Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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By the way, since I looked it up in case needed it, and now feel I need to share it because I spent the time looking it up: Port Royale 3 made about $5 today in market transactions because they made a weed emoricon (though Sunday made only about $1.20)

In non-market news, ETS2 1.11 is out now (download just started on mine), which is adding 3 new cities as well as seat controls for free. 430 something mb download, Kind of sad I'm most excited that they added the current speed limit to the GPS finally!

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I would probably die.
Only if you've bought the full game.

"Buying the full version of The Graveyard adds only one feature, the possibility of death. The full version of the game is exactly the same as the trial, except, every time you play she may die. "

By the way Velvet Sundown devs disabled the text to speech stuff, I guess to stop the trolls.

EDIT: Apparently it's due to the TTS company's servers overloaded from the amount of people playing, only disabled for free accounts.
Looks like I won't be trying the game after all. *uninstalls*

By the way, since I looked it up in case needed it, and now feel I need to share it because I spent the time looking it up: Port Royale 3 made about $5 today in market transactions because they made a weed emoricon (though Sunday made only about $1.20)
You're... really late on that. It used to sell all the time for $15-25 back when it was newer. You do realize how long Port Royale 3 cards have been around, right?

You're... really late on that. It used to sell all the time for $15-25 back when it was newer. You do realize how long Port Royale 3 cards have been around, right?
I knew the emoticon had been around for months, just because I decided to see how much it was making (the devs anyways) for the past two days doesn't mean I just heard about it yesterday.

By the way Velvet Sundown devs disabled the text to speech stuff, I guess to stop the trolls.

EDIT: Apparently it's due to the TTS company's servers overloaded from the amount of people playing, only disabled for free accounts.
Wow, that's lame. Killed any interest I had in the game.. the TTS in the video that was posted earlier was the funniest part of the game.

Don't know if it was mentioned since I was neck deep in non-human primates yesterday, but with all the Borderlands talk recently I thought I'd mention that it was updated.

- Removed SecuRom from the title and all DLC
- Added a “Granting Tool” In the steam “Tools” section that turns a retail disc into a Steam version of Borderlands
- “News Ticker” added to the main menu to give you updates on the Multiplayer restoration updates.
- Imported SecuRom DLC keys into Steam, so if you bought DLC outside of Steam, activate it within Steam and get your matching content.
I never used that advanced settings tool, nor the cinematic .ini edit (thanks ashes and fore1337 for mentioning those), so that's probably all the push I need to venture back into the game with the deepest and richest story of all time.
Ok, I just made a card for Sailor Sakura Sweetleaf. Who wants to make a RPG Maker JRPG for me now? We'll split the profits!


Plenty more where that came from!
It's no wonder that you got into art school with those mad skills.

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I don't. But it's a problem for other people, especially if it continues.
FWIW this sort of situation is very much the exception but it gets more attention for obvious reasons.

If someone is really concerned they can always check with the bundle sites and see if they put it in their contracts that Steam keys have to be given if the game gets on Steam later. Groupees does have such a stipulation in their contracts but Indie Royale does not.
FWIW this sort of situation is very much the exception but it gets more attention for obvious reasons.

If someone is really concerned they can always check with the bundle sites and see if they put it in their contracts that Steam keys have to be given if the game gets on Steam later. Groupees does have such a stipulation in their contracts but Indie Royale does not.
The Saturday morning RPG dev said that indie royale has that in their contract(maybe it's new).....or I dreamed that during a drunken stupor
I know Rockin Android said it wasn't for Suguri and the Stained dude did which IR confirmed (without commenting as to whether they've since added such a stipulation). It has been a while since those games were run though and Indie Royale never seems to be much if any help in attempting to resolve these situations.

I'd say you could ask the guy who runs IR twitter but he's pretty useless. I suppose you could always try emailing their support but I don't know if they would tell you or if they person answering the email would even know.

I've heard multiple reports of slow response, cluelessness, right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing etc with regard to trying to contact IR and Desura about just about anything.
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Only if you've bought the full game.

"Buying the full version of The Graveyard adds only one feature, the possibility of death. The full version of the game is exactly the same as the trial, except, every time you play she may die. "
Oh, not only did I buy it, but I played it... to death. Not sure how many people want to watch a live stream of
a dead old lady sitting on a bench for four hours.

Thanks very much to Travathian for kicking off a great day of giving! I will be gone all day today, but rest assured, there will be many game drops upon my return!

