent story .. it was terrible in my opinion.
Anyone else see any nerds stay in the theatre for the end credits, just so they could listen to the theme from Silent Hill 3? I thought it was ok, I don't go to these types of movies to see 2 hours of character development, or gay cowboys coming to terms with their sexuality, or lesbians fighting for their rights, or retards overcoming adversity. For $5, it was a good 2 hour time waster.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Anyone else see any nerds stay in the theatre for the end credits, just so they could listen to the theme from Silent Hill 3? I thought it was ok, I don't go to these types of movies to see 2 hours of character development, or gay cowboys coming to terms with their sexuality, or lesbians fighting for their rights, or retards overcoming adversity. For $5, it was a good 2 hour time waster.[/QUOTE]

Yeah...I uh...stayed till the end of the credits just to see if nerds would be there, that is the only reason (and yes, I would say about 1/4 of the audience was still there watching/listening) :p
[quote name='whoknows']Yeah...I uh...stayed till the end of the credits just to see if nerds would be there, that is the only reason (and yes, I would say about 1/4 of the audience was still there watching/listening) :p[/QUOTE]

Yes.....same here.....ah ha ha ha.

I don't think the fire started in the church. It was in the building NEXT to the hotel, where Rose&company found the hanging religious symbol (I think that's where Alessa was tied to). I'm guessing Alessa started the "big" fire after her evil side came out... killed as many people as she could and trapping them in her world. If the people left in the church in foggy/nightmare silent hill was those who died in the 1st fire... then Alessa's mom shouldn't be there.. cuz she was alive and saw the burnt body of her kid. Of course I could be totally wrong about this :whistle2:#
You guys are really good with the spoilers. I remember when I first started to going to CAG, there was some idiot who kept posting spoilers and getting flamed in the process. I dont remember his name though....
Just got back from seeing it........damn i am confused as hell. I just read about a hours worth of Silent Hill Theroys on random websites. Christ.....MIND FREAK!! (ECHO ECHO ECHO)

It was good though....other than a lady bringing a god damn baby to the place. Seriouly a god damn a basket. I went at 11:15 to avoide any kids/dumbass...but it didnt work at all.

Good movie...poor acting (not by Sean Bean though) very confusing.
[quote name='Xevious']You guys are really good with the spoilers. I remember when I first started to going to CAG, there was some idiot who kept posting spoilers and getting flamed in the process. I dont remember his name though....[/quote]

Man, that scene at the end of the movie when Pyramid Head and Rose made love - that was great.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Anyone else see any nerds stay in the theatre for the end credits, just so they could listen to the theme from Silent Hill 3?[/QUOTE]

Nah. I was too busy being one of those nerds :p

Seriously though, I really really liked how they did that end credits sequence. While I would have liked to see the character names along side the picture and actor's name, it was a very cool way to do it.
I thought it was a really good movie. Could you tell things were CG? Yes, but when can't you? The effects were better looking than the game and as long as they don't look like some three year old drew them in with crayon, I think spoo is just being overly harsh.

The only things I'm really not sure about are...
Cybil and the ending. Cybil dropped the one guy no problem while holding off the other two. You'd figure the last two would be even easier, unless she was just totally worn out. But even then, I'd like to think she could do more than *click*, giggle, beat the piss outta me.

As for the ending... They're obviously dead, but the question is when and how. Personally, I think Samiel kills them right at the end when they close their eyes. Why would she kill them after they helped her win? She's evil! she doesn't need to be nice. However, Sharron's goodness keeps them from being locked in Silent Hill, so they wind up in her perception of home opposed to the real home or either Silent Hill. Yet, they have to be connected on some level because the father can feel them and they openned the door... or he just didn't close it tight enough and then he caught a draft...

As for Alessa... She was judged in the factory across from the hotel. You can tell because the center of the room is burned away and the thin she was chained to is hanging in the center of the room. Additionally, I doubt they'd be able to take refuge in the church if thats where she was burned. I don't think anyone was killed in the first fire. I think the fire just scared them all away and let her be rescued. I think everyone died when she unleased the darkness and then she trapped them in the rust world she created after.

Did anyone else laugh their ass off when she went "look mommy, I'm burning!"
[quote name='Kayden']
Did anyone else laugh their ass off when she went "look mommy, I'm burning!"
[/QUOTE]Oh yes! And then when she said
"I am the reaper"
I didn't know if I should laugh or think it was just awesome. And hot. So hot. ;) :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Oh yes! And then when she said
"I am the reaper"
I didn't know if I should laugh or think it was just awesome. And hot. So hot. ;) :lol:[/quote]

I knew you'd like her. Scrawny 8 yearold with long black hair, no pigmentation and she cries blood. :lol: ..... :whistle2:? :puke:
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Holy shit!!! Looks like this movie's #1 this weekend!!!

This is a total surprise. I mean, I did see a lot of people who were obviously non-gamers at my screening, but still! :)[/quote]

According to rottentomatos, that movie actually sucks..
I was hoping that the movie is good, because i really want to see it. But like so many gamebased movies, they suck.

TO bad.
Go see it and judge for yourself. Alot of people have said nothing but good things that I know of personally, while the critics have been rather harsh.

Right now It looks to be the second best movie based on a video game/series of all time behind the new FF7 cgi movie.
[quote name='yester']According to rottentomatos, that movie actually sucks..
I was hoping that the movie is good, because i really want to see it. But like so many gamebased movies, they suck.

TO bad.[/quote]

According to rotten tomatoes, EVERY movie sucks. :roll: UNLESS, its a total piece of shit and they only like it to be obscure... rotten tomatoes is EMO...
[quote name='Kayden']According to rotten tomatoes, EVERY movie sucks. :roll: UNLESS, its a total piece of shit and they only like it to be obscure... rotten tomatoes is EMO...[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Its like they only find reviews to support what they think is a good movie or not.

Perfect example- Donnie Darko 90%. Give me a fucking break. don't get me wrong, the movie's good but not 90% good, considering most movies on rotten tomatoes get a 30%.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Holy shit!!! Looks like this movie's #1 this weekend!!!

This is a total surprise. I mean, I did see a lot of people who were obviously non-gamers at my screening, but still! :)[/quote]

I think it's because Silent Hill didn't play up its video game connection too much in the promos. Anyone who is a gamer already knows what Silent Hill is & those who aren't think it's an attractive (by which I mean exciting) horror flick. And I think it's part of what made it successful. Of course, the argument could be made that Tomb Raider did the same but the storylines weren't very compelling IMO when contrasted to Silent Hill's.
bread's done