Silent Hill: The Movie (official thread)

Wow... the movie wasn't THAT disturbing or scary... really hope the last two posters are exaggerating, or need to see some more horror movies.

The movie was awesome, but it needed more monsters less acting less bullshit cult nonsense. The movie really shined everytime one of those monsters took the screen, and really started to drag like nobody's business at the end.

The ending was a joke too, I really thought that

They would be stuck in Silent Hill forever, not wander around aimlessly. Maybe Pyramid Head could eat them.

The cult was freaky at first, but I would have rather have seen some kind of big show down with Pyramid Head rather then everyone dies by the hands of that girl.

The only thing that dragged this movie down, imo, was that the monsters were so amazing but they really didn't get used as much as I wanted. If they make a sequel, PLEASE use Pyramid Head alot more.

Still was a good movie, in the end, fans of the game should definately see it... its alot better then any other game to movie translation, and it almost makes me wish Resident Evil could have been in the hands of someone good.
[quote name='crazytalkx']don't forget the UFO ending!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

copypasta from my post on the UFO ending at silenthillheaven

Rose is at the church and is giving the whole speech she did just before she got stabbed. Suddenly, the church doors get kicked open. Harry, Heather and James rush in (dressed exactly how they should be from their respective games), with a couple Aliens. Harry runs in and decks Christabella, sending her to the floor. The alien comes up and stun-ray-guns Rose. They pick her up and rush back to one of the UFOs. Then they start blasting the town as everyone sings.
What i don't get is why Alessa couldn't get into their sanctuary in the first place. She made the whole world already, didn't she? What was so special about the barriers around the church?(since she evidently could do fine once inside the building.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']
What i don't get is why Alessa couldn't get into their sanctuary in the first place. She made the whole world already, didn't she? What was so special about the barriers around the church?(since she evidently could do fine once inside the building.

Basically, the faith of the cult formed a kind of protective barrier. Once Rose brought Alessa in and the cult no longer believed that the church would protect them, she could go all crazy like and rip people apart.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']
What i don't get is why Alessa couldn't get into their sanctuary in the first place. She made the whole world already, didn't she? What was so special about the barriers around the church?(since she evidently could do fine once inside the building.

I think just the power of the people reserving the PS3 kept Alessa out. But when Rose came in and told them Rev was going to be better the protective barrier broke.

No but really I thought she could not get in because it was a holy ground but when the cult leader tainted the holy ground with blood of innocent rose it became unholy.

Do we really need these spoiler boxes?
[quote name='Michaellvortega']I think just the power of the people reserving the PS3 kept Alessa out. But when Rose came in and told them Rev was going to be better the protective barrier broke.

No but really I thought she could not get in because it was a holy ground but when the cult leader tainted the holy ground with blood of innocent rose it became unholy.

Do we really need these spoiler boxes?[/quote]

Thats not really a bad theory, but I'd go more with it was their sheer force of will and their belief that Alessa couldn't enter that kept her from entering. Seeing the crazy bitch stab Rose shook their faith and subsequently allowed them to be spiritually reamed.

... Do these idiots ever like anything?
[quote name='Kayden']

... Do these idiots ever like anything?[/QUOTE]

My guess is that they've probably grown pretty fond of masterbating at this point. Other than that, there can't be much that they like.
Went and saw this yesterday. Anybody else think that the girl who played Sharon is up for worst kid actor of the year?

She was not too bad as the evil little demon girl, but at the beginning she was awful.
By the way, when some people were talking about the Demon being able to enter the church because an innocent was killed> If that were true, why would the Demon not be able to enter when the cop was killed? I think it was the conviction thing that someone mentioned. The people's faith was shakin during that scene.
The thing that pissed me off was the fact that the guy with the Big sword never showed up at the end.

By the way, I did not really like the movie much at all. It did have some neat moments though. The ending was horrible though.
I think the ending was made that way so they can make another movie... and milk more money outta this.

Hopefully they'll have an alt ending when the dvd comes out.
By the way, I got another question. This has nothing to do with the game and only the movie>

It seemed that the only time there were monsters and demons were around when "the darkness" came and all hell broke loose(walls pealing and such). BUT, when that thing with no arms came a spit on the cop it was just "normal Silent Hill(ash and such)". Why were those things around then, but nothing else came out until the darkness came?
Keep in mind I have not played the Silent Hill games for quite some time(even though this movie was not much like the game anyway).
[quote name='Rags']Went and saw this yesterday. Anybody else think that the girl who played Sharon is up for worst kid actor of the year?

