Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Strange. Mine just says invalid.
Friend of mine used his voucher last night too just fine

Also of note, steamlinks are 70% off making them 15$. Great deal if you are in a living situation where you could possibly use one

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Hey Fox: I know you're a fan of Slayaway Camp. I just bought the Deluxe bundle. Do you recommend buying any of the DLC? I subbed to the newsletter, so already have codes for the monthly murderers to redeem.

The only one I'll be getting is Santa's Slay because it has additional puzzles. The other two are killer packs and one of them is just the monthly ones that are free. That said, the base game has so many puzzles you don't need anymore if you want to spend the money elsewhere and pick that up later.

Sales been pretty meh overall. 

I did end up picking up 

oddworld: New 'n' Tasty Complete Edition: $5.99

The Oddboxx: 3.24 

Since neither of these were the complete your collection bundle It double dipped for the original Oddworld Abe's oddysee but was still cheaper then buying them apart. 

The only one I'll be getting is Santa's Slay because it has additional puzzles. The other two are killer packs and one of them is just the monthly ones that are free. That said, the base game has so many puzzles you don't need anymore if you want to spend the money elsewhere and pick that up later.

Out of 51 Wislisted items (not counting non-released games):

Qty Discount % of Wishlist
8 No Discount 16%
2 1%-25% 3%
11 30-33% 22%
6 40% 12%
13 50% 25%
7 60-66% 14%
3 70-75% 6%
1 76%+ 2%
78% of my wishlist is 50% off or worse.  That seems pretty weak to me.  Note that the stuff for 70%+ is mainly trash or bundle fodder: Radiation Island, Submerged, Sinful Eden, etc.  "Lowest recorded price" doesn't mean much to me if the lowest recorded price is 40% off. 

I caved and bought PUBG for 21.89 at GMG. Voucher still works so far.

Too bad I wasn't able to buy multiple copies for my friends.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Watch_Dogs 2
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard / BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil
Only highlighting the ones I have. Out of these the answer is clearly and obviously The Witcher 3. It's one of the best games of the decade. The fact you don't own it is the surprise here. Get the GOTY version and don't consider any of the others before it.

Out of these others, Infinite Warfare is boring. Watch Dogs 2 is not bad as a game, but I could never get into it and haven't returned but its still installed at least so thats saying something. I went into it the other day to test it on my new GPU and it ran better than it did before so I'm more likely to return to it than not. Resident Evil 7 I had some tech issues with and left it for a while, but am going back to it soon. I really liked what I played of it. It's much different compared to the Resident Evils of recent and first person is not the only reason, but it hearkens back to the first game when it was just you in a house.

I just picked up Dishonored 2 yesterday but havent played yet so cant answer.

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Out of 51 Wislisted items (not counting non-released games):

Qty Discount % of Wishlist
8 No Discount 16%
2 1%-25% 3%
11 30-33% 22%
6 40% 12%
13 50% 25%
7 60-66% 14%
3 70-75% 6%
1 76%+ 2%
78% of my wishlist is 50% off or worse. That seems pretty weak to me. Note that the stuff for 70%+ is mainly trash or bundle fodder: Radiation Island, Submerged, Sinful Eden, etc. "Lowest recorded price" doesn't mean much to me if the lowest recorded price is 40% off.
Yep, mine was the same (or worse). I have to imagine people who have a lot of deep discounted stuff on their wishlist have a lot of bundle fodder or old games.

Hopefully Valve read the CAG forums and are hiring a new web developer ;)
They'll hire you. And then tell you to update the DOTA2 changelog.

Anyway. I'm going to wait until I get some more laundered Gabenbux in to buy the Telltale collection. I've given up on Telltale sticking the first two Sam and Max seasons and Tales of Monkey Island on a Humble, and since they refuse to give me Steam keys for my Telltale purchases, I might as well get the set this way.

