Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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i mean, when we were kids we had fuck ing He-Man, GI Joe, and Transformers leading the way. Even though it's been homogenized, i think comic book characters being the big thing in media/entertainment is slightly better than what we had back then. Hopefully in a few years there will be a whole new lineup of comics Disney can't get a hold of being the next big thing.

Kamala Khan isn't a legacy character. She looked up to the former Ms. Marvel, but Ms. Marvel had no idea who she was for a long time. They're completely unrelated, including their powers, obviously. As much as I like Kamala Khan, I hate that she calls herself Ms. Marvel.
I don't necessarily think powers should be what we use to define a legacy character. Miles Morales has pretty different powers from Peter Parker, but I don't think many people would argue that he's not a legacy character. I also think there's an arc in Wilson's Ms. Marvel where Carol gives Kamala her blessing to use the Ms. Marvel moniker, so there's an attempt to connect the two beyond just the name.

I would like to forget that Kamala is technically an inhuman, though.

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My thoughts are I didn't know who the fuck captain marvel was before ms. marvel and in learning about her she sure seemed like some boring cheap female version of captain america and superman so I really have no problem with Khan and her character.  Seems much more interesting to me.  I'm pretty sure most people didn't know who captain marvel was.

I'm pretty sure most people didn't know who captain marvel was.
Lots of good stuff coming to Game Pass over the next ~2 weeks:

Spiritfarer (Now)

Battletoads (August 20)

Crossing Souls (August 20)

Darksiders: Genesis (August 20)

Don't Starve: Giant Edition (August 21)

New Super Lucky's Tale (August 21)

Hypnospace Outlaw (August 27)

Tell Me Why: Chapter 1 (August 27)

Double Kick Heroes (August 28)

Wasteland 3 (August 28)

Crusader Kings III (September 1)

Resident Evil 7 (September 3)

I don't necessarily think powers should be what we use to define a legacy character. Miles Morales has pretty different powers from Peter Parker, but I don't think many people would argue that he's not a legacy character. I also think there's an arc in Wilson's Ms. Marvel where Carol gives Kamala her blessing to use the Ms. Marvel moniker, so there's an attempt to connect the two beyond just the name.
It's not really about the power. And even then, Miles has similar abilities to Peter Parker, and both got it from a spider.

There was no connection with Kamala Khan and Carol Danvers. Not even close to the same powers, not the same affiliations, locale, anything. The reason isn't part of the fictional universe, thus it's not a legacy character.

Ironically, I think the fact that she took on the name Ms. Marvel is actually a negative. Almost like she couldn't grow to be anything without stealing someone else's name.

And let's face it, she's only Inhuman because Disney will never push mutants again until they get X-Men rights back. She would have fit well with X-Force or something.

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Man, I missed arguing about dumb sh*t. <sigh>

Making other characters into the notable ones is pretty lame and dumb. If they can't make a super hero work without attaching someone else to them who's a bigger name then obviously they wern't good enough to succeed in the first place. At least in the case of green ring due that's something that can be passed on. Maybe even to an extent batman since no super powers are involved (and instead a crap ton of money and connections) so in theory you could make another batman. But superman and spidey are unique due to powers and stuff.
Hey, it worked well for Kite Man. People thought enough of his story-arc in The War of Jokes and Riddles that he became a lead character in the new Harley Quinn cartoon.

1. I didn't watch the movie because it looked goofy. He seriously looks like a spoof character.

2. That came out like 6 years after Ms. Marvel. My point being no one really knew or cared about Captain Marvel whenever Ms. Marvel was created.
2. He was called Captain Marvel LOOOOONG before that. I'm pretty sure that was Soufrir's probably tongue-in-cheek point.

