SoulCalibur IV - (10.17.08) - Vader/Yoda DLC set to release on 10/23 [400 points]

[quote name='MarkMan']Don't cry when I run the Soul Train all over you guys![/quote]

I'm not going to be doing any crying.
Good, we can be friends after I go on my destruction derby ;)

I play SC a lot, not as much as Tekken, but I do play it a lot (not 3 tho lol, 3 was too easy to beat up ppl in)...

I can't even get people to play SCII around me anymore.

They hate losing.

Its ok, MM when I beat you you can still be the CAG Tekken and SC Master.
I will never be the CAG SC master as long as B:L posts here ;P :)

He's an actual tournament SC player... I just learn/play the game. ;)
A challenger approaches?

I am seriously excited for this game.

Ultimate question: Stick or Pad?
The Ultimate Answer: Preference.

Don't go with what you hear, go with what you are most comfortable with.

Some ppl just suck on stick and some on pad.

The better question would be, IF using stick, which stick? IF using pad, which pad?
I just have to bring it up because I saw it somewhere else, with all the new women in the game, why isn't there another dark-skinned woman? There could of been a ancient version of Christie or Zafina if they need some inspiration.
[quote name='VAD3R or Fro']Please have a Japanese voice option. The voice acting is horrible.[/QUOTE]

Yeah i realllllly hope so. I know SCII had japanese voice option, but did III?
Yeah, I can't stand that, either... the game sounds completely retarded with the English VAs. The sheer shitiness of the voice acting can't be an accident. You have to try to fuck up that badly.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']all SC games had the option for japanese. i never understood people who played it in english. i always felt like slapping them very hard.[/quote]
Part one had japanese only. At least it's not like tekken, where everyone only speaks their native language, yet everyone understands each other.
[quote name='akilshohen']At least it's not like tekken, where everyone only speaks their native language, yet everyone understands each other.[/QUOTE]
I actually like that. Also Soul Blade kind of did that. All the Asian characters spoke Japanese, and the non-Asians spoke English.
[quote name='Dark Slayer120']Who cares if they like to play it with the English VAs? Is it hurting your own experience with the game when you play it? Jesus some of you guys are such fucking babies. "Wahh SC4 has Star wars characters, waahh Anime characters, wahhh too many girls, wahhh girls have too big of boobs, wahh they need to take out bonus characters" I mean seriously we need the fucking waaaaaaambulance in this topic for some of you. So much bitching of a game that you haven't even played yet, and guess what bitching and whining fixes? not a god damn thing. Continue to bitch and whine I'm out since I can't stand seeing post after post of little bitches crying.[/quote]


Its fun.
[quote name='Dark Slayer120']Who cares if they like to play it with the English VAs? Is it hurting your own experience with the game when you play it? Jesus some of you guys are such fucking babies. "Wahh SC4 has Star wars characters, waahh Anime characters, wahhh too many girls, wahhh girls have too big of boobs, wahh they need to take out bonus characters" I mean seriously we need the fucking waaaaaaambulance in this topic for some of you. So much bitching of a game that you haven't even played yet, and guess what bitching and whining fixes? not a god damn thing. Continue to bitch and whine I'm out since I can't stand seeing post after post of little bitches crying.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it is, because the only time I have an issue with it is when I'm playing against or watching somebody with it on.

But, as Inufaye said: Irony.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I actually like that. Also Soul Blade kind of did that. All the Asian characters spoke Japanese, and the non-Asians spoke English.[/QUOTE]

yeah, I loved that... kinda had that Star Wars feel to it like when Han understands what Chewie says.
May 26, 2008 - IGN Yoda Hands On



As for the Force, well, Yoda does have some minor power applications here. He can perform Force pushes, which can aid in ring outs or (more often) to give some spacing. This is balanced by a special energy meter that drains when Yoda uses the Force.

And then there is the height. Yoda is short -- there's no way around it. And that means that if he is standing on the ground, he won't be hit by high attacks. Don't worry though -- Yoda doesn't stay on the ground for long. There are plenty of opportunities to land high attacks when Yoda is airborne. Though he's quick, those who play defensively and with patience will find their opportunities to strike.

It isn't all biscuits and gravy with Yoda. He does have some weaknesses to help balance him out. That short stature may cancel out high attacks from enemies, but it also makes Yoda's reach the worst in Soulcal IV. He has no choice but to get up close and personal. Against someone like Kilik, who can extend his range with the bo staff, Yoda can be in for some trouble.

Though he is an exclusive character, Yoda is not an unlockable. He's ready to go from the moment you pop the disc into your 360. And he is subject to all of the same gameplay rules as the other characters. That means the new armor destruction feature is in effect. We were too busy beating the snot out of the AI to see what it might look like when Yoda has armor destroyed, but we're sure it won't happen too often anyway.

Along with Yoda, there is a bonus stage added to the mix. Yoda gets to do battle in an Imperial shuttle bay. Set on a raised walkway, the arena is long, but narrow. To make it just a touch more interesting, there are energy fields that move up and down the path during battle, expanding and retracting the fighting area throughout the contest. To top it off, you get some classic Star Wars theme music playing in the background of this stage.
[quote name='Dark Slayer120']Wow, sorry about my rant there guys I don't know wtf came over me. I don't even remember typing that shit up![/quote]

Don't let yourself get bullied. I agree with your sentiment. People should stop bitching at AESTHETICS and focus more on the gameplay.

Also, Mark, it's a new SC, so who knows what could happen? ;)
So you guys decided which system your getting SC4 for? I actually think Yoda is pretty bad ass in the game, so I may get the 360 version.
PS3 here. Custom stick usage plus reliable system. I will pick up the 360 one someday, so I can play everyone. That is, if the game's good enough. ;)
I am still leaning towards 360, but we will have too see how the two versions compare graphically and technically.

I dont want any sub 720p scaling.
360 for me. Don't have a ps3. Even though they keep denying it, im willing to bet that yoda and darth vader will be available on both systems through DLC. But probably not until, 1-2 months after the game comes out when the sales start to die down. Thats just a guess though.
It's Japanese developed, so I'd think the PS3 version would have the technical edge if past precedents are to be believed.

If they were dead even from a technical perspective, it'd still be the PS3 version without a doubt.
bread's done