Star Wars Episode 3


4 (100%)
I don't care what you think about the movie, or any of that editorializing.

Target: "Low Price", prominently next to 14.99 price point, free collector coin w/purchase. Eps 1,2 are 14.99, OT Box for 44.99, Battlefront2 49.99, $5 GC with some purchase that didn't appear to include Ep3.

BB: Same deal, "Low Price", next to a 14.99 price point. They're bringing back the Master Replica sabers at 99.99, blue and red.
Has anybody else seen any cool Pre-Order promotions?? I'd like to pre-order, but I'd also like to get the free schtuff too. I know FYE/Saturday Matinee is giving away a free book (comic book?) if you pro-order.
Does anyone know if they've announced a box set and a release date for the new trilogy yet? I kind of want to wait for it. (I have Ep1 on VHS, and Ep2 in Fullscreen for some reason).
Unless you have a need for the physical box, 15 a pop for 1-3 isn't shabby. I was kinda hoping TRU was going to do $10 again like for Ep2.
[quote name='Gojtron']Unless you have a need for the physical box, 15 a pop for 1-3 isn't shabby. I was kinda hoping TRU was going to do $10 again like for Ep2.[/QUOTE]

Good point, but... well, boxes are just pretty cool.
[quote name='aarif1']Does anyone know if they've announced a box set and a release date for the new trilogy yet? I kind of want to wait for it. (I have Ep1 on VHS, and Ep2 in Fullscreen for some reason).[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping for a new trilogy box too. But everything I've heard isn't looking that way. I've heard they are reissuing the old trilogy box, making a episode I-VI box, and remaking episode I with a CG Yoda. Pretty much everything that I don't want/need, they are doing. Thank you very much Lucas.
Does anybody know what this "Collector Coin" looks like? I don't know if I should get it at Target or Wal-Mart (for the bonus DVD).
Aside from Target's 14.99 for them, anybody know if any place has any sales running where if you buy all 3 you get it cheaper, or anybody running any promotion for Ep 1/2? I've never gotten around to buying them, and my girlfriend still hasn't seen 2, I'd rather just spend a bit more and own it rather than rent it.
[quote name='crazynater']I'm hoping for a new trilogy box too. But everything I've heard isn't looking that way. I've heard they are reissuing the old trilogy box, making a episode I-VI box, and remaking episode I with a CG Yoda. Pretty much everything that I don't want/need, they are doing. Thank you very much Lucas.[/QUOTE]
Wow that kind of blows. I've been holding out on buying any of the prequels on DVD, hoping for a box set with extras that may have been left out of the episode I-III DVDs. I guess I'll pick them up individually now, I've seen episodes I & II for like $10 each at Circuit City.
I think you mean 30th anniversary. A New Hope came out in 1977. 2007 would be 30 years from 1977. dont anything about Star Wars do you?

Besides...they already released tehm again for there real "20th anniversary in 1997. Thats how we got the Special Edition trilogy.
Based on everything I've read and been able to deduce, the Saga box set with even more tweaks for geeks should indeed hit in about two years. As mentioned, 2007 ***IS*** the 30th Anniversary of the original "Star Wars", long since known as "Episode IV: A New Hope". I, pathetically, am old enough to have seen it first-run when it was just known as the former.

I would expect Spring '07 to bring us Celebration 4, the official uber-Star Wars convention. At that point, they'd probably start building hype for such a box set that autumn, as well as the all-but-confirmed 3-D versions of the films for theatrical re-release.

I want to see Dooku fighting with two sabers on Geonosis, damnit! I know you've got the footage, George!

Looks like no midnight release at best buy this time like last year. Last year was fun as the 3 hr wait til midnight in line , they had music entertainment from a local radio station, storm troopers and free pizza. I actually took the day off to get it this time around as I did with the other 3 movies in the previous years. Damn it I was so looking forward to going to get it at midnight, and playing SW Battlefront 2 all night. Maybe retailers don't think ROTS is as popular as the OT so they are giving a hoot about it :( geez thanks a lot
[quote name='Gojtron']I was kinda hoping TRU was going to do $10 again like for Ep2.[/QUOTE]

Same here. But seeing as Fox and Lucasfilm are reducing their shipments for Ep. III, it's doubtful anyone's going to drop beneath $14.99 on this thing.
[quote name='GunsGermsSteel']Same here. But seeing as Fox and Lucasfilm are reducing their shipments for Ep. III, it's doubtful anyone's going to drop beneath $14.99 on this thing.[/QUOTE]

Why would they reduce their shipments? So everyone can jack up the prices? :)
its not reducing shipment..its canning the VHS version in favor of the DVD only release. :p

[quote name='kirkblitz']Why would they reduce their shipments? So everyone can jack up the prices? :)[/QUOTE]
[quote name='crazynater']I'm hoping for a new trilogy box too. But everything I've heard isn't looking that way. I've heard they are reissuing the old trilogy box, making a episode I-VI box, and remaking episode I with a CG Yoda. Pretty much everything that I don't want/need, they are doing. Thank you very much Lucas.[/QUOTE]

And you're getting this information from.....?