The Epic v. Apple war continues:


  • So, Apple responds saying it won't share API's (for graphics) & SDK's (Software Development Kits) for Epic's games & engine to work on their store.
  • By August 28th, Apple will kick Epic and all of their stuff, even older stuff, off the app store b/c of this violation in their TOS.
  • Also Apple's says they can also kick Unreal Engine off Mac/iOS...even though this engine has not broke the rules of the TOS.
  • Only Fortnite has broke the rules, not the separate Unreal Engine itself.
  • There's no MTX's in the Unreal Engine; it's just an engine for game/software development.
  • As you might know, Unreal Engine itself powers LOTS of games besides stuff from Epic, since Epic often licenses it out to others.
  • Here's a list of games powered by Unreal Engine, which probably isn't all of them -

Also looks like Steam is responding to Epic/Apple war by saying only Steam versions can be promoted by developers & publishers via Steam in their updated Steamworks FAQ:

“In the game you ship via Steam, and in communications on Steam, you may only promote the Steam version and its availability via Steam, and not other distribution outlets. This applies both to full versions of your game and to content patches that change the existing version.”
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Disney doesn't already have the X-Men rights back? Thought that came with all the other Fox stuff.
Actually, I completely forgot about that. I don't know the status of it any more. But it was true while they were pushing Inhumans so hard.

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Marvel comics have had the right to X-Men and has for a few years. For that time before that there were pretty poor X-Men comics in X-Men Gold and Blue with some random characters like Old Man Logan. I don't keep up with much Marvel now, but there are lots of X-Men comics coming out now and some I've read are pretty good.

On another note Summer Games Done Quick is going on. Fun to watch speed runs and good donation incentives. I always like the Yeetee shirts myself.

I have finally beat Undermine after a bit over 30 hours. Man people on howlongtobeat make me feel garbage as many beat the game in about 5 hours. I don't consider it amazing, but I underrated it before. The jumping is a bit annoying with how imprecise it is, and it is your main dodge mechanic, but you get used to it. I do feel it does get a bit old anyway, and I doubt I'll play much of the rogue mode which somehow only can be done when you get some material pieces (1 a run). Seems a bit dumb, and should be there once unlocked. The gold thing doesn't become as much of an issue once you get down to lower levels. Gold seems almost too much there. Upgrades are still very expensive, especially for research items, which require some purple orb resource, and those are uncommon, usually from chests. I do feel it gets a bit on the easy side after a while mainly cause unlike say Binding of Isaac, most items give you some generally positive ability and don't feel like a burden. Once so many effects start stacking you hardly can die. I know I had gold duplicating plus heal off gold picked up, plus extra healing and it was pretty sick. Honestly the story was barely there, and I'm not 100% sure the rogue mode is enough to keep people coming back. It is fun for a while and works amazingly well with an Xbox360 controller. I feel this game wouldn't control well with the mouse and keyboard style, unlike say Enter The Gungeon, which I felt controls better in that setup. Nonetheless it has decent graphics, pretty good controls other than the jumping with a controller, and feels high quality if not easy at times for the normal story run at least. Pick it up bundled or super cheap like around less than $5 and you'll be happy. 7.5/10

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Its just a horrible way to treat your fans. It's just petty and I hate Disney for it and always will.
Why not be mad at Marvel, who sold off movie rights like they were having a garage sale? There have been some historically horrible Marvel movies from motion picture studios not named Disney.

At the very least, Disney has raised the bar and have brought some unlikely heroes to the screen. That article is like five years old and that was not long before Disney started making overtures towards Fox for purchase. Getting the X Men out of the hands of Fox was a good thing. Aside from Deadpool, calling their X Men movies inconsistent is pretty generous. Never forget Dark Phoenix. And let's not talk about what they did with Fantastic 4.

Disney isn't perfect, but if they can bring some more consistency to Marvel films, I'm all for a little strong-arm business tactics in the toy department. Getting the Marvel properties back under one banner would be great. Look at how ridiculous it was when they weren't even allowed to make a solo Hulk movie, or they had to "borrow" Spider Man from Sony.

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snip - all that
Apple can (and should) gargle my balls, whereas I can take or leave Epic's shenanigans, so any blows the two deliver to each other equal nothing but giggles for me. Here's hoping one of them makes a complete ass of themselves and/or says the dumbest shit imaginable to try to make their point (got my money on Timmy Sweeney, for obvious reasons).

By all means, reboot the X-men MCU style.  I just watched X-Men First Class on UHD disc the other night and it was awesome, better than I remembered. 

