Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Ah that sounds about the price I want to pay for C&C remastered. Been busy or I would have jumped on that.
Yeah, sadly I saw the sale right before I had to go in for my monthly review with the boss, and then completely forgot about it until this evening. Ah well.

And realistically, Intel's been recursing the hell out of their CPU each generations for years anyways. AMD with the Ryzen's right along side with Intel these days and improving immensely. Really curious how bad-ass their 4000 desktop series will be, given how good the desktop 3000 series was and how killer their laptop Ryzen 4000 series is.
They should be very nice, estimated ~15-20% perf improvement if you go by the server counterparts that have already been in existence and peddled around to companies. There were good improvements on both the IPC and instructions side of things and clock speed that help with all that. The other thing they've changed is that now its a unified cache structure where before it was split, and so that could cause latencies across their core dies. Zen 3 eliminates that, and also some IO tweaks.

It should turn out to be quite a good series, its not a huge jump but a combination of a bunch of tweaks to zen2 with a die shrink. Ive been waiting for them before doing a whole new build, mostly because of all that and also on the recommendations of one of my coworkers who is in charge of hardware and a server I used at work all based on the new architecture (which just for development and builds was blazing fast compared to the intel ones from ~5-7 years ago that I had previously been using)

Also keep in mind the laptop ryzen 4000 is a different beast, that is all zen2 architecture but with a die shrink. Zen3 which is the desktop 4000 includes much more

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Trying to comprehend what would require 24GB VRAM... 4k at 120 fps?
Any UbiSoft game that is crazily unoptimized.

Think recent AC games and GR: Breakpoint, which run like crap.

Probably AC: Valhalla and Watch Dog: Legion will need it.

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So, if someone posts here for opinions before purchasing, then yeah i'd mention the disadvantages of prebuilt, what i would do with a 2k budget, the imminent release of new cards, etc.

But I don't see the value in second guessing a significant purchase that's already been made. At this point just enjoy the hardware, dood.
I think it was more of a comment that the new hardware is coming out, so previous gen GPUs could see a price reduction soon. That would help in building a PC with a budget in mind. There could be a restocking fee depending on who he bought his fridge from, so ultimately it wouldn't save him any money if he waited a few weeks on the off-chance a sale happens. Still nice to know.

And I could've interpreted it that way because I'm also looking to build a desktop with the work bonus I just got. I can't internally reconcile spending more than $1250 when I'll probably just be idling and not realizing the full potential of the hardware until after it becomes obsolete, so it's nice to think that there could be some deals popping up for my cheap ass. Things on my list to buy above a fridge that can play Halo: yacht, sports car, RV, castle in Europe, Asian wife.

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I'm also in buying/building a new desktop mode. Not sure which will happen. My i7 950 and GTX 970 isn't cutting it anymore for new titles. Sure, my laptop's doing fine and all with i7 7700HQ; 6GB GTX 1060; 16 GB RAM - but I really want a new desktop.

I've been eyeballing for a while, as some games on my desktop like WWZ, Hitman 2016, and even Shadowrun Dragonfall been hitting 90-100 degrees Celsius.

I ordered a new PC today. Just curious as to people's opinion on my choices. I wanted to keep it under $2k so I backed the CPU down from an i9 to an i710700KF with a RTX2080 Super. Should I reverse that to the i9 and a 2070 Super? Most of my PC use is programming and gaming.
I don't see any AMD components so it's all burnt money anyway. Enjoy it for what is. You'll get to see some shadow pubic hairs in Cyberpunk 2077.

Marvel Avengers cosmetic news

New heroes will be free but will have an unlock path for cosmetics that costs 10 dollars. (Each)

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Yeah, I would have held out for an AMD announcement. Then again, I'm going to be keeping my 2600x and 580 for another year or more so I can afford to wait. But nothing wrong with what you bought. I agree with MD that CPU requirements are being vastly overrated these days as far as gaming goes.
F dat.. Imma wait for the Reginald Barclay
Neural Interface and call it gud!

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Oh, do you know how many hours of pay that requires?
I'll assume you mean play, and I don't think anybody knows yet. If it's like any other game with a battle pass, it's going to be a lot. At least the hero cards don't expire, compared to most other games with battle passes where you lose anything you didn't have time to unlock.

