Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Gravity - 7/10

Just became too predictable. This is the movie: everything is fine>something bad happens>everything is fine>something bad happen

Repeat that for the whole movie.
That's great to know, when I watch the movie I'll know that any time something bad happens it will turn out ok. AWESOME!

Hmm, Gravity. I don't know, sort of agree that predictability became a problem.
When Clooney cut loose I immediately relaxed because you knew the girl would make it home.

Elements like the dead daughter story were also weak.

Think the biggest opportunity missed was that in the beginning of the movie they emphasized silence and lack of sound in space, but when the action got going, it was all obnoxious music playing over every movement. Some parts would have been terrifying in pure silence, but yeah, just another director who doesn't have the balls to rip sound in a space movie.

The first 20 minutes are very,very gripping, though.
Thanks for the spoiler. It's great to know someone's daughter is dead or will be dead. And now that I quoted you, I saw your other spoiler. Wonderful.

The daughter thing isn't really a spoiler, lol, it's part of the premise.

Anyway, the movie is entirely visual. There's really nothing to spoil. If you've ever seen a movie you'll know how this one is going to end after about 15 minutes or so.

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That's great to know, when I watch the movie I'll know that any time something bad happens it will turn out ok. AWESOME!

Thanks for the spoiler. It's great to know someone's daughter is dead or will be dead. And now that I quoted you, I saw your other spoiler. Wonderful.
Life is hard.

Sandra Bullock learns that in the movie (spoiler btw)

Life is hard.

Sandra Bullock learns that in the movie (spoiler btw)
Saying that every time something bad happens it turns out ok, and this repeats the entire movie, is a spoiler. So I'll watch the movie, something bad will happen like Sandra drifting away from the ship out into space but at the last second she will get rescued. Then some part of the ship will breakdown, look like it's the end for them, but they will somehow get it working again. That is a spoiler. You've told people what is going to happen before they got to see it for themselves.

Saying that every time something bad happens it turns out ok, and this repeats the entire movie, is a spoiler. So I'll watch the movie, something bad will happen like Sandra drifting away from the ship out into space but at the last second she will get rescued. Then some part of the ship will breakdown, look like it's the end for them, but they will somehow get it working again. That is a spoiler. You've told people what is going to happen before they got to see it for themselves.
A lot of movies are like that, but you can still enjoy em. you think everyone's going to die a half hour in or something?

There's only 2 people up there and both are played by big name actors. Plus, the whole point of the movie is thrilling near-death in the vaccum of space. Like Planetes only less quirky and no terrorists. What exactly did you expect?
This Is The End - I thought it was just ok, nowhere near as funny as people make it out to be. Danny McBride was the best part and he wasn't in it enough. The only part I really laughed at was when Danny and Franco were talking about jerking off. I guess it doesn't help that I don't find Jonah Hill funny at all.
I kind of felt the same way though I did like it a bit more. The opening party scene could have been a little longer with even more cameos, or at least longer conversations.

People did make it out to be like the funniest movie of all-time, which it's not. I did like it much better than Pineapple Express though. you think everyone's going to die a half hour in or something?

There's only 2 people up there and both are played by big name actors. Plus, the whole point of the movie is thrilling near-death in the vaccum of space. Like Planetes only less quirky and no terrorists. What exactly did you expect?
I was really looking forward to watching the movie and I didn't know anything about it's plot other than there are people in space desperately trying to get back to Earth. I didn't care to know bad stuff happens and it always turns out ok. That's like watching a football game when you already know the score and outcome.

Or maybe one of them dies, but now I know they'll be ok! I didn't know it only had 2 actors and I've seen other movies where big time actors die. Movie would've been a helluva lot better if I didn't know all this shit beforehand.

I was really looking forward to watching the movie and I didn't know anything about it's plot other than there are people in space desperately trying to get back to Earth. I didn't care to know bad stuff happens and it always turns out ok. That's like watching a football game when you already know the score and outcome.

Or maybe one of them dies, but now I know they'll be ok! I didn't know it only had 2 actors and I've seen other movies where big time actors die. Movie would've been a helluva lot better if I didn't know all this shit beforehand.
You're really giving the plot a lot more credit than it deserves.

It's on par with any other disaster movie. The focus of this movie is easily the visuals, I don't think anyone would say otherwise.

I was really looking forward to watching the movie and I didn't know anything about it's plot other than there are people in space desperately trying to get back to Earth. I didn't care to know bad stuff happens and it always turns out ok. That's like watching a football game when you already know the score and outcome.

Or maybe one of them dies, but now I know they'll be ok! I didn't know it only had 2 actors and I've seen other movies where big time actors die. Movie would've been a helluva lot better if I didn't know all this shit beforehand.
It was pretty obvious from the trailers and TV spots (as well as the genre conventions) what was going to happen and how many characters there were. Hell, I myself have not seen the movie and have no desire to (I liked it better when it was called Planetes) and I was able to tell that just from the trailer.

