Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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You ever owned every Mortal Kombat but only ever played half of them, and then only beaten the first 4 out of all them?  Talk about a fighting game backlog.  Some people!  

Tons of good fighting games without a lot of dlc nonsense once you look past the big-name ones like SF, DoA and MK.  Sadly the huge franchises are all riddled with that trash now.

Also I actually read a handful of the reviews while taking a break earlier and there are a lot of reviews with (seemingly) legitimate gripes like crashes and the microtransaction stuff but what cracked me up were the ones that were giving it a negative review because the women have more clothes on than they did in past games. 

I guess the idiot racist reviews are not getting as many upvotes as I didn't see any of them when I looked at the first few pages earlier but it isn't surprising that they are doing it.  

I haven't really fooled around with MK11 much yet--about an hour in story mode and 10 minutes or so of quick vs AI matches, but so far it feels like a combination of MK X and the Injustice series. That is to say, it has the same kinds of microtransactions, from what I've seen to date, as Injustice 2--one of the game's five(?) currencies is one you can acquire more of by paying real money for, but as far as I can tell, it only nets you cosmetic items. I believe any "enhancements" are only unlocked through gameplay and levelling up characters, which is pretty standard for Netherrealm's recent titles. Is the concept of microtransactions somewhat annoying? Yes. Would it infuriate me to the degree that I would feel compelled to post a nasty review of the game without having actually played much of it? No, but I'm also an adult, a rare breed on the internet. 

Honestly, I don't mind the microtransactions in Injustice 2. I have spent a little money on source crystals to unlock character skins like Bruce Wayne and Bizarro. That sort of thing adds to a player's enjoyment of the game without negatively impacting other players, and it's definitely not a P2W scheme. 

As far as DLC and pricing go, I don't think fighting games are really any more overpriced than any other kind of game. In the case of MK 11, there were two day-one DLC fighters, Shao Khan, who is a pre-order bonus, so if you bought the game before 4/23, you got him, and Frost, a $6 purchase. I would have more of an issue with this if it weren't simply par-for-the-course for these games. As a player, you're getting a full game for your $60, but if you want more options for gameplay, you can pay the $100 for the game + season pass (aka Kombat Pack). Personally, and specifically for this series, it does seem as though these fighter packs are getting a bit more expensive over time, but if that worries you, you can always wait for a sale or just skip it. You're still getting the full game for your original purchase price. If anything, I think that the Netherrealm games are the exception to the rule when you look at series like Tekken or Dead or Alive, which have hundreds of dollars' worth of DLC content for each title. 

I'm avoiding spoilers so I haven't read any details about the Jax controversy, but in general terms I think it's unfortunate that people will trash a game without having played it because of some issue that has little to do with the gameplay itself. 

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I'm avoiding spoilers so I haven't read any details about the Jax controversy, but in general terms I think it's unfortunate that people will trash a game without having played it because of some issue that has little to do with the gameplay itself.
The gamergate types actually buy games they have no interest in JUST to leave a negative review and then refund it. There is this huge hive of stupidity where one idiot takes personal offense at something ridiculous and all of the other lemmings join in. Basically if you somehow cross Early Cuyler from Squidbillies with the Borg, you end up with gamergate.

If anything, I think that the Netherrealm games are the exception to the rule when you look at series like Tekken or Dead or Alive, which have hundreds of dollars' worth of DLC content for each title.
It's funny you should mention this. I was just now looking at Street Fighter V as it is on sale. In order to get all of the characters, you'd need to get the Deluxe Edition which is on sale for $34.00. If you want all the skins and stages they have to offer, that'd set you back between $200-$280, depending on the edition you're starting with. That's the sale price, mind you.

I bought Injustice 2 Legendary Edition (everything available minus Darkseid) for around $5. Yeah, I waited a long time after launch and I did get it from seedykeys, but the point is.. Netherrealm seem to put together all-encompassing editions at some point, whereas Capcom have a never ending stream of DLC that sometimes never gets bundled and often doesn't go on sale.

Injustice 2 is packed with content (as MK11 is, I've heard) and you're always being showered with new loot. I've honestly spent so much time managing the stuff I'm getting free that I haven't even felt the need to look into source crystals for additional skin colors.

I love the Street Fighter series, but Capcom can polish a nob before I'm buying their stupid game without a major discount. I'll be busy playing Netherrealm's fighting games.

