Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Played a little Life is Strange last night and agree with both Fox and Motoki: the main character is too twee by half and not especially likable. I'll give it a night longer and see if the plot grows on me enough to overcome.
Well it's made by the same frogs that made Remember Me and we all know how much you loved that game.

Well they liked that whole remix gimmick so much they decided to build a whole game around and it say hey there's this magical emo teenage girl with fashion and slang sense that's stuck in the 90s that can remix rewind things because reasons!

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Wikipedia: List of Steam Games with Trademark-mark in title.

You should get Enslaved then... Its got two ™ in it's title. (Twice the fun, I guess?)

What I find to be interesting is that searching "tm" doesn't pull any of these games up (minus Batman, obviously) and searching for ™ isn't valid. So how do they get the ™ in the name without it being searchable?

tl:dr I guess I'm bored too...
Steam allows devs to set keywords for games. This is why every popular franchise gives "Shadow Ninja: Apocalypse" in results. I mean Valve did remove keywords once, but dev did add them back and Valve said fuck, keep those then.

Does anyone know anything about Dolby Digital Live and PCs? 

I got a headset I use, its originally designed for the consoles, that hooks up and works quite well on the PC minus this one issue obviously...  but the only way to get 5.1 sound out of it is with the above installed according to the manual but, of course, it makes no mention on how or where to get this and a simple Google search gave no simple answer. 

It's been a long time since I looked into it, but IIRC you have to have a sound card that specially does DDL. I don't think most generic Realtek onboard sound chips do.

*Edit did a Google search and I guess it's more a licensing thing than a hardware thing since cheapo onboard audio chip makers don't want to pay Dolby. Apparently there's a way to get unlocked drivers and get the chip to output DDL. I haven't tried it myself though.

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Yup, great graphics and voice acting don't mean sh!t... Ugh, still not sure how I finished that game... Really overrated.
i've never understood why people trip over themselves for that game. it's constantly cited as one of the "most underrated games" out there, but i thought the whole thing was a drag.

I thought Enslaved was OK. But I will say that the part where you get the hoverboard for the first time and can zip around over the water was a blast. Pure joy as I recall.
I vague remember that. Which means you must be right or I would have blocked it from my memory...

So Steam VR is up for preorder now... *shrug* And in other news..

It's been a long time since I looked into it, but IIRC you have to have a sound card that specially does DDL. I don't think most generic Realtek onboard sound chips do.

*Edit did a Google search and I guess it's more a licensing thing than a hardware thing since cheapo onboard audio chip makers don't want to pay Dolby. Apparently there's a way to get unlocked drivers and get the chip to output DDL. I haven't tried it myself though.
I'll look into some of those links... They seem to be better than what I found.

I did find this... (and I'll be honest. I would drop 4.72 in a heartbeat if I knew it was the answer.)

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When do they come out with VR gadgets for fathers of five year olds where you're not at risk of tripping over Matchbox cars and crippling yourself in your own family room?

When do they come out with VR gadgets for fathers of five year olds where you're not at risk of tripping over Matchbox cars and crippling yourself in your own family room?
You can usually suss out the cars. It's the Lego you have to worry about. 'Cause if you step on one, there's probably another one nearby.

Does anyone know anything about Dolby Digital Live and PCs?

I got a headset I use, its originally designed for the consoles, that hooks up and works quite well on the PC minus this one issue obviously... but the only way to get 5.1 sound out of it is with the above installed according to the manual but, of course, it makes no mention on how or where to get this and a simple Google search gave no simple answer.
It depends on the headset and sound card. Depending on how the headset presents itself to windows through the drivers or if your hooking it up just to the audio outputs of a normal soundcard.

