Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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Sweet, I finally got one. My suicidal thoughts are gone for the moment.


I saw a guy playing WWE the other day on Youtube, just don't know if it was PC or something else. The onscreen reversal prompt always said RT but it could be because he had a controller plugged in? Seemed awfully hard to reverse in the game (or he sucked).
I been playing with the 360 gamepad. Anyways, it does take some time getting used to getting the timings down when to hit RT (reversal button). Also, in MyCareer Mode - it really is going to matter w/ your attributes where your throw points - and there's a lot of categories to throw points in (such as reversals, offensive submission, defensive submission, head damage, body damage, etc). Makes this feel like a cross b/t a wrestling-game + a RPG actually.

I'm around 11 hours in MyCareer or so, where I spent around 2 hours creating my Superstar, Move Set, Outfits, Entrance, etc - and I've been NXT Champion (Defeating Neville); lost the belt to Bo Dallas; and made my way onto Superstars. Mark Henry kicked my butt; and now I'm feuding w/ some guy 2K created named F-Bomb. Vicki Guerrero made me a Triple Threat against F-Bomb and Ryback - which I won. And I even had to tag w/ F-Bomb vs. Sandow + Corey Graves - which we got DQ'd.

Good times. This is fun stuff. :)

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I been playing with the 360 gamepad. Anyways, it does take some time getting used to getting the timings down when to hit RT (reversal button). Also, in MyCareer Mode - it really is going to matter w/ your attributes where your throw points - and there's a lot of categories to throw points in (such as reversals, offensive submission, defensive submission, head damage, body damage, etc). Makes this feel like a cross b/t a wrestling-game + a RPG actually.

I'm around 11 hours in MyCareer or so, where I spent around 2 hours creating my Superstar, Move Set, Outfits, Entrance, etc - and I've been NXT Champion (Defeating Neville); lost the belt to Bo Dallas; and made my way onto Superstars. Mark Henry kicked my butt; and now I'm feuding w/ some guy 2K created named F-Bomb. Vicki Guerrero made me a Triple Threat against F-Bomb and Ryback - which I won. And I even had to tag w/ F-Bomb vs. Sandow + Corey Graves - which we got DQ'd.

Good times. This is fun stuff. :)
I hate you, I missed the 75% off and refuse to buy at 66%, my fiancee said I have issues. lol

For those wondering how WWE 2K15 PC performance:

I have it running at Max settings w/ 1080p at 60 FPS most of the time with MSAA 2x's on. Cut-scenes, entrances, and exits are often capped at 30FPS, BTW; gameplay looks to be capped at 60 FPS (V Sync is off here). I probably should try to push this graphics candy more, since it runs so well on my PC (i7 950; 16 GB DDR3 RAM; 4GB 960). Sometimes, there might be a slight and small slowdown w/ a framerate drop w/ MSAA on - but if there is, which ain't often here, it's momentarily and it doesn't really happen when much seems to be going on (i.e. maybe on a pin kick-out, maybe on a instant replay). With MSAA off + same settings, no slowdowns. I haven't done a Royal Rumble, so I don't know how much slowdown that might cause w/ more Superstars in the ring.

More about the game itself in MyCareer Mode:

Mostly, I've been in 1-on-1 Singles Matches w/ a Manager (you can buy a Manager to interfere, if you get enough points). There's SC (Singles Currency) + often for improving your stats & adding more moves & VC (Virtual Currency) where you can buy managers and train w/ even better wrestlers (to unlock them and even some of their better moves).

I am playing on Normal - so, yeah; it's for sure challenging. You win some, you lose some. You have a better chance against 2K-created wrestlers than surely anyone on the NXT, Superstars or any other roster. You can train weekly in the Performance Center once, so it;s best to Train in the Center, then do a Match for whatever brand you get sent to (NXT, Superstars, whatever). In MyCareer, I so feel like a mid-carder on Superstars. More matches you perform well in and especially if you win, you can sink more points into your character, their skills, their moves, add more Signature + Finishers moves to your characters (looks like you can set-up to 2 Sigs and 2 Finishers), whatever.

Other Things:

The wrestling itself isn't super-fast paced. But best of all, it looks + feels like a WWE match you'd see on TV. This game is not as arcade-like as older wrestling games like WWE Smackdown 2 on PSX. Far from it. You don't want to waste moves b/c you can tire out - and b/c they can counter/reverse them. Timing is everything - when to do the move, when to do reversals, whatever.

You can edit even WWE wrestlers' move-set that they've provided for you. Want to switch Seth Rollins to do a version of the Pedigree as one of his finishers like he now does on TV (since he's not using Curb Stomp/BlackOut finisher anymore)? Go ahead. If you want to reset it back to Default (as 2K originally set it), just switch to Default Move Set.

There's also a WWE Community thing. Here's where you can grab + download online wrestlers that other game-owners have created and uploaded; or whatever. You can find gamers' re-creations of Paige; other versions of The Rock (i.e. Hollywood era version of The Rock); and even their own WWE creations. Cool stuff.

I'm digging this. Lots of fun for me.

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If i like the female version of this, would it make me "not weird"?.....
It's still fake violence, though, so I don't know.

If someone turns wrestling on in my apartment, then I'll watch it with them. Don't get me wrong there. The stories and characters are so unintentionally hilarious that I actually enjoy it despite not knowing who I'm supposed to hate and being able to see the deadness in their eyes as they recite their ridiculous lines.

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It's still fake violence, though, so I don't know.

