Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Mad Max was $15 from Russia before they made a region locked version. Keys in the $20 range make me think they  were just getting them from there.  Keys in the $15 range give me pause and make me wonder how they got keys "legitimately" for low enough to turn a profit on fifteen bucks.

Also, why does this thing format so strangely on my tablet? 

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I've played a fair bit of Killer is Dead and liked it. It's like playing in a Quentin Tarantino Anime movie. It's probably not everyone's cup'o'tea though. At least you can try it and get a refund if you don't like it. It hasn't ever been cheaper and hasn't been bundled ... yet.
Tarantino anime...yeah that definitely worth a try at $3.99, I'll have to buy it later tonight.

I tell you what I've just gotten back into PC gaming after having been out of the scene awhile. I've heard prices were cheap but it's crazy just HOW cheap these games are

"We've always done a lot of DLC for our games. We love making them and you always ask us for more. To reward our most loyal fans, this time we’ll be offering a Season Pass that will get you all of the Fallout 4 DLC we ever do for just $30. Since we’re still hard at work on the game, we don’t know what the actual DLC will be yet, but it will start coming early next year. Based on what we did for Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim, we know that it will be worth at least $40, and if we do more, you'll get it all with the Season Pass."
"We don't yet know how we're going to swindle you, but you're all suckers who will buy the DLC anyway. So, just pay us now and it'll be easier for everyone."
In fairness Bethesda's dlc is typically consistently decent and not a simple cash grab (horse armor aside). It tends to be more on the side of "expansion pack" than most companies, so at least based on past performance I feel like I'm more apt to get my money's worth from this than I do from something like the Arkham Knight season pass.

Paying you Tuesday for a Hamburger today is still paying you Tuesday for a Hamburger today.

The fact that Bethesda historically has done more meatier DLC than Rocksteady doesn't make the whole thing any less cashgrab shitty.

But I guess with Kickstarter and Early Access and everything else going on where you basically are buying an IOU without necessarily knowing when, what or even if you will get anything that's par for the course these days.

Also the whole rewarding the fans thing had my eyes rolling so far back into my head I almost didn't get them back. We all know they're 'reward' us with shit 33% off sales and eventually force us to rebuy their Game of the Universe package at 66% off while grumbling heavily to get the DLC on a semi-decent sale.

Am I confused or are you guys not talking about the same game. I think he wants Metal Gear and you guys are thinking he wants Mad Max? $40 for Metal Gear is "fair" right now. Mad Max can be had for around the $20 mark.

Can somebody clarify the DLC situation with the Mass Effects? I have 1 on Steam and 2 on Origin, yet to buy 3. If I want the "full experience" do I need to use Origin?

Seriously, if you want the full experience, just don't even bother right now.

Am I confused or are you guys not talking about the same game. I think he wants Metal Gear and you guys are thinking he wants Mad Max? $40 for Metal Gear is "fair" right now. Mad Max can be had for around the $20 mark.
DrROCK wanted Mad Max. Some other guy, whose name I'm too lazy to go back a page and find, wanted MGS V

GMG just sent me a 32% off code because they missed me. God I missed them too. I think Rocket League may be finally mine.

The only 30 bucks I'm giving Bethesda for Fallout 4 is for the GotY complete version in 1 1/2 to 2 years from now.

In case anyone had any doubt, there's another Sakura game coming soon.

with all these "soft hentai/hentai" type games coming out on steam, I wont be surprised if a queen's blade fighting game is being made somewhere (those who are familiar with the anime queen's blade).

No more than 30 tops because it could have been had from even (semi) legit stores like GMG for that much. I've seen it going for as low as $15 in some cases. Probably in the $20-$25 range right now is a bit more realistic.

It wasn't a pricing error. Mad Max was supposed to be 50% off with that code. It was just that the rest of the store wasn't. :p
He was talking about MGS V: The Phantom Pain, not Mad Max. Get it together, kitty motoki.

He was talking about MGS V: The Phantom Pain, not Mad Max. Get it together, kitty motoki.
I can't help it if he jumped in the middle of the conversation Dr. Rock and Madj and I were having about Mad Max and talks about Scheistybroing a different game. :p

Anyhow if we're talking MGS V then if you ask Madjoki and Tomasety he should have paid $0 for it. :roll:

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Is it me or is every single damn side quest in B:TPS a giant glorified pain in the ass fetch quest?  Traverse three zones to pick up quest item A then run back for 20 minutes to take it to some random location then another 20 to get back to the quest giver.  The main quest is alright and has been fun so far but wow the side quests are very poorly done.

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Is it me or is every single damn side quest in B:TPS a giant glorified pain in the ass fetch quest? Traverse three zones to pick up quest item A then run back for 20 minutes to take it to some random location then another 20 to get back to the quest giver. The main quest is alright and has been fun so far but wow the side quests are very poorly done.
Welcome to B:TPS Mad Max Australia!

Killer Is Dead gave me a headache and I couldn't wait for it to be over. By "it", I mean the first proper level. Style (if you can call it that) over substance.

Buy, play, get headache, refund, Paracetomol, lie down.
According to spanish p.... (Motoki knows the word) next free game On The House on Origin Store will be Command and Conquer Red Alert 2.