So I don't want to be 'that guy' that makes people waste their money, but I just got Mass Effect Andromeda from a gmg loot box.  I got an email for 20% off so I almost did the 30 box for $16 but I didnt think I could stomach that much garbage so I just went with the 10 box for $8.  Was pretty decent for a gmg loot box, got andromeda plus some other stuff I might keep (train valley, onikira demon killer) and then these gems:

Compared to the three dead zeds and corporate lifestyle simulators of the past this bundle was actually surprisingly decent although without getting andromeda it still wouldn't have been anything great.
Out of 51 Wislisted items (not counting non-released games):

Qty Discount % of Wishlist
8 No Discount 16%
2 1%-25% 3%
11 30-33% 22%
6 40% 12%
13 50% 25%
7 60-66% 14%
3 70-75% 6%
1 76%+ 2%
78% of my wishlist is 50% off or worse. That seems pretty weak to me. Note that the stuff for 70%+ is mainly trash or bundle fodder: Radiation Island, Submerged, Sinful Eden, etc. "Lowest recorded price" doesn't mean much to me if the lowest recorded price is 40% off.
Whats wrong with 50% or 33% off? Most of you fakey-bro a lot of games anyways, so even a 25% discount is still saving $15 in a lot of cases, which is a decent discount. I guess my expectations have been lowered since the huge discounts have gone away, but nowadays $15-$20 off a game seems like a good deal to me.

So I don't want to be 'that guy' that makes people waste their money, but I just got Mass Effect Andromeda from a gmg loot box. I got an email for 20% off so I almost did the 30 box for $16 but I didnt think I could stomach that much garbage so I just went with the 10 box for $8. Was pretty decent for a gmg loot box, got andromeda plus some other stuff I might keep (train valley, onikira demon killer) and then these gems:


Compared to the three dead zeds and corporate lifestyle simulators of the past this bundle was actually surprisingly decent although without getting andromeda it still wouldn't have been anything great.
Congrats on Andromeda! Great game for that price. Thanks for Airship Asunder.

So I don't want to be 'that guy' that makes people waste their money, but I just got Mass Effect Andromeda from a gmg loot box. I got an email for 20% off so I almost did the 30 box for $16 but I didnt think I could stomach that much garbage so I just went with the 10 box for $8. Was pretty decent for a gmg loot box, got andromeda plus some other stuff I might keep (train valley, onikira demon killer) and then these gems:
Oh Sh!t! someone hide Fox's wallet!

I don't even want Andromeda, never toss money at these things, and I'm sort of tempted...

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Whats wrong with 50% or 33% off? Most of you fakey-bro a lot of games anyways, so even a 25% discount is still saving $15 in a lot of cases, which is a decent discount. I guess my expectations have been lowered since the huge discounts have gone away, but nowadays $15-$20 off a game seems like a good deal to me.
For me it just depends on the game I want, how soon I think I'll play it, and that will decide it for me. An example is something like Planet Coaster, I want it and I would play it, but I can't justify it at its current discount. Same with Everspace which is another one I really would like to get sooner, but I can't be pushed over the edge at its current price. At the same time, I'll fakey stuff I know I'll play immediately. If Planet Coaster and Everspace hit 50%, I'd almost certainly have gotten both.

So I don't want to be 'that guy' that makes people waste their money, but I just got Mass Effect Andromeda from a gmg loot box. I got an email for 20% off so I almost did the 30 box for $16 but I didnt think I could stomach that much garbage so I just went with the 10 box for $8. Was pretty decent for a gmg loot box, got andromeda plus some other stuff I might keep (train valley, onikira demon killer) and then these gems:


Compared to the three dead zeds and corporate lifestyle simulators of the past this bundle was actually surprisingly decent although without getting andromeda it still wouldn't have been anything great.
Luckily, none of the "big" games on their potential get list are big draws for me, otherwise I would have made the jump. If Wildlands was on there though I would have by now.

I cleaned up about 160 wishlist items....still have about 860 in all including F2P maybe about 760 paid games. Not sure what I'll get but Melty Blood is looking like a maybe....and lots of VNs are not well priced.

Also I know Dead Cells looks cool, but does it really have the meat for an EA title? I heard it has 2 bosses and like 10 hours of gameplay. Would it be better to just wait till the full thing is out and play it so you don't get tired of it before it's even fully out?

I still need to post my GOG haul...about $15 worth of games!

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Bundlestars just sent out a code to get Flatout 4: Insanity for $9.74, cheaper than the $9.99 loyalty discount on Steam (which isn't even working currently anyway)  

I cleaned up about 160 wishlist items....still have about 860 in all including F2P maybe about 760 paid games. Not sure what I'll get but Melty Blood is looking like a maybe....and lots of VNs are not well priced.
Literally doing the exact same thing right now. I have about a 1/4 of the total amount you do, but at least my top 25 now is pretty much the ones I want or am anticipating the most.