If the headset is its own device with its own drivers, just make sure to go into the window sound and configure it as a 5.1/7.1 device, then games should use it as surround sound. If you just hook it up to the outputs of your soundcard then it depends on those and your soundcard

The odd one out is if its like what logitech did recently to their drivers. They are trying to bypass the windows audio driver setup and they handle their own 5.1 setup so there is no way to tell windows its 5.1, and their software is so horrible ive rolled it back to their old style

So, I ended up buying the Rise of the Tomb Raider season pass from GameStop the other day when it was on sale... I was going to ignore it, I figured it was going to be over priced even at the sale price (which was $8.99), but one of the guys I do regional pricing wanted a copy (which ended up being a few copies) but we didn't get into many transactions as codes weren't showing up quickly... Long story short. I ended up with a spare as I wanted to see if a different address/username would work but it hung too. Truth be told I should have taken my quarter profit and ran.

No spoiler review of the bulk of it... (Baba Yaga.)
First, its sort of jarringly added to one of the large open area that you come across fairly early in the game. I say jarringly as it becomes available when you get a piece of gear... but the main story line says you might want to hurry to the next area (of course you don't really need to but it makes sense to do so). You also have to pass the starting area for the DLC for the next story area so you might end up triggering it rather you want to or not. Also its map markers are in a reddish color that dominates the yellow the main story follows. (Its just really annoying.) Lastly, if you do the DLC first as I did so you end up in the same location as the main story has you going and your getting messages from two different people for two different missions fairly close to back to back. So as I said its really jarring... Why it doesn't pop up notification after the main story takes you to that area I don't know.

The region you go to does have an optional challenge area, like the other ones I've seen so far its really solid but since the DLC description makes no mention of it I believe it to be the base game. The story for the DLC leads to a very predictable conclusion and one that doesn't make much sense. The DLC also includes resource gather (though not a huge amount) a fair amount of back tracking (thank god for fast travel), and one of the worst boss battles I've seen in a long time... It just overstays its welcome far too freaking long... Especially, when you already know how its all going to end. (Some of which isn't explained.)

The good... One puzzle area really stands, like early Tomb Raider games good (but not later in the game were the shit is so cryptic you needed a strategy guide to finish it), so that was really nice. I was able to figure it out without youtube but it did take me some time. (And it was logical, I wouldn't be shocked if it just clicked with some and they roll right through it.) I would complain about something else but it seems spoilerish, even on a small level, so I'll just leave it be. (But, wow, I'm left with some really freaking annoying questions that I'll never get answered.)

tl:dr Baba Yaga is bad. Its the bulk of the Season Pass (4 DLC outfits, some awesome looking stuff but still and survival mode make up the rest of the season pass) so its just not recommended. (Maybe at 5 bucks for the season pass? Maybe...?)
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It depends on the headset and sound card. Depending on how the headset presents itself to windows through the drivers or if your hooking it up just to the audio outputs of a normal soundcard.

If the headset is its own device with its own drivers, just make sure to go into the window sound and configure it as a 5.1/7.1 device, then games should use it as surround sound. If you just hook it up to the outputs of your soundcard then it depends on those and your soundcard
Its Turtle Beach PX5 which was designed for the last generations of consoles... The driver says Microsoft and I'm pretty sure its just a default/junk Bluetooth device.

The audio use to sound horrible but I'm now using a Realtek digital out... and it sounds so much better. I messed around with a few things and saw that under "supported formats" I have Dolby Digital option and testing it does do what it should do. I hear audio on the left side, then the right side, etc. So I guess I did something to fix it... Just don't ask me what the hell it was. Maybe my motherboard is handling it.

I don't game with a headset too much... With glasses I don't find them especially comfortable (and its much harder to watch TV and game at the same time with them) but I do need it when playing with the bros and/or The Division so I likely won't know for sure till the 8th. (As is, I should still have a much better audio experience than what I experienced during the betas.)

My only real question now with using the realtek digital out I have to change the default playback device when I turn on/off the head phones... When it was just my old analog speakers and the bluetooth headset the speakers would turn off when the headset powered on... Which was nice.

