Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I only use Microsoft Security Essentials. And also run Malwarebits from time to time.
ToasterNet IS progress

Long ago, I loved AVG. Then it became a bloated, clunky pain in the ass. So I switched to Avast, and that was awesome. Then it started becoming a bloated, clunky sales-pushy pain in the ass. So I've switched to MSE and it leaves me alone.
MSE's detection rate has fallen quite a bit since it's heyday... it misses quite a bit of stuff that mainstream AV picks up. I really can't recommend it on a PC proper (e.g. gaming PC)... I can see making an exception for low powered tablet. I don't understand why MS is slacking.

It's your data/computer, but I can say Avira has very good detection rate (industry study + my experience) compared to others. The free version also stays outta the way, with only the odd small nag window on boot. I never see it chewing up CPU on my woeful 6 year old Phenom II X3 720BE.

MSE's detection rate is so low that you might as well be running no antivirus. It's very lightweight, which is nice.. but I don't think I've ever seen it detect anything when I used it.

It's like a placebo effect, you think it's doing something but it's not.

MSE's detection rate is so low that you might as well be running no antivirus. It's very lightweight, which is nice.. but I don't think I've ever seen it detect anything when I used it.

It's like a placebo effect, you think it's doing something but it's not.
in order words, having mse is basically like having no protection

yeah. I lost money & got items back... but... in worse condition...


It's probably worth nothing after a week.

They are reverting the purchases. Sold items have a week tradeban in addition.















Can't fool me, Coral! I bet they're all demo keys!

Pretty much
yet, i am not surprised, since it is free, and from microsoft. those two things rarely go together well. since everything microsoft find they can sell. they sell it at a premium price. example: microsoft office 365 for $99 for only one year subscription/use, when all previous microsoft office versions were for life on the computer you installed it on.

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And think your internet is bad, it took me 2-3 hours to install a 1.6gb file. I really hate the internet here =(
Sounds just about right


I'm going to slink off into my corner and not bitch about my internet speed again.
Oh but you deserve shaming. I live surrounded by cornfields. My only option is dsl or radio off a tower from a nearby town of about 300 people if I don't want a fairly low data cap imposed by satellite. My top available speed with either choice? 1.5 baby.

I'm disappointed only getting 125 MBPS since we moved.  It's disheartening to lose all that speed.  And THEN all my neighbors have wi-fi here and were jacking with the signals so I had to scan and find a better signal to jump to.

Back in the day.... I could have left it open with no password and only me and maybe one other guy would get on it.

Man I hate how idiots can use technology but don't know their Constitution.

Still debating X-Wing... it's my day off and I wanna do something but I have a hard time paying that much for games that old.

Seriously though, I bought into the lie that MSE was fine as your only virus protection. Suggestions for correcting my mistake?

EDIT: Preferably free 

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MSE's detection rate is so low that you might as well be running no antivirus. It's very lightweight, which is nice.. but I don't think I've ever seen it detect anything when I used it.

It's like a placebo effect, you think it's doing something but it's not.
If you want to avoid virus completely, unplug mouse and keyboard.

The user is the main entry point. I only had a couple problems so far, and it was with some malware because the kids used to play a lot of browser games using IE, because I didn't noticed that it was the default browser on their user workspaces.

All that said, I may try Avira to see how it is, I may feel more comfortable ;)
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If you want to avoid virus completely, unplug mouse and keyboard.

The user is the entry point. I only had a couple problems so far, and it was with some malware because the kids used to play a lot of browser games using IE, because I didn't noticed that it was the default browser on their user workspaces.

All that said, I may try Avira to see how it is, I may feel more comfortable ;)
anytime you connect to the internet. you are at risk

especially visiting websites, if you want use the comp with iternet access, use linux os, you will not get any virus for the time being, since the user base is way too small and insignificant

MSE's detection rate has fallen quite a bit since it's heyday... it misses quite a bit of stuff that mainstream AV picks up. I really can't recommend it on a PC proper (e.g. gaming PC)... I can see making an exception for low powered tablet. I don't understand why MS is slacking.

It's your data/computer, but I can say Avira has very good detection rate (industry study + my experience) compared to others. The free version also stays outta the way, with only the odd small nag window on boot. I never see it chewing up CPU on my woeful 6 year old Phenom II X3 720BE.
MSE's detection rate is so low that you might as well be running no antivirus. It's very lightweight, which is nice.. but I don't think I've ever seen it detect anything when I used it.