I'll probably get it mostly for Narcosis and to have Anima on PC. Don't expect much of Anima though, the gameplay is straight up garbage. I've read reviews that the story is decent but I got bored of the gameplay when I tried to play it on Xbox so I didn't make it that far.

5 repeats for me, but at least a couple of these are good repeats (Jedi Outcast and Academy).

Wait until you find out why:

Nothing to do with the game or even microtransactions. Everything to do with the gamersgate klan getting riled up and triggered.
Yet another instance of a Dev/publisher using "wokeness" as a smokescreen (knowing gaming sites will run with it) when there's actual issues regarding the game. Mostly the complaints seem to be focused on the PC port quality (surprising no one, as most big games launch with optimization issues these days) and the mobile-tier microtransaction system (which is incredibly scummy).
Congrats on falling for it.
A game like MK doesn't get a 30something % just because of a couple of racists.
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Yet another instance of a Dev/publisher using "wokeness" as a smokescreen (knowing gaming sites will run with it) when there's actual issues regarding the game. Mostly the complaints seem to be focused on the PC port quality (surprising no one, as most big games launch with optimization issues these days) and the mobile-tier microtransaction system (which is incredibly scummy).
Congrats on falling for it.
A game like MK doesn't get a 30something % just because of a couple of racists.
Yes, because the gamersgate boys haven't been known to mask their outrage because they know "I don't like seeing slavery ended" isn't the most sympathy producing stance. That's definitely a lot less likely than a big studio deciding to create some fake controversy the day of launch to counter the review bombing they knew was coming.

when you look at series like Tekken or Dead or Alive, which have hundreds of dollars' worth of DLC content for each title.
I can't speak about Tekken since I haven't played a game in that series since Tag Tournament 2, but Dead or Alive 5 is the only game in the DOA series that we can accurately judge their microtransaction practices on so far—6 is too new, I don't think 4 or before had any, and Dimensions was sort of hampered in its ability to have DLC by being a launch 3DS title (it only had a few free costumes as DLC).

As for DOA5... as much as I hate the way Tecmo handled that game, microtransactions being unfair wasn't really one of its issues. Assuming we're talking about Last Round, there were only two paid DLC characters, both of which were priced relatively normally by current industry standards. Granted, there were more in previous versions, but they all came with the last version, and I'll get into the whole version crap in a bit. As for cosmetic DLC, it's hard to hate them for it despite how absurdly much of it there was, since even in the original base version of DOA5, there were about as many unique costumes as there had been in DOA2 Ultimate, which previously had the highest variety of costumes in the series; and Last Round had way more than that included in your initial purchase.

That said, the game was absolutely handled atrociously for consumers. There were three different versions, and while you could pay a lower fee to get the Last Round content in Ultimate, I don't think there was any such option to upgrade the original to Ultimate, and certainly not to Last Round, meaning early adopters got screwed. Despite a public interview with the head of Team Ninja stating they would never charge for DLC characters, Tecmo went right ahead and released several paid DLC characters, and even continued introducing new ones after what was supposed to be the final version of the game. And then the cosmetic DLC, while generally inoffensive despite the sheer volume, was clearly preying on the weak-willed. I will say that at least it wasn't gated behind in-game currency that you had to purchase with real money, as that's a slightly subtler and therefore more predatory practice, though then again games that feature that sort of system often have systems in place to get that currency without actually paying yourself.

So while for the most part, I'd rate the microtransactions for DOA5 as being relatively unimportant to accessing the full range of gameplay and unnecessary to a satisfying level of cosmetic variety, the way the game was handled was far from consumer friendly, and actually managed to turn me off fakeying DOA6 despite having done so with DOAD and DOA5.
I don't know how many times I've heard spoiled, entitled gamers say "and it's not even that great" because they disliked something related to some sort of media. It's just a way to justify them being shitty people without seeming like they're shitty.

But then again, I'm not dumb enough to buy MK11 on release day. So that could be a factor.