I'll assume you mean play, and I don't think anybody knows yet. If it's like any other game with a battle pass, it's going to be a lot. At least the hero cards don't expire, compared to most other games with battle passes where you lose anything you didn't have time to unlock.
You were defending it. I figured you had some idea what you were defending. *shrug*

Ah, so you’re just a troll that wasn’t actually trying to engage in actual discussion.  *shrug*

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These last few years, numerous games have came out, revitalizing and/or modernizing the old-school party-based CRPG that ruled the PC in the late 1990's & early 2000's. Back in the day, there were numerous CRPG's of this type. The CRPG's that I am referring to, these are click-and-point type of party-based and/or party-controlling strategic-style CRPG's like Baldur's Gate 1 & 2; Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2; Dragon Age: Origins; Planescape: Torment; Arcanum; and Fallout 1 & 2.

For a long while, these CRPG's felt like they had gone away, as games became more action-orientated & offering up more direct-control over the player's movements, and things of that sort, as more games like Gothic series, Risen series, Elder Scrolls series, and things of that sort were coming out.

In recent years, thankfully, the CRPG has returned. We've had no shortage of the return of the old-school CRPG. With the likes of Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun: Dragonfall; Divinity: Original Sin 1 & 2; Torment: Tides of Numenera; Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2; and the long-awaited Wasteland 2 - the CRPG felt like it was finally alive again.

Enter Wasteland 3.

I'm at least some 7 hours into this or so into Wasteland 3 on Xbox for PC Game Pass. And so far, it's great.

So, the game takes place in Colorado Springs. You're on a mission to make contact there and help their leader  out, in return for some supplies your team of Rangers (lawmen) for your crew in Arizona. Well, everything goes pretty much south; you get ambushed; friends and Rangers get injured or killed; and you're here to find out who ambushed your crew...and decide how to take care of them. If that isn't enough, you also have to take on the mission to help Colorado Springs out, as The Patriarch (their leader) is missing his 3 children and you are to (try to, if you can) find them & return them to him (and if you even want to).

So far, the story, writing, plot, dialogue, and everything here is really good. Conversations can also be descriptive too, similar to games like Shadowrun Returns Trilogy. If this wasn't enough, this game is also fully voice-acted here and the voice-acting's really good. Also, if you were looking for that really dark & twisted humor and referential humor that the old-school Fallout games were known for from the Black Isle days (i.e. Fallout 1 & 2), then you're really going to feel at home here, as this game's full of that...and lots of personality.

For big moments & key moments in the game, the game might try and be cinematic, get close-up to a NPC when they talk to you or get involved with you...and that's often when you know a quest's really important and/or stuff might be about to go down (or not, if you can avert the crisis maybe talking them out of a situation).

Combat here feels like Firaxis' XCOM meets Fallout 1 & 2, more or less...but much more modernized. Everything's team-based for turns, as a team attacks together: one team gets a turn; the other team gets a turn; repeat cycle...until someone wins. You can also see in some instances (Depending on your character's skill & stats), an enemy's range of sight before they spot you, before combat starts. So, if you're in distance & don't get caught within their line of sight and its grid - you can get the drop on enemies and attack first, if you're in range to attack (depending on what guns or weapons are equipped). If they spot you, well...could be the other way around; they attack first.

Combat's turn-based, action point based (as you can perform a number of actions per round per team-mate and they all use up a certain amount of points) & also very strategic, as you'll need to utilize tactics to get through battles & shootouts here. You will want to put your guys behind cover often, to try to catch enemies when they're not in cover (to get advantages, for causing more damage & better accuracy). You will want to shoot out explosive barrels, barrels of acid, and/or any other things that are environmental hazards to enemies (and even yourself, if you're too close to them) to help turn the tides of battle. You might not always want to play aggressive here, as you might need to stay back in cover, move to cover, or not move at all from spot. Don't do these things and even on the default Wastelander difficulty (i.e. Normal difficulty), you're likely not going to do well; speaking from experience here.

Since you also have extra options in your final moments of a turn for each team members part here - if you have say at least 2 Action Points, you can carry over 2 action points (AP) to the next round; or you can hunker down in a spot if you haven't used all your Action Points. This is a good spin on AP, as you don't feel like you have left over AP for some characters and in some rounds, meaning you can carry a few points into the next round to tack the leftovers right on top.