The problem, and it has been in digital blogs for the past week, is that properties go to Disney to die.  Disney acquired FOX and now we're never going to see a slew of their live-action back catalogue titles released on 4K UHD.   Disney acquires properties to squat on them.   Then they can release them individually on a case-by-case basis if something is deemed to be profitable enough and worth their time, "Disney Vault" style.  So there probably won't be any Die Hard 2, Aliens, etc on 4K disc and that's a travesty.    Disney is acquiring resources simply to deprive the other players in the market and also to bolster their own digital catalogue on Disney+.  They aren't going to be putting out much of any live action movies from FOX's back catalogue;  that's the issue.

On September 4, Mulan 4K (2020, live action) is coming to Disney Plus.  They were not able to release it theatrically because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  So they are selling "lifetime rental" to Disney+ subscribers for $29.99, but you have to maintain an active D+ membership in order to view it.  That is why Disney sucks.

Oh shoot didn't know Spirtfarer already launched. This was my favorite game from the Steam Summer Showcase I played the demo of. The animation is utterly gorgeous and it actually calmed me playing the game. It controlled extremelly well with the XBOX 360 controller and looks to be on Gamepass. I got 3 months with my AMD motherboard, so time to do it. I'll likely play it this weekend.

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Bah, the whole Avengers game nonsense has me actually missing Marvel Heroes (Omega added later). An online action rpg game from a few years ago, monetized all to hell but a couple of friends got me to play it for 100 hours. Its dead now, the studio folded due to some financial  drama, I forget what exactly.

That Spiritfarer looks interesting. I downloaded the demo on GoG, will have to check it out.

Bah, the whole Avengers game nonsense has me actually missing Marvel Heroes (Omega added later). An online action rpg game from a few years ago, monetized all to hell but a couple of friends got me to play it for 100 hours. Its dead now, the studio folded due to some financial drama, I forget what exactly.

That Spiritfarer looks interesting. I downloaded the demo on GoG, will have to check it out.
Every time someone mentions Spiritfarer, I read it as Spitfarer.

As you were...
The problem, and it has been in digital blogs for the past week, is that properties go to Disney to die. Disney acquired FOX and now we're never going to see a slew of their live-action back catalogue titles released on 4K UHD. Disney acquires properties to squat on them. Then they can release them individually on a case-by-case basis if something is deemed to be profitable enough and worth their time, "Disney Vault" style. So there probably won't be any Die Hard 2, Aliens, etc on 4K disc and that's a travesty. Disney is acquiring resources simply to deprive the other players in the market and also to bolster their own digital catalogue on Disney+. They aren't going to be putting out much of any live action movies from FOX's back catalogue; that's the issue.
I don't know why that's necessarily the case. Fox wasn't exactly killing it with their online streaming service.

Why in the world would you buy up IP and throw it in the garage? That's a colossal waste of money. Obviously they are doing the exact same thing all of the other big content providers are doing... gathering content for their own streaming service(s).

Also, 4k discs are... old tech :dvd: . Go to the store and try to find the section, and then the title you want. Likely it's not there. All of that stuff is moving to streaming, like it or not, because it's a service. It's not just Disney, it's everyone.

How can you say they are buying it to bolster their own digital catalogue and then turn around and say they are simply going to hoard it? If there is a dollar to be made by streaming it, you can bet it will be available somewhere.

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Also, 4k discs are... old tech :dvd: . Go to the store and try to find the section, and then the title you want. Likely it's not there. All of that stuff is moving to streaming, like it or not, because it's a service. It's not just Disney, it's everyone.
This is what people say when they have apathy or at least total unawareness toward audio quality.
But that pizza has no toppings! What will we argue about? That it looks like a New York slice and not something like Detroit style? Or that Chicago style is basically a sadness cassarole?
$14.99 is too rich for my blood.

Will pick it up when it's bundled with other slices.

I enjoyed the hell out of Spider-Man for PS4. It should be my first, and only platinum but I had the DLC installed so I have to get the extra outfits to get that one trophy to pop.
In my game, I got the plat for just having the OG costumes. No DLC needed. I just finished it. I was way too emotionally invested at the end.