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Yes, because the gamersgate boys haven't been known to mask their outrage because they know "I don't like seeing slavery ended" isn't the most sympathy producing stance. That's definitely a lot less likely than a big studio deciding to create some fake controversy the day of launch to counter the review bombing they knew was coming.
It's like you've never heard of a PR firm or even the word "spin".
Because game publishers have NEVER marketed through an imaginary opposing entity.
Yet in your mind the majority of the thumbs down are over racism as opposed to the actual issues that you don't even deny.
Edit: Sorry for derailing. It's just gullible idiots like this that provide cover for WB when we should be holding their feet to the fire as consumers. Launch window sales are crucial and they know it, so they 100% want to make excuses for that negative scoring.
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It's like you've never heard of a PR firm or even the word "spin".
Because game publishers have NEVER marketed through an imaginary opposing entity.
Yet in your mind the majority of the thumbs down are over racism as opposed to the actual issues that you don't even deny.
Edit: Sorry for derailing. It's just gullible idiots like this that provide cover for WB when we should be holding their feet to the fire as consumers. Launch window sales are crucial and they know it, so they 100% want to make excuses for that negative scoring.
So your proof is a 10 year old failed marketing stunt? Do you really think that's even remotely related?

I ask again, you really believe that in anticipation of a backlash, WB created this controversy? And you are calling me an idiot?
Yet another instance of a Dev/publisher using "wokeness" as a smokescreen (knowing gaming sites will run with it) when there's actual issues regarding the game. Mostly the complaints seem to be focused on the PC port quality (surprising no one, as most big games launch with optimization issues these days) and the mobile-tier microtransaction system (which is incredibly scummy).
Congrats on falling for it.
A game like MK doesn't get a 30something % just because of a couple of racists.
I could be missing the point, and I will once again concede that I haven't actually watched what people are allegedly offended about, but were you paying attention to what happened with Borderlands 2 a few weeks ago? People can and absolutely do trash games on Steam for reasons that have nothing to do with the game. And B2 is just the example that is fresh in my mind, but there are numerous others.

I can't speak about Tekken since I haven't played a game in that series since Tag Tournament 2, but Dead or Alive 5 is the only game in the DOA series that we can accurately judge their microtransaction practices on so far—6 is too new, I don't think 4 or before had any, and Dimensions was sort of hampered in its ability to have DLC by being a launch 3DS title (it only had a few free costumes as DLC).

As for DOA5... as much as I hate the way Tecmo handled that game, microtransactions being unfair wasn't really one of its issues. Assuming we're talking about Last Round, there were only two paid DLC characters, both of which were priced relatively normally by current industry standards. Granted, there were more in previous versions, but they all came with the last version, and I'll get into the whole version crap in a bit. As for cosmetic DLC, it's hard to hate them for it despite how absurdly much of it there was, since even in the original base version of DOA5, there were about as many unique costumes as there had been in DOA2 Ultimate, which previously had the highest variety of costumes in the series; and Last Round had way more than that included in your initial purchase.


So while for the most part, I'd rate the microtransactions for DOA5 as being relatively unimportant to accessing the full range of gameplay and unnecessary to a satisfying level of cosmetic variety, the way the game was handled was far from consumer friendly, and actually managed to turn me off fakeying DOA6 despite having done so with DOAD and DOA5.
I feel like it's probably a bit safe to pre-judge how they're going to handle DOA6, because I have every confidence that they will end up repeating the DOA5 scenario: release a lot of sets of (in my view) overpriced DLC (cosmetics and characters), release a basic F2P version, and have a story-mode purchase available for a fairly low price. If that doesn't happen, I'll be very surprised indeed. By the same token, at this point, if you pre-purchase or early-adopt it and don't expect that, I think that's a display of naivete.

Having said that, I don't particularly disagree with your other points.

But then again, I'm not dumb enough to buy MK11 on release day. So that could be a factor.
Pre-ordered, bitches!!!

It's like you've never heard of a PR firm or even the word "spin".
Because game publishers have NEVER marketed through an imaginary opposing entity.
Yet in your mind the majority of the thumbs down are over racism as opposed to the actual issues that you don't even deny.
Edit: Sorry for derailing. It's just gullible idiots like this that provide cover for WB when we should be holding their feet to the fire as consumers. Launch window sales are crucial and they know it, so they 100% want to make excuses for that negative scoring.
It's extremely unclear at this point, at least to me, that low scores are indicative of issues with the game. I understand that people have raised some legitimate concerns, like the microtransactions (although I disagree that this is a serious concern, given that microtransactions have been a part of this series for a while) and always-online elements; however, as I said earlier, review-bombing over nonsense is not a new phenomenon.

