Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I still own one game on GMG capsule...Laxius Force 3....I had to find it elsewhere because the thing would auto crash on me every time I tried to download (in Windows 7 at the time). 

Only because the developer doesn't release it anywhere else. Valve doesn't force exclusivity.
Sure, because they don't need to. They have what we want.

Without exclusives Epic wouldn't have any of us rushing to buy games there when we could buy them on Steam instead. Epic would offer no competition at all.

Ideally, Epic does really well and puts a lot of pressure on Steam bringing down prices for consumers. And the way I want that to happen is for other people to buy games on Epic leaving me with lower prices when I buy my games on Steam.

Without exclusives Epic wouldn't have any of us rushing to buy games there when we could buy them on Steam instead. Epic would offer no competition at all.
I'd rather they offer these games on their store for $10 less and use the money they're buying exclusives with to cover that reduced price so the publisher/developers arent affected at all. People wanting the cheapest price get what they want and people wanting to use their drm of choice get what they want. Sniping games that were previously coming to steam to solely their platform makes me want to avoid them out of spite.

Thankfully with my huge backlog I can be patient until they make it to steam, Outer Worlds might have been a day one buy for me but isnt now. Just have to see if I have the resolve to wait a full year before I pick it up.
Yeah, comparing Epic to Steam just doesn't work.  Valve doesn't restrict games to just its store; their largest competitor is themselves as they give publishers 3rd party retail keys and the game gets sold at other stores at varying price points and sales.  Epic, in comparison, strips the game out of other stores and makes themselves the only place to buy it.  It's strictly anti-competitive and anti-consumer.  It's also not only bad for Steam but also bad for GMG, GG, GOG, Fanatical or whoever else might have sold the game since those stores now get decreased traffic and sales as well.  It's basically a shitty deal for everyone except Epic and the publisher Epic bribed with a big sack o' cash for the exclusive deal.  Criticizing Epic and the publishers for it is entirely legitimate.

Yeah, comparing Epic to Steam just doesn't work. Valve doesn't restrict games to just its store; their largest competitor is themselves as they give publishers 3rd party retail keys and the game gets sold at other stores at varying price points and sales. Epic, in comparison, strips the game out of other stores and makes themselves the only place to buy it. It's strictly anti-competitive and anti-consumer. It's also not only bad for Steam but also bad for GMG, GG, GOG, Fanatical or whoever else might have sold the game since those stores now get decreased traffic and sales as well. It's basically a shitty deal for everyone except Epic and the publisher Epic bribed with a big sack o' cash for the exclusive deal. Criticizing Epic and the publishers for it is entirely legitimate.
Like I said earlier, I got the new Metro Ultimate edition for $30 through epic on release date. Pretty good deal for me. Steam has piles of cash, they don't really need defending in my opinion.

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I can't take most of you guys too seriously on this Epic thing.  This is cheapassgamer, not FakeyBroGamer.  Most of you weren't buying the game until it hit a bundle.  Why get so worked up about a one-year exclusivity period?  There's only a few titles that seem to be permanently exclusive and I don't see you guys talking about those.  You guys are the same people who beg and plead for major pubs to port games to PC and then refuse to support them when they do.  

The Epic thing is annoying.  It was stupid on their part to try to frame it as a pro-consumer move in terms of pricing, but I think ultimately they might not be wrong.  You guys are always hemming and hawing when EA or Ubi or MS buy up another indie studio.  This is a way for indie studios to be keep making games by getting more revenue and guaranteed money from Epic.  It's hard for indie studios out here so something that might eventually make it a better environment for indie devs is pro consumer to me because it'll help keep these games being made and avoid indie studios feeling they have to sell out to a major pub. 

Steam doesnt give me the regional pricing. My point is that I buy from where I get the cheapest price. Regional pricing or not.
My point is that it doesn't apply to the vast majority of this thread's readers so, while your experience is valid for you, it's also irrelevant to nearly everyone else.

It's CAG. Most of us are from the US. So I would say yeah, he knows where everyone else here is shopping from. There are a few people that aren't but it's definitely not the majority.
I mean Puerto Rico is technically the United States which is where I'm shopping from. Either way regional pricing or not I'll give my money to the place with the lowest price. Be it steam, epic, etc. That was my point.

