Target Clearance Thread XXIV

:switch: Shin Megami Tensei V (NSW)

Saw this today at another location today but it wasn't a good price imo. I mean I've seen it for $20 in-store at a Walmart or two around here that still have a copy or two. Plus it goes for pretty cheap whenever VGP has a sale on it. The problem with Target on this title is that they still have the regular price at $60, which kills it. Even at 70% off it would still only be a couple of bucks less.
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:switch: Shin Megami Tensei V (NSW)

Saw this today at another location today but it wasn't a good price imo. I mean I've seen it for $20 in-store at a Walmart or two around here that still have a copy or two. Plus it goes for pretty cheap whenever VGP has a sale on it. The problem with Target on this title is that they still have the regular price at $60, which kills it. Even at 70% off it would still only be a couple of bucks less.
Reminder to anyone interested in picking this up that this does not come with a free or paid upgrade to the new Vengeance version

Also all of the DLC for this was wiped from the eShop
bread's done