Disney isn't perfect, but if they can bring some more consistency to Marvel films, I'm all for a little strong-arm business tactics in the toy department. Getting the Marvel properties back under one banner would be great. Look at how ridiculous it was when they weren't even allowed to make a solo Hulk movie, or they had to "borrow" Spider Man from Sony.
Apple can (and should) gargle my balls, whereas I can take or leave Epic's shenanigans, so any blows the two deliver to each other equal nothing but giggles for me. Here's hoping one of them makes a complete ass of themselves and/or says the dumbest shit imaginable to try to make their point (got my money on Timmy Sweeney, for obvious reasons).
Epic vs Apple reminds me of Disney vs Sony -- here's two multi-billion dollar megacorps slapfighting one another and I, a guy who's still really excited to find a $20 in the laundry, am supposed to pretend that one is the good guy and one is the bad guy before picking a side.

This is what people say when they have apathy or at least total unawareness toward audio quality.
Sorry, did I say anything about fucking audio quality? Did I say I didn't care about audio and visual fidelity? No.

Fact is, physical media is going away whether we like it or not. Streaming media will probably catch up in the area of quality when people decide that it matters enough to them. It isn't my fault, and I have no stake in the game. That's just how it is.

Streaming media will probably catch up in the area of quality when people decide that it matters enough to them.
The average doof doesn't know or care about the difference between good and bad audio/video quality any more than the average doof actually cares or understands whether or not they own something that they pay for. Streaming is clearly dominating the market, but that is to the detriment of quality and actually owning what you buy. But the good news for people who care about those things is that the UHD format is doing pretty dang good. I think we saw more classic film releases and boutique labels jump on board this year than any year previous. Maybe the format will eventually die but it's going to be a long ass death because there are still quite a few people out there who care about quality. But personally? I don't give a shit. Every night I just watch TV through my neighbors' windows.

calling their X Men movies inconsistent is pretty generous. Never forget Dark Phoenix. And let's not talk about what they did with Fantastic 4.
Yeah the ages and backstories were all over the place. Of course they shot themselves in the foot trying to use a timeline. Prof X pushing 100 something years old... Then all the recasting...

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On the subject of dvds and such they aren't going away but they are likely producing less since they are an over priced novelty that the average person will watch once and never again unless it's their kids favorite movie and they only want to watch that.

Also many shows and such are not available for streaming or only just got on a streaming service in the last few years.  Roseanne I don't think is on netflix or hulu still, daria only just hit hulu recently (and it's the same edited version like the dvd box set) csi vegas came to hulu in the last few years (conveniently in both it and darias cases that was after I bought the dvd sets), bewitched, gilligans island and other classic shows aren't. Besides the handful that are like Mr. Ed, i Love Lucy and so on that are sparsely on there missing episodes or most seasons.  

Oh to clarify I mean the old roseanne not the newer cancelled reboot before it causes confusion. 

Not even added to the fact that some shows are not put up in order (archer, myth busters) and that majorly screws things up.  Especially in archers case where they had a plot heavy season where characters died and are referenced in later eps as such.

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shadowysea07 --

Roseanne is on Sling and several other streaming platforms. Some of the others are you mentioned like Gilligan's Island and Bewitched are on Amazon. A niche audience might remain for a while for those box sets and high end discs, but content owners desperately want to throw it all in a handful of virtual boxes and charge us all a fee in perpetuity to access it. There's much more to be made that way and the truly big content kings like Disney and WarnerMedia are busy setting up the services to make that happen. Media discs and player sales have been in a freefall for a decade.

You're right that the loss of physical media has major disadvantages for the consumer. Episodes are changed and seasons are held back.

To bring this around to PC games... well, we all know how that went.

Why not be mad at Marvel, who sold off movie rights like they were having a garage sale? There have been some historically horrible Marvel movies from motion picture studios not named Disney.
Nope, my anger is placed properly. Disney doesn't have to be a dick to their biggest fans. Canceling statues and the like isn't doing anything towards negotiations. Its just petty shit and the fans suffer.

