Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Just watched the Series premier of the new Fox show called "Sleepy Hollow", color me surprised it was,very good and looks to be a solid hit. I really enjoyed it, and an excellent modern day twist on a classic tale.
Finally watched trigun badlands they need to remake  the anime with this art look, it was pretty awesome. I wish vash talked to the plant like he did in the anime but he didn't

The Place Beyond the Pines -- i thought the plot was too extravagant, just never hit home for me. Had some of the best cinematography i've ever seen though. The bike and police chase was unbelievable.

The Worlds End. Loved it, partly due to the fact that the Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy has been my favorite movies for a long time. Fight scenes were really something.

Just finished Green Lantern. I thought it was okay bordering on good. The comedy in the movie fell flat but all the serious stuff with the Guardians and the Lanterns worked for me. Ryan Reynolds acted too much like a jackass (maybe this was how he should have portrayed Deadpool?) so to see him get his act together was rewarding.  

Weird how much time wasn't devoted to Parallax.

World War Z: 7.9 - Better than I expected though I had heard as much. Forced myself to forget the book. Ending made sense but not epic at all. 
Horrible Bosses: 8.4 - 
Hangover 2: 6.7 - If you approach this like it's an eccentric indie movie, it works. If you approach this like a comedy, it bombs. 
Now You See Me: 7.2 - Forgettable but watchable. Using CG magic instead of practical FX ruins the sense of watching magic.
Riddick: 8.4 - Made the character more relevant than I would have thought. Film would have been better if they concentrated on Riddick and the dog.
The World's End: 8.8 - Worse than Shaun and Fuzz but still pretty great. The ending was a severe letdown. 
Alien 3 - Assembly Cut: 8.1 - Made the film much better than I remember it. Still don't agree with the decision to kill everyone off and Ripley felt like she was humanized yet out of character all at the same time.
Epic: 6.4 - Boring. Stilted action scenes. Stupid/Unfunny characters. Four good chuckle-inducing lines in the entire film. 
Runaway Train: 9.2 - So awesome. Jon Voight's Manny was freakin' BADASS! Eric Roberts gets annoying but that's part of his character. Beautiful cinematography. It's an under-appreciated classic.
The Fast and The Furious: 7.4 - More boring than I remember it. 
The Hangover 3: 7.6 - Better than the second one. Same idea. Good indie film. Bad comedy. I hate the Alan character and how no one actually snaps at him for his bullshit. That's more unbelievable than anything else that happens in these films. "Hey Alan. Your selfish behavior caused an increase in stress in your father and gave him heart attack. Lets take it easy on you."
2 Fast 2 Furious: 7.5 - For sheer escapism, definitely more fun than the first. Terrible CG. Less memorable characters. 
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Solomon Kane - 2.5/5 - I was honestly expecting this to be god awful, and in some parts it was, but there was some good stuff buried beneath the cliches and overwriting. 

Ryan Reynolds acted too much like a jackass (maybe this was how he should have portrayed Deadpool?) so to see him get his act together was rewarding.
When the movie was first released, several fans noted that while the character was called Hal Jordan, he was written more like Kyle Rayner.
Rest Stop - Decent premise, but bad editing, at times bad acting, bad directing, lots of crap that could've been filmed much better. damnit. 1.5/5

Curse Of Chucky :

Decent. Suprised they didn't try to put it in theatres seeing how horror has fared at box office this year

World War Z - 3/5 - Was a cool premise but just missing something. The zombies were awesome. I love crazy running zombies who can take down a helicopter

Two Guns - 4/5 - I thought it was a good movie and the acting from Denzel and Marky Mark was really good. Nice twist as well. 

VHS - 2.5/5 Not sure why people enjoyed this movie so much. While it has good special effects and some of the scenes are pretty good, it is disjointed and nothing fits together to a cohesive whole. 

VHS - 2.5/5 Not sure why people enjoyed this movie so much. While it has good special effects and some of the scenes are pretty good, it is disjointed and nothing fits together to a cohesive whole.
I wouldn't say it was amazing, but I thought more of the shorts were good than bad. There was only 1 I didn't really like.

I wouldn't say it was amazing, but I thought more of the shorts were good than bad. There was only 1 I didn't really like.
Ok. I feel stupid. I didn't realize it was supposed to be an anthology of stories. I missed the beginning of it and had trouble hearing some of the dialogue.

