Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Why is it called DRM-Free? Isn't that just a fancy term for "Free"?

DRM = Digital Rights Management:

DRM is equipped with most actual games and/or game services.

GOG just doesn't allow DRM used on their service period.

DRM is often used by developers and publishers to try to stop the 2nd-hand market + piracy, so people actually do go buy the game. DRM can limit + control whether an account, PC, or whatever you have can often run or boot a game.

For more details on DRM, click below....

There are many forms of DRM - in the old days, you needed the CD/DVD in the drive to start the game up, even if you installed it. That's how dev's + pub's tried to make sure you owned said game.

A few years back - some DRM like newer versions of Securom only allowed you install a game, activate it online, then the game kept track of X amount of times before you could no longer install it, and now you could actually boot-up your game. And after you ran out of allowed installs, you maybe could revoke a key from a PC (while you're online) to get a +1 back on your allowed install/boot count (if the dev's + publishers allowed for it).

These days, a lot of services are actually DRM. For example, Origin and Steam themselves can be seen as DRM b/c they actually check your account and see if you own a game. And for a lot of games on those services to run, it either phones home to their servers and/or forces you to run their service-program to run their game.

Steam's CEG is a DRM (which is often optional for dev's + publishers to use) - and it's account-based, where it checks (and often phones home to its server) just to see if you own a game with your account and if you own it, then you can boot-up. Usually, once activated - you can be offline or online and you're good to go to run your game whenever on that particular PC.

Not all games on Steam use CEG - as some games are initially DRM-FREE even on Steam, once you download it - you could run the game from say the game-folder itself or create a shortcut just from there and the game would boot w/out Steam even running (i.e. go see Enslaved, Wizardry 8, and a lot of old-games that use DOSBOX). Some games on Steam might actually not use CEG and instead use other DRM; or might throw additional DRM on-top of Steam, unfortunately.

A lot of games like MMO's (like WoW + The Secret World) & online-only games (like Diablo 3) use some kind of account-based DRM - but, they're in the extreme that you must be online + signed into your account at all times to actually play period.

Also, there is new variation of DRM called anti-tamper which Denuvo uses, which often is hard-to-crack b/c it's believed to constantly be encrypting and decrypting files.

GOG doesn't use DRM in their games period; that's why it's called DRM-FREE. That's the point there and a very important selling point for users to want to use GOG - so that gamers don't worry about DRM getting in their way, just to actually get a game running.

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DRM = Digital Rights Management:

DRM is equipped with most actual games and/or game services.

DRM is often used by developers and publishers to try to stop the 2nd-hand market + piracy, so people actually do go buy the game. DRM can limit + control whether an account, PC, or whatever you have can often run or boot a game.

For more details on DRM, click below....

There are many forms of DRM - in the old days, you needed the CD/DVD in the drive to start the game up, even if you installed it. That's how dev's + pub's tried to make sure you owned said game.

A few years back - some DRM like newer versions of Securom only allowed you install a game, activate it online, then the game kept track of X amount of times before you could no longer install it, and now you could actually boot-up your game. And after you ran out of allowed installs, you maybe could revoke a key from a PC (while you're online) to get a +1 back on your allowed install/boot count (if the dev's + publishers allowed for it).

These days, a lot of services are DRM. For example, Origin and Steam themselves can be seen as DRM b/c they check your account and see if you own a game. And for a lot of games on those services to run, it either phones home to their servers and/or forces you to run their service-program to run their game.

Steam's CEG is a DRM (which is often optional for dev's + publishers to use) - and it's account-based, where it checks (and often phones home to its server) just to see if you own a game with your account and if you own it, then you can boot-up. Not all games on Steam use CEG - as some games are initially DRM-FREE even on Steam, once you download it - you could run the game from say the game-folder itself or create a shortcut just from there and the game would boot w/out Steam even running (i.e. go see Enslaved, Wizardry 8, and a lot of old-games that use DOSBOX). Some games on Steam might actually not use CEG and instead use other DRM; or might throw additional DRM on-top of Steam, unfortunately.

Also, there is new variation of DRM called anti-tamper which Denuvo uses, which often is hard-to-crack b/c it's believed to constantly be encrypting and decrypting files.

GOG doesn't use DRM in their games period; that's why it's called DRM-FREE. That's the point there and a very important selling point for users to want to use GOG - so that gamers don't worry about DRM getting in their way, just to actually get a game running.
these are all lies

dont listen to this troll

in other news the PTS for The Division is up for the public. go check it out if you wanna see the changes made.
Yeah, I guess I should download it and check it out but truth be told... I would rather check it out with my current character(s) and not as a fresh 30 looking for gear. I won't find the same gear, I'm certainly not going to invest serious time into gearing up, so any feedback I give I feel will be off because of the apple to orange comparisons.

Oh, well, Steam +1

Fox and I ran some Homefront: Revolution co-op missions last night which were pretty fun.  We completed four or five of them and most we got on the first or second try except for one mission that took something like six attempts.  It has a little bit of a grind feel to it since you gain money for doing missions which you then spend on different crates and hope for something good.  Then you get a crossbow.  Or a sight for a crossbow.  But at least it's all self-contained and there's no cash shops or selling golden boots on Steam or anything.

The missions themselves were good.  Nothing surprising mechanics-wise versus the base game but each one had a couple phases that would mix up between fighting light forces, heavies, vehicles, protecting a convoy, using stealth, etc.  I think we did each one in 15-20min or less, with more people it'd probably go quicker and most missions on Easy were still good for around $2000 (cost of a weapons crate) so you got consistent rewards.  Even on Easy it was an enjoyable challenge for the two of us.