As for the movies... Don't really give a shit. *shrug*
shadowysea07 --

Roseanne is on Sling and several other streaming platforms. Some of the others are you mentioned like Gilligan's Island and Bewitched are on Amazon. A niche audience might remain for a while for those box sets and high end discs, but content owners desperately want to throw it all in a handful of virtual boxes and charge us all a fee in perpetuity to access it. There's much more to be made that way and the truly big content kings like Disney and WarnerMedia are busy setting up the services to make that happen. Media discs and player sales have been in a freefall for a decade.

You're right that the loss of physical media has major disadvantages for the consumer. Episodes are changed and seasons are held back.

To bring this around to PC games... well, we all know how that went.
Some episodes are on occasion removed due to licensing since they don't want to pay an actor/s or such in them as well. Prices have always been crap for tv series especially anime series dvd and other media wise so I enjoy the freefall since it lets me pick them up cheaper on occasion. Like macgyver only had the first season on hulu but I got the box set of it at big lots for 10$ along with some other series.

I've heard that family dollar and dollar tree occasionally have cheap dvds blu rays and such as well so I need to swing by there sometime.

pc wise yeah I miss owning physical copies of games. I had this one 1000 games disc I got at kmart that had some really nice ones in it like castle solitare and a pokemon card game battler that was hard as nails due to rng.

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On September 4, Mulan 4K (2020, live action) is coming to Disney Plus. They were not able to release it theatrically because of the COVID-19 pandemic. So they are selling "lifetime rental" to Disney+ subscribers for $29.99, but you have to maintain an active D+ membership in order to view it. That is why Disney sucks.
I think this was a stupid way to handle this release because it didn't make anybody happy. If they felt the need to monetize it, they should have released it on-demand like everyone is doing everything else--charge folks $20 to rent it for four weeks and then $20 to buy it later. Charging extra money on top of a plus sub was lame and confusing. They pissed off people who were fans and subscribers and people who had a casual interest in the film (like me), so nobody was happy with that situation.

Re: this Avengers Game... Where are the John Steed and Emma Peel characters?!?!?


I'd play the hell out of that game.

Of course, the Honor Blackman DLC would probably be a Sony-exclusive.

RIP Honor Blackman.

Looks like Papa John's to me.
It is absolutely Papa John's, which means at least one topping is lurking under that layer of cheese.

The average doof doesn't know or care about the difference between good and bad audio/video quality any more than the average doof actually cares or understands whether or not they own something that they pay for. Streaming is clearly dominating the market, but that is to the detriment of quality and actually owning what you buy. But the good news for people who care about those things is that the UHD format is doing pretty dang good. I think we saw more classic film releases and boutique labels jump on board this year than any year previous. Maybe the format will eventually die but it's going to be a long ass death because there are still quite a few people out there who care about quality. But personally? I don't give a shit. Every night I just watch TV through my neighbors' windows.
I have to agree with local curmudgeon hal. Everything is moving to streaming, and I'm mostly okay with that. It's a personal thing, but I just don't feel a need to have a bunch of DVDs or Blu-rays floating around my house anymore. I live in a city with somewhat-reasonably-priced broadband so streaming stuff is just not an issue for me. I understand that in other places, nicer places to live than this, people may not have fast and/or reliable internet. In that situation, it may be useful to have an actual movie library.

Oh, that was you, was it? I'll open the blinds a little more next time instead of calling the police.

Is that Gabe in the background there, calling us out? That looks like a Valve logo.

I don't know why that's necessarily the case. Fox wasn't exactly killing it with their online streaming service.

Why in the world would you buy up IP and throw it in the garage? That's a colossal waste of money. Obviously they are doing the exact same thing all of the other big content providers are doing... gathering content for their own streaming service(s).

Also, 4k discs are... old tech :dvd: . Go to the store and try to find the section, and then the title you want. Likely it's not there. All of that stuff is moving to streaming, like it or not, because it's a service. It's not just Disney, it's everyone.

How can you say they are buying it to bolster their own digital catalogue and then turn around and say they are simply going to hoard it? If there is a dollar to be made by streaming it, you can bet it will be available somewhere.
Oh man there's a lot to unpack here. But I'm going to do us all a favor and just let it be. :wave:

bread's done