Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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So this is apropos of nothing Steam-related, but I discovered that my parish (county) library had something new when nosing around the site yesterday. . . downloadable PC games. Apparently something called OnePlay, which is a sort-of-Euro-GameFly-wannabe has some sort of subscription service that libraries can use to provide patrons with free games. There are a number of caveats, including these:

1) Obviously if your library doesn't do this, um, it won't work, so YMMV bigly, as TrumpCat might say.

2) The catalog of approximately 1,500 PC games available is padded with a crapton of grandma games and bundle fodder. Finding the wheat in the chaff can be challenging.

3) The games are downloaded, installed, activated and run through the site's OnePlay client, so if you're married to the idea of Steamworks features like cheevos and cardz and the Steam overlay, well, this isn't for you.

There are a few things that look worthwhile in the scattershot catalog, which is a subset of the stuff available from the site if you get a regular subscription. Just for the heck of it, I installed the client and downloaded Bombshell last night. I tinkered with it for a few minutes this morning. It works as advertised, so if you have an obsession with hidden-object games (Motoki?) or if you're newish to PC gaming or don't buy bundles regularly, you might find one or two things of interest.

I put Randal's Monday, Dead in Bermuda, and LEGO Marvel Superheroes on my list, in case anyone cares.
I think Oneplay was offering something like a year subscription for $1 last month, weren't they? Still, free is better than $1, I guess.

GMG Winter Sale has started. Dunno if theres anything good yet. Typically theres at least one or two things worth a damn, but not dug deep enough yet.
Use promo WINTER10 for a bonus 10% off. Took a quick glance, 4 out of GMG's top ten sellers are their goddamned mystery packs. Pretty sure those things are subsidizing all those games the filthy pierats suckered out of playfire.

Dear Square Enix Members,

Thank you for supporting the Square Enix Members Rewards program!

As you know, we’ve worked hard over the past years to add unique items to the Members Reward program. Unfortunately, it has recently come to our attention that some users have been reselling these items on 3rd party websites. This sort of reselling unfairly hinders Square Enix’s fans from having a chance to collect and enjoy some of their favorite items.

Therefore, starting today, we’re making changes to the Square Enix Members Rewards program to limit reselling. These changes include adding per-account item order limits and making other updates to our Square Enix Members Rewards Program Terms and Conditions.

Please be sure to read our new policy thoroughly:

We hope you will join us in making sure that the Square Enix Members Rewards program continues to benefit the Square Enix community.

Square Enix Members Team
Jesus, they are completely full of themselves and have lost touch with reality.


Behold my shame


So this is apropos of nothing Steam-related, but I discovered that my parish (county) library had something new when nosing around the site yesterday. . . downloadable PC games. Apparently something called OnePlay, which is a sort-of-Euro-GameFly-wannabe has some sort of subscription service that libraries can use to provide patrons with free games. There are a number of caveats, including these:

1) Obviously if your library doesn't do this, um, it won't work, so YMMV bigly, as TrumpCat might say.

2) The catalog of approximately 1,500 PC games available is padded with a crapton of grandma games and bundle fodder. Finding the wheat in the chaff can be challenging.

3) The games are downloaded, installed, activated and run through the site's OnePlay client, so if you're married to the idea of Steamworks features like cheevos and cardz and the Steam overlay, well, this isn't for you.

There are a few things that look worthwhile in the scattershot catalog, which is a subset of the stuff available from the site if you get a regular subscription. Just for the heck of it, I installed the client and downloaded Bombshell last night. I tinkered with it for a few minutes this morning. It works as advertised, so if you have an obsession with hidden-object games (Motoki?) or if you're newish to PC gaming or don't buy bundles regularly, you might find one or two things of interest.

I put Randal's Monday, Dead in Bermuda, and LEGO Marvel Superheroes on my list, in case anyone cares.
Liked. Purely because you mentioned me and I'm an egotistical maniac.

So people get a refund for the Civ VI deluxe pricing error and keep the game? Best deal this year?

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More shame:









So speaking of obscure PCDD retailers going out of business, I keep getting this email from DIG ( about how I need to "use my DIG points before they expire" and how they have "hundreds of games to choose from" (no doubt just a bunch of bundle fodder).