It's like a placebo effect, you think it's doing something but it's not.
I agree with these. I used MSE for years without a problem, until the day I discovered I had a virus/trojan that had been quietly hanging out for I don't know how long. I rarely get viruses even without AV, so if one slips past the security I have in place then that software is useless to me. For now, I'm using Avira as well.

anytime you connect to the internet. you are at risk

especially visiting websites, if you want use the comp with iternet access, use linux os, you will not get any virus for the time being, since the user base is way too small and insignificant
I haven't used an AV product for over 10 years. Step 1 is not to be a moron. Step 2 is to avoid all social media.

I see it's still 'cool' to hate on CoD games.  I never understood this.  If this game is fun for you, get it.  If not, find something else that IS fun for YOU and move on.  No need to get all high school about it.

Seriously though, I bought into the lie that MSE was fine as your only virus protection. Suggestions for correcting my mistake?

EDIT: Preferably free
ok here is my real answer.

I was using AVG for a while and didnt really like it, I tried a few of the free options at the time, about 1.5 years ago and I changed to comodo and have had no issues with it. Maybe once a week I get a popup asking me to upgrade to the premium version.

I see it's still 'cool' to hate on CoD games. I never understood this. If this game is fun for you, get it. If not, find something else that IS fun for YOU and move on. No need to get all high school about it.
CoD games can be entertaining.

The problem is that Activision keeps the price absurdly high for no reason. Most of the games should be priced lower by now, but that'll never happen.

CoD games can be entertaining.

The problem is that Activision keeps the price absurdly high for no reason. Most of the games should be priced lower by now, but that'll never happen.
Absurdly high to you doesn't mean it's absurdly high to everyone else. I'm looking at Steam right now and BOII is the number 7 top seller so it doesn't look THAT absurdly high to me.

But, like I said, if you don't like the price, don't buy it. Video games are a hobby not a right; you are not owed it.

Absurdly high to you doesn't mean it's absurdly high to everyone else. I'm looking at Steam right now and BOII is the number 7 top seller so it doesn't look THAT absurdly high to me.

But, like I said, if you don't like the price, don't buy it. Video games are a hobby not a right; you are not owed it.
Expect to get called out on the internet when you have shit taste. Life is cruel and unfair.

Absurdly high to you doesn't mean it's absurdly high to everyone else. I'm looking at Steam right now and BOII is the number 7 top seller so it doesn't look THAT absurdly high to me.

But, like I said, if you don't like the price, don't buy it. Video games are a hobby not a right; you are not owed it.
You know this is CAG, right?

Absurdly high to you doesn't mean it's absurdly high to everyone else. I'm looking at Steam right now and BOII is the number 7 top seller so it doesn't look THAT absurdly high to me.

But, like I said, if you don't like the price, don't buy it. Video games are a hobby not a right; you are not owed it.

Absurdly high to you doesn't mean it's absurdly high to everyone else. I'm looking at Steam right now and BOII is the number 7 top seller so it doesn't look THAT absurdly high to me.

But, like I said, if you don't like the price, don't buy it. Video games are a hobby not a right; you are not owed it.
BO2 could be on a Best Buy Metro Last Light special and I still wouldn't touch that digital cow dung

Aside from the whole price point, there's definitely legitimate criticism that can be levied against the CoD series. There's a reason sales dramatically dropped for Ghosts. It can also be argued that it set some bad precedents and its core audience is partly responsible. But that's a whole 'nother story.

But Activision is known to have some of the highest PC game prices around (even during sales) and has clear console bias. I think that's where most of the complaints in thread come from.

Aside from the whole price point, there's definitely legitimate criticism that can be levied against the CoD series. There's a reason sales dramatically dropped for Ghosts. It can also be argued that it set some bad precedents and its core audience is partly responsible. But that's a whole 'nother story.

But Activision is known to have some of the highest PC game prices around (even during sales) and has clear console bias. I think that's where most of the complaints in thread come from.
It's not bias - it's just that they can control the prices on PC a lot more than they can on consoles. You can get a CoD game, used, on consoles, for cheap. They only get that first sale, and DLC sales.

But on PC? You can't get the newer games used. They can charge whatever they want and people will still buy the games because the prices never go down.

Aside from the whole price point, there's definitely legitimate criticism that can be levied against the CoD series. There's a reason sales dramatically dropped for Ghosts. It can also be argued that it set some bad precedents and its core audience is partly responsible. But that's a whole 'nother story.

But Activision is known to have some of the highest PC game prices around (even during sales) and has clear console bias. I think that's where most of the complaints in thread come from.
My complaints come from COD being boring trash
bread's done