If someone turns wrestling on in my apartment, then I'll watch it with them. Don't get me wrong there. The stories and characters are so unintentionally hilarious that I actually enjoy it despite not knowing who I'm supposed to hate and being able to see the deadness in their eyes as they recite their ridiculous lines.
Sadly, more and more they've chased so much of the ridiculousness out. I like the luchadors. The bigger than life charicatures that speak to some of the prevailing fears of the era- the "cheating foriegners", the "Charlie Browns from outta town", the "Rolex wearin', kiss stealin', jet flyin', limosine ridin' son of gun. Whoooo!"

But nope, now it's just guys trying to cut boring promos leading into uninspired matches that are made up of blah characters.

It'l probably see another rise to prominence in the future as these things are cyclical, and it went from being huge into the 80s to barely maintaining a tv presence, to being huge in the early 2000s to barely maintaining a tv presence (It's on Sci fi and it's own network only, I think). If someone gets more clever... or maybe if Disney buys it, it'll get some time in the limelight again.

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Sadly, more and more they've chased so much of the ridiculousness out. I like the luchadors. The bigger than life charicatures that speak to some of the prevailing fears of the era- the "cheating foriegners", the "Charlie Browns from outta town", the "Rolex wearin', kiss stealin', jet flyin', limosine ridin' son of gun. Whoooo!"

But nope, now it's just guys trying to cut boring promos leading into uninspired matches that are made up of blah characters.

It'l probably see another rise to prominence in the future as these things are cyclical, and it went from being huge into the 80s to barely maintaining a tv presence, to being huge in the early 2000s to barely maintaining a tv presence (It's on Sci fi and it's own network only, I think). If someone gets more clever... or maybe if Disney buys it, it'll get some time in the limelight again.
In general, WWE in terms of quality has been on and off like a light switch since WCW closed. With the overdosage of talent they have, you'd think you'd get better stuff out of them on their main shows (Raw and Smackdown). But, WWE Creative hasn't been that great in years, anyways. And certainly, WWE was never that great at booking a good deal of their talent, which they often seem to toss in the mid-card or as enhancement talent - which is a shame. If you don't have the WWE Network (and I don't, BTW) - you'd probably be even better off catching highlights from NXT on WWE's Youtube page.

If you want better actual wrestling + matches, you'd probably be better off catching TNA or ROH on Destination America - which usually is on Wesnedays at 9-11pm for TNA; and 11pm-12am for ROH. Problem is - TNA uses to be more about the wrestling, but lately it seems to nowadays spend too much time on storylines, which what they cook-up usually ain't that great.

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If anyone is interested in some ps4/pc turtle beach headphones that are described as 'the worse headphones of life' in one of the reviews they are free with rebate on newegg.

It's still fake violence, though, so I don't know.
As opposed to all the other real violence on tv/movies...

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All this wrestling talk is making me questions ya'lls sexual inclinations.... oiled up dudes in tights... not my thing.  At all.  But playing a game like that... I'm pretty sure that's worse than HuniePop.  At least HuniePop is honest with itself about what it is.

when I use to watch wrestling (was kinda hardcore into it until probably freshman/sophomore year of HS) I preferred wcw over wwf. so im saying, I want more wcw gifs instead :D/

How much soft core porn am I allowed to watch before it becomes weird? Asking for a friend.
About 30-45 minutes every night before bed. If it takes you longer than that, then you're doing something wrong. Or, you might want to try the hard stuff.

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[quote name="ygoloib" post="12916132" timestamp="1442079171"]when I use to watch wrestling (was kinda hardcore into it until probably freshman/sophomore year of HS) I preferred wcw over wwf. so im saying, I want more wcw gifs instead :D/[/quote]
Da Crusher 4 life!

I can't decide what's the better the people on the board who say they like wrestling or the people on the board who become overly homophobic when people say they like wrestling

All this wrestling talk is making me nauseous. I don't know how you nerds ever get laid.

Anybody have any suggestions for essential cards to pair up for a green/white deck on the current block?
All this wrestling talk is making me nauseous. I don't know how you nerds ever get laid.

Anybody have any suggestions for essential cards to pair up for a green/white deck on the current block?
Wait wait wait... did you just go from Wrestling nerds to MTGO nerds? That's.... wow.... that's like crossing the nerd line man.

Lol I know Preed is joking, but I seriously can't do MTG anymore. I got out of it when I was like 15 since the two versions of tournament play is just a cheap way for them to sell more cards. I had all of the Unglued cards and couldn't use any of them. Jerks.

All this wrestling talk is making me nauseous. I don't know how you nerds ever get laid.

Anybody have any suggestions for essential cards to pair up for a green/white deck on the current block?
G/W blows, better off pairing any color with red. Unless you're talking about paper. Sorry, I literally just quit out of Duels.

Lol I know Preed is joking, but I seriously can't do MTG anymore. I got out of it when I was like 15 since the two versions of tournament play is just a cheap way for them to sell more cards. I had all of the Unglued cards and couldn't use any of them. Jerks.
Duels is free! With a generous starting pool and extremely reasonable grind rewards.

For those of you who play Tabletop Simulator, Bundle of Holding now has an anime based bundle of tabletop rulesets.
I'm intrigued by Tabletop Sim. Looks like something that would suck me in. Back when DnD 4th Edition had just released, friends of mine & I from college & previous jobs played an awesome campaign using Game Table - from the Sourceforge Project.

We had a blast. It was so much fun. We used Skype for voice & Game Table for the rest. Obviously Game Table is extremely limited & basic. I've always kept an eye out for that killer-app.

I am convinced this will win Best Desktop Wallpaper generator of 2015.

Hey guys, I'm done with catching brazilian girls (and the thread, and yeah I'm pretty sure they're GIRLS). I don't know if it'd be possible to just create a new nuuvem account and pay with paypal so I can help you out with your fakeybroing and at the same time not locking me out of the possibility of buying said game on my personal account in the future. If you want to try that just PM me here or on Steam.

bread's done