If you've ever wondered where the party's at, it's right here. At character creation time (i.e. the beginning), you create two characters to start the game. These are your two main characters. You can use pre-made characters (that ship w/ the game) or create your own two leads from scratch. I literally took about an hour, just to create my two lead characters, name them, set their background, set their skills, decide their looks, etc etc.

If this isn't enough having two leads characters to start the game with, once the game gets going and you get your HQ Base - you can also add two more characters to the party (that were pre-made by the game dev's and/or which you can create from scratch, as it's all up to you); and then also have two special party members that are actually fleshed-out (from the game itself...which can have personality, their own missions, their own stuff, banter, talk with, and things of that sort). So, for a total, you can have six members in your party. Those six also doesn't include friendly NPC's, neutral NPC's, or other NPC's that you can't control, that also might be involved in a certain quest, area, shootout/battle, or whatever.

So, this game feels a lot like Fallout 1  & 2, in this regard. You can just go around the game-world and maps, run into NPC's, and do quests. Often, you have moral decisions to make - whether they are good, bad, neutral, shades of gray, special decision for the quest, or whatever the case. You also have a reputation system, too - as you'll need to try to keep groups/factions and your NPC's in your party happy, too...or else things might not remain so well for you.

I have not got out of Colorado Springs' main hub and its side missions; main missions; parts to this hub and maps tied to it yet, so...I have not experienced what it's like to walk or drive (you do get a big Jeep early on - which you can also call on in combat, BTW) around the game-world, its maps, if there's any overland maps (like Fallout 1 & 2), or any of that stuff yet.

So, for some reason...this game didn't want to run in Fullscreen. I had to run it in Borderless Fullscreen Windowed, to get it running right. So, at 1080p on High, I had issues with performance. Running between 35-60fps, it wasn't running so hot at it could sutter, get unstable for a moment, and then get back to normal 60fps. So, with MSI Afterburner, locked it down to 40fps & smoothed that out.

If there's any complaint I have with this game so far, it's that performance right now isn't so hot. But, honestly - so far, that's really about it. I luckily haven't ran into any bugs or weird issues, thankfully...and hopefully, I don't run into any later either. I'm not sure if this is a AA title (i.e. this is a old-school style CRPG) or a AAA title (i.e. this is fully voice-acted and has Microsoft's backing here, since Microsoft owns InXile)...of somewhere b/t the two (i.e. AA 1/2, I guess)? But regardless, whatever it is - so far, so great. Hope it stays this great because I'm really enjoying this game, so far.

So, yeah - so far, so great.

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Ah, so you’re just a troll that wasn’t actually trying to engage in actual discussion. *shrug*
Yeah, I'm certainly "trolling" when I ask the honest follow up question to your comment.

Anyhow, sorry I don't have your bubbly belief that "everything will be swell" when two greedy corporations are involved.
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If Marvel's Avengers is going to be grindy as hell - in which, IMHO about the Beta, it really felt like that even within the 7 hours or so that I played it b/c of so many repetitive and story-less side missions in there - it could take a long while to unlock those extra 15 DLC's Heroes and all of their Levels/paths per character. And who knows how many more Heroes they could keep on adding later, too - as this is a damn Live Service game.

We really need more missions like say the Opening Missions even; the Bruce mission; and the WarBot/BattleBot mission - that actually have story and some unique-ness to them.

They (Square, Marvel, and Crystal Dynamics) are hoping many will drop the $10 each for the 15 DLC characters that got data-mined - which would be $150 to unlock Cosmetic paths - and then spend whatever amounts on other MTX's. And that doesn't include who else that might add for Heroes later, too.

They're looking for "whales" and long-term investors that buy into this game and everything about it, it sounds like.

We don't know for sure entirely here - but if I'm guessing, this is gonna be grind-fest (especially given how the Beta felt) and a MTX-show (especially with what we know about the Battle Passes).

Might be best to buy the base-game when it's dirt-cheap (just to get on the game and get going, if you actually are interested in it and/or liked the Beta) and/or wait for any sort of repackages later with more content if they include Battle Passes (and that's even if they do any re-packaged versions w/ more Battle Passes later).