She was not too bad as the evil little demon girl, but at the beginning she was awful.[/quote]

Yeah, she wasn't the best. They should have got Dakota Fanning, that kid is a great actress.
Maybe just a bad choice for the part. For example of what I mean> The girl in the Resident Evil movie(red queen) was pretty good when she was the security device, but she was not very good in RE2. Maybe she just sucked at the part, not too sure because she was really bad the first 15-20 minutes.
[quote name='Rags']By the way, I got another question. This has nothing to do with the game and only the movie>

It seemed that the only time there were monsters and demons were around when "the darkness" came and all hell broke loose(walls pealing and such). BUT, when that thing with no arms came a spit on the cop it was just "normal Silent Hill(ash and such)". Why were those things around then, but nothing else came out until the darkness came?
Keep in mind I have not played the Silent Hill games for quite some time(even though this movie was not much like the game anyway).[/quote]

Good question. There are monsters in both versions of SH. There just happen to be many more in the dark place. You could avoid most monsters outside in the foggy SH.
[quote name='Rags']By the way, I got another question. This has nothing to do with the game and only the movie>

It seemed that the only time there were monsters and demons were around when "the darkness" came and all hell broke loose(walls pealing and such). BUT, when that thing with no arms came a spit on the cop it was just "normal Silent Hill(ash and such)". Why were those things around then, but nothing else came out until the darkness came?
Keep in mind I have not played the Silent Hill games for quite some time(even though this movie was not much like the game anyway).[/QUOTE]

I don't think it matters really. Since both version of Silent Hill were a manifestation from Alessa, it's feasible that monsters could exist wherever she wanted them to. Kind of like how the giant ravines were there.
The girl from this movie played a similar part in Smallville as a dead friend of Lana's. They probably saw her and that and said "hey she's a cheap dakota fanning!"
Did anyone else notice that Dahlia Gillespe (the girl's mother) was Roman Polanski's wife? Nice touch, considering the subject matter (maybe not so nice considering the persona non gratis incident...)

SH1 spoilers here too...
Anyway - the cult totally sucked in the movie - the real cult wasn't into burning witches, they just burned the original Alessa because she was their creation and she was fast on the road to godhead, and they needed to weaken her because they wanted her to do their bidding (after all, you can't force a god to do your bidding). Also, Silent Hill has nothing to do with the Scarlet Letter, christian idiocy about lust etc. - it's about occultists who want nothing but power and a wronged little girl. At least they didn't totally fuck up the light/dark world thing. Here's hoping they replace the faux puritan christiabella and gang with a truly badass cult in the sequel. I wish I was involved in the sequel - I'd make the cop dude reaveal that he's a a corrupt cop with hidden agendas in a surprise twist (like that lawyer in SH1), and get Sean Bean to start knocking demon heads in.
[quote name='camoor']Did anyone else notice that Dahlia Gillespe (the girl's mother) was Roman Polanski's wife? Nice touch, considering the subject matter (maybe not so nice considering the persona non gratis incident...)

SH1 spoilers here too...
Anyway - the cult totally sucked in the movie - the real cult wasn't into burning witches, they just burned the original Alessa because she was their creation and she was fast on the road to godhead, and they needed to weaken her because they wanted her to do their bidding (after all, you can't force a god to do your bidding). Also, Silent Hill has nothing to do with the Scarlet Letter, christian idiocy about lust etc. - it's about occultists who want nothing but power and a wronged little girl. At least they didn't totally fuck up the light/dark world thing. Here's hoping they replace the faux puritan christiabella and gang with a truly badass cult in the sequel. I wish I was involved in the sequel - I'd make the cop dude reaveal that he's a a corrupt cop with hidden agendas in a surprise twist (like that lawyer in SH1), and get Sean Bean to start knocking demon heads in.

I think if there is a sequel it could easily go along the lines of Sean Bean going to Silent Hill to get his wife back after he gets a note from her. Oh wait, isn't that sort of like the plot for the SH2 game? ;)
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I think if there is a sequel it could easily go along the lines of Sean Bean going to Silent Hill to get his wife back after he gets a note from her. Oh wait, isn't that sort of like the plot for the SH2 game? ;)[/quote]

