Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Unless it has an SP, I avoid the vanilla version of Bethesda games. I still have bad memories of trying to track down individual DLC for the first Dishonored at a reasonable price.
Amen to that. Still only have base game of Dishonored 1 because I got it for $1 or something at GameStop.

You know you keep sounding more and more like a console gamer all the time. You want console exclusive games, have an obsession with physical media and a hatred for DRM implementation. These are all things that console gamers tend to bring up and hold dear the most. You sure you aint one of us D?
Yeah, you don't know the toaster too well, do you? He's been harping on all of those things for AGES. He's no Johnny-come-lately to hating DRM and adoring physical media.

Gotta be ready for those boob scenes, eh?
No, this:


Ugh. I want that.

Speaking of useless crap, they're advertising this too:

You know you keep sounding more and more like a console gamer all the time. You want console exclusive games, have an obsession with physical media and a hatred for DRM implementation. These are all things that console gamers tend to bring up and hold dear the most. You sure you aint one of us D?
Wow, took the words right outta my mouth.

You're a closeted console gamer MysterD.

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So apparently there's a bunch of Star Wars sales going on at a lot of places: Indie Gala and Bundle Stars have sales, but they're not available in the US. GamesPlanet UK seems to have slightly better deals. GamersGate also says it has deals, but all of that is region locked for me (I'm not sure if it's a US only thing or not.)

December 15 Crusaders of the Lost Idols dlc
December 17 Tales Across Time
December 23 Frozen Synapse
December 24 Eisenwald: Blood of November

best of upcoming unlocks for yogcast. :p

December 15 Crusaders of the Lost Idols dlc
December 17 Tales Across Time
December 23 Frozen Synapse
December 24 Eisenwald: Blood of November

best of upcoming unlocks for yogcast. :p
Blood of November is the only worthwhile thing there, and I seem to have gotten it for free because I own the other DLC for Eisenwald.

I was unsure until checking.  That is not the same thing as Heaven Island Life VR MMO MMORPG MOBA CCD APC UPS USPS VCD DVD.

And free the first day... what took them so long.

Just seemed like that Heaven Island game had a few name changes.

I should start making "games" and put them on steam.

How much does a dev make from card sales?

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And free the first day... what took them so long.

Just seemed like that Heaven Island game had a few name changes.

I should start making "games" and put them on steam.

How much does a dev make from card sales?
10% - 33% depending on sale price. (5%-33% for Valve)

8 drops * 1 cent per drop = 8 cents per copy

so 5000 copies with all cards sold = $400

Just a friendly reminder to all Comcast/Xfinity subscribers. Most customers will have a new 1TB data cap starting next month. You might want to monitor your cap limit on a data day basis.
Ubi is so stupid. Division on a For Honor beta weekend
For Honor is a technical test + its invite only. Its not like anyone just got let in. Doesnt really correlate into stupidity. If it was a true open beta, then I could see the argument, but a closed tech test with an NDA etc, not so much.

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Just a friendly reminder to all Comcast/Xfinity subscribers. Most customers will have a new 1TB data cap starting next month. You might want to monitor your cap limit on a data day basis.
I'd also like to mention that Comcast has an option to pay an additional cost per month for unlimited data (at least in our area). Might be worth looking into if you think you'll go over that data cap easily.

I'd also like to mention that Comcast has an option to pay an additional cost per month for unlimited data (at least in our area). Might be worth looking into if you think you'll go over that data cap easily.
also you get 2 "amnesty" months, meaning you get to go over the cap twice before they start charging you

For Honor is a technical test + its invite only. Its not like anyone just got let in. Doesnt really correlate into stupidity. If it was a true open beta, then I could see the argument, but a closed tech test with an NDA etc, not so much.
Seeing as how 95% of my friends list got in and each person gets 3 friend invites, I beg to differ.
You know you keep sounding more and more like a console gamer all the time. You want console exclusive games, have an obsession with physical media and a hatred for DRM implementation. These are all things that console gamers tend to bring up and hold dear the most. You sure you aint one of us D?

Well, you ain't going to find Dishonored 2 PC for $20 digitally anywhere, are you? I would've bought it digitally, if it was $20 digitally. You're going to have to deal w/ Steam anyways, whether from retail or digital, these days and age - even more so true, since the whole entire game just ain't on the disc.

Also, when did console gamers on the regular (basis) download their games? If anything, that'd be recent - i.e. the last few years or so.

I've been doing game-downloads from Steam for years, since probably the first time I saw Beyond Good + Evil was $5. I'd have to look at the date purchased on my Steam account, back when DSL was a thing.

[goes to look]

August 23rd, 2008 was when I first bought BG+E from Steam for download.


Amen to that. Still only have base game of Dishonored 1 because I got it for $1 or something at GameStop.

Yeah, you don't know the toaster too well, do you? He's been harping on all of those things for AGES. He's no Johnny-come-lately to hating DRM and adoring physical media.
Dishonored 1 is easily worth the $1. That game was amazing.

I waited for Dishonored 1: GOTY to get cheap just to get the DLC's - and yes, the DLC's for that game were great. Bought it digitally from GameFly in July 2014 for $8, BTW.

I might not be super-fond of DRM, but I shall + will tolerate it - especially when games are on sale & not super-expensive given their timeframe of release. It's not like I replay many games, anyways.

If I really need a DRM-FREE copy or something for whatever game + whatever reason, I could just wait for it to join GOG Connect or buy it on GOG (or somewhere else it might be DRM-FREE) when it's dirt-cheap.


