Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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This is what people on the steam forums have said, and that it happened last time as well. That you've gone into the negative of the special sale cards and just have to keep doing tasks until your positive again

Im not sure how much I buy that explanation though. Also seems dumb to have steam actions and sale purchases cards coming from the same pool, but it is valve
Yea I was just talking to Spoder and he said he got the queue glitch, but got his sale cards today when he made his purchases. I made my purchases yesterday so wondering if it was still screwed up when I did. Have no idea.

I'm not even sure which GoT character that is, but I feel it's a safe bet he's dead now.

No, I didn't watch the show, I just read the books. Martin will probably never actually write another book now. . . .

I don't think anyone is saying these sales are as good as the golden days, most of us dissenters on the "Steam Sales Sucks Da 2ND Biggest Root" train are just saying this one isn't the worst seasonal. I tend to have 150 to 200 items on my wishlist at any given time, the last 2 sales I didn't see anything over 60% off whereas this one I have at least 25 items over 60% and half those are 75 or higher.
FTFY. We all know (insert random spoderfox bro's mom here) sucks the biggest root.

I couldn't make it through the first GoT book.  I just didn't enjoy it.  I watched the first season of the show around the time the third season was ending and I enjoyed that quite a bit but one of the most interesting characters died and I made an offhand remark to my friend about it.  He then told me that almost every other character I liked dies or gets raped, or both.  I looked up spoilers to see just how bad it gets and... yeah.  I'll pass. 

Yea I was just talking to Spoder and he said he got the queue glitch, but got his sale cards today when he made his purchases. I made my purchases yesterday so wondering if it was still screwed up when I did. Have no idea.
I glitched for 14 cards instead of the 1 I should have gotten yesterday, then got no more for purchases or queue. Today, when I hit what should've been my 15th card (after purchases and queues) I suddenly got 13 more.

So... yeah. Keep trying? I dunno. I don't think Valve does, either.

You lose that bet. #Spoiler
Okay, but you had to admit the odds were in my favor, right?

I couldn't make it through the first GoT book. I just didn't enjoy it. I watched the first season of the show around the time the third season was ending and I enjoyed that quite a bit but one of the most interesting characters died and I made an offhand remark to my friend about it. He then told me that almost every other character I liked dies or gets raped, or both. I looked up spoilers to see just how bad it gets and... yeah. I'll pass.
The books are pretty good, but if you like them, you're better off waiting until Martin's dead, because he spends about a decade between each book, presumably resting(?!). I was lucky (?) enough to start the series just before the television series started, which roughly coincided with the release of, IIRC, the fourth book. After binge-reading them, I watched the first series of the HBO show, and, while the major beats are the same, enough things were different that the show left something of a bad taste in my mouth. I've read that they actually ran out of book material to work from one or two seasons ago, so they're somewhat seat-of-the-pantsing it now in that sense.

It's not Lord of the Rings high fantasy, so if that's what you're looking for, yeah, you won't enjoy these books. The story is pretty interesting and there are a few characters who are actually somewhat noble and not just "good in comparison to their really awful enemies," but, yes, he's also not too shy about killing off major characters when it suits him.

George R.R. Martin is going to be the next big celebrity death.  He looks like the captain of a tugboat named the SS Heartattack.  It almost feels like he wants to die before his books come out. 

I just did my queue and got my daily 3 cards.

Wasn't glitched yesterday, except that it only gave me 2 at first.


And I still haven't gotten card 3.

RE: Martin

Dude would've finished if he weren't so determined to make sure no one guesses anything that happens.  I would wager that he rewrote shit a dozen times because of people guessing the shocking twists.

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So with all the debate of whether this is the worst sale ever, I did the math:

Game 2016 Summer Sale 2017 Summer Sale
Nevermind 3.99 16.99
The Guest 2.99 1.49
Investigator 3.99 0.77
CHKN 11.99 9.74
The Witcher Adventure Game 1.49 2.49
Boss Monster 1.24 1.24
The Final Take 1.24 0.49
ICY 3.24 6.49
Dead But Alive! South England 5.09 5.99
Magnetic: Cage Closed Collector’s Edition 1.99 1.49
Share 1.99 2.49
Last Hope – Tower Defense 3.05 8.99
Wick 2.99 2.99
Firewatch 13.39 8.99
Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture 9.99 19.99
Total in 2016 = 68.66
Total in 2017 = 90.63
So yep.  Those are the games I bought last year which I could have waited a year for and gotten for $21.xx more!
Even if I remove the two biggest outliers (which isn't fair, but let's just do it - Nevermind and Rapture) waiting a whole year would net me a saving of $1.03 on the rest of the games.  
Some games I expect to bottom out the discount, but others I would expect another drop after a year, even if small.  Some of the games even went up in price, despite being bundled in the year that passed.  
George R.R. Martin is going to be the next big celebrity death. He looks like the captain of a tugboat named the SS Heartattack. It almost feels like he wants to die before his books come out.
RE: Martin

Dude would've finished if he weren't so determined to make sure no one guesses anything that happens. I would wager that he rewrote shit a dozen times because of people guessing the shocking twists.
I've always just assumed that he eats like those feasts he describes in the books on a daily basis. Presumably if he dies before he finishes, no one will ever know the "canon" outcome!

