Tales of Vesperia - Gen. Discussion & Info

I just got a 2nd copy of the limited edition from Gamecrazy so that I can redeem the code for the 2nd soundtrack. I had some leftover credit and my buddy is going to buy my regular copy for what I paid for it ($30). So all in all it should work out well for me :)
Has anyone gotten or heard anything about the 2nd soundtrack yet? I entered my code May 1 (9 weeks ago this Friday) and haven't gotten squat, just the confirmation when I entered my code back in May.
I also entered my code back in May. I got my Vol. 2 soundtrack earlier this week. Also came with a very nice surprise in Vol. 3 as well! I am currently at work but I will take pics of my 2 soundtracks and post the pics here!
I got this game and started playing it about a month ago. Got about 10 hours in and just couldn't continue. I'm a pretty big JRPG fan from way back, but this one just was too slow at the beginning.

All I heard about was how good it was, but the beginning is rough. Just beware.
Just picked this up. Plan to play through with my girlfriend(she loved tales of symphonia).

Although I never played a Tales game but I'm looking forward to it.
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[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I got this game and started playing it about a month ago. Got about 10 hours in and just couldn't continue. I'm a pretty big JRPG fan from way back, but this one just was too slow at the beginning.

All I heard about was how good it was, but the beginning is rough. Just beware.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I'm still early on and I really don't like it very much. I'm too not inclined to make the time investment just to see if I *might* like it another half-dozen hours out or more.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Yeah, I'm still early on and I really don't like it very much. I'm too not inclined to make the time investment just to see if I *might* like it another half-dozen hours out or more.[/QUOTE]

If I may ask you and chubbyninja, where are you at in the game? I can help let you know what's coming up if I know where you're at.

Also this game has gone up in price for a used copy @ Gamestop. It's now $35 before Edge.
Thanks for the offer Hitman....but I already sold it. I'm knee deep in Dragon Age with Assassins Creed 2 waiting for me. I'm set for a while! :)
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I got this game and started playing it about a month ago. Got about 10 hours in and just couldn't continue. I'm a pretty big JRPG fan from way back, but this one just was too slow at the beginning.

All I heard about was how good it was, but the beginning is rough. Just beware.[/QUOTE]

I felt the same way. Got about 10 hours in and lost interest, so I traded it away on Goozex. I'll probably re-request it when it drops in points and give it a second try.
I got it about a month and a half ago, 20 hours in and you know it isn't cutting it. The game just doesn't take any risks, does everything strictly by the numbers . Tons of towns but nothing in them that wasn't in the last town, inn, store and minor subplot along with major one. I damn near sold the game on the spot after the "traitor" moment
Raven turns out to be a traitor and a captain of the Knights, you fight him and he sacrifices himself to save you........ only to show up 5 minutes later like nothing happened and all this is quickly forgiven and ignored .
Seriously if I hadn't already put 20 hours in this it would be gone. I figure what is a few more just to see the ending.
Got it last week for $15...barely into it at around 2 hours. I like it so far, though I'm a newbie at JRPG...maybe that's why I like it, such a different feel than other RPG's...I'm sticking with it for now.
[quote name='willardhaven']So it looks like ToV is out of print now... what's the deal?[/QUOTE]

The game is out for over a year, that would be normal.
I'm surprised though, it's a 360 exclusive JRPG that sold pretty well. I have 3 copies of it so I'm safe, but I think it's an evergreen title and that it should stay in print.
[quote name='willardhaven']I'm surprised though, it's a 360 exclusive JRPG that sold pretty well. I have 3 copies of it so I'm safe, but I think it's an evergreen title and that it should stay in print.[/QUOTE]

Most RPG don't stay in print unless it becomes a GH or GQD reprint.
[quote name='willardhaven']So it looks like ToV is out of print now... what's the deal?[/QUOTE]

PS3 US announcement coming closer? I have no idea. It sold well on Amazon when they dropped it to $15 (even slight profit for Namco they should still pursuit it, it sold pretty well for them at the $20ish range). I would figure companies would want to keep selling at $20 even if It's a small profit much like the platinum hits line but whatever.
[quote name='willardhaven']So it looks like ToV is out of print now... what's the deal?[/QUOTE]