Having to swap isn't elegant but its not the end of the world.

SP = Season Pass.  I own the base game, was wondering if the season pass glitch was worth buying until it was already dead.  Doesn't sound as though I missed much.

I thought that was Axiom Verge.
Nah it's a game by the same dev that made Master Reboo/Infinity Runner/Gravity Badgers, which were bundled a few times. So a price mistake.. on bundle fodder

Oh and nothx tremor


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Does anyone know anything about Dolby Digital Live and PCs?

I got a headset I use, its originally designed for the consoles, that hooks up and works quite well on the PC minus this one issue obviously... but the only way to get 5.1 sound out of it is with the above installed according to the manual but, of course, it makes no mention on how or where to get this and a simple Google search gave no simple answer.
It comes installed with the sound card according to the wikipedia page, so you may have to get a new one to use it?

Ok you guys, rest easy. I did Valve's SteamVR test thingy and scored high to very high in the fidelity area.

So, thanks for your thoughts and prayers, but I'm VR ready. Just need $800 now.

Reading through the Aggie Awards, and man do the AG readers love some Life is Strange. I liked the game, but best character? Best writing? Best non-traditional adventure game? Oh and Best adventure game, lol. 

Then again the people working at the site named Her Story the best writing in a drama so not exactly much better there, another game I liked but more due to how it worked then much to do with the story (story was alright). 

Food/Review talk:

Quesalupa: Had to try it, because hype (bastards). Not bad, not amazing, but not bad. Similar to what I had read, the cheese wasn't spread out too well, but once you get into the cheese part it tasted like cheese and fried tortilla with the rest of the ingredients not really standing out. Cheese is a step up from fast food cheese (at least in mine) but not close to what I'd call pepper jack, maybe it's what passes for pepper jack in the midwest or something. 

Factorio: Played a few hours, so more first impression then anything but it's like what it looks like if you watch any gameplay of it. Build a factory, research stuff, try not to get it all destroyed by pollution hating critters. Fairly slow, which is actually kind of nice considering how rare that can be in building games (and strategy games in general). So far getting to where I'm going to start really ramping up the automated production which likely means a few hours getting shit right. Basically, if you have ever been like, "Wow, I'd love to create an efficient automated factory and eventually build a rocket!" you'll love it. Or if you like Big Pharma (thought it's deeper then Big Pharma but still). 

I breakfast quesalupa'd a few days ago.  It wasn't awful, although i'm not entirely convinced that what passes for bacon at a Taco Bell is actually bacon.

Crossthreaddealposting:  Rocket League 4-pack is back on sale @ Bundlestars for $38.99.  Not sure if the Dudley Do-Right pricing is still in effect, but that might knock a few loonies off the price tag.  The spofobros have played this a few times now, and it's always great fun.  You really should be joining us.

Food/Review talk:

Quesalupa: Had to try it, because hype (bastards). Not bad, not amazing, but not bad. Similar to what I had read, the cheese wasn't spread out too well, but once you get into the cheese part it tasted like cheese and fried tortilla with the rest of the ingredients not really standing out. Cheese is a step up from fast food cheese (at least in mine) but not close to what I'd call pepper jack, maybe it's what passes for pepper jack in the midwest or something.
i had it, was really disappointed. really not that good at all; mediocre. better off getting a regular chalupa or a cheesy gordita crunch if you want some "fancy" taco-esque food there

I don't mind paying more and buying from an honest source.
I pay extra to get my stuff from shady sources because it makes me feel like a gangster. I meet some Ukrainian dude in an uptown strip club and slip him an envelope of Steam cards; he passes a scrap of paper with a key on it. Then I realize he left a digit off and have to chase him down a trash-strewn alleyway and tackle him, holding a knife to his throat and he cries out "R, man! It's R! Just let me go!" Next thing you know, I'm playing some grey market Life is Strange (Complete).

Awwww... yeah.

bread's done