I like Tim Burton, Alice was alright I liked Sweeney Todd and Frankenweenie.. Dark Shadows was pretty poor - it's funny because me and a few friends helped on the film was a little while we all went to see it together we kinda just looked at each other when it ended

Alice in Wonderland is abysmal. Burton should avoid any remakes/"reimaginings" for the rest of his career.

Cept for the Alice sequel I guess. Can't believe it made so much money.
Alice in Wonderland is abysmal. Burton should avoid any remakes/"reimaginings" for the rest of his career.

Cept for the Alice sequel I guess. Can't believe it made so much money.
Agree 100%, he needs to stick with his own original ideas because he fucks up anything that already has source material.

I haven't watched too many movies this year, but I just finished watching the new Star Trek.

As a non-Trekkie, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I liked the first one, and I was concerned that some folks said this one was all action and explosions.

There certainly were explosions, but there was good drama along the way. I thought the whole "Kirk = guts; Spock = logic" theme was too obvious from the get go, but it still worked.

On a scale measuring overall merit, I'd rate it a 7.5/10, but I had 9/10 worth of fun on my first watching.

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Alice in Wonderland was amazing.

I loved how every other scene reminded me the movie was made for 3D.

Didn't look stupid to me at all seeing it in 2D.

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My biggest problem with the new Star Trek is the climax and resolution basically makes it a remake. I don't understand the need to go there whatsoever.
I wouldn't go as far as to call it a remake.

Reimagining maybe, but it's still a very different movie from Star Trek II

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Is there a CAG thread like this for games? I'd search for it but I suck at search on the new CAG interface.

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I wouldn't go as far as to call it a remake.

Reimagining maybe, but it's still a very different movie from Star Trek II
Yes but the two biggest elements of the plot are straight remade, albeit with the characters flipped.

I didn't have a huge problem with them using him as the villain, and Cumberbatch is a great actor, but there wasn't any need to go there at all. Especially when the characters don't share the sane bond as in the older film. There were plenty other ways the movie could have gone.
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There have been a few what are you playing threads in the general gaming area, but they haven't tended to get a lot of sustained activity. That forum area is pretty slow anyway outside of the GGT thread and a couple other threads like it.

Yes but the two biggest elements of the plot are straight remade, albeit with the characters flipped.

I didn't have a huge problem with them using him as the villain, and Cumberbatch is a great actor, but there wasn't any need to go there at all. Especially when the characters don't share the sane bond as in the older film. There were plenty other ways the movie could have gone.
I didn't really mind the remake nature of the movie. I was never a big fan of the original Star Trek movies or show so it's been ages since I've seen them. And the second is the only one remember really liking.

In any case, with this series being set up as a slightly alternate reality (same crew came together etc.). slightly different events happening makes sense as the reality wasn't shifted that much by the events if the first one.

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When the movie was first released, several fans noted that while the character was called Hal Jordan, he was written more like Kyle Rayner.
I didn't get that feeling from Kyle from the stories I've read with him (the one year period following Reign of the Superman). I thought Kyle was trying to get his life together, especially since the passing of his girlfriend. If the comic writers made him more pompous, then that sucks.

And count me in as another who liked Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland. I thought Depp was good and didn't overshadow the other actors (as opposed to what I heard regarding The Lone Ranger).

Didn't like Sweeney Todd, but I wouldn't mind seeing Dark Shadows.

There have been a few what are you playing threads in the general gaming area, but they haven't tended to get a lot of sustained activity. That forum area is pretty slow anyway outside of the GGT thread and a couple other threads like it.

I didn't really mind the remake nature of the movie. I was never a big fan of the original Star Trek movies or show so it's been ages since I've seen them. And the second is the only one remember really liking.

In any case, with this series being set up as a slightly alternate reality (same crew came together etc.). slightly different events happening makes sense as the reality wasn't shifted that much by the events if the first one.
I understand but I still don't see the need to do it. I'm actually most excited for the third movie, I hope more of it is like the first 6 minutes or so of Into Darkness, seeing new alien species was cool. There's lots of new things they can present, even the redesigned Klingons were pretty awesome.

bread's done