If you play the base game and like it, the co-op is worth doing.  Find a bro or two and give it a shot.

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I'll chime and say I agree with everything Syntax said.  Most missions were challenging, but we still were able to complete them in one take.  It was just that one mission that gave us pains, but we were determined to finish it and it didn't feel like a chore to keep trying though one time it was super frustrating to fail right at the end.  

Getting gear is a grind, but even right now I have the urge to jump back in and play a few missions to try to get more loot or upgrade my weapons, etc.  So this is one game where I would welcome more MP/Coop missions in the season pass. And I hope the Season Pass is something that is happening because it's been a while since release with no DLC yet which is...concerning. 

even right now I have the urge to jump back in and play a few missions
Get a job!

DLC is supposed to be two missions in 2016 and one in 2017 but I can't believe that they're going to keep that schedule. Although I guess that two of the current co-op missions (Indy and some other one) were added this summer for free. So they HAVE added content, just before we bought the game to notice that it was new.

Forza Horizon 3 update...  Crashing allot all of a sudden and nothing changed on my end.  I played 8 plus hours and have literally be on all but two roads in the game before these crashing issues started.

Confused as hell as to way this is happening...  If I had to guess I feel like upgrading one of my festival locations to level 2 caused it as I started pushing through the campaign so to speak.   

Get a job!

DLC is supposed to be two missions in 2016 and one in 2017 but I can't believe that they're going to keep that schedule. Although I guess that two of the current co-op missions (Indy and some other one) were added this summer for free. So they HAVE added content, just before we bought the game to notice that it was new.

Also, that is reassuring that they are adding content. I was afraid maybe it didn't sell well and we were at risk of them cancelling the SP and being like "SP owners please accept a copy of the original Homefront for compensation."

Forza Horizon 3 update... Crashing allot all of a sudden and nothing changed on my end. I played 8 plus hours and have literally be on all but two roads in the game before these crashing issues started.

Confused as hell as to way this is happening... If I had to guess I feel like upgrading one of my festival locations to level 2 caused it as I started pushing through the campaign so to speak.
My performance has been all over the place if I try to keep it at 60 fps. Eurogamer just published an article stating that from their gatherings it is a literal crapshoot at any given time what your performance will be. They state that MSAA makes them hitch and lowers FPS dramatically whereas I turned off MSAA and was averaging around 42 fps and then bumped up MSAA to 4x and now I'm at 60 95% of the time. Makes no sense, it is like pushing the settings past a certain threshold made the game more optimized. Who the hell knows.


I dont think their settings mean what they think they mean. MSAA in any sane game is a huge GPU/FPS suck, and I noticed no change at all in FPS going from MSAA 8x to off. Something is wrong in their settings

I only got to play the intro race last night, pretty game, but I was getting the occasional hitching which is jarring. Its not an fps drop though since I had the meter up and there was no change

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Hyper Light Drifter is on sale and the developer released an update for 60fps today.

Anyone here own the game and see how it plays and feel like at 60 compared to 30fps?

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And then, today...
Good News!

Our first DLC, The Voice of Freedom will arrive later this week!

We have also just updated the game with an estimated 2.4GB patch.
Awesome! I noticed an update today and wondered if DLC might be on the way. Now I can continue my Homefront addiction and have an excuse not to play Miscreated with Reds.
I gave up on MysterD and just put him on ignore last week. I commend those who keep on trying.

Word on the street is that Destiny 2 is coming to PC. Hold on to your butts, bros!
SeasonalCAG FPS Light Level 365 Rise of Iron Broh:

This would be great if it does because I will be finally cleansing myself of all consoles Xbone gone, WiiU gone (yeah I had one) and PS4 will be gone sometime in January before I move. I played the original Destiny on Xbone and stopped after awhile because I was playing solo and lack of content but some people I work with found out I play it so got the Taken King on PS4 and it was so much better playing with them and the new content and now Rise of Iron.

SeasonalCAG FPS Light Level 365 Rise of Iron Broh:

This would be great if it does because I will be finally cleansing myself of all consoles Xbone gone, WiiU gone (yeah I had one) and PS4 will be gone sometime in January before I move. I played the original Destiny on Xbone and stopped after awhile because I was playing solo and lack of content but some people I work with found out I play it so got the Taken King on PS4 and it was so much better playing with them and the new content and now Rise of Iron.
What made you decide to get rid of all the consoles? Just seems an odd turn of events to decide to buy all three and then decide to get rid of them all in the span of a couple years

Destiny is awesome.  I beat the new raid last night and hit 370 light level today. 

You guys who are into bro nights would love the game.  It's the perfect game for three people in groups or six people in raids.  It's a blast to play with friends on voice chat. 

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Destiny never really sunk it's hooks into me but at the same time it's one of those rare games I have a lot of fun playing every time I fire it up, whether it's been a couple hours or a couple months since the last time I played. Definitely looking forward to the possibility of playing the sequel on PC.
Destiny is awesome. I beat the new raid last night and hit 370 light level today.

You guys who are into bro nights would love the game. It's the perfect game for three people in groups or six people in raids. It's a blast to play with friends on voice chat.
We would play it for two hours and then never touch it again.

What made you decide to get rid of all the consoles? Just seems an odd turn of events to decide to buy all three and then decide to get rid of them all in the span of a couple years
I gave the long winded MysterD (no offense) type rant in TheHangOut probably why Motoki (I have minimized the random shet chat) left but tl;dr I have a kid now and trying to juggle family time,work and gaming was getting crazy so decided to trim the fat and go with the platform I have the most games so Steam FTW.

P.S. So I will only game on PC in a while so how do you guys refer to console players for informational purposes only?

bread's done