Strategy Guide Lot - $200

[quote name='JJSP']Shoulda left those movies at a buck. :)[/quote]

No you shouldn't have ;)

Thanks to everyone that bid. It was tough keeping up at the end, but I did it!

I'm going to tally it up now and I'll PM out totals.

Thanks again
You sneaky...

I expected to lose out on Fast and Furious. Kinda stoked to win that one. Glad I could help out, lolwut - lemme know what I owe you. :)

If it's a help, my zip code is 92821 (or at least will be when things arrive).
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I've tallied up everything on paper. It's late and I have a morning class, so I won't post them in the thread and send out PM's until tomorrow.

Those that will have odd shipping amounts that I need to confirm, you will be PMed in a few minutes.

Thanks again all!
Actually, since I just won the TMNT trilogy, I would like to have you toss the discs in a paper sleeve and ship them like that to save.

Also, figuring out a total for the blus would be good too!
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[quote name='dustdingo']Hey - this may be a dumb question, but what e-mail addy should we Paypal to? Thanks![/quote]

You must've skipped over it. I added some squigglies to make it stand out more; it's right at the top of the OP, under the payment section.

I'm going to start sending out invoices now. To those that see their total in this thread and want to go pay right away, PLEASE READ THE PAYMENT RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS!

I know you're excited about what you won, but please read them :pray:. It will save us both a headache and make this a much smoother process.

Thanks again everyone!
Arakias $2 + $3.50 = $9
PS1 Memory Card (SEALED) - $2 Arakias

Hi, just wanted to double check the math on this one, cause I would imagine I owe $5.50. Please advise if you send an invoice as to why its so high or correct on front page and I'll pay ASAP. thanks!
[quote name='Arakias']Hi, just wanted to double check the math on this one, cause I would imagine I owe $5.50. Please advise if you send an invoice as to why its so high or correct on front page and I'll pay ASAP. thanks![/quote]

That was the calculation gratuity fee ;)

You were correct though, that was a copy+paste error on my part, and I thank you for bringing it to my attention. I have sent out all the invoices and now triple-checked the list, but if anyone thinks they see an error I have made, please bring it to my attention!

Those that have paid are being moved to the paid list
So far, things have been going pretty smoothly. I've heard from almost everyone, and many have already paid. I am going to buy hella shipping supplies today, and get some major packing done. Hopefully I'll be sending out a good chunk of your orders tomorrow *fingers crossed*

There are still a few I haven't heard from, specifically:


If you guys could just shoot me a PM letting me know how you intend to pay, or just letting me know you're alive, that would be appreciated.

I'll be sure to keep you all updated. Thanks CAGs!
Whew! Today has been quite the day! I ended up walking to the P.O. to ship off some packages and get weights so I could send off more tomorrow; talk about dedication! Here's a list of who's stuff has been shipped:


Your tracking numbers are posted in the OP, and I will be PMing you guys shortly. Here's a list of who's stuff is packed and hopefully going out tomorrow:

Porksta (If you pay me tonight ;))

I'm still waiting to hear from:


Pyloric, I should be packing your stuff up tonight. I hope I have a mailer big enough :cool:
Shipped these today:


Pretty much everyone's stuff is out beside Pyloric (I'm getting you a box the next time I goto the P.O., it slipped my mind today).

I have to write a final paper so I'll send out PM's to those mentioned above tomorrow or Wednesday.

Also, to those who have received, thanks for the feedback and enjoy your stuff!
bread's done