So with all the debate of whether this is the worst sale ever, I did the math:

Game 2016 Summer Sale 2017 Summer Sale
Nevermind 3.99 16.99
The Guest 2.99 1.49
Investigator 3.99 0.77
CHKN 11.99 9.74
The Witcher Adventure Game 1.49 2.49
Boss Monster 1.24 1.24
The Final Take 1.24 0.49
ICY 3.24 6.49
Dead But Alive! South England 5.09 5.99
Magnetic: Cage Closed Collector’s Edition 1.99 1.49
Share 1.99 2.49
Last Hope – Tower Defense 3.05 8.99
Wick 2.99 2.99
Firewatch 13.39 8.99
Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture 9.99 19.99

Total in 2016 = 68.66

Total in 2017 = 90.63

So yep. Those are the games I bought last year which I could have waited a year for and gotten for $21.xx more!

Even if I remove the two biggest outliers (which isn't fair, but let's just do it - Nevermind and Rapture) waiting a whole year would net me a saving of $1.03 on the rest of the games.

Some games I expect to bottom out the discount, but others I would expect another drop after a year, even if small. Some of the games even went up in price, despite being bundled in the year that passed.
We CAGs. . . have a lot of free time.

Anyway, what's the point in flashing your fancy non-parametric statistics at us when all we really want to do is grouse about the good old days like Motokis on a porch?

I've always just assumed that he eats like those feasts he describes in the books on a daily basis. Presumably if he dies before he finishes, no one will ever know the "canon" outcome!

We CAGs. . . have a lot of free time.

Anyway, what's the point in flashing your fancy non-parametric statistics at us when all we really want to do is grouse about the good old days like Motokis on a porch?
Mostly curiosity. Obviously, no one is presenting anything scientific, it's all based on perception. I see some people comment about how they feel this sale is good. My perception was that it sucked and I was curious to see if it was true or not just based on the idea that an older a game is, the cheaper it should get either through discounts, MSRP drops, or a combination of both.

I'm probably the only person that thinks this, but I've never been that impressed with steam sales. 

During the glory days of steam sale memes I was more into playing older pc games and console stuff.  But I would sometimes glance at sales and always felt the old clearances or budget releases of physical games were better.

I think Hal is on to something. Once steam stopped doing the one day flash sales the big discounts stopped. The reason steam stopped doing flash sales is most likely because they had the same games listed and after a couple years sales dropped.
While it's true the death of the flash sales meant buh-bye good deals, I think most people agree that they were ended because of the refund policy. Having a "sale within a sale" meant that thousands upon thousands of refunds were being requested because of flash sales.

The problem is that Steam retained the original sale length. There's really no reason to hold a two week long sale anymore and, in fact, it's a negative when publishers consider pricing.

I'm just saying, either shorten the whole thing, or find a way to break it up into smaller pieces. It works best for Steam, I'm sure, if a game doesn't fluctuate between sale prices. It should go 0% to x% to 0% again -- just like weekend deals work now.

My guess is that publishers would feel more comfortable with a large discount if the time were shorter; and Steam would avoid managing the immense volume of refunds requested because of the unpredictable change in sale prices.

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Anyway, what's the point in flashing your fancy non-parametric statistics at us when all we really want to do is grouse about the good old days like Motokis on a porch?
Ironically, Motoki was always the crown prince of "Well, if you just came out of an egg and never seen a PC before, these sales are actually pretty good!" rationalization.

My "haul" so far:


On a positive note, I did finally install the Dead Rising 3 I bought in the Winter sale and am now working on the DLC missions after finishing the main one.

Mostly this sale, it's a combo of  "nope, not cheap enough" and "oh man, that looks like perfect Humble Monthly fodder" that's keeping me away.

I'm probably the only person that thinks this, but I've never been that impressed with steam sales.

During the glory days of steam sale memes I was more into playing older pc games and console stuff. But I would sometimes glance at sales and always felt the old clearances or budget releases of physical games were better.
I don't think it's untrue though. There was a very short time period when Steam sales were impressive. It was around the time I became active on CAG when not only were a lot of B&M stores that stocked PC Games (CompUSA and Circuit City) were going out of business, but other stores (Best Buy, Gamestop, Walmart) started stocking less and less PC Games. So there was a lack of PC game deals to be had at retail and so the idea of having an unlimited inventory in your living room and games going on sale for 75% off was mindblowing. That only lasted about a year though because shortly thereafter Humble and then IG started and the luster of the sales started fading due to people lamenting that even at 80-90% off, sales could compete with getting 10 games for a few bucks from a bundle.