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Even more than I enjoy the free games (so far I've only actually played Edith Finch), I just really, really enjoy watching the Steam people getting so triggered by Epic every time an exclusive is announced. When Humble gives away Tacoma but everyone is disappointed because it's a DRM-free download instead of a Steam code, you know PC gamers are beyond redemption. I just want to watch the world burn.

Even more than I enjoy the free games (so far I've only actually played Edith Finch), I just really, really enjoy watching the Steam people getting so triggered by Epic every time an exclusive is announced. When Humble gives away Tacoma but everyone is disappointed because it's a DRM-free download instead of a Steam code, you know PC gamers are beyond redemption. I just want to watch the world burn.
I do too. Then I engage them for the lulz. Lol

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Sure, because they don't need to. They have what we want.

Without exclusives Epic wouldn't have any of us rushing to buy games there when we could buy them on Steam instead. Epic would offer no competition at all.
They would if they actually did something pro-consumer like offering lower prices and significant sales. That's a big reason why Steam was able to effectively corner the market. What Epic does is pro-developer, nothing more. They say it's a 'long-game' to take on Steam but it's more like a 'long-con.'

The whole convoluted... 'well, we have to have exclusive so we can take on Steam so we can get market share so that forces Steam to lower prices' argument is nonsense. If that was really the goal they could skip the middle bullshit and just offer lower prices forcing Steam to do the same. But that wouldn't give developers and publishers a bigger piece of the pie.

This is merely a hamfisted and poorly disguised scheme by Epic (Tencent) to make money. And it's being done to the detriment of consumers not to the benefit of consumers.

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Got to love the amazing people doing Fan Fixes and Ultrawide Mods Sekiro on Ultrawide looks amazing barring some UI glitches but still great work from them. 


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2. Subnautica was a pretty big get.
A game I bought for $10 (in early access) in December 2016 on Steam directly during the winter sale. The Epic freebie was more a marketing scheme to get their name back in the news 6+ months after 1.0 release as they were about to release into early access the stand alone sequel/DLC game into early access. I'm sure Epic paid them for that too on top of the marketing exposure. It was also supposed to be DRM free on Epic but that went away after a few weeks I think.

The game is great and definately worth $20-30 but I doubt I'll bother with the DLC unless they put it on sale for $10 to drum up interest and funding. They didn't have the balls to go Epic only with the DLC surprisingly. I guess the Epic cash wasn't good enough for that.

I still can't get over how awesome The Division 2 runs on PC.   It is such a pleasure to play.  This is exactly why I built a new rig.  Everything runs at a constant 60 to 90 frames in 1440p unless I'm experiencing heavy slowdowns.  The world is so detailed and everything looks and feels great.  Even this $219 bargain i5 processor is working just fine (even though I want the 9900K now).  I'm most pleased with how well the GTX 1080 is performing; it's a difficult time to be looking at buying a high-end gpu.  I didn't realize I was going to be playing this game at first, so it was an unexpected surprise. 

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Tim Sweeney

Jonny Cappuccino

You forgot those jerks at AMD who have our Division 2 keys

I still can't get over how awesome The Division 2 runs on PC. It is such a pleasure to play.
I think we established before that we have very similar builds and, yeah, absolutely no complaints playing it at 1440 with most of the stuff cranked up (I leave off nonsense like Bloom and Depth of Field)

A game I bought for $10 (in early access) in December 2016 on Steam directly during the winter sale. The Epic freebie was more a marketing scheme to get their name back in the news 6+ months after 1.0 release as they were about to release into early access the stand alone sequel/DLC game into early access. I'm sure Epic paid them for that too on top of the marketing exposure. It was also supposed to be DRM free on Epic but that went away after a few weeks I think.
You can bypass the Epic DRM check.

Go to the game folder.

Create a shortcut for Subnautica.exe.

Right click on your shortcut for Subnautica.

Left click on Properties.

Go to Shortcut tab.

Add this to the end of the target line: -EpicPortal

For example - the Target Line, should now look something like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Crappy Game Services\Epic Games\Subnautica\Subnautica.exe" -EpicPortal

Run the shortcut without Epic Game Launcher service/app running...and it should boot up the game without booting the store or without failing to boot the game.

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bread's done