Don't get your sacks squashed! ;)

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Complain on message boards? That's about it, since I don't think we've gotten to a point where the police will go break down indie developer's doors because they're withholding Steam keys.
i think we should spread the words out so that other gamers know about such developers & boyscott them. Raising awareness is key against these types of practice i.e. I almost bought Paranautical Activity until I read a comment from a fellow CAG


Starting tonight at midnight American PST (Gaben time) and going for 24 hours, I will match dollar for dollar any donations made to this charity, up to a secret maximum amount (told only to Dr Sasquatch). It's a secret so people don't just give up after the limit is hit. In addition, anyone who donates at least $5 during the 24 hour period gets a free game off my bundle leftover list.
Contest over. Total match $66.75

Winners who get to pick from my bundle leftovers: jimbodan, malkan, jacob sweet, rhynometheus, Senior Package, waggles, tom nigro, and uh three of you from that big group donation. DrRock, you are included as well. Please pm me your top 3 choices from the list below.

39 Steps

7th Guest

Alien spidey

Aveyond Twilight

beatbuddy guardians

blue toad murder files

Broken Sword 2


Dear Esther

Divinity II

dollar Dash

Ethan Meteor

Fortix 2


gun metal

hostile waters

huntsman orphanage

Ion Assault

Legend of Dungeon

little street racers

miner wars arena SE

Oil Rush

Party of Sin

party of sin

Postal 1

Ravensword shadowlands


Sanf-froid werewolves

Shattered Haven


Sup Com

Sup Com FA

survivor squad

sweezy gunner


Tiny and Big Grandpa

To the Moon

Unearthed Ep 1


Woodcutter Sim

Bridge It

Crazy Machines

Crazy Machines 1.5

Crazy Machines 2


They are selling for megabucks to oil barons and the clueless parents from episodes of My Super Sweet Sixteen, so hurry your buns off! And that is in addition to getting to force me to play whatever game your heart desires and getting on my super awesome donor list for the hundreds and hundreds of games I am still going to give away! The page again is RIGHT HERE! Go get 'em!!
ok... nobody force the good doctor to play Bad Rats or Ride to Hell...He's a nice dude. Those 2 can drive him mad

Well, TITS is out and it's time for me to play. Also marks game 1,000 without more than a couple bundle games as I've mostly avoided bundles. Sadly, I still have more DLC than I have games according to my Steam profile widget.

 Age of Empires II HD + The Forgotten Expansion is cheaper separately than in bundle. Did Amazon fix their DLC serials containing base game?

So I'v been playing Plague, Inc. on the phone lately.  I bought it back in December using Amazon credit and it's a pretty good, challenging game.  So far I haven't been able to pass the first stage on Normal difficulty, but I've just been randomly evolving my disease with little thought so it's prevented me from killing off the entire world.

I notice that the mobile version is not surprisingly full of in game purchases for stuff.  For example, the Simian Flu Planet of the Apes tie in you can play once and then you have to buy.

For those who have it on PC, is all that content already unlocked?  I don't see any DLC listed on Steam so if the Evolved version has all this stuff unlocked it actually might not be a bad deal.

Also, has the multiplayer been implemented in the game yet?

GameFly has a pre-order up for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (Steam) - $59.99 $47.99 (after using the JUL20OFF Coupon).

I'm positive it's not the last discount we'll see before October 14th, but it's still somewhat bizarre as to why Steam doesn't have it available for pre-order yet.

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GameFly has a pre-order up for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (Steam) - $59.99 $47.99 (after using the JUL20OFF Coupon).

I'm positive it's not the last discount we'll see before October 14th, but it's still somewhat bizarre as to why Steam doesn't have it available for pre-order yet.
AmazonJosh said that Amazon is going to have it for $59.98 and if 100,000 people pre-order he's going to post in the Amazon thread again....once.

So I'v been playing Plague, Inc. on the phone lately. I bought it back in December using Amazon credit and it's a pretty good, challenging game. So far I haven't been able to pass the first stage on Normal difficulty, but I've just been randomly evolving my disease with little thought so it's prevented me from killing off the entire world.

I notice that the mobile version is not surprisingly full of in game purchases for stuff. For example, the Simian Flu Planet of the Apes tie in you can play once and then you have to buy.

For those who have it on PC, is all that content already unlocked? I don't see any DLC listed on Steam so if the Evolved version has all this stuff unlocked it actually might not be a bad deal.