If you are watching the movie, you are going to see thrilling danger sequences in the vaccum of space. If you are non-plussed during said sequences, that's the director's fault, not anyone here.
The Road  - good but a bit depressing

Room 237 - awesome in it's lunacy.

Both are on Netflix, Room 237 is a documentary really.

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The Road - good but a bit depressing
Yeah, The Road is a real pick-me-up ;)

Regarding Gravity, I have this (somewhat) irrational hatred for all things and movies involving Sandra Bullock. What I want to know is:

1. Should I agree to watch it when my wife inevitably suggests we rent it?

2. Will it marginally reduce my hatred for Sandra Bullock?

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Yeah, The Road is a real pick-me-up ;)

Regarding Gravity, I have this (somewhat) irrational hatred for all things and movies involving Sandra Bullock. What I want to know is:

1. Should I agree to watch it when my wife inevitably suggests we rent it?

2. Will it marginally reduce my hatred for Sandra Bullock?
How dare you, she has such classics as miss congeniality, two weeks notice and the classic what about steve. Seriously you didn't like speed cos of Sandra Bullock?

Side note - watching curse of chucky tonight, hope its as good as some of you guys said but hat do I know I liked Bride when it seems it's hated by a lot.

How the hell did you forget about Demolition Man?
And Speed? Hello? Anyone?

I just watched Looper. It sucked. I only say that because the last hour was really bad compared to the first hour which was great. The entire premise also made no sense so that didn't help either...

Simon told me not to mention those two.

Shame you didn't like looper, it was my favourite sci-fi film from last year. Though some people did walk out of it in the showing I was at.
How dare you, she has such classics as miss congeniality, two weeks notice and the classic what about steve. Seriously you didn't like speed cos of Sandra Bullock?
I'm pretty sure this is a true statement: The last Sandra Bullock movie I saw was 2006's The Lake House with Keanu Reeves. You know, the one about the time traveling mailbox or some shit.

The only one I kind of feel bad about not seeing is The Blind Side, but then I remember that Sandra Bullock is in it and I don't feel bad. Plus she is blonde in that one and that would somehow weird me out and make me hate her more.

Speed is right up there with Godfather and Citizen Kane though on the all time cinematic masterpiece list though...
Curse of chucky - I'd give it a 6/10, it was an ok film the last half hour was the best when we actually got chucky action.

Saw the post cred scene that made the film a 7/10. As far as post cred scenes it's one of the best ones I've seen.
Machete Kills. Fun flick.

The commercials make it look tame but if you saw the first one, you know what to expect (also expect to say "What the fuck" a lot).

Make sure you stay after the credits as well.

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The Internship - didn't like this one at all really. Had a few chuckles now and again but their magic as duo was only meant for wedding crashers. The jokes weren't particularly funny and the plot was quite hokey with a love story on the side that, outside of 3 or 4 scenes is non-existent and therefore not really needed. 

Rocky - 4.75/5

Rocky II - 4.5/5

Rocky III - 4.5/5

Rocky IV - 4.75/5

Rocky V - 4/5

Rocky Balboa - 4.75/5

- While Rocky 1-5 may be better spaced apart, Rocky Balboa is better watching right after the earlier films. Balboa was a lot better watching it the 2nd time - immediately after, than it was the first time I saw it many years after the others.

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Rocky - 4.75/5

Rocky II - 4.5/5

Rocky III - 4.5/5
Rocky IV - 4.75/5

Rocky V - 4/5

Rocky Balboa - 4.75/5

- While Rocky 1-5 may be better spaced apart, Rocky Balboa is better watching right after the earlier films. Balboa was a lot better watching it the 2nd time - immediately after, than it was the first time I saw it many years after the others.

I remember marathoning all five just before balboa was released. Got all my university friends at the time to watch them since none of them had ever seen a rocky film. I felt so.proud that day.
Pacific Rim was like...boring. All the super dark and rainy fight scenes were cool and all, but dat acting along with dat script was so :dunce:

It's Avatar all over again.

Except Avatar didn't have the pleasure of having Ron Perlman and Charlie Day.

龍 虎 門

Dragon Tiger Gate

I'm not a huge fan of Donnie Yen, but hot damn, the action in this flick is off the fucking chain in this one. It has some of the best fight choreography I've ever seen.

From Dusk Till Dawn 2- I know people seem to hate this and the third one, which I haven't seen yet, but I thought it was pretty entertaining.

The Conjuring - expected more from a scary movie that got such high ratings. still decent, though. didn't use many pop-out scares which is always appreciated. first 1/3rd of the movie was the most fun.

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bread's done