Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Fanatical has this Dollar Underground Bundle for $1 (duh!).

I hadn't spent a dime on Fanatical since it was called BundleStars. Anyway, I bought it for Gryphon Knight Epic, but I have read good things about Soul Gambler and Trip to Vinelands. Apparently, Fluffy Horde has some fans too.

For the few hours that I am able to spend playing games these days, it was just the right price for me.
I played a little of Trip to Vinelands last night. You just get dropped into a random level with moving vines and have to maneuver to a side with no vines to escape. You keep going until you die. There's an achievement for surviving 1, 11,33,66, and 99 levels. It's fun for what it is.

I also tried Heavy Burger. Really well made remake. Shame there's no online multiplayer.

Finally, Minit is just Zelda where you die every 30 seconds. You maintain your items but it's just a lot of repetition and backtracking. Not my type of game but HLTB says it only takes around 1.5 hours to finish.
Yep. That Fornite money making him crazy cash.
I think Steam is way ahead of Epic in regards to market share however Steam cannot sit still. If Epic gains more traction, it might be too late for Steam as Epic may taste the blood in the water and they have more fuck you money. If I were Steam I would lower their % cut on games sold now, kill off the Epic store, and then when they are dead, they could up their % again. It is practice widely used by the big fish to kill off the little fish.

My point is let's not kid ourselves into believing their goal is competition.
Huh? Their goal is completely competition. All of their actions are certainly pointing to them wanting to be a real competitor to Steam. (I guess you could say their goal is to kill off Steam completely and in that case the goal isn't competition.)

What their goal is certainly not is customer benefit. Or for that matter publisher benefit.

I think Valve is lazy but overall decent. Epic on the other hand, will put EA to shame when it comes to evil overlording.  I still remember back when Gears of War 1 was new and some shit reason was given about not bringing it to PC.  I've had issues with Epic since then.

I played a little of Trip to Vinelands last night. You just get dropped into a random level with moving vines and have to maneuver to a side with no vines to escape. You keep going until you die. There's an achievement for surviving 1, 11,33,66, and 99 levels. It's fun for what it is.
Enjoying the hell out of Trip to Vinelands. Very similar to Super Hexagon. The way that the world is constantly closing in on you reminds me of my life.

Tried it for a couple of hours.  Pretty 'meh.'  On top of that when I exited my system froze and I had to quit the game via Task Manager.  That gave me an easy cheat 'game security violation detected' pop up, so... lol... maybe that crappy anti-cheat software they use has disabled my account.  In any event, I don't see myself playing that much.  In hindsight I probably should have just sold off my AMD rewards key.

To elaborate:  The game looks great, no doubt.  And it has some awesome 'set pieces'/environments but it's just another pop-a-mole third-person cover shooter.  If you like that then you'll love Division 3.  If not, then it's meh.

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I've really soured on the Ubiworld games in the past year. They just seem to have no soul what so ever. Really the only Ubi game I'm looking forward to is the new Anno and even the last one was a big disappointment for me but i'm hoping a return from the sci-fi setting will change how I feel about it.

Tried it for a couple of hours. Pretty 'meh.' On top of that when I exited my system froze and I had to quit the game via Task Manager. That gave me an easy cheat 'game security violation detected' pop up, so... lol... maybe that crappy anti-cheat software they use has disabled my account. In any event, I don't see myself playing that much. In hindsight I probably should have just sold off my AMD rewards key.

To elaborate: The game looks great, no doubt. And it has some awesome 'set pieces'/environments but it's just another pop-a-mole third-person cover shooter. If you like that then you'll love Division 3. If not, then it's meh.
Tried it for a couple of hours. Pretty 'meh.' On top of that when I exited my system froze and I had to quit the game via Task Manager. That gave me an easy cheat 'game security violation detected' pop up, so... lol... maybe that crappy anti-cheat software they use has disabled my account. In any event, I don't see myself playing that much. In hindsight I probably should have just sold off my AMD rewards key.

To elaborate: The game looks great, no doubt. And it has some awesome 'set pieces'/environments but it's just another pop-a-mole third-person cover shooter. If you like that then you'll love Division 3. If not, then it's meh.
I'm loving the Division 2. It's perfect for my lifestyle. I can only game 30mins to an hour a night. With this game I can come in and get something done. Plus playing in a group in the dark zone. I don't really need anything revolutionary. I just need something fun.
I've really soured on the Ubiworld games in the past year. They just seem to have no soul what so ever. Really the only Ubi game I'm looking forward to is the new Anno and even the last one was a big disappointment for me but i'm hoping a return from the sci-fi setting will change how I feel about it.
I'm fine with Ubi's rinse-and-repeat formula as long as I enjoy the underlying game play/action. I'm just not a big fan of cover shooters. I'll probably eventually buy Far Cry 5: New Dawn.