I have a bad habit of adding things to my wishlist with the intention of looking at them later and either keeping or discarding them.  I could probably delete half of them but ugh I don't want to go through that mess.

I have the bad habit of adding VNs, RPGMaker games (I've stopped) and also retro platformers and lastly rogue lites/likes. The majority of games removed where from these categories with some just not looking as good anymore, of I already purchased it on PSN/GOG (mainly old games here).

I have a bad habit of adding things to my wishlist with the intention of looking at them later and either keeping or discarding them. I could probably delete half of them but ugh I don't want to go through that mess.
Same. I used it largely as a bookmark list, but my rankings were all sorts of wonky. I had some game that was Early Access at 2 that has since fallen off a cliff to the Very Negative realm. I organized it to the point of top 25 and trimmed some fat, and think Im going to be far more discerning with it going forward.

Bundlestars just sent out a code to get Flatout 4: Insanity for $9.74, cheaper than the $9.99 loyalty discount on Steam (which isn't even working currently anyway)
I jumped on it. FlatOut Ultimate Carnage is one of my all-time favorite games so I've had my eye on this. It had really good GFWL integration when that was a thing and it is definitely missing something now that it isn't a thing. This and Witcher 3 are my weekend playtime titles so far.

Whats wrong with 50% or 33% off? Most of you fakey-bro a lot of games anyways, so even a 25% discount is still saving $15 in a lot of cases, which is a decent discount. I guess my expectations have been lowered since the huge discounts have gone away, but nowadays $15-$20 off a game seems like a good deal to me.
I fakey-bro games I'm expecting to play immediately. Therefore, a 33% off discount during a major sale doesn't mean much to me. I either wanted to play it right away and bought it already (usually at 30-50% off anyway) or else I'm not planning on playing it right away so I'm getting a lousy 33% off on something that'll be backlogged. I got Sniper Elite 4 for ~50% off after GG discount and zGold silliness. I got BF1 for 50% off through places dumping physical stock. I got Fallout 4 for 50% off via the GMG coupon glitch. I don't fakey stuff at full price.

More to it, stuff is 33% off all the time. The whole point of looking forward to a major sale is that it's, well, "major". Something more than the same ole, same ole discounts you see the rest of the year.

For the +1'ers, Valve has let slip past them quite a few COMPLETE THE SET bundles in which the individual price of the games (YMMV) are $0.30-.40. But honestly, that stuff is mostly Groupees or IG HH fodder anyway.

There are a few titles on my wishlist that have hit all-time lows, but on further inspection they are simply games that haven't panned out well according to reviews. My wishlist grows smaller.

For the most part though, the sale is a big yawn. There are lots of games that have had recent sales on Steam that are now worse. There are many games that have had a nice long run, but sit stubbornly at 30-33% off. I have to wonder whether or not one of the major reasons we're seeing mediocre/worse sales is simply the duration of the sale itself. Maybe publishers that were perfectly happy doing 1-2 days at 75%+ just aren't comfortable having their titles deeply discounted for half of the month of June.

I'd love to see the summer sale just reduced to a single week. Maybe that would be enough? Or maybe try running half the publishers one week and the other half the next? Or feature each genre of games for a few days at a time?

I'm probably buying a few things just to buy them. I don't see any deal that really excites me. I don't expect outrageous deals on every title, but the idea that there might be one makes me pay attention. This just feels like a watered-down encore of what they do all year long.

So I don't want to be 'that guy' that makes people waste their money, but I just got Mass Effect Andromeda from a gmg loot box. I got an email for 20% off so I almost did the 30 box for $16 but I didnt think I could stomach that much garbage so I just went with the 10 box for $8. Was pretty decent for a gmg loot box, got andromeda plus some other stuff I might keep (train valley, onikira demon killer) and then these gems:


Compared to the three dead zeds and corporate lifestyle simulators of the past this bundle was actually surprisingly decent although without getting andromeda it still wouldn't have been anything great.
paying $10 is like getting Andromeda for 50% off

Steam seasonal sales these days feel like a couple guys trying to relive some awesome, story-worthy party they had in college.  Except now everyone is married with real jobs so they just get together a couple times a year for pizza and beer and talking about the glory days.  Which is fine in its own way but, realistically, you can have pizza any day of the week.  Every now and then someone insists that this is just as good, just different.