Ascribing sinister motives to a large corporation in this case does not seem to be the most parsimonious explanation for this scenario.

What are we talking about? More Dull Combat?
Apparently, along with a hilariously cliche time travel ending to a fighting game's "story" that goes along the lines of "I turned back time with Cher's help and brought world peace to the planet." That character's daughter's ending was more heroic as she erased her existence to save her father pain and suffering.

And now thanks to this nonsense I know that Mortal Kombat has a supposed single player storyline despite that I don't care about MK and haven't played one of the games since the 90s. I blame Let's Play videos with spoilers. They'll be the death of the gaming industry I tells ya.

PS, I preordered Imperator Rome, another Paradox game. I blame my weakness on 25% off pre order deals and delusions of grandeur. I learned it from a fighting game character.

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So your proof is a 10 year old failed marketing stunt? Do you really think that's even remotely related?

I ask again, you really believe that in anticipation of a backlash, WB created this controversy? And you are calling me an idiot?
That was a clear example off the top of my head. The point is that game publishers aren't above inflating or even fabricating backlash to drive sales (because the reasons for the backlash galvanize support).

WB didn't fabricate people being against this game for racist reasons but they're definitely not above deflecting the legitimate pushback they're getting and conflating it with some sort of massive outpouring of racism (exactly what you were doing) in order to keep potential buyers from listening to all the bad word of mouth.

I'm not quite so cynical to think they specifically made their game triggering to racists to inevitably blame them for an expected backlash over their monetization strategy, but I'm observant enough to see that the racists make a convenient scapegoat for WB given the pickle they're in.

No, I'm not calling you an idiot. I'm calling you a useful idiot, slightly different.
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I could be missing the point, and I will once again concede that I haven't actually watched what people are allegedly offended about, but were you paying attention to what happened with Borderlands 2 a few weeks ago? People can and absolutely do trash games on Steam for reasons that have nothing to do with the game. And B2 is just the example that is fresh in my mind, but there are numerous others.

It's extremely unclear at this point, at least to me, that low scores are indicative of issues with the game. I understand that people have raised some legitimate concerns, like the microtransactions (although I disagree that this is a serious concern, given that microtransactions have been a part of this series for a while) and always-online elements; however, as I said earlier, review-bombing over nonsense is not a new phenomenon.

Ascribing sinister motives to a large corporation in this case does not seem to be the most parsimonious explanation for this scenario.
I'm not even claiming it's not review bombing (though I believe that plenty of people who actually bought it are unhappy) but I'm saying the reasons for it are primarily over the microtransactions (which IS a game issue, unlock systems and game modes are part of a game as opposed to the Borderlands review bombs which were over a sequel's choice of platform) and PC port quality as opposed to Fox's claim of it just being grumpy racists who are hiding their real reasons for leaving bad reviews.

The MTX(I like this abbreviation tbh) in MK11 are the most egregious they've ever been in a fighting game ever. It's a bad precedent.
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I'm not even claiming it's not review bombing (though I believe that plenty of people who actually bought it are unhappy) but I'm saying the reasons for it are primarily over the microtransactions (which IS a game issue, unlock systems and game modes are part of a game as opposed to the Borderlands review bombs which were over a sequel's choice of platform) and PC port quality as opposed to Fox's claim of it just being grumpy racists who are hiding their real reasons for leaving bad reviews.

The MTX(I like this abbreviation tbh) in MK11 are the most egregious they've ever been in a fighting game ever. It's a bad precedent.
Okay, now i'm just calling you a straight idiot who invalidated any argument he had by saying that.

Tons of games have microtransactions. Why do some get reamed for it and others get a pass? And for the record, I think negative reviews for microtransactions are stupid too. I had a hard time finding a review that legitimately criticized the game itself. A ton even said "I LOVE THE GAME BUT I AM BEING A DUMB PETTY PIECE OF SHIT BECAUSE OF SOME DUMB GAMER MORAL DILEMMA."

A few people had issues running the game. It's a PC game. A few people will always have issues running the game, it doesn't make it a shitty port.

You went from accusing WB of manufacturing the controversy to conceding they didn't but claiming it's some PR spin to hide legitimate complaints. Let's be real, both of us are just guessing here. Racists hiding their outrage behind microtransactions is just as likely as WB pulling the puppet strings on gaming media.