Also I don't think the loot aspect works too well in a modern/realistic shooter like Division versus the more fantastical Borderlands where you can have some really crazy guns.

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Looks like to pretty much match the Spring Sale going until 3/25 on the ubi store.

I haven't done this yet but I've heard the the 20% code you can buy with ubi points can be purchased multiple times now. It's even working on New Dawn, even though it officially doesn't work on "new releases" (< 3 mo.)

I get tired of Ubi open world games pretty quickly and there's a lot of copypasta. Will I even really play all of New Dawn Complete for $$32? Rayman origins/legends is probably my favorite title of theirs.
Thanks for mentioning this. Ubisoft had just sent me an email that 280 of my uplay points were expiring at the end of the month. Got me to finally buy FC:ND using some of those up. Also bought Ode and got the discount on that as well so the code does work on multiple games.

Hmm.  I was unaware of Ode even existing.  It looks relaxing, I wish I had picked it up.  I used a 20% code to get New Dawn, Odyssey Ultimate (even if they ever give me my free copy this was cheaper for the season pass and such anyway) and something else I can not even remember now.  Couldn't justify using Steam bucks just to have the Steam achievements and paying 20% more.   Dunno when I will get around to playing, I have yet to start DMC5 or Division 2, but I was loving ACO when I played it on Project Stream.  A far cry (rimshot) from the last AC game I tried to play and stopped after a couple of hours.   

My life is like a game of Minesweeper when surrounded by 8's (or whatever the one is where you are fucked). I never really played though, so maybe it isn't.

Enjoying the hell out of Trip to Vinelands. Very similar to Super Hexagon. The way that the world is constantly closing in on you reminds me of my life.
I think Valve is lazy but overall decent. Epic on the other hand, will put EA to shame when it comes to evil overlording. I still remember back when Gears of War 1 was new and some shit reason was given about not bringing it to PC. I've had issues with Epic since then.

It is like Art Alexakis and Dane Cook had the douchiest kid in history.

Are you me?
Depends. Are you typically annoyed at any outcome of most situations? Do you eat even when you are not hungry? Do you look through your Steam library hoping somehow there is a game you are interested in playing? If you answered yes to these, then no, you are not me. However, you do have a similar outlook in multiple areas.

Spent the afternoon driving across town to chase down this rare prey.  Goodbye, midrange board!


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What in the actual fuck?  That is insane.

Edit: On a related note, I checked one of my alt mail accounts which I made for Tremor stuff to see if I had anything to still use it for or if I should just ditch it entirely, and it had a TON of (legit) notifications from Epic about attempted account logins.  No idea what is up with that unless someone registered accounts using a spam email list hoping some of those would end up being used by the owner and they could steal it back later?   *shrugs*  

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Don't use cheat programs.  Even for "legitimate" uses.  Problem solved.

I mean, let's face it, people cheating on Fortnite or using cheat engines are likely to lose what?  EGS free games?  Anyone actually buying a game from the Epic store is probably a rule-following, dev supporting, good doer.  

Don't use cheat programs. Even for "legitimate" uses. Problem solved.

I mean, let's face it, people cheating on Fortnite or using cheat engines are likely to lose what? EGS free games? Anyone actually buying a game from the Epic store is probably a rule-following, dev supporting, good doer.
I miss the times when every post you made wasn't clunky parody.

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Also, more glorious news about the Epic Store:

For those disinclined to follow the link, the tldr is that if you're banned in Fortnite then they will disable your entire Epic account including access to any games you've bought on the Epic Store.
I see they use the same method as Sony.

I know a guy that lost his PSN account because someone got offended by his username after 6 years or so of usage.

Don't use cheat programs. Even for "legitimate" uses. Problem solved.

I mean, let's face it, people cheating on Fortnite or using cheat engines are likely to lose what? EGS free games? Anyone actually buying a game from the Epic store is probably a rule-following, dev supporting, good doer.
Except it's likely they would ban people for random things like someone deciding they're offended by your username or you somehow offended them in the game's chat.