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No cards for me either, and a lot of people have been complaining on forums about not getting cards either from buying games or viewing the queue or both, and four of the threads I have been watching have been deleted or moved, and it seems just deleted.  My guess is Valve knows and just DNGAF.

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I think Hal is on to something. Once steam stopped doing the one day flash sales the big discounts stopped. The reason steam stopped doing flash sales is most likely because they had the same games listed and after a couple years sales dropped.

What I'd like to see is a combination. Bring back flash sales for summer and winter. Make the flash sale a bigger discount than the sale-long discount, with an encore on the last day.

The selling point: you can only advertise on the flash sales once, ever. Unless you either drop the base game price or up the discount. Basically, it has the be a historical low steam price to list as a flash, otherwise you only get to be a sale-long discount.

Publishers will have to decide on a sales strategy that combines sale long, flash day, summer, winter, and base price of thier games. And if they don't, they'll slip into steam obscurity :)

This eliminates seeing terarria every damn sale 😀
Can't get my sticker pack for customizing my discovery queue! GIVE ME MAH STICKURS VALVE!

Edit: Oh wait, crisis averted apparently I got them it just didn't pop up and tell me.  Whew.

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I don't think anyone is saying these sales are as good as the golden days, most of us dissenters on the "Steam Sales Sucks Da Biggest Root" train are just saying this one isn't the worst seasonal. I tend to have 150 to 200 items on my wishlist at any given time, the last 2 sales I didn't see anything over 60% off whereas this one I have at least 25 items over 60% and half those are 75 or higher.
So apparently some folks on reddit are theorizing that we didn't get cards because we used the auto discovery queue script. Others are saying accounts that got the multiple card glitch are not getting cards.

Edit: Tried this on an account that didn't get the glitch and it got a card.

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Its 11.69 at wingamestore and even cheaper with pcgames5off but you have two find another game you want to buy to use it. (its an extra 5% off.)
Hot Damn! I think this might be the perfect opportunity to finally shed my never usable $2.99 wingamestore credit!

It's a Dead Cells Summer Sale miracle! :whee:

EDIT: Looks like the pcgames5off code only works on your first ever store purchase. Lame.

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So apparently some folks on reddit are theorizing that we didn't get cards because we used the auto discovery queue script. Others are saying accounts that got the multiple card glitch are not getting cards.
It doesn't matter if you used the script or not. If you were glitched you seem to not get anymore cards though. I was glitched and can't get cards, but I never used any kind of script.
but winter sale is coming up...

So apparently some folks on reddit are theorizing that we didn't get cards because we used the auto discovery queue script. Others are saying accounts that got the multiple card glitch are not getting cards.

Edit: Tried this on an account that didn't get the glitch and it got a card.
To add to that, I havent been using the auto-queue script. I did get the card glitch yesterday though. I havent been getting purchased cards or queue cards though

I get not getting discovery cards because of a glitch, but we should at least still be getting purchase cards

It doesn't matter if you used the script or not. If you were glitched you seem to not get anymore cards though. I was glitched and can't get cards, but I never used any kind of script.
Same here.

I got 14 drops on my first queue, so that seems to be at least the first week of queues in one go, but when I made my purchases, I didnt get any from that either. It probably is going to count up to 14 before they start dropping again if I was to guess.

I also got 3 sticker packs yesterday, but only shows 1. I just got another one for doing a queue and it disappeared when I "opened" it.

Everything in the way of the sale "extras" is broken as far as I'm concerned.

Same here.

I got 14 drops on my first queue, so that seems to be at least the first week of queues in one go, but when I made my purchases, I didnt get any from that either. It probably is going to count up to 14 before they start dropping again if I was to guess.

I also got 3 sticker packs yesterday, but only shows 1. I just got another one for doing a queue and it disappeared when I "opened" it.

Everything in the way of the sale "extras" is broken as far as I'm concerned.
This is what people on the steam forums have said, and that it happened last time as well. That you've gone into the negative of the special sale cards and just have to keep doing tasks until your positive again

Im not sure how much I buy that explanation though. Also seems dumb to have steam actions and sale purchases cards coming from the same pool, but it is valve

bread's done