Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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[quote name='zewone']The Number 23[/QUOTE]
Was that good? I wanted to see it when it came out but didn't get to the theaters in time. Is it worth watching?
[quote name='jimfoley16']Was that good? I wanted to see it when it came out but didn't get to the theaters in time. Is it worth watching?[/QUOTE]
It's aight for a rental.

I expected more from the trailers.
[quote name='zewone']It's aight for a rental.

I expected more from the trailers.[/QUOTE]

Word. I won't go out of my way to see it then, but will watch it if it is convenient (I.E. My brother rents it or it comes on HBO or something).
[quote name='bmachine']Dying to see Joshua but it appears to be a really limited release. If it's that good I may have to use one of my days off to head into NYC and see it.[/quote] Yeah I thought it was excellent, if you enjoy well-directed, fairly slow-paced psychological thrillers you'll enjoy it

I should've said "darkly comedic thrillers", because it does have some dark humor in there that spices up the whole pot
[quote name='captainfrizo']Feast - I don't know if I liked it or hated it. The character intro screens were pretty funny though.[/QUOTE]

I was still laughing at the intro screens half way into the movie. The movie itself was also above average for a creature feature.
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Yeah I thought it was excellent, if you enjoy well-directed, fairly slow-paced psychological thrillers you'll enjoy it

I should've said "darkly comedic thrillers", because it does have some dark humor in there that spices up the whole pot[/quote]

Sounds right up my alley...definitely need to check it out.
The last Mimzy.......was very surprised how well this movie was. Wasn't very high on my watch list, but I must say it was def worth seeing.
[quote name='Tybee']Classic. I have loved this one for a long time.[/quote]

I'm pretty well-covered when it comes to movie classics, particularly stuff out of the 70's...but I somehow managed to never see Harold and Maude. Some friends were talking about it recently and I immediately added it to my Netflix queue. Loved's just perfectly done. I definitely need to buy it.
I watched Children of Men recently. Great movie. Was anyone else reminded of Half-Life 2 during this movie? The mood, visual style, etc. If it ever happened, I'd want this director to do a Half Life movie.

That sunshine flick that's being advertised everywhere looks pretty. Is it any good?
Mr. Brooks was fairly decent, but did drag on a smidge too long. However, it was well worth the time just to see
Dance Cook get his throat cut wide open. Even if it was fake, it was damned satisfying.
[quote name='jer7583']
That sunshine flick that's being advertised everywhere looks pretty. Is it any good?[/QUOTE]
Little Miss Sunshine?

If so, yes, it's very good.
no, although that movie is great, It's some sci-fi flick with lots of gold and brown tones.
[quote name='jer7583']no, although that movie is great, It's some sci-fi flick with lots of gold and brown tones.[/quote]

Supposed to be great, at least according to the review I read in the Times. It was written and directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later) and stars Cillian Murphy. It appears to be kind of a ghosts in space flick, ala "Solaris" and "Event Horizon." A crew of Earthlings are traveling toward the Sun, which is dying, so they can jumpstart it with some sort of reaction. They intercept a distress signal from way out in space and then things go downhill from there.
Just saw Stranger Than Fiction with some friends. Very enjoyable.

[quote name='Liquid 2']The Big Lebowski[/quote]
Classic. One of my all time faves, and I never get tired of seeing it.

[quote name='jer7583']
That sunshine flick that's being advertised everywhere looks pretty. Is it any good?[/quote]
I've heard nothing but praise for Sunshine, and I love Danny Boyle's movies...almost without exception (I'm looking at you, A Life Less Ordinary). It's a must see for me, hopefully this afternoon.
maybe I'll have to go watch it then sometime.

I got Lost in Translation, Ronin, and The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly from gamestop b2g1 yesterday. About to watch Lost in Translation while i work out.
[quote name='jer7583']maybe I'll have to go watch it then sometime.

I got Lost in Translation, Ronin, and The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly from gamestop b2g1 yesterday. About to watch Lost in Translation while i work out.[/quote]

Wow...that's a nice clutch of movies. Good choices.

Last time I did this deal I snagged The Corpse Bride, Serenity, and Ravenous. I was rather impressed with myself.
Although I wouldn't say that it was any good, "Take The Lead" was ok. Cliched like nobody's business, but still ok. It was either that, or "Scary Movie 4."
[quote name='AvidWriter']The Chronicles Of Riddick.

Better then I expected.[/QUOTE]
The Chronicles of Riddick was a really good sci-fi movie, in my opinion; was surprised I enjoyed it, considering I thought Pitch Black wasn't all that good.
Oh fuck.

Ronin is a PAL region 2 dvd.

What is a PAL dvd doing in southwest michigan, of all places? And why did gamestop accept it from somebody?
I just saw You Kill Me last night, it wasn't the greatest thing I've seen, but definitely didn't suck either. I think the best part about it was treating something like being a hitman as if were just another career path. :)
Saw Hot Fuzz at the $ theater a few days ago. I love Shaun of the Dead (saw it in theaters a few years ago), and Fuzz was just as awesome. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are awesome together, definitely one of the best screen pairs working today.
[quote name='bmachine']Just saw Stranger Than Fiction with some friends. Very enjoyable.[/QUOTE]

I love this movie. I watched it 2 nights in a row earlier this year, which is unheard of for me.

I saw Order of the Phoenix Friday with my wife, and that was really good. Since then I've seen Curse of the Golden Flower and The Last Mimzy, both of which really sucked. Curse had a very ambiguous ending that resolved absolutely nothing, and Mimzy was a bad knock-off of E.T. and Batteries Not Included.

Just got The Number 23 in from Netflix, so here's hoping for an improvement...
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