What might be useless for those of us who have fast Internet + no data caps ( least not yet anwyays), others with weak/slow Internet and/or data caps might be grateful for. They really need to find a nice+better format at retail for these PC retail games to be on for those who have data caps and/or not-so-fast Internet - like maybe regular BR-discs, BD-XL, huge-flash drives...or something.

Did they ever stop the forced-streaming for the TV-style episodes of Quantum Break? Would be nice if they ever allowed for those to be actually downloaded in full.

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I actually enjoyed getting my 5 discs for The Division.  I was able to install about 31 GB and only had to download the updates 7-8GB.  Like MysterD stated not everyone has fast internet and unlimited downloads.  

Did Comcast ever fix the bogus DL issues?  Someone (techcrunch?) did a report about people going over "data" caps, even when not home and nothing connected because Comcast can't monitor things right.

I'd fight the shit outta it.

also you get 2 "amnesty" months, meaning you get to go over the cap twice before they start charging you
Just a friendly reminder to all Comcast/Xfinity subscribers. Most customers will have a new 1TB data cap starting next month. You might want to monitor your cap limit on a data day basis.
i thought the first two months at least in Michigan and few other places started last month.

I made a big deal out of it and never could get over 1tb even with me downloading all my games

Did Comcast ever fix the bogus DL issues? Someone (techcrunch?) did a report about people going over "data" caps, even when not home and nothing connected because Comcast can't monitor things right.

I'd fight the shit outta it.
This might be the case, I swear I checked to make sure to download over 1tb on Steam multiple times during November into December and didn't even come close to breaking 1tb.

Why even have a data cap?

I'm still twitch streaming and playing tons of games online while streaming Hulu and netflix during mmo anyway monthly.

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Because Americans are still stupid enough to let themselves get screwed over by this.

I live in a goddamn third world country and we don't have datacaps.
You wouldn't have a data cap.

How would you get internet if the wall blocks the internet?!

On a serious note, I'm not sure how everyone is ok with Comcast doing data caps.

You wouldn't have a data cap.

How would you get internet if the wall blocks the internet?!

On a serious note, I'm not sure how everyone is ok with Comcast doing data caps.
Everyone is not ok with it, but its comcast, its effectively a lobbied monopoly in most areas of the US and theres nothing we can do but bend over and take it

Return of the GTX 1070 story!

I bought an another GTX 1070 as an early Christmas gift to myself only to find out.

I couldn't fit it into my Alienware x51 R3 case again, this card is smaller in size compared to the founders so I thought it would work.

I started making marks on the card itself by trying to force it in.

So now I'm force to get an another motherboard with Dell's proprietary motherboard not working in any other case cause of the funky design of it.


I'm looking for a new case,motherboard,cpu cooler and transferring my parts over.



CPU cooler:

Any thoughts? Anything cheaper? I need the 1151 motherboard to support the DDR4 and i7 6th generation. 

Pls lieke and swbscr=rbez to my cag post

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Just a quick PSA; another Yahoo data breach - change passwords.
ANOTHER data breach... in 2013... Jesus, if you're going to get everyone's panties in a wad, at least try to keep it to the last year or two.

FYI, that's BEFORE the previous other hack. So we ALREADY changed our passwords and everything.

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ANOTHER data breach... in 2013... Jesus, if you're going to get everyone's panties in a wad, at least try to keep it to the last year or two.

FYI, that's BEFORE the previous other hack. So we ALREADY changed our passwords and everything.
fair enough. yahoo is sending out emails. media is reporting 1 billion accounts. yes, everyone should have already changed passwords, but today's news is that more accounts could have been compromised. like I stated just a PSA. sorry if it rubbed you the wrong way.

fair enough. yahoo is sending out emails. media is reporting 1 billion accounts. yes, everyone should have already changed passwords, but today's news is that more accounts could have been compromised. like I stated just a PSA. sorry if it rubbed you the wrong way.
Who is using yahoo email now?

It's like owning an aol account

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i thought the first two months at least in Michigan and few other places started last month.
I made a big deal out of it and never could get over 1tb even with me downloading all my games.
It started here in WA last month but they gave everyone a two month grace period or something so it doesn't really start until January. I think that's how they're doing it in most states.
Return of the GTX 1070 story!

I bought an another GTX 1070 as an early Christmas gift to myself only to find out.

Ill just give you my recommendations that I used for my latest build, and a few friends used them as well for theirs.


fractal design r5 -

you dont get much quieter than that case, but i much prefer function over form. It has sound padding all around the case and any ports for fans you arent using you can seal up. I think it looks fine with the sleek black box look, but if you want something flashier than an nzxt is usually a safe bet


cryrorig h7 -

I used an evo212 in my last build, and it was good, but the cryorig beats it on all fronts, its basically become the new king of air coolers. Same price, better performance, smaller form factor so it doesnt need as much height or width

mobo I went with a gigabyte z170 gaming5. I went back and forth between a couple but it had the right selection of ports I wanted and at the time asus' QA on their mobos seems to be lacking from what it used to be. Ive always had good luck with gigabyte so I went with that, but the asus is probably fine in general. Id say some downsides to it are its port selection. I doubt you are going to be using the onboard video so having a dvi is a waste of space on there that could be better served with more usb ports. Of course if you dont need that many or are fine with what it has plus front panel then it should be fine. Its just that for not that much more, like 20-40$, you could get better all around features like a 2nd nic, more usb, shielded usb for DACs, better onboard sound. All sorts of little things that can add up. And thats not just the gigabyte board, once you move in to the ~150$ range of mobos you start getting alot more features/quality on all brands

One other thing you need to check is the PSU that came with that alienware. Just make sure its high enough power and also not some crazy proprietary form factor, I just dont know what alienware uses

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bread's done