Oh, BTW - I don't really care too much about Cosmetics (Emotes, Skins/Outfits, etc), but other players do. It's a social thing and it tries to make your character stand-out a bit more b/c you paid for such an item...yet, it ain't so unique of a thing when everyone else eventually earns it or buys it, now is it? ;) Vicious cycle commences, as likely Square puts out another item hard to earn or easy to pay for (if you're willing there to drop $ on it) - and yup, some players...just gotta grab it!

But, I really don't like here that Finishing Moves are also gated behind these Paywalls/Grind-Walls too. Sure, it's a flashy move and all - but that also feels like a gameplay thing to me. What's next? Do I throw a kick, punch, run and/or jump - and have to pay or grind for every time I do that too?

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The premium battle passes for the 6 starting heroes are free and can earn you 1000 credits each, so basically if you just play the game you'll never have to pay for future passes.
I remember them saying that in the new Star Wars Battlefront game, I think the calculation was you'd have to play like 40 hrs a day for 10 years to get it all without spending extra. ;P

Yeah, I'm certainly "trolling" when I ask the honest follow up question to your comment.

Anyhow, sorry I don't have your bubbly belief that "everything will be swell" when two greedy corporations are involved.
Show me on the doll where the paid cosmetics touched you.

You’re trying to project some kind of weird agenda onto my earlier statements where I wasn’t for or against their monetization model. Cut your bullshit.

New, man. I just posted news but I'll cut your bullshit for you. You've never made a single worthwhile post in this thread, in fact it's easy to say your presence has degraded it, so i'll just toss you on ignore list. Enjoy.
The only other times I post to this thread is to post codes for games. Sounds like we can just agree to mutually ignore each other. Farewell.

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If Marvel's Avengers is going to be grindy as hell - in which, IMHO about the Beta, it really felt like that even within the 7 hours or so that I played it b/c of so many repetitive and story-less side missions in there - it could take a long while to unlock those extra 15 DLC's Heroes and all of their Levels/paths per character. And who knows how many more Heroes they could keep on adding later, too - as this is a damn Live Service game.

We really need more missions like say the Opening Missions even; the Bruce mission; and the WarBot/BattleBot mission - that actually have story and some unique-ness to them.

They (Square, Marvel, and Crystal Dynamics) are hoping many will drop the $10 each for the 15 DLC characters that got data-mined - which would be $150 to unlock Cosmetic paths - and then spend whatever amounts on other MTX's. And that doesn't include who else that might add for Heroes later, too.

They're looking for "whales" and long-term investors that buy into this game and everything about it, it sounds like.

We don't know for sure entirely here - but if I'm guessing, this is gonna be grind-fest (especially given how the Beta felt) and a MTX-show (especially with what we know about the Battle Passes).

Might be best to buy the base-game when it's dirt-cheap (just to get on the game and get going, if you actually are interested in it and/or liked the Beta) and/or wait for any sort of repackages later with more content if they include Battle Passes (and that's even if they do any re-packaged versions w/ more Battle Passes later).

Oh, BTW - I don't really care too much about Cosmetics (Emotes, Skins/Outfits, etc), but other players do. It's a social thing and it tries to make your character stand-out a bit more b/c you paid for such an item...yet, it ain't so unique of a thing when everyone else eventually earns it or buys it, now is it? ;) Vicious cycle commences, as likely Square puts out another item hard to earn or easy to pay for (if you're willing there to drop $ on it) - and yup, some players...just gotta grab it!

But, I really don't like here that Finishing Moves are also gated behind these Paywalls/Grind-Walls too. Sure, it's a flashy move and all - but that also feels like a gameplay thing to me. What's next? Do I throw a kick, punch, run and/or jump - and have to pay or grind for every time I do that too?
The problem with this crap is that people keep paying, and thus companies keep doing this. People need to stop paying crap like skins, moves, sounds, taunts, colors, and crap. What I endorse is expansions, like Season passes for more content, that way, people who love the game keep getting more stuff, game stays current, still gets updates and people who had enough with base game doesnt need to pay more. For example Control Season pass, Borderlands 3 Season Pass. Not a good example would be Azuras Wrath DLC that to this day Im wainting for a remaster so I can play the game fully.

I will buy Avengers game, because I liked it, in fact loved it, and my son too, and enjoyed everything it got to offer (beta was great), and will not pay, as I never did, any cent on anything else.