I think there is a lot of misinformation out there about this series. Most of it because of fanboys on sites who just assume something is going to happen, so they post it.

Like that whole reducing shipments thing to increase demand and price... that's the biggest BS i've ever heard. Why would Fox/Lucasfilm want to drive up demand for a movie already in very high demand so that retailers can make more money? They wouldnt. They make a certain amount on every DVD, so they would want to sell as many as possible.
[quote name='sman113']

Like that whole reducing shipments thing to increase demand and price... that's the biggest BS i've ever heard. Why would Fox/Lucasfilm want to drive up demand for a movie already in very high demand so that retailers can make more money? They wouldnt. They make a certain amount on every DVD, so they would want to sell as many as possible.[/QUOTE]

Actually it was confirmed that Lucasfilm/Fox would decide how many units each chain of stores would get of Episode 3. This was done to reduce returns of the movie after the holiday season. In the past, a chain will order X amount of movies, and then after a few months, each store would send some of the remaining ones back to the werehouse. Then, from the wherehouse, they would be sent to the distributor for a partial refund. Lucasfilm/Fox dont want as many returns, so they are cutting the allotment. This is not to say that there will be a huge shortage of them, on the contrary, you will still be able to find RotS probably anywhere you go. Just instead of producing a trillion, they are making a billion...
no you are gravely mistaken... it will be not a billion...but a MILLION muaahhahahaha

*Dr. Evil grin*

[quote name='WAJedi']Actually it was confirmed that Lucasfilm/Fox would decide how many units each chain of stores would get of Episode 3. This was done to reduce returns of the movie after the holiday season. In the past, a chain will order X amount of movies, and then after a few months, each store would send some of the remaining ones back to the werehouse. Then, from the wherehouse, they would be sent to the distributor for a partial refund. Lucasfilm/Fox dont want as many returns, so they are cutting the allotment. This is not to say that there will be a huge shortage of them, on the contrary, you will still be able to find RotS probably anywhere you go. Just instead of producing a trillion, they are making a billion...[/QUOTE]
Yeah I wouldn't worry about any shortages for Episode 3. My CC already has nearly 250 copies so far which is more than enough hopefully for this release. Then again, my CC had 309 copies of that dreck Finding Nemo and we sold out in one day. So who knows....
Yeah, we have 4 shippers full of RotS in the back along with a few more boxes. I think we've got over a thousand or so, but i'll try to remember to check tonight. reports are indicating that copies are being sold EARLY...due to human error...yea right...unless its being sold by the electronics department at walmart... since they don't know shit about movies.
[quote name='ITDEFX'] reports are indicating that copies are being sold EARLY...due to human error...yea right...unless its being sold by the electronics department at walmart... since they don't know shit about movies.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's possible that copies are out right now. A bunch of stores have Charlie & the Chocolate Factory out already.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Yeah, it's possible that copies are out right now. A bunch of stores have Charlie & the Chocolate Factory out already.[/QUOTE]


I'm sure the employees probably mistook a shipment of Willy Wonka for Charlie. :lol:
Oh, and to break the news.... CC = "Low Price" but most likely (and this is UNOFFICIAL as in speculation so take this with a pinch of salt) $14.99 on Episode 3.
[quote name='demomanTNA']Oh, and to break the news.... CC = "Low Price" but most likely (and this is UNOFFICIAL as in speculation so take this with a pinch of salt) $14.99 on Episode 3.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's what I figured. $14.99 everywhere. Any word on a freebie?
:O Charlie and the chocolate factory is out :O Must get my oompa loompa fix

[quote name='Saucy Jack']Yeah, it's possible that copies are out right now. A bunch of stores have Charlie & the Chocolate Factory out already.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Yeah, that's what I figured. $14.99 everywhere. Any word on a freebie?[/QUOTE]

Like a bonus when you buy it? Not sure about CC or BB. I know Target is having a coin that comes with it and Wal-Mart has the extra 1-hour disc that comes with it that's neat. I'll probably get it at Wal-Mart even though the disc is probably nothing special.
i'll keep an eye on the sunday paper this weekend...there is a *small* chance that they will post a local area bb will open early OR midnight... cross my fingers for the next 48 hrs.