Sales had some minor resurgences. There was the introduction of trading cards and real free money for about a year. There was the coal sale where people got free games (I missed out and only did it towards the end when only shitty coupons were left) and there was the gem auction thing (and again I missed out).

I think it should be pretty established that without some sort of money-making or giveaway gimmick and with the stinginess of price reductions, sales are worse now than they used to be. That said, if you look at the top sellers list, it's dominated by popular games with tiny discounts and some with no discounts at all. You'd think some critically acclaimed or well reviewed indie game with a big discount would crack the top 100, but they don't, so there's really little need for deeper discounts.

I think nowadays, sales are great to Steam virgins and casuals who are happy for any discount. Us hardened cheapskates just have to resort to our usual glitches and bottom-dwelling tactics to still feel alive.

Okay, but you had to admit the odds were in my favor, right?

The books are pretty good, but if you like them, you're better off waiting until Martin's dead, because he spends about a decade between each book, presumably resting(?!). I was lucky (?) enough to start the series just before the television series started, which roughly coincided with the release of, IIRC, the fourth book. After binge-reading them, I watched the first series of the HBO show, and, while the major beats are the same, enough things were different that the show left something of a bad taste in my mouth. I've read that they actually ran out of book material to work from one or two seasons ago, so they're somewhat seat-of-the-pantsing it now in that sense.

It's not Lord of the Rings high fantasy, so if that's what you're looking for, yeah, you won't enjoy these books. The story is pretty interesting and there are a few characters who are actually somewhat noble and not just "good in comparison to their really awful enemies," but, yes, he's also not too shy about killing off major characters when it suits him.
I might give the books another try someday if he does get around to finishing. I am not fond of works that kill off good characters left and right or those that insist on keeping everyone alive regardless (see the current Humble book bundle for a good example of that; Fairy Tale is infamous for killing and then reviving characters or having them face impossible odds and then live anyway because of "friendship" and it is ridiculous even by manga standards) but I think for GoT the turnoff for me is that the violence isn't far enough removed from what we see on the news everyday for me to enjoy it as escapist entertainment.

I say that because non-human entities like monsters or orcs or whatever can go around killing boatloads of people and I it doesn't bother me at all. It is the same for human but unrelatable characters like Jason or Michael Myers who are just silent killing machines, that stuff does not bother me. But something like Saw or GoT or anything else with a lot of humans just being awful humans I find myself unable to enjoy at all. I really wanted to like Criminal Minds early on because of Mandy Patinkin but it was just episode after episode of trying to make the torture and murder worse than it was the week before. Just not my cup of tea.

Been reading neogaf and some people arent even aware that buying from 3rd party sites gives you steam keys
Are you really surprised that Sony-lover central doesn't know shit about Steam?

It's less of a deal if you consider that Stormblood includes Heavensward and there is no way that is a Steam key. But yeah, that's a pretty good price. I'd buy it if were on Steam.

I don't think it's untrue though. There was a very short time period when Steam sales were impressive. It was around the time I became active on CAG when not only were a lot of B&M stores that stocked PC Games (CompUSA and Circuit City) were going out of business, but other stores (Best Buy, Gamestop, Walmart) started stocking less and less PC Games. So there was a lack of PC game deals to be had at retail and so the idea of having an unlimited inventory in your living room and games going on sale for 75% off was mindblowing. That only lasted about a year though because shortly thereafter Humble and then IG started and the luster of the sales started fading due to people lamenting that even at 80-90% off, sales could compete with getting 10 games for a few bucks from a bundle.

I think nowadays, sales are great to Steam virgins and casuals who are happy for any discount. Us hardened cheapskates just have to resort to our usual glitches and bottom-dwelling tactics to still feel alive.
Pretty much.

I feel the prime steam sale memes came about when B&M stores were carrying less and less PC games. When sales on digital items were a novelty.

Around 95ish I remember KMart and Big Bear always having an isle full of games, most of which seemed to be <$10. I know I got a lot of games for $5 from those stores. If you assume a $50 original retail price, there's 90% off.

Then places like Best Buy, Babbage's, and Electronics Boutique had tons of new releases, including physical bundles that probably had an original retail price of <$30ish. Seems like a lot compared to today's bundles, but was amazing back then. But they'd clearance stuff out all the time. I have a copy of Wizards and Warriors that still has the $5 clearance sticker on it.

Physical clearances is still a great way to get a cheap price on many games.

The used market was another thing altogether. I got so many games for a couple bucks at flea markets.

