Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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requesting repost of coral memes plx
Will do:


I'm fighting a losing battle with cards. I was down to 90 games with drops just prior to the Summer Sale.


It can get overwhelming. I had a backlog of around 30 card games I idled this last week and it was a chore, but I keep telling myself it will cover my Killing Floor 2 Pre-order when it releases next century.

Just when I finished idling all those games, I check today and I have 5 more games with cards :) or :(

GFWL is awesome.

I fired up Bulletstorm. Log into GFWL. They want me to update it - sure. Update will not work. I can't play the game. Awesome!

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GFWL is awesome.

I fired up Bulletstorm. Log into GFWL. They want me to update it - sure. Update will not work. I can't play the game. Awesome!
Kinda sad that MS started so late on the GFWL thing, and then only did it half-assed. It'd be nice to have some serious competition for Steam, both on the price aspect but also the client feature aspect.

Octodad is pretty fun. It's sort of like taking elements from Surgeon Sim, Ampu-Tea, and Viscera Clean Up and combining them into a playable/enjoyable game. You are the difficult to control Octodad and have to carry out a list of tasks each level to proceed to the next. I haven't finished it, but definitely something I'll come back to.
You might as well just finish it, it isn't a very long game. I'm pretty sure I beat it the day I bought it, it took under 4 hours. I enjoyed it though!

Kinda sad that MS started so late on the GFWL thing, and then only did it half-assed. It'd be nice to have some serious competition for Steam, both on the price aspect but also the client feature aspect.
GFWL wasn't competition, it was an attempt to get people to pay for online multiplayer. Absolutely -nothing- good came out of GFWL. Excessive region / DRM locks on games AND DLC, no official multiplayer support in a lot of countries, and a client that just dragged things down. And sales? WHAT SALES? The only good thing was console players getting extra points for their 360 profile.

True, a lot of people didn't have issues with it, myself included, but enough did that the platform needs to be shot in the back of the head. Soon.

The Humble Store has Final Fantasy III (not VI, not the one with Kefka, don't get excited) at 50% off for $7.99, beating the $10.71 it was on Steam during the Summer Sale.  It's not 75% off, but this is a historical low for a game that hit Steam two months ago.

I don't regret buying with card money during the sale.  It was my one splurge, and I did so accepting that it would go lower.  >.>

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Don't know if it was mentioned since I was neck deep in non-human primates yesterday, but with all the Borderlands talk recently I thought I'd mention that it was updated.

I never used that advanced settings tool, nor the cinematic .ini edit (thanks ashes and fore1337 for mentioning those), so that's probably all the push I need to venture back into the game with the deepest and richest story of all time.
I'd also add that WillowTree is useful for knocking down your character level, if you like to sidequest (and thus overlevel a lot). Regularly knocking down my level helped me enjoy the base game more.

First Steam CAG regular with at least 2,500+ posts to quote this gets an Aces Wild steam key.
I think I have that many. I have too many.

*Edit: Oh Christ I have 8,397. I've been busy apparently. (Phone originally corrected to I've been busty. Thanks phone)
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mine are quality over quantity
I need to cut back on mine. I was trying to keep a steady 1 to 1 post to like ratio, but it's gone out of wack. I should make sure any future posts are quality and likeable. Not that I care Because I don't care at all. In fact I don't care so much, I let people know how much I don't care.


I'm fighting a losing battle with cards. I was down to 90 games with drops just prior to the Summer Sale.


From what I saw over at NeoGAF, jshackles and Stumpokapow are writing a program today specifically for idling cards, and finished an early build if you want to try it out. (link to his post) (link to his github)

Update: Seems Jshack uploaded the wrong early version that still had SAM code in it (SAM dev got a little perturbed about that) and took down the github page. Since he's travelling, he won't be able to upload the newer version til sometime later.

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never just for blocking me jerk! i hate u ithought we were friends :(
I haven't blocked anyone. Keep in mind when you decline a friend request from the same person several times it seems to appear to the other person that they've been blocked (to stop harassment).

Also, I don't know who you are.

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