Also, has the multiplayer been implemented in the game yet?
My friend says Planet of the Apes has been unlocked and MP is available, but he hasn't tried it.

For those who have it on PC, is all that content already unlocked? I don't see any DLC listed on Steam so if the Evolved version has all this stuff unlocked it actually might not be a bad deal.
Also, has the multiplayer been implemented in the game yet?
We were discussing this a few days ago. As far as I can tell most stuff is unlocked by default on the PC version, whereas you have to buy it with in game (or real) money on the mobile version. It's not nearly as bad a grind as most mobile games though, which is nice.
Edit: Also Borderlands the Presequel for $60? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no.
I was probably being overly optimistic, but I was thinking an MSRP more along the lines of $39.99. Or worst case scenario -- $49.99.

Maybe 2K won't have a problem selling it because it will say Borderlands on the cover, but I think most people are thinking that this game falls in between "full versions" of games in the Borderlands series. It look and sounds like an expansion rather than a full blown game.

Octodad is pretty fun.  It's sort of like taking elements from Surgeon Sim, Ampu-Tea, and Viscera Clean Up and combining them into a playable/enjoyable game.  You are the difficult to control Octodad and have to carry out a list of tasks each level to proceed to the next.  I haven't finished it, but definitely something I'll come back to.  

So I'v been playing Plague, Inc. on the phone lately. I bought it back in December using Amazon credit and it's a pretty good, challenging game. So far I haven't been able to pass the first stage on Normal difficulty, but I've just been randomly evolving my disease with little thought so it's prevented me from killing off the entire world.

I notice that the mobile version is not surprisingly full of in game purchases for stuff. For example, the Simian Flu Planet of the Apes tie in you can play once and then you have to buy.

For those who have it on PC, is all that content already unlocked? I don't see any DLC listed on Steam so if the Evolved version has all this stuff unlocked it actually might not be a bad deal.

Also, has the multiplayer been implemented in the game yet?
Yeesh, I have less than no interest in that game. MC is a plague who's goal is to kill everyone on Earth? No thanks. I used to not play zombie games because I was terrified of what would happen if zombies actually existed (I was really young.) but I knew it wouldn't now. But a plague? That's a real threat. And not only that, but in the zombie games, you fought the zombies. Here you ARE the plague. Makes me ill just thinking about it. And here's this picture on GameFAQs.


Not touching this thing with a million foot sterilized pole.

I was probably being overly optimistic, but I was thinking an MSRP more along the lines of $39.99. Or worst case scenario -- $49.99.

Maybe 2K won't have a problem selling it because it will say Borderlands on the cover, but I think most people are thinking that this game falls in between "full versions" of games in the Borderlands series. It look and sounds like an expansion rather than a full blown game.
I didn't think it would be more than $29.99. From what I'd seen in their promo stuff I thought they meant it wouldn't have a campaign the size of the other two games.

But $60? Jesus, I'm sure it'll be full of DLC too. I can wait to grab the game when it hits $5.

Yeesh, I have less than no interest in that game. MC is a plague who's goal is to kill everyone on Earth? No thanks. I used to not play zombie games because I was terrified of what would happen if zombies actually existed (I was really young.) but I knew it wouldn't now. But a plague? That's a real threat. And not only that, but in the zombie games, you fought the zombies. Here you ARE the plague. Makes me ill just thinking about it. And here's this picture on GameFAQs.


Not touching this thing with a million foot sterilized pole.
You can play something more family friendly, like DEFCON.

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Borderlands? I love BL2,but the new one doesn't look much different. Doesn't seems to improve much over BL2 (I might be wrong) and will have 10764 DLCs. I'll wait for GOTY at $7.5
I'm enjoying Verdun. I've had it for a while after I won a key in some Twitch BS a few months ago, but I didn't even try it until this sale since there's a slew of people playing it all of a sudden.

It's a bit rough around the edges. There's some things that clearly need to be worked out (Career is spelled wrong so whenever you level up you get to laugh at bad spelling) but considering the unique setting, its quite engaging. Its a bit reminiscent of Chivalry when that first launched just in terms of the kinks, obviously the gameplay is much different than that.

Some people compare it to Red Orchestra, but its nothing like that. I got 10 kills with the level 1 rifle in my very first game and Im not the most adept at shooters. Game mode seem to be just an objective capture/defend Germans vs French on a few maps, but I had fun in the few hours I put into it this morning. Going to play some more later on.

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