Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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Watched these the past week.

The Departed
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
The Bourne Identity

Going to watch The Bourne Supremacy again soon so I can then go watch the Ultimatum at the movies.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning.

It was neat to see the setup for the one that came before it (how the guy lost his legs, why the town is so empty, etc.). It's not really a "prequel" but more the other first half of a two-part remake of the original, since it had a elements and scenes directly inspired the the original (the girl jumping through glass, the creepy dinner scene). The whole movie was definitely nastier than the one before. Especially Leatherface becoming Leatherface. The sad part is it seemed like Leatherface just wanted to be normal but his crazy uncle made him do all that stuff. There's a lot of scenes where Leatherface seems to be having morality struggles...but they don't last long, lol.
Pitch Black - I always enjoyed the movie and picked up the HD-DVD for cheap about a month ago, I just now got around to watching it. Picture quality is excellent and the movie doesn't disappoint (at least not in my mind).
[quote name='panasonic']Some movie with denzel washington about his basketball playing son, the name escapes me at the moment.[/QUOTE]

He Got Game
Disturbia (Blu-Ray) - Pretty good movie, I really enjoyed 8/10

Gravedancers - Didn't finish, not impressed by these "8 Films to Die For"
The last 3 movies I've seen are Live Free or Die Hard, Rush hour 3, and The Borune Ultimatum. I figured Bourne would be good, but I was unsure about Die Hard and Rush Hour with such a big gap between the last movies. but they were both awesome!
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

[quote name='wizard341']Stardust! One of the best movies to come out this year.[/quote]

Did you read the book? I loved the book and I'm not completely sold on the movie. Just wondering if you could provide an informed comparison.
[quote name='bmachine']Renaissance
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

Did you read the book? I loved the book and I'm not completely sold on the movie. Just wondering if you could provide an informed comparison.[/quote]

Sorry, never read the book. I do think the movie is great on its own however.
The Matrix (HD-DVD) - I finally got around to watching it. Good action flick but a little too preachy with stoner philosophy 8/10

Disturbia (HD-DVD) - A movie only saved by Shia LaBeouf character/acting. Every other character is by the books and I ended up turning it off halfway through. 3.5/10

Overnight - Hilarious look into how some jackass (the guy behind Boondock Saints) blew a chance of a lifetime and burned just about every bridge in Hollywood 7.5/10
[quote name='PapiChullo']John Tucker Must Die. Weird, but I couldn't turn the channel when I started watching it.[/QUOTE]

I watched that with the Mrs. a month or so ago on one of the HD channels... I was fixated on all the babes though, Im sure she was fixated on the lead...

As for me
The Big Lebowski
300 (I wasn't so blown away by this. Beautiful and empty.)

Disturbia (If I was 14 years old I would've loved this movie. Mostly, I was just annoyed.)

Inland Empire (Weird and amazing. I have no idea what happened but I think I loved it. Probably only for die-hard Lynch fans, though.)

[quote name='SOSTrooper']Exotica (1994). Brilliant. Bruce Greenwood in one of his finest films.[/quote]
Not to mention the lovely Mia Kirshner. Yum.

[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Falling Down - 5/10[/quote]
Leave it to Joel Schumacher to cock up what might've otherwise been an interesting movie.
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