[quote name='RedvsBlue']I noticed at my local Best Buy that they're having an 8 am opening for Star Wars! :roll: Oh wow, I can get it the same time I can get it at Target, or 8 hours after I can get it at Walmart.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Yeah, that's what I figured. $14.99 everywhere. Any word on a freebie?[/QUOTE]

I wonder sometimes if people are buying the movie for the movie or if they are buying it for the damn free item...

In either case, there is no freebie at CC... but I swear there has to be by the amount of promotional material my location has been getting.... buttons, posters, stickers...... I swear Fox is sending my location the whole nine yards for this release.
I was hoping that one of the chains would offer a slipcase, like BB did when Kill Bill V2 came out; something like that. IGN even hinted at it last week, but it looks like it was just hearsay.
Best Buy is giving a free lithograph to Reward Zone Members with purchase of Battlefront 2 or the RotS DVD. It actually looks really cool, IMO. Too bad I cant get it cause i'm an employee. Anyway, all Best Buys are opening at 8am chain wide so you can get it there early if you arent going to walmart or a 24 hour place to get it. The whole store isnt open, but media should be.
looks like im going for Mcdonald's for breakfast and waiting it out in the parking lot with the rest of the peeps. yea my prequel set is naked without some sort of slip cover. This *for members* thing is bs...90% of the customers there are members anyways ..this ain't costco.

[quote name='WAJedi']Best Buy is giving a free lithograph to Reward Zone Members with purchase of Battlefront 2 or the RotS DVD. It actually looks really cool, IMO. Too bad I cant get it cause i'm an employee. Anyway, all Best Buys are opening at 8am chain wide so you can get it there early if you arent going to walmart or a 24 hour place to get it. The whole store isnt open, but media should be.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='ITDEFX']looks like im going for Mcdonald's for breakfast and waiting it out in the parking lot with the rest of the peeps. yea my prequel set is naked without some sort of slip cover. This *for members* thing is bs...90% of the customers there are members anyways ..this ain't costco.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. I guess Worst Buy wants to make the Devils (like us) pay extra just to get some lame "free" item... along with buying the movie. I don't know what is worse... Wallyworld charging extra to get the "bonus" DVD or Worst Buy making the "free" item only for Reward Zone members?

I hope at least Target puts the price in their ad for Episode 3 then I'll take it to Wallyworld and hope I get the dumb cashier who will price match it without giving a care. :D

(See, at least I got that figured out... I hope)
[quote name='vatstep']I was hoping that one of the chains would offer a slipcase, like BB did when Kill Bill V2 came out; something like that. IGN even hinted at it last week, but it looks like it was just hearsay.[/QUOTE]

Maybe there will be a coupon inside kind of like simpsons 6 and LORD of THE RINGS.. Most likely just wishful thinking ...

[quote name='ITDEFX'] reports are indicating that copies are being sold EARLY...due to human error...yea right...unless its being sold by the electronics department at walmart... since they don't know shit about movies.[/QUOTE]

Lets hope not Lucas is known for coming down hard on people who brake the Embargo early ..
At this point, I don't think Lucas gives a damn...his movie made nearly 400million at the box office.

[quote name='Kfoster1979']Maybe there will be a coupon inside kind of like simpsons 6 and LORD of THE RINGS.. Most likely just wishful thinking ...

Lets hope not Lucas is known for coming down hard on people who brake the Embargo early ..[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Requiem']$80.00 for that? :lol:[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't buy that for $80. The only Best Buy exclusive I would possibly buy is the Darth Vader Unleashed figure.
I could have sworn I have seen the Darth Vader Unleashed at TRU/KB before

that 3d poster looks like if you open it up it holds a full carved chocolate bar inside of the that would be cool, but would melt sooner or later :(

[quote name='Saucy Jack']I wouldn't buy that for $80. The only Best Buy exclusive I would possibly buy is the Darth Vader Unleashed figure.[/QUOTE]
I would like a Vader or Leia Unleashed. But now that they are rare, they cost like $100-$200 from where I've seen. I missed out on those!
K-Mart is selling it for 16.99, and Episode 1 or 2 (not sure if both of them at the same time are, have to check) are 8.99 if purchased on the same receipt.
bread's done