So then would we find out the first movie was a dream to make Bean feel better about slaughtering his wife and daughter? ....Damn, that would be good.
You know after listening to the music from the various games that wiki listed as the movie used , I realized that it was so good it didn't come across as video game music but more natural flowing movie music during the movie. I have the score for SH3 (came with SH3 for the pc). Jeff Danna who did the so so score for RE:A arranged and remixed some of the music but nothing original yet he is credited as doing the music in the credits. There is an arguement of wiether to release the music on cd for this movie becuase it could just be considered a "complation" of the other SH music on one cd. No original work from Danna was produced, so therefor there is a good chance we may never see a soundtrack for the movie for sale.. sad for us soundtrack collectors :(
[quote name='ITDEFX']You know after listening to the music from the various games that wiki listed as the movie used , I realized that it was so good it didn't come across as video game music but more natural flowing movie music during the movie. I have the score for SH3 (came with SH3 for the pc). Jeff Danna who did the so so score for RE:A arranged and remixed some of the music but nothing original yet he is credited as doing the music in the credits. There is an arguement of wiether to release the music on cd for this movie becuase it could just be considered a "complation" of the other SH music on one cd. No original work from Danna was produced, so therefor there is a good chance we may never see a soundtrack for the movie for sale.. sad for us soundtrack collectors :([/quote]

Haha, ah crap, I was hoping for a soundtrack, since game soundtracks are expensive.
I totally forgot that i had SH:3 soundtrack since i own the pc version. I just ripped it to mp3, and its pretty good. Thanks for the reminder =]
I thought the scariest part of the movie was when the mom starts filling up her SUV at the gas station. Noooooo - choose the cheap unleaded!! Why o why didn't you buy a hybrid!!!
The more I think about it - it would be a cool sequel plot twist if the mom was actually dead at the end of the film, and what happened was that the local police blocking off the bridge to SH were part of the real cult (IE the Silent Hill Smile Support Society :twisted: ), and they hid the body/evidence before Sean Bean got there. That would be in keeping with the game too, as one of the SH1 endings had you slumped forward in your car, unconscious at the beginning of the game again, with your head bleeding on the steering wheel...
Have you guys seen the endings to the all the games? I have been watching them on youtube for a while and let me tell you.....very dissapointing. Most are about 40 seconds long and barely make sense. I know i havent played through it all but christ.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Have you guys seen the endings to the all the games? I have been watching them on youtube for a while and let me tell you.....very dissapointing. Most are about 40 seconds long and barely make sense. I know i havent played through it all but christ.[/quote]

What do you expect if you haven't played em all! :roll: They aren't real long, but they make perfect sense.
[quote name='Supercake']What do you expect if you haven't played em all! :roll: They aren't real long, but they make perfect sense.[/quote]
well i was looking for ending more along the lines of the RE games since that is what i was comparing it to. just seems the more and more i read about the plot of silent hill the more i dont really like it. But its interesting enough to keep me reading for a while.
I've never played through any of the Silent Hills games. I've played them all, but never made it through them. Maybe if that SH collection comes out I'll pick it up sometime and try to make it through 2-4.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Yeah, there are some good ones there.

But this theory from the Wiki site actually makes a lot of sense: Alternatively Rose and Sharon may not be dead but instead be trapped in the dream world created by demon Alessa. At the end of the church scene when the cultists are being cut down like wheat Rose tells Sharon to shield her eyes from the horrors (see no evil). Sharon overcome by temptation looks into the eyes of the demon in that scene. This fits into the overall concept of movie because the evil Alessa corrupts the last good part of Alessa (which is Sharon). Afterwords she appears to act strangly and her eyes seem to open as the bridge appears out of town (almost implying as if she willed it into existence). The hazy dreamlike cloud in the dream Silent Hill is still present the entire time implying that they are still in the dream world Alessa created. This is supported by the fact that there are no people present anywhere after they leave the town. This may also explain why Christopher is able to sense her as if she were just on the edge of reality. Rose and Sharon despite having left the physical town of Silent Hill are still trapped in Silent Hill.

After reading that, I can see where this might be what happened.

That's similar to what me and my wife thought happened as well.
[quote name='Soodmeg']well i was looking for ending more along the lines of the RE games since that is what i was comparing it to.[/quote]

That's always been the comparison though - Res Evil for the B-Movie horror thrills, and Silent Hill for the Six Sensish plot twists and occult overtones.

[quote name='Soodmeg']well i was looking for ending more along the lines of the RE games since that is what i was comparing it to. just seems the more and more i read about the plot of silent hill the more i dont really like it. But its interesting enough to keep me reading for a while.[/QUOTE]

WTF? EVERY RE's ending is the same: lol let's blow the place up. Did you really think SH would be similiar to this?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']WTF? EVERY RE's ending is the same: lol let's blow the place up. Did you really think SH would be similiar to this?[/quote]

No i mean in length not the actually plot.