Anyway, I kept getting the email so I finally said "fine, I'll make the goddamn account and spend the goddamn points". So I go ahead, make the account, and lo and behold...


Thanks Obama Trump.

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what would be in it?
Dollar tier Call of Duty 1 and 2.

Beat the average of 30 dollars or more to unlock Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1, 2 and 3.

100 dollar tier to unlock Transformers Devastation, Call of Duty Black Ops 1, 2, 3 and Call of Duty Ghosts.

No dlc included.

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Dollar tier Call of Duty 1 and 2.

Beat the average of 30 dollars or more to unlock Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1, 2 and 3.

100 dollar tier to unlock Transformers Devastation, Call of Duty Black Ops 1, 2, 3 and Call of Duty Ghosts.

No dlc included.
So you think they'd keep it cheap, then?

Alienware Alpha I5

Model number ASM100-4980
Processor - 2 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory Speed - 1600 MHz
Hard Drive - 1 TB SATA
GPS - Nvidia GeForce GTX
Graphics Card Ram Size 2 MB
Wireless Type 802.11bgn
Number of USB 2.0 Ports 2
Number of USB 3.0 Ports 2

BenQ GW2255

HP w1907

Cm Storm Devestator Mouse and Keyboard
Wow you could store a whole jpg file in that VRAM. 2MB smh

You definitely need to get bad rats and coconut Queen. I'll even buy them for you.
Those Alienware Alphas get a lot of hate, but it's about impossible to build something in such a small form factor at the price. It's about the size of the original Wii, which ain't bad at all. It's a great little intro to PC gaming and the fact that he got the system, a CM keyboard/mouse and two monitors by trading a PS4? Dude made out like a bandit. It's also got the i5 in it which is a decent step up from an i3 (assuming the i5 in it is a quad core and not a dual core).

I guess I can talk about this part...

I got accepted to take part in For Honor's upcoming "Technical Test 2" and the option to invite 3 friends.  PC Only.  There is an NDA this time.  It runs from 14th of December to 19th of December.  22 GB download.

Anyone want in?

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The invites are trap to get you break NDA, so Ubisoft can sue you to get money prevent Vivendi takeover and pay fines for insider trading.

I guess I can talk about this part...

I got accepted to take part in For Honor's upcoming "Technical Test 2" and the option to invite 3 friends. PC Only. There is an NDA this time. It runs from 14th of December to 19th of December. 22 GB download.

Anyone want in?
I would try it out if you don't have takers already. This weekend isn't as crazy as the last few have been for me (yet).
I thought for sure some CAGs had good luck with a SE holiday bundle last year for Christmas... but maybe it was Easter.

Personally, that new guy who traded the console for a computer should strongly consider this bundle... but for most of us I don't think theirs enough holes in our libraries to justify it. (That said I think their catalog is robust enough that I think any dups could likely be sold at cost pretty easily.)
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I guess I can talk about this part...

I got accepted to take part in For Honor's upcoming "Technical Test 2" and the option to invite 3 friends. PC Only. There is an NDA this time. It runs from 14th of December to 19th of December. 22 GB download.

Anyone want in?

I would try it out if you don't have takers already. This weekend isn't as crazy as the last few have been for me (yet).
Los hermanos van a jugar este juego mañana por la noche.

I guess I can talk about this part...

I got accepted to take part in For Honor's upcoming "Technical Test 2" and the option to invite 3 friends. PC Only. There is an NDA this time. It runs from 14th of December to 19th of December. 22 GB download.

Anyone want in?
I'll take one, I missed out the last alpha beta thing.

I guess I can talk about this part...

I got accepted to take part in For Honor's upcoming "Technical Test 2" and the option to invite 3 friends. PC Only. There is an NDA this time. It runs from 14th of December to 19th of December. 22 GB download.

Anyone want in?
I would like to if you still have an invite available. I was a little upset when I saw that the PC version of this was pushed back while consoles already have it. Would be awesome to get to try it out, even if it's a beta?!?! :D/

“El único lugar donde puedes controlar a un hombre es en la cama. Si les hiciéramos sexo oral a los hombres perpetuamente, podríamos dominar el mundo.”

Pedro do the honors please.
bread's done