Tried playing Wasteland 3 ... can’t do it. Fallout is probably my favorite series and every Wasteland game I’ve played just comes across as the made for TV movie version of Fallout. I own the first and second Wasteland, couldn’t get into either. Was hoping that 3 might win me over ... but it just seems really meh. I appreciate the character creator but why can you make a character with a cool helmet / armor. IMO that should be earned, not just given off the bat. Little things like that ... plus the stupid mechanical scorpion they evidently want everyone to go nuts for in 2 and 3 ... it just feels like a poor man’s fallout and turns me off.

I was playing on Xbox, maybe I’ll give it another chance on PC. I’ve also noticed I have a really hard time playing CRPGs on consoles.
Controller sucks for Wasteland 3. Tried it, it doesn't work.

This game feels like an old-school CRPG throwback - where you click and point; and make strategic decisions with a decent sized party in a turn-based game.

You can play this game with a lot it by just the mouse alone by just pointing and clicking at stuff on screen, as there's UI everywhere - and you're good to go. Think game-styles like BG1, BG2, FO1, FO2, Arcanum - but now w/ a much better and more modern UI.

Sure, you can use the Keyboard - but, I feel like most of the time, I'm just pointing and clicking here.

Of course, Wasteland 1 was pretty much the pre-cursor to Fallout series, we go where WL3 feels like the real spiritual successor to FO2. Cycles and all of that stuff.

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The problem with this crap is that people keep paying, and thus companies keep doing this. People need to stop paying crap like skins, moves, sounds, taunts, colors, and crap. What I endorse is expansions, like Season passes for more content, that way, people who love the game keep getting more stuff, game stays current, still gets updates and people who had enough with base game doesnt need to pay more. For example Control Season pass, Borderlands 3 Season Pass. Not a good example would be Azuras Wrath DLC that to this day Im wainting for a remaster so I can play the game fully.

I will buy Avengers game, because I liked it, in fact loved it, and my son too, and enjoyed everything it got to offer (beta was great), and will not pay, as I never did, any cent on anything else.
Yep I on the rare occasion I purchase paid dlc grab stuff like expansions. I'm trying to justify the pokemon one though and thus far can't think of a reason to support it yet. Maybe once the tundra half of it comes out then I can see whether it is worth the hefty price tag.

disc locked content expansions are definitely a problem. I still remember the crap with fable 3. which is a shame as 2's dlc expansions were wonderful by comparison.

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I will buy Avengers game, because I liked it, in fact loved it, and my son too, and enjoyed everything it got to offer (beta was great), and will not pay, as I never did, any cent on anything else.
You should be fine since all future heroes and their story missions will be free.

EA Play went live on Steam today. Ended up putting up $5 for a month to try it out. Games appear in your library as if you purchased them normally and you can earn achievements. Trading cards drop, too. Origin is still required for games that require it. You can cancel right away by going into your account details and once the month ends, it won't autocharge. Will probably only play the Unravel games and Titanfall 2, maybe try MIrror's Edge Catalyst, but that makes this a good enough deal for me.

It's funny that this service has been active for years now and I've never bothered or cared enough to use it. But the day it goes live on Steam I jump on it ASAP. Just so much more convenient this way even if the list of games is severely lacking compared to the non-Steam version.

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so is ea play cross platform between origin and steam or is it separate?

edit - nevermind. just read its separate. fuck that shit

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Just one plan, and yeah, it's separate across all platforms (PS4, X1, Steam, Origin). Steam's EA Play is objectively worse than Origin's EA Play since you lose out on some sports titles like FIFA and Madden while also missing out on the third-party stuff, but I'll be damned if it's not more convenient. Sub using Steam credit, easy to cancel, downloads directly through Steam, everything shows up in your library like normal.

The single month worked for me since I just wanted to play some shorter SP games but the year-long plan would be great if you get invested in the lengthier RPGs or want to spend a lot of time with the MP games.

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These last few years, numerous games have came out, revitalizing and/or modernizing the old-school party-based CRPG that ruled the PC in the late 1990's & early 2000's. Back in the day, there were numerous CRPG's of this type. The CRPG's that I am referring to, these are click-and-point type of party-based and/or party-controlling strategic-style CRPG's like Baldur's Gate 1 & 2; Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2; Dragon Age: Origins; Planescape: Torment; Arcanum; and Fallout 1 & 2.