I have mixed feelings on all of that.   The bottom line is that cheaters are everywhere in these online games on PC.  I've come to learn that most people here don't partake in online multiplayer games, don't notice it, or don't care.   But it's a pretty big deal.  Every other Battlefield match there is someone ruining it for everybody.  And like many things that get posted on here (in response), sorry but apathy never wins any arguments.  

On the other hand it really sucks if programs like that are incorrectly flagging people and getting them banned. 

Nevertheless, that's another reason to not invest money in the Epic game store and yet another item in the laundry list of examples of why the all-digital future is not our friend.  Not only do you not own your own games you've purchased, but you could have your entire library instantly taken away from you.


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Yeah, that's why I'm not super-fond of the all-digital and all multiplayer future. If you get banned from the MP - yeah, that could be your entire game you get banned from and/or your entire account w/ a game-service that you can get banned from.

If I've paid for a game - yep, even if there is a MP mode here and one gets banned from it, I do feel I should be able to play it SP-style offline and against bots. This goes for skirmish/competitive modes - we can still play games like Quake 3 and UT offline against bots, can't we? I shouldn't be beholden to be on the Internet and a company's game-servers, just to play a game that actually already has built-in bots/AI that are purposely there so I can basically play solo. I really shouldn't be tethered to the Net, if I can solo the damn main campaign and/or main modes.

Same goes for online-only games like Destiny 2, which I mostly solo'd for a good majority of its main stuff. Games like TDU2 - yep, those can be played offline; and it's just when you're on the map, you can't do the MP-required stuff if you're offline; I still have access to the SP-based stuff.

What's to happen years from now, when nobody's playing these games online? Are they just going to become coasters? It's sad to see MMO's, MP-only, and whatnot become a thing of the past and the plug get pulled for good b/c...well, nobody's playing it online anymore. Games (especially great ones) should be preserved, so that when a game's servers are dead w/ no players - there's still ways for those who spent the $ to play the game solo and offline; and/or allow for LAN support so gamers can find each other and play those via whatever means (peer-to-peer, a gamer has their own dedicated server of their own, or whatever).

That's why if they do have bots/AI built-in and do build the game's campaign to be played solo - yep, I do feel they should make these games work offline.

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Please ban DD83. His avatar annoys me.
At least it wouldn't take away my game library.

Unless someone charges back, uses stolen credit cards, etc, they shouldn't have their game library taken away.

If they cheat, ban them in that game. I don't care if they're cheating and saying horrible stuff in game chat (like saying pineapple is a valid pizza topping), they shouldn't have their sp game access blocked.

Any of you happen to have a key for Twilight Struggle?  It's a digital adaptation of a board game that was available in a Humble Bundle a while back. Happy to toss a couple of $ for it.

You guys do realize that the scenario presented involves Fortnite: Battle Royale - a FREE 2 PLAY game with no SP component.  Completely different situation from a paid game with SP and MP portions.  I'm sure this is all a relic from a few months ago when Fortnite was basically the only reason you'd have an Epic account.  They'll probably be fixing the language soon and only doing individual game bans.  

You guys do realize that the scenario presented involves Fortnite: Battle Royale - a FREE 2 PLAY game with no SP component. Completely different situation from a paid game with SP and MP portions. I'm sure this is all a relic from a few months ago when Fortnite was basically the only reason you'd have an Epic account. They'll probably be fixing the language soon and only doing individual game bans.
Until then, it's a valid complaint.

Until someone who wasn't running cheat software gets unfairly banned and loses games they paid for, it's a non-issue. Just internet fake outrage like last week's "EPIC IS STEALING YOUR INFO" bs.
So if a guy buys a handful of Epic exclusive games with SP campaigns, then decides to cheat in Fortnite, he deserves to lose access to all the single player games?

That's pretty absurd.

Ban them from that game. Ban them from all online games on your platform. That's fine.

Well, like I mentioned, when exiting Derpvision 2 my system locked up so I had to do a hard reboot.  That resulted in some easy-chat message saying I breached some security something or other.  I haven't logged back in to Derpvision 2 to check -- because I'm not enticed to play -- but clearly glitches like that can happen without someone actually using a cheat program.

If your local city council allowed a toxic waste dump to be set up right next to your house it wouldn't be a 'non-issue until you got radiation poisoning.'  It's an issue.  One that's easily addressable simply by not tying your ability to access multiple games to a single game.

It is just another example of how they rushed the Epic Store out.  Although, like I said, it's hard these days for me to tell when Fox is doing wilful obtuse parody or is actually of the mind that this is a good idea.

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bread's done