It's been out of print since summer 09. All the deals you saw for it on Amazon were clearance deals. Heck the used price of it @ Gamestop has gone UP to $35.
[quote name='MSUHitman']It's been out of print since summer 09. All the deals you saw for it on Amazon were clearance deals. Heck the used price of it @ Gamestop has gone UP to $35.[/QUOTE]
Really? May be time to ditch this. I just never could get into it.
[quote name='Filbert']No, but as far as I can tell you won't be able to get them all in one playthrough anyway.[/QUOTE]

I am really enjoying the game, so I expect to play it multiple times anyway. I was just stuck on a boss and not sure if I should look up a strategy for it or drop down the difficulty for the fight.
There are achievements that are indirectly tied to difficulty. In a nutshell, playing on higher difficulties gives you grade points that you can use after beating the game to buy advantages for the next playthrough, stuff like carrying over your experience and gold. Some of the achievements just aren't feasible without having some of these points to buy certain things you need.

But if you wanted, you could play most of the game on easy, then temporarily switch up to a higher difficulty just to farm grade.
Yeah there's no "beat on Insanity" achievements like in Mass Effect series, but there are lots of achievements that are tied into the grade system you won't be able to do in 1 playthrough.

You can get anywhere from 700-800 points probably with 1 playthrough.
Thanks for the advice. I dropped the difficulty down for the boss fight I was having issues with, and it made the fight way too trivial, though I was getting annoyed so it had to be done. I definitely would not play the entire game on easy, heh, as I can only imagine how trivial regular fights are if the boss fight was made so easy. I do wish the game had a more advanced strategy menu though, as both of my casters like to run into combat way too often, making things more difficult. Maybe more options unlock later, similar to how things have been gradually unlocking already.
Just saw a used copy of this game at GS tagged at 49.99. Seriously now, wow GS. So glad I have my sealed LE still, and of course my regular edition for play.
[quote name='Link927']Just saw a used copy of this game at GS tagged at 49.99. Seriously now, wow GS. So glad I have my sealed LE still, and of course my regular edition for play.[/QUOTE]

It's not Gamestop's fault the game is rare and not traded in very much.

Something else I don't understand is keeping a copy sealed and having another one to play. I understand somewhat the value argument, but you missed out on getting 2 more CD's of the 3 vol. soundtrack for free. Is it REALLY going to be worth more than what it's selling on EBay/Amazon right now in 5-10 years?
[quote name='MSUHitman']It's been out of print since summer 09. All the deals you saw for it on Amazon were clearance deals. Heck the used price of it @ Gamestop has gone UP to $35.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure it got a reprint. My copy from Amazon came in an eco box.

...I think I'm getting close to the end.
I'm at the part after the gang kills Alexei, the big something or other is released, Yuri gets stabbed and now the gang's all back together

I'm still enjoying it for the most part, but it's starting to really lag with all the backtracking. Hopefully it picks up for a grand finale.
If it got a reprint, it's a pretty damn small one as NONE of the other retailers have it in their stores or on their websites. None of the other online vendors have it either.

Ramen you've still got about 15-20 hours of gameplay minimum before you are at the end. You need to be in the mid 60's if you want to beat the game, but in the 80's if you want to fight the secret boss.
Which you only get if you find all the cursed weapons.
I really should have bought this when it was $30 new just a couple months ago, and Eternal Sonata for $20. :whistle2:\ I didn't think any 360 games would become rare so quickly.
You might want to check your local KMart. I've heard of a lot of them still having it in stock. I know my local one still has one in stock.

Also all the Tales (or any Namco Bandai JRPG) games seem to be short print runs. My local Gamestop recently had Tales of the Abyss used in stock and the sticker price was $40. Symphonia on the Gamecube still sells there for $20-$30.
[quote name='MSUHitman']If it got a reprint, it's a pretty damn small one as NONE of the other retailers have it in their stores or on their websites. None of the other online vendors have it either.

Ramen you've still got about 15-20 hours of gameplay minimum before you are at the end. You need to be in the mid 60's if you want to beat the game, but in the 80's if you want to fight the secret boss.
Which you only get if you find all the cursed weapons.

Well, I'm pretty sure that the eco boxes first started showing up on the :360: in November 2009 and my copy came in an eco box (so I assume it was printed sometime after November 2009). So unless Tales of Vesperia got them really early, I'm pretty sure my copy is a reprint.

