Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Gen. Discussion & Info



Not Interested
I don't hear anything! :nottalking:
Mad D

[quote name='BlueLobstah']I'm confused.... Did I miss something?[/QUOTE]
Confused you be. :lol:
I just placed everyone who didn't reply as "Not Interested."

I forgot about Smash's #1 Canadian, Maigo. Heh. I wonder who takes the crown in lag, you or Dyeknom? ;)
[quote name='evergoo']
I forgot about Smash's #1 Canadian, Maigo. Heh. I wonder who takes the crown in lag, you or Dyeknom? ;)[/QUOTE]I'll take the lag trophy any day.

If I manage to get my wireless working properly I'll join up, otherwise I'll just sit and cry in the corner :cry:
[quote name='Mr. Beef']I call Crash.[/QUOTE]
They already added Snake who isn't really Nintendo so it can't be that far away lol... That would be ill tho!
I know this is off topic and even possibly the wrong thread (but I dont know where it would go)

does anyone know what the smash stack is to hack the wii...could you explain it to me in non hacker language lol

im so confused
Marc, are you still around? I'll play, but I want to know if anyone is online before I haul the Wii and all the connections back to my bedroom :lol:
Any other geezers out there? Daisy and I are currently looking for a threesome. ;)

EDIT: Too late. Threesome prohibited due to lack of love. :whistle2:(
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Error codes! Crap!

EDIT: I keep trying but I can never get into the room!
EDIT2: Fart me. You try joining...
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[quote name='Strell']I will not be around on Saturday. Got called away.[/QUOTE]
My gf's brother is graduating on Friday and I won't have access to a Wii for the weekend. Consider yourself lucky. ;)
Sorry again everyone!
I'll be able to hang onto the Wii for at least this week, then its brawl hiatus for another long while.

Which means, Imma gonna get some practice going tm
[quote name='JoeB1233']Jack, I'm ready to go if you're still willing. Let me know. :)[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I was already asleep by the time you posted. I wasn't expecting you to show up so late. If you're up for it, I'll play today or tonight as long as we don't start any later than 10:00 PM EST.
I may join up with you guys. I hope it doesn't lag too too bad.

I'll find my SSBB friend code in another thread and post it here.
Jack! Hey I'm here I'll be on in about 10 minutes or so. :)

EDIT: Actually we're going to have dinner. Any way we could postpone for 30 more minutes? I'll jump in the IRC too.
[quote name='JoeB1233']Nope, there's no advantage to using ZSS.

You hear that, FM, no advantage. :p[/QUOTE]

Jesus Christ this x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
bread's done