If there's any complaint I have with this game so far, it's that performance right now isn't so hot. But, honestly - so far, that's really about it. I luckily haven't ran into any bugs or weird issues, thankfully...and hopefully, I don't run into any later either. I'm not sure if this is a AA title (i.e. this is a old-school style CRPG) or a AAA title (i.e. this is fully voice-acted and has Microsoft's backing here, since Microsoft owns InXile)...of somewhere b/t the two (i.e. AA 1/2, I guess)? But regardless, whatever it is - so far, so great. Hope it stays this great because I'm really enjoying this game, so far.

So, yeah - so far, so great.
Stop trying to sell me on this game. I'm waiting for a sale on gog, preferably.

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Stop trying to sell me on this game. I'm waiting for a sale on gog, preferably.
Do you have Xbox for PC Game Pass for $1 for first month or $5 per month?

If you already have Xbox for PC Game Pass, you might want to give it a shot...since you're already paying the monthly sub-fee and all.

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If Marvel's Avengers is going to be grindy as hell - in which, IMHO about the Beta, it really felt like that even within the 7 hours or so that I played it b/c of so many repetitive and story-less side missions in there - it could take a long while to unlock those extra 15 DLC's Heroes and all of their Levels/paths per character. And who knows how many more Heroes they could keep on adding later, too - as this is a damn Live Service game.

We really need more missions like say the Opening Missions even; the Bruce mission; and the WarBot/BattleBot mission - that actually have story and some unique-ness to them.

They (Square, Marvel, and Crystal Dynamics) are hoping many will drop the $10 each for the 15 DLC characters that got data-mined - which would be $150 to unlock Cosmetic paths - and then spend whatever amounts on other MTX's. And that doesn't include who else that might add for Heroes later, too.

They're looking for "whales" and long-term investors that buy into this game and everything about it, it sounds like.

We don't know for sure entirely here - but if I'm guessing, this is gonna be grind-fest (especially given how the Beta felt) and a MTX-show (especially with what we know about the Battle Passes).

Might be best to buy the base-game when it's dirt-cheap (just to get on the game and get going, if you actually are interested in it and/or liked the Beta) and/or wait for any sort of repackages later with more content if they include Battle Passes (and that's even if they do any re-packaged versions w/ more Battle Passes later).

Oh, BTW - I don't really care too much about Cosmetics (Emotes, Skins/Outfits, etc), but other players do. It's a social thing and it tries to make your character stand-out a bit more b/c you paid for such an item...yet, it ain't so unique of a thing when everyone else eventually earns it or buys it, now is it? ;) Vicious cycle commences, as likely Square puts out another item hard to earn or easy to pay for (if you're willing there to drop $ on it) - and yup, some players...just gotta grab it!

But, I really don't like here that Finishing Moves are also gated behind these Paywalls/Grind-Walls too. Sure, it's a flashy move and all - but that also feels like a gameplay thing to me. What's next? Do I throw a kick, punch, run and/or jump - and have to pay or grind for every time I do that too?
I think MysterD's analysis here may be on point. Sure, we're all speculating at this point, given that the game doesn't officially release for another few days, but given that Square's already said that the new characters themselves will be free to download for owners of the base game, it seems suspiciously like the intent is to monetize the hell out of things-associated-with-said-characters, whatever those may be. And I have to say that is disappointing.

Classic cheesy tomato pie. My second favorite fruit pie after pumpkin. We always have one of these at the Thanksgiving dinner table. People look at use crazy, but we tell them fruit and cheese pairs better than they think.
Oh crap, everybody run. . . it's another one of those "tomatoes are fruits" guys.

Yes, I know it's technically true, but, come on, really?!

I'm also spending all my monies on Charity, MysterD's mom.
y u no wen free?

Stop trying to sell me on this game. I'm waiting for a sale on gog, preferably.
Oh, he's not going to stop. He's a full-throated W3 evangelist. . . and I'm getting there too. There's a whole lot of Wasteland-y goodness in that package. Interestingly, the "wimpy" difficulty level feels like just the right amount of challenge for me, and I'm enjoying the heck out of it so far.

bread's done