...Bah, I it doesn't take that long (I hope you're including side-quests). I just want to get to the end. (I've also been playing on Easy since I kinda suck at JRPGs)
[quote name='MSUHitman']Matt,
You might want to check your local KMart. I've heard of a lot of them still having it in stock. I know my local one still has one in stock.

Also all the Tales (or any Namco Bandai JRPG) games seem to be short print runs. My local Gamestop recently had Tales of the Abyss used in stock and the sticker price was $40. Symphonia on the Gamecube still sells there for $20-$30.[/QUOTE]

I have never even been to my local KMart in the 3 years I've lived here, but I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip.

I've never actually played any Tales games besides Symphonia, but that was one of my favorite RPGs ever. Too bad I lost it when all my GC games were stolen.

If nothing else, my local library rents out a handful of games, and Vesperia is one of them, so I could play through it for free.
[quote name='Matt Young']I have never even been to my local KMart in the 3 years I've lived here, but I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip.

I've never actually played any Tales games besides Symphonia, but that was one of my favorite RPGs ever. Too bad I lost it when all my GC games were stolen.

If nothing else, my local library rents out a handful of games, and Vesperia is one of them, so I could play through it for free.[/QUOTE]

You should check the K-Mart clearance thread. K-Mart may not have the cleanest stores, but they have some pretty good clearance sales. At the few K-Marts by me Tales of Vesperia sells for $30. (I've been waiting for it to go lower to pick up a second copy)

...It sounds to me like you have the greatest library ever.
Well, they only have about 15 Xbox 360 games and maybe 5 for the PS3. They do, however, have a great selection for the Wii, but I sold mine last year.
Started up a game of this and it's great. Best graphics of any RPG on the 360, and nice lighthearted story.

I bought and played it 2 years ago, but got stuck and the FAQ wasn't up to date at the time.

Mine came in an eco box too.
I've noticed the boss fights in this game are very inconsistent. Some of them I blow right through, others do 200-300 dmg with each hit, and paddle your ass.

Good thing you can change the difficulty on the fly with this game.
The only bosses I found to be a issue were the Giganto Monsters. Some of them would juggle you to death with a single attack. Beyond that as long as you have someone set to heal you should be ok with the story bosses. Just make sure to not be avoiding all the enemies while you go from place to place.
Gattuso (the boss at Ehmead Hill) is the only one storywise that should be anywhere near hard. I got my ass kicked by him the first time, probably because I was a tad bit underleveled to face him.
Sucks for me because I recently decided to buy Tales Of Vesperia again to try and get all the achievements and I had about 130 hours before I sold it and when I came to play it again on Christmas I had lost my save since I traded in my 360 and forgot to transfer my saves to like a memory card so now I have to start all over.(Sigh)
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Gattuso (the boss at Ehmead Hill) is the only one storywise that should be anywhere near hard. I got my ass kicked by him the first time, probably because I was a tad bit underleveled to face him.[/QUOTE]

Me too!

[quote name='Gears24']Sucks for me because I recently decided to buy Tales Of Vesperia again to try and get all the achievements and I had about 130 hours before I sold it and when I came to play it again on Christmas I had lost my save since I traded in my 360 and forgot to transfer my saves to like a memory card so now I have to start all over.(Sigh)[/QUOTE]

Look on the bright side, you are replaying an excellent game!
[quote name='willardhaven']
Look on the bright side, you are replaying an excellent game![/QUOTE]

I beat it twice on my old acct. I am currently playing it for what will be my 3rd full time. :D

Still is my favorite game this gen, my favorite Tales game ever made, and easily the best JRPG this generation as well.

Just got the last of the 4 spirits and about to head to Capua Nor. Lots of side questing, grinding (for FS titles), monster scanning, and thankfully only 2-3 secret missions left. :)
I'm currently on my first playthrough and I'm loving the game so far. I've never been a huge Tales fan, but this one has caught my attention. The story is good and steady, the characters are typical RPG types, but not over the top or annoying. There aren't any characters I refuse to use.

I've had some trouble with a few bosses, but most were due to not getting equipment upgrades or leveling good enough. I also didn't read the manual well enough about what to hold down for free roam in battles to better avoid things.

I plan on putting a ton of time on this game in the coming week.
bread's done