Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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GamesRepublic has all the Star Wars games on sale, too.

There's a 15% off code that pops up in a window at the bottom on each page. And I think you still get Anomaly 2 for free with every purchase.

GamesRepublic has all the Star Wars games on sale, too.

There's a 15% off code that pops up in a window at the bottom on each page. And I think you still get Anomaly 2 for free with every purchase.
Just remember that that's non-US only (Canada's fine though).

Looks to be historical lows for King's Quest and Space Quest Collections (75% off), for those who don't have them on GOG.
According to le Spoder, the GOG versions are better, but are going to cost you more overall.

Duke Nukem 1+2 and Manhattan Project received updates today. Too bad I don't own Manhattan on Steam... and the GOG editions will likely be abandoned now.
Don't feel too bad the update broke all of those games. Now Manhattan edition won't load through Steam and Duke 1+2 had the files deleted that unlocked the rest of the non shareware levels.

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Fast and Furious: Showdown is $7.49...

But it's $4.50 in Mexico... but I can't buy it with Mexican prices... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. ;_;

I don't have any cash on me anyway but I wish I could buy it just for funsies.

Looks to be historical lows for King's Quest and Space Quest Collections (75% off), for those who don't have them on GOG.
I should remind people of ADG Interactive's King's Quest 1, 2, & 3 (free) remakes... I personally found them much more enjoyable then the originals... KQ1 was dated by the late 80s. They also have more modern friendly options... that don't require you to replay the entire game when you fail to do it correctly.
Like the bridge you can only walk over five? times.

This might be the weekend I finally buy Gun (75% off $19.99 $4.99). That's about all I see on the Activision sale for me.
Damn game's been haunting me since PS2 era...

Grrrr.  I was just complaining that the Amazing Spider-Man games weren't on sale yesterday.  Now they are.  I guess I should have complained that they weren't in a complete pack for $10-15 total since there is no way I'm paying $28 dollars for them - especially after Spoder mentioned how badly the 1st runs on PC.

I am, for some reason, somewhat tempted by Legend of Korra though - even though I've never watched the show.  

Also, Activision really needs to get realistic with their 'sale' prices on the CoD games (well, all of them but those in particular).  I mean honestly - how the hell are MW3 and Black Ops II still $20 when on sale!?!?

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Fast and Furious: Showdown is $7.49...

But it's $4.50 in Mexico... but I can't buy it with Mexican prices... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. ;_;

I don't have any cash on me anyway but I wish I could buy it just for funsies.
Don't worry, once the winter sale gets here that price will crash faster than [rest of post redacted]

Don't worry, once the winter sale gets here that price will crash faster than [rest of post redacted]
I understood that reference!

I'm just worried Acti will pull it before I grab it. That's why I bought Duck Dynasty at the Gamestop the town over last month.

Dammit what the Hell has SNK Playmore done to Metal Slug?

fuck this abomination!
This has been around on phones for a while and it's apparently pretty decent for a F2P game. I'm still worried we got a trademarked DotEmu shit port.

Why look for old posts when you can join: and get all the hidden deals and Tebow education you need.

Edit: Every regular, seasonal, lurker and everyone in between needs to come get your whips and spanks!?
I'm surprisingly not worried about whips and spanks as much as I am about the lurkers. That's just creepy.

Dead Island 2 Delayed Until Next Year
So the trend is still alive...

We all should just assume any announced release date for AAA titles are off by 4-6 months (on average). I wish publishers/developers would holster their excitement for their products until certainty exists. Although, it seems getting the news out early drives the gaming world's excitement and rarely does much harm in the end. Damn the marketing gimmicks.

...Hallelujah for game backlogs.

Still waiting for FFXIII

Dammit what the Hell has SNK Playmore done to Metal Slug?

fuck this abomination!

They even had the gall to drag King Of Fighters into this crap.
I will never buy another Metal Slug game for PC....they can't get anything right. The last two have had horrible lag when playing with a friend.

But with F2P Ill try

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Grrrr. I was just complaining that the Amazing Spider-Man games weren't on sale yesterday. Now they are. I guess I should have complained that they weren't in a complete pack for $10-15 total since there is no way I'm paying $28 dollars for them - especially after Spoder mentioned how badly the 1st runs on PC.

I am, for some reason, somewhat tempted by Legend of Korra though - even though I've never watched the show.

Also, Activision really needs to get realistic with their 'sale' prices on the CoD games (well, all of them but those in particular). I mean honestly - how the hell are MW3 and Black Ops II still $20 on sale!?!?
Korra isn't a good game. Good show, bad game. You're welcome.

ill never actually play them but I figure I should just buy the COD collection....

Arena: Cyber Evolution - Founder's Pack (Early Access)


Race the Sun


Race the Sun Flippfly


Indie Game Magazine Voucher codes

April 2015 issue voucher: VXYX8CLYTGDB

April 2014 issue voucher: VXYXRSTYCPJL

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Same code for Aerena & Race the Sun, Fatality.  I was super confused for a second when trying to activate RtS.

Edit: And refresh spam worked - thanks for Race the Sun!

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Same code for Aerena & Race the Sun, Fatality. I was super confused for a second when trying to activate RtS.
Flipfly started selling Race the Sun of GOG before they got approved on steam. The Flipfly serial allowed you to get a Steam key from their site when they got on Steam. Only the Steam version has the leaderboards/social aspects... I think the other versions still get track-of-the-day though.

I've put in an effort to understand tebow, but every single time I get about halfway through his post and my eyes just start crossing and my brain shuts down.
Lord Tebow is too deep for your feeble, un-initiated mind. Join his chatroom and grow to the wonder that he is today. One day, you will learn, young padawan.. but for now, don't tax your brain.

ill never actually play them but I figure I should just buy the COD collection....
I agree, if only to support the poor developer so they can afford to finally fulfill their dream of making Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 82: Advanced Warfare: Time Travelers: Medieval Era: No Longer Advanced Warfare Because Since We Time Traveled to the Medieval Era Now We Have to Fight With Swords

I agree, if only to support the poor developer so they can afford to finally fulfill their dream of making Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 82: Advanced Warfare: Time Travelers: Medieval Era: No Longer Advanced Warfare Because Since We Time Traveled to the Medieval Era Now We Have to Fight With Swords
I dont know why this made me think they should make a COD with these guys


COD games are still selling like hotcakes so I suggest you guys convince all your non-CAG friends to stop buying them at these BS pricesand then maybe Activision would feel the need to lower the price.  

I hate that of all games, even when on sale COD games sell at a premium. would like to play MW3 @ $5 so I can complete the saga (only COD series I've played).

They can't lower the prices on CoD games for at least another decade. They're still paying off the giant stack of free Monster energy drink coupons they sent me years back. If it makes you feel better I did miss out on a full year of sleep

bread's done