If you don't like microtransactions, don't buy something. Bitching about it is stupid.

Tons of games have microtransactions. Why do some get reamed for it and others get a pass?
There is a huge separation in the way different games handle microtransactions.

Plus, most people don't mind them in games where they feel like they are already getting an incredible amount of content, and when none of the main stuff is locked behind paywalls.

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I want a One Punch Man fighting game.  The final boss is Saitama and you just unlock more characters to lose to him with.  You can never win but the game has an ending that can be found in the game files so you just keep trying.  Lots of replay value.

Okay, now i'm just calling you a straight idiot who invalidated any argument he had by saying that.

Tons of games have microtransactions. Why do some get reamed for it and others get a pass? And for the record, I think negative reviews for microtransactions are stupid too. I had a hard time finding a review that legitimately criticized the game itself. A ton even said "I LOVE THE GAME BUT I AM BEING A DUMB PETTY PIECE OF SHIT BECAUSE OF SOME DUMB GAMER MORAL DILEMMA."

A few people had issues running the game. It's a PC game. A few people will always have issues running the game, it doesn't make it a shitty port.

You went from accusing WB of manufacturing the controversy to conceding they didn't but claiming it's some PR spin to hide legitimate complaints. Let's be real, both of us are just guessing here. Racists hiding their outrage behind microtransactions is just as likely as WB pulling the puppet strings on gaming media.

If you don't like microtransactions, don't buy something. Bitching about it is stupid.
I never said they manufactured it. I think them and the games media just put a spotlight on it to discredit the bad reviews. I didn't concede anything, they're using their "wokeness" as a distraction/shield and I still believe that.
Not all MTX are created equal, that's why some companies get reamed and others don't. People like you who are content to defend them or slurp them down even if it undermines the game, are the reason publishers get greedier and greedier with them. I agree that voting with your wallet is important which is exactly why they are getting $0 from me, even for the game. This shit is disgusting and I want no part of it.
This shit is disgusting and I want no part of it.
We've seen better games with actual content fail to sell so miserably that their DLC went free, or their entire game went F2P. That's proof that people simply not buying your greedy asshole $6000 microtransaction bullshit DOES make a difference.

Capcom has been putting DLC on their physical discs for years and making people pay to unlock it. Rockstar and about a dozen other companies sell virtual currency cards for their shitty MMO's in just about every store chain in the country. EA sells (or was selling) random packs of virtual athletes like baseball cards. And someone said I had to spend at least $400 on Hearthstone packs to get a good enough deck to play competitively. And all of that is exactly the same thing, only it has MORE of an impact on the game because it actually contributes to the content and playability of the game. But skins? Skins have zero fucking impact on anything.

The whole point is that people can use the talking point that it has "zomg 6000$ dollars wurth of skinz" as justification for their bias against a game they feel infringes on their right to be a closeted racist.

I personally won't believe any review of MK11 whatsoever because there is spin from both directions. All of the insecure snowflakes who hate the Jax ending will be overly critical in hopes of validating their dislike of the trivial racial equality ending, and anyone giving it a positive review could simply be compensating for those inbred degenerates.

I never said they manufactured it. I think them and the games media just put a spotlight on it to discredit the bad reviews. I didn't concede anything, they're using their "wokeness" as a distraction/shield and I still believe that.
Not all MTX are created equal, that's why some companies get reamed and others don't. People like you who are content to defend them or slurp them down even if it undermines the game, are the reason publishers get greedier and greedier with them. I agree that voting with your wallet is important which is exactly why they are getting $0 from me, even for the game. This shit is disgusting and I want no part of it.
Look, I have zero interest in MK11 or defending devs just for the sake of it. I read the Polygon review. They said it was a good game and conceded it had grindy elements. From reading about the grindy elements it seems they are trying to add a grinding component to give people who want to play it over and over again some sort of goal. None of you nerds raging against it have been able to articulate anything actually wrong with the game.


My three favorite games in recent years are microtransaction farms. Do I rage like a toddler throwing a fit and review bomb PUBG, Killing Floor 2, or R6 because I know I'll never own every cosmetic in the game? No. I enjoy the stuff I get with my purchase because they are each damn good games. I also understand that even though I paid X amount for each game, it takes money and work to give me a game I can still play years later with new content. I've happily spent money on cosmetics for each game to keep supporting and because I like dumb shit like animal masks or cute gun charms.