Dead MP Indie Game, but it looks like so much fun! PLEASE EVERYONE BUY IT!
Thx, removed from my wishlist.

You haven't even bought it.

I'll buy it if Spoder buys the Enemy Front DLC.
My brother and I are probably buying it. Working on Reds too.


I should note the game was once on Chrono so there's a remote chance it gets added to the shop, but it was on chrono like a 2 pack so not entirely sure.

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On the card thing, I got cards for purchases (despite being in on the glitch) but not from my queue today. Did get 10 glitch cards then 10 purchase cards, so maybe that is why got the cards from purchase *shrugs* 

(and yes, already spent $100, primarily so I could take advantage of PayPal's interest free offer and build some credit).

Are you really surprised that Sony-lover central doesn't know shit about Steam?

It's less of a deal if you consider that Stormblood includes Heavensward and there is no way that is a Steam key. But yeah, that's a pretty good price. I'd buy it if were on Steam.
I want it on steam, but refuse to rebuy everything AND start over.

With FF I think you can launch from Steam then log into whatever account so I assume you could get the base version on Steam (current sale price isn't very good though) and sell/give away the key.  I know it used to be possible at least, unless something has changed.

My brother and I are probably buying it. Working on Reds too.


I should note the game was once on Chrono so there's a remote chance it gets added to the shop, but it was on chrono like a 2 pack so not entirely sure.
For any bros considering buying this, I will actually buy it if enough of you do. No sense in buying it if there is no one else that owns the game to play it with.

Same here, but five, after getting 13 (without using a script or anything) yesterday.

From the summer sale badge "how do I earn more cards" page.

Cards earned: 6
Cards earned through purchases:
Cards earned by completing your Store Discovery Queue: 6
Cards received due to Steam error in your favor: 12
I'd bet everyone gets the error cards now.
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Wow.  I just looked, had no cards.  Did a discovery queue for the heck of it and got 19 cards.  I have no idea what is going on at this point.

Cards earned through purchases: 7
Cards earned by completing your Store Discovery Queue: 5
Cards received due to Steam error in your favor: 12
Just had 9 drop to me. The ones Ive done queues for (was owed 5 from those) as well as the purchases Ive made (was owed 4).

I'm all caught up now, looks like they've fixed things but at least I got to keep the glitched 1+13 from yesterday lol

On the card thing, I got cards for purchases (despite being in on the glitch) but not from my queue today. Did get 10 glitch cards then 10 purchase cards, so maybe that is why got the cards from purchase *shrugs*

(and yes, already spent $100, primarily so I could take advantage of PayPal's interest free offer and build some credit).
I could be wrong and maybe its changed since last fall, but I remember reading last fall that paypal does not report anything but late payments beyond 90 days that are sold off for collections to the 3 major credit bureaus. Using paypal credit will not help your credit score at all. It does not report regularly like a credit card or personal loan does.

One recommendation I'll give is that if you didn't get the humble monthly styx: master of shadows was in, pick that up (assuming you like stealth games). It's 80% off and a much more faithful homage to the old Thief games than Dishonored (as much as I do like that game) could ever hope to be.
Is Styx pretty much straight-up stealth...or you fail or die?

Dishonored series has all of those super-powers + guns, which when used by the player, that can really turn the game into a combat-fest for the player...instead of a sneak-a-thon.

Is Styx pretty much straight-up stealth...or you fail or die?
No, its not that restrictive. I think theres parts of it that may be forced stealth, but largely if you get seen you're going to die because the enemies are very powerful but you can run away. Killing by stealth is the only way to beat them.

Alright, so nobody messaged me on Steam about Heroes of the Storm.

So just PM me on here if you're available tonight, tomorrow or Sunday for doing the D3 event.

Event ends Monday.
You said message you but I'm posting instead so INMATEofARKHAM sees it too next time he is online. I was going to do the event with him but we haven't done it yet, but I can fit it in anytime I need to if you and him (and whoever else) can all find a time that works. Or if more than five of us want to do it or time schedules don't work I can help whoever needs to get it done as well.

No, its not that restrictive. I think theres parts of it that may be forced stealth, but largely if you get seen you're going to die because the enemies are very powerful but you can run away. Killing by stealth is the only way to beat them.
Awesome. So, in that sense, is a lot similar to the much older Thief games (i.e. Thief 1+2)?

I remember Thief 1 was pretty much....get in a sword fight straight-up, prepare to die.

By the way, regarding that box game, why not use Garry's Mod instead of that (assuming that everyone owns it), this is because there is a gamemode in gmod called Prophunt.

Who cares if the sales are bad? It's not like any of you play games anyway.

Might as well just throw the game you kinda-maybe-don't-actually-want on your wishlist and pretend that's an extension of your library. Having a +1 on your wishlist is just as useful useless as a +1 in your library.

bread's done