Is it me or is every single damn side quest in B:TPS a giant glorified pain in the ass fetch quest? Traverse three zones to pick up quest item A then run back for 20 minutes to take it to some random location then another 20 to get back to the quest giver. The main quest is alright and has been fun so far but wow the side quests are very poorly done.
If you don't like fetch-quests galore, why are you playing an ARPG then?

Usually, they are littered w/ those.

Well, fine - Borderlands series mixes both FPS and ARPG, but you get my point.

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Hey Mooby, Diablo 3 with Reaper of Souls is $15 for both

For consoles! :p

Also console version of a game being more hacked than the PC version? That's a switch. Usually publishers bitch that PC is easier to hack, cheat, pirate etc.

This game is hacked to hell on the consoles online, you're better off playing the PC version.

Did anyone want but not get the PC Gamer Killing Floor 2 skin: Dosh Mr. Foster?  I have an extra to give out.  First PM from someone I recognize gets it.

Edit:  Gone!


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Hey, my kid wanted that for his PS3! Reserved at store!
Keep in mind that Diablo on PS3 hasn't been patched since Summer 2014. They stopped supporting it. They still support the PS4 and Xbone versions though.

Edit: I see that the PS4/Xbone version is only $10 more. If I had a choice I would go with this one.

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Hey Mooby, Diablo 3 with Reaper of Souls is $15 for both

For consoles! :p

Also console version of a game being more hacked than the PC version? That's a switch. Usually publishers bitch that PC is easier to hack, cheat, pirate etc.
And I wonder if Blizzard did this purposely to make people who have both platforms (PC + consoles) double-dip on PC + console versions.

Console-version built for offline play on PC; while PC version forced online for great online play w/ others.

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Keep in mind that Diablo on PS3 hasn't been patched since Summer 2014. They stopped supporting it.
Yeah, but a PS3 is what he's got. He's saving up his pennies to buy a PC but that's contingent upon grades so he's stuck with the PS3 until at least June. For $15, it should be good enough to screw around with.

That said, I appreciate the warning and was unaware that it's essentially abandoned. I'll let him decide this afternoon if he wants to drop the $15 on it.

Yeah, but a PS3 is what he's got. He's saving up his pennies to buy a PC but that's contingent upon grades so he's stuck with the PS3 until at least June. For $15, it should be good enough to screw around with.

That said, I appreciate the warning and was unaware that it's essentially abandoned. I'll let him decide this afternoon if he wants to drop the $15 on it.
I purchased it on PS3 last Black Friday and even without the latest patches, it is still a fun game. I highly recommend it for some great couch co-op!

Console versions of Diablo are hacked trash. It's essentially pointless to play online which is what the game is built upon.
How do you even hack on the console? That's a thing?

I mean to me when I think console 'hacking' I think game shark or blowing on the damned cartridge or disc swap or some crap like that.

How do you even hack on the console? That's a thing?

I mean to me when I think console 'hacking' I think game shark or blowing on the damned cartridge or disc swap or some crap like that.
On PS3 people were able to do it by copying their save file onto a usb and editing it on a computer. Then just copying it back to the PS3. It was pretty easy. Also, people shared hacked save files online as well. Have no idea why blizzard shipped the game out allowing this.

I believe Borderlands 1 on PS3 had a similar save exploit like this as well.

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Hacking consoles? Amateurs.

Don't mind me. I'll just be sat here reading through my POKE sheets from Crash Magazine. You ain't nothin' without a POKE.

*readjusts mirrored sunglasses*
How do you even hack on the console? That's a thing?

I mean to me when I think console 'hacking' I think game shark or blowing on the damned cartridge or disc swap or some crap like that.
Not sure how it's done but if you read the bnet forums is full of people complaining. It's because it has mysterd's favorite offline mode and nothing is stored server side like PC. So people can edit their characters and gear to make them super powerful, then they just hop online and ruin the online experience for the legit players.
How do you even hack on the console? That's a thing?

I mean to me when I think console 'hacking' I think game shark or blowing on the damned cartridge or disc swap or some crap like that.
Same as on PCs. You can either load a memory resident program that reads the game data and modifies it (like a trainer) or use a tool that interfaces with a PC to do the same... there's also hacked saved games.

This isn't as easy to do as with PC games but there's assholes out there that don't really care about money as long as they want to fuck with people.

Edit: Blizzard seriously allows people to copy and reuse save games? Wow, goddamn morons. This is why Microsoft added those account checks for their GFWL Savegames...

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Drabe's just really bad at D3 and blames "hackers". Kind of like playing TF2 public servers and killing some guy five times in a row.
Thankfully I don't play on the vastly inferior console version. The only thing that the PC version has are botters, and blizzard drops the ban hammer quite frequently on them.
How do you even hack on the console? That's a thing?

I mean to me when I think console 'hacking' I think game shark or blowing on the damned cartridge or disc swap or some crap like that.
They do have hard-drives & files get installed there in many instances, you know - just like PC's. Consoles are becoming more like PC's with each iteration. The more they allow for files to be installed on local hard-drives, the easier it is to hack it.

bread's done