I just don't understand the mentality some of you guys have. Sure, if they give you a shit game and charge full price and lock the good stuff behind a paywall, get mad. In this case they have you a good game, but you're mad you'll never own all the costumes. It's idiotic and why I have to assume there's more to all this outrage.
The only game with microtransactions that I've purchased stuff from is Dead by Daylight, but I play it frequently so I feel that my money isn't wasted. With DBD, the cosmetics help fund development. The problem is there are far too many bugs and balance issues with the game that haven't gotten fixed and in some cases they've made them worse since the game released. The funding that they get isn't being used efficiently , but I like the game and want to see more content added to it which the funding from microtransactions does provide.

I think I've spent $150 on "MTX", not including DLC purchases. I guess DBD is one of the better examples of MTX that doesn't screw over players though. All of it is cosmetics, and even all of the non-licensed killers/survivors can be bought with shards which you can earn from grinding. The only thing important locked behind a paywall is licensed DLC. Some of the cosmetics can be bought with shards as well so you can grind for them too.

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Free games that I don't want.  Did that easter egg crap, gave me games I don't care for or already own.  Enjoy.

Metal slug 2


Trainpunk Run


Snow White Solitaire Charmed Kingdom


Rescue Team 4


Alter Army










The only game with microtransactions that I've purchased stuff from is Dead by Daylight, but I play it frequently so I feel that my money isn't wasted. With DBD, the cosmetics help fund development. The problem is there are far too many bugs and balance issues with the game that haven't gotten fixed and in some cases they've made them worse since the game released. The funding that they get isn't being used efficiently , but I like the game and want to see more content added to it which the funding from microtransactions does provide.

I think I've spent $150 on "MTX", not including DLC purchases. I guess DBD is one of the better examples of MTX that doesn't screw over players though. All of it is cosmetics, and even all of the non-licensed killers/survivors can be bought with shards which you can earn from grinding. The only thing important locked behind a paywall is licensed DLC. Some of the cosmetics can be bought with shards as well so you can grind for them too.
That's what people willfully ignore about microtransactions and grindy parts of games - they are there for the hardcore fans who want to put 1000s of hours into a game. I love DBD but I haven't played it in about a year. I still think I got my money's worth out of it and am not mad there's stuff I would have to pay or grind for. That stuff is not for me as a casual fan. It's a reward system for those who main the game.

I can deal with microtransactions.  Most aren't that big of a deal.  But I hate how it has simply become the de facto standard in EVERY AAA ass video game now, and we have to unlock all the cool cosmetics that way. 

Some games handle them well enough, others don't, but it's all kinda gross on the whole.  Makes you appreciate Indies and Nintendo even more.  I love publishers that cut all the nonsense, deliver an awesome product, or give you some nice extras. 

Looks like one of the weekend deals is a general Capcom games sale.  And I'm not sure if this is a price mistake or not, but it seems like the Deluxe edition of Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite has hit an all-time low.

The base game is $13.99 and the character pass is $9.89 if you buy them separately (65% off and 67% off respectively), but the Deluxe Edition is only $14.99 (75% off).  According to ITAD the lowest recorded price before this was $23.99.  Just a heads up for anyone who may have wanted to get the game at a low cost before it inevitably gets pulled when the license runs out.

Looks like one of the weekend deals is a general Capcom games sale. And I'm not sure if this is a price mistake or not, but it seems like the Deluxe edition of Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite has hit an all-time low.

The base game is $13.99 and the character pass is $9.89 if you buy them separately (65% off and 67% off respectively), but the Deluxe Edition is only $14.99 (75% off). According to ITAD the lowest recorded price before this was $23.99. Just a heads up for anyone who may have wanted to get the game at a low cost before it inevitably gets pulled when the license runs out.
The Deluxe Edition seems to not include a lot of cosmetic DLC.

Didn't we just establish that's an unforgivable evil?

Free games that I don't want. Did that easter egg crap, gave me games I don't care for or already own. Enjoy.

Metal slug 2


Trainpunk Run


Snow White Solitaire Charmed Kingdom


Rescue Team 4


Alter Army









Lurked, would have liked Metal Slug 2. Oh well :cry:

bread's done