Alot of the SH ending were literally like 30 -60 seconds long. That alone would piss me off so much to never play the game again. I play a 10 hour game to get a 30 second ending?


But i still like the movie just fine it just confuses the hell out of me.
The RE endings wouldn't be so long if they weren't filled in with poorly acted lines detailing the obvious, such as this one from RE 2...

Claire: "Oh no, sherry's unconcious... I have the antidote, I should give it to her."

And they often go on like this. The only I ever thought that was really well done besides the ones in RE 4 was the Wesker vs. Chris ending from Code Veronica X because it actually explained the details of the game and not just a flashy sequence of things exploding and filler (though it had that as well). I'll take a solid 30-45 second ending over one that is lacking in story development and is 3-4 minutes long.
I'm agreeing with the trapped Rose theory. It just doesn't feel right that she would be dead. There is enough evidence to support both though.
yes i agree every RE game, you MUST escape from the timed exploding building/base.

SH:the movie actually had an ending or a questionable ending that made you wondering, are they alive? are they dead or are they still trapped in the nightmare?

i wonder if M Night Shamalan (sp?) would have done if he wrote this movie?
[quote name='ITDEFX']yes i agree every RE game, you MUST escape from the timed exploding building/base.

SH:the movie actually had an ending or a questionable ending that made you wondering, are they alive? are they dead or are they still trapped in the nightmare?

i wonder if M Night Shamalan (sp?) would have done if he wrote this movie?[/quote]

No buddy.....dont even bring that up. M Night shamalan is a fucking terrible director. He reminds me exactly of quentin tarantino bitch ass. "

Hmmmm....i since i can barely direct I think my best bet is to jam pack each movie i do with enough A list actor so people wont notice how shitty i am."

That is a direct quote from QT novel. "I am a talentless panzy"

Though i would rather watch 500 M night movies than to ever watch at even 10 seconds of a QT movie. All his movie make me wish i was blind.

But you guys are going to another level than what i was on. I was soley talking about the video games not the movie. The video games ending were about 30seconds and i was comparing that to the ending to the RE games which where 2 min'ish. Though i do note that the acting is poor.
[quote name='Logain8955']
I'm agreeing with the trapped Rose theory. It just doesn't feel right that she would be dead. There is enough evidence to support both though.

you can tell how twisted the grim reaper was... Rose helps it, and as a reward she is trapped in an extended world of silent hill :( geez thanks Mr. Reaper.
ITDEFX, please throw that into spoiler tags. Just to make sure anyone who's read through 12 bloody pages and not gone to see the movie wont get anything spoiled :D

It really seems like "The Reaper" (I'm just gonna call it Sammael. Deal. :p) transfered into Sharon. Since Sharon was just an aspect of Alessa, it would make sense that Sammael would be able to exert control over her too. Then for whatever reason, it kept Rose in SHFog world.
why would the reaper keep Rose in that world? there is no need to as Rose fulfilled her end of the bargin. Any theroies about this!??! if a sequel does happen, the husband will have to make a deal with the devil in order for them to switch places and allow Rose and the girl to escape and therefor HE will be trapped. One must stay in place of the other.

sorry about that logain,
It's a greed thing. Sammael knows that Rose will work with it and will go through anything for Sharon. It's the ultimate hook. Rose is basically now just Sammael's puppet. So, she's being held in SHFog until she's needed again.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']It based off a Japanese game it shouldn't make sense in the first place.[/QUOTE]

yea Japanese games are so confusing...either that or by the time its translated to english, a lot of the meanings and explinations are lost in the translations :( come on there the only country that is obsessed with little girls :p
[quote name='ITDEFX']yea Japanese games are so confusing...either that or by the time its translated to english, a lot of the meanings and explinations are lost in the translations :( come on there the only country that is obsessed with little girls :p[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't stereotype them like that(the rest of the world has pervs too you know) but You are right that they have different backgrounds/superstitions/beliefs/stories that we(most of us) weren't exposed too growing up so a lot is "lost in translation".
I saw it last night and had no idea what was going on. I haven't play any of the games, so I guess that's why. I was laughing the whole time with my friends, i'd give it a 2/5.
[quote name='ph33r m3']I saw it last night and had no idea what was going on. I haven't play any of the games, so I guess that's why. I was laughing the whole time with my friends, i'd give it a 2/5.[/QUOTE]

People who laugh at non funny scenes in a non funny movie should be burned at the stake :p. I was more disturbed that amused...the only amusing part with laughing at is when she tells the cop "Don't